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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 166 KB, 900x900, deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9253045 No.9253045 [Reply] [Original]

How come Japan doesn't like its redblooded stuff anymore? They went from like bad ass shit like Dougram and early sentai stuff to pumping out lame moefag pandering bullshit.

>> No.9253054
File: 259 KB, 800x1004, 1340879491912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was still uncommon back then, nerd.

>> No.9253056


You must be new to this, it's been like this for 20 years from my earliest recollection.

>> No.9253058


>> No.9253062

Not this shit again.

>> No.9253068
File: 179 KB, 1364x760, moepan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean OP. I was catching up on the latest Lupin special and was disgusted that moe shit even has infected it.

>> No.9253072

Americans were the only ones eating up all that mecha shit in the first place aside from the super popular series.



Get the fuck out

>> No.9253095
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>> No.9253098
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>> No.9253107

I'm glad they don't have shit like that anymore. I don't need to see that.

>> No.9253124

They have this discussion everday. Especially in the summer, I would imagine.

>> No.9253128
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>> No.9253139

Another is pretty recent.

>> No.9253152

Left: Hand drawn awesome
Right: Made in Korea computer generated faggotry

>> No.9253165


>> No.9253160


I want Miyazaki to leave

>> No.9253163

Corean spotted.

>> No.9253168

This. The texture is a lot nicer on the older one. Shows today look too plastic

>> No.9253170
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>> No.9253177
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It's not my fault people only liked your movies because of nostalgia. Because they sure as fuck didn't make sense.

>> No.9253176

Evangelion has always been shit

>> No.9253178
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>> No.9253182

You a shit

>> No.9253188

I like Akazukin cha cha because it's one of the earlier works from the guy who made Mahoujin Guru Guru, one of my favorite animus, and the reason why I always got late for classes.
Damn, 2001 was 11 years ago.

>> No.9253191
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>> No.9253193
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anyone know a place where people don’t repeat themselves all the fucking time?

dont say r9k or I will cry.

>> No.9253201
File: 139 KB, 641x434, 1298372139956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of a forum with a constantly changing audience, obviously.

>> No.9253217

wish I could kiss you anon. Crying neets is my fetish.

>> No.9253227


>> No.9253235

Fuck you

>> No.9253233

kenshiro was an incredibly shitty character.

they were just INVENTING new powers by about the second episode.

all the fights were exactly the fucking same, he screams at them and they blow up. not like they ever stood a chance anyway.

worst fucking show ever.

>> No.9253238

This isn't a good example. The curtain is about the only thing that looks too sterile. Misato's shorts look more natural in the older shot, but there is no shading, whereas the newer shot has shading. This is a poor example of comparing old:new because Gainax clearly invested enough time, talent, and money (which isn't much, let's be honest) to at least be even with its 90s quality.

>> No.9253240

There are other screenshots which actually clearly favor the original. I can't find them right now though.

>> No.9253249

excellent rebuttal, completely proving my point that FotNS was as deep as the slimy semeny film coating your anus.

why dont i direct you to a more appropriate board...

>> No.9253250

I can't watch handdrawn/older anime because the quality is so bad I love the smoothness of anime today

>> No.9253259

You are not worthy of my rebuttals.

>> No.9253282
File: 194 KB, 1182x759, Minmei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to tell me that that looks bad?

>> No.9253293

>dougram and early sentai stuff

That stuff fucking sucks, faggot. Go back to /m/ where all the other faggots hang out.

>> No.9253290

While I agree with you in general, you shouldn't have pulled out an upscaled image. There is plenty of old anime in 1080p.

>> No.9253298

I can't fap to the new CG-aided stuff. It's just so... inorganic.

>> No.9253321

>pumping out lame moefag pandering bullshit.

I liked that era better than the last few years where all they do is pump out shit about naked girls with huge tits. Nudity shouldn't be the entire point of sn anime.

>> No.9253338


This was advertised on /jp/ for a reason.

Take your ``anime was better before I was even born!'' circlejerk there.

>> No.9253339


I remember watching Gunsmith Cats and Ranma when I was younger.

I remember when there were more panty shots and tits then there are today. And then there's this asshole.

>> No.9253345
File: 323 KB, 1280x720, g4u704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is pretty much where /a/ chased all the classy gentleman who are capable of appreciating the high art form that is moé.

I suggest you leave if you have a problem with it, OP-san, or I'll be forced to use some stern words on you. I'm not joking. Don't test me.

>> No.9253341

Sex appeal has always been an important part of anime industry. If you really think it's new, you should go over to >>>/a/
They'll be happy to explain things to you. If you missed the non-sex appeal shows of the last seasons, maybe you should pay more attention in general.

>> No.9253352
File: 164 KB, 1440x1080, [a-s]_mobile_suit_zeta_gundam_-_34_-_space_call__rs2_[1080p_bd-rip][11582249].mkv_snapshot_04.20_[2012.06.04_18.40.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both new and old but I think old shows have their own kind of charm.
Another reason why I preferred Gunbuster to Diebuster.

>> No.9253365

Re-read his post. He wasn't saying fanservice is new, he just disliked shows that were essentially vehicles for nudity. Shows where the whole point is to be "ecchi" so that teenagers can have something to masturbate to, but they AREN'T REALLY PORN because they appeared on TV.

Frankly it's something I agree with. I have no problem with fanservice if it's supplementary and relevant. But basing your whole show around a fansesrvice gimmick is just dumb. If I wanted porn, I'd download porn.

>> No.9253369
File: 1.93 MB, 1440x1080, 1330529150122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, something 90s.

>> No.9253382

>But basing your whole show around a fansesrvice gimmick is just dumb. If I wanted porn, I'd download porn.
Call it a hunch, but maybe the kids of the 80s and 90s that grew up wishing to have more porn in the TV ended up making anime in the 00s and 10s that's based on nudity because they've got no understanding of the internet as a vehicle for porn.

>> No.9253380

>I remember when there were more panty shots and tits then there are today
Hah. If today was 2007, maybe I'd take you seriously.

>Sex appeal has always been an important part of anime industry.
Yeah but lately it's gone from sex appeal to retarded fetishism being integrated into the plotline.

>If you missed the non-sex appeal shows of the last seasons
Like what? Pretentious shit? Lame noituma anime? Chaste 4-girls-go-to-school virgin fantasy anime?

>> No.9253383


You know that there are ecchi shows, and non-ecchi shows, and that ecchi has it's own appeal. You'd be a casual to think ecchi was just softcore porn.

>> No.9253386
File: 558 KB, 600x888, Patchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is where touhou niggers were forced to. because /v/ couldnt handle the awesome.

>> No.9253405

/jp/ used to be the Touhou board before it became the shitposting board.

>> No.9253423

They grew up.
Young boys obviously like kiddy action stuff but once they grew up they knew how lame is it.
Are you gay or some shit? why do you hate cute girls?

>> No.9253432
File: 304 KB, 356x471, 13340f963022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9253443

why cant we have more anime that has cute girls killing each other? maybe throw in some cute boys.

maybe not make the same thing 100 times a season and expect everyone to eat it up.

>> No.9253456

Why do you think Madoka is so popular or well like?

>cute boys
Plenty of shows with cute boys. You can watch them if you want.

>> No.9253469
File: 162 KB, 881x658, accd598f3e265a11c2fd0fc0048333cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more hot-blood female characters.

>> No.9253471
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>> No.9253499

exactly. if these producers wanna really milk people. they would work with this for awhile instead of more slice of life.

so where da magical boys at? star driver had the idea right but executed sup-par. having both mahou shounen and shoujo in the same anime, with their own silly tranformation sequence, then make it grimdark(but not a madoka clone, well maybe the first few times)

>> No.9253520

Has there been a flurry of "Madoka-esque" shows like what happened with EVA?

>> No.9253524

>so where da magical boys at?

Its called Shounen-targeted anime

>> No.9253528

Like, just from the currently ending season, Kuroko's Basketball, Jormungand, Polar Bear Cafe, Sakamichi no Apollon, Space Brothers etc.
Of course you may say it's all shit. Honestly I don't care if you are a manime shounenfag or just some nay-sayer in general. But the truth is that anime has not changed much in this regard.

>> No.9253559

sweet let me know when you see a magical girl style tranformation sequence in WSJ, or when every female in said shonen isint just mostly useless eye-candy.

like, main character is a girl, maybe in her 20s(maybe a loli.but give her a badass attitude no tsun). not a magical girl, but something like in the style of Toriko or Naruto(or a typical shonen, pick one),just plain badass and cute then never include a love intrest unless its also female. make male characters as useful as the lead so no nigga screams feminizim. run it in WSJ.

clearly asking too much.

>> No.9253602

Tiger and bunny?
You missed them putting on their armor and pwning bad guys?
I want to vomit everytime I see Natsume returning youkai name like a faggot.

>> No.9253599
File: 22 KB, 500x350, 4522285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite female main character is Noriko and technically she never had any romance. Heroes don't need romance.There's no place for romance for the hero of mankind

>> No.9253890


It's a shonen series what do you expect? doesn't stop it from being good Jojo's is the same way and Araki-sensei is STILL making it like that and that doesn't stop those from being good your point?

most shonen characters aren't dynamic becuase their point is never backing down and fighting for what you believe in they are role models to young males so they have to be ( moralfags ) and practically faultless even in terms of plot armor for that very reason.

Kenshiro did get his ass beat a few times though, Shin, Mr. heart, Jagi ( kinda ), Souther practically won could've killed him then and there but lol plot armor. and Raoh, in HnK2 he's a lot more vurnerable and more fighters on his level though.

He wasn't making up powers so much as just using Hokutoseiken techniques as the situation dictated although yes Hyakuretsu Ken was basically the go to ougi much akin to Kamehameha, other ougis were still employed and even a new one was learned ( Musou Tensei ) later on.

HNK BEST SHOW EVER and watch the fucking Gaidens asshole they redid stuff for people like you

>> No.9253930

>having both mahou shounen and shoujo in the same anime, with their own silly tranformation sequence

Did you ever watch Shugo Chara?

>> No.9253945


Noriko was pretty much the only one and only one there ever will be, it's japan do yo really expect them to treat women even 2D with any decency?

>> No.9253950

>like, main character is a girl, maybe in her 20s(maybe a loli.but give her a badass attitude no tsun). not a magical girl, but something like in the style of Toriko or Naruto(or a typical shonen, pick one),just plain badass and cute then never include a love intrest unless its also female.

On second read, you never watched the Lyrical Nanoha series either.

>> No.9253955
File: 289 KB, 666x800, 1d7162ccfae0d5f90896e14368e40f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True enough, I just wish there were more decent female leads in general.

>> No.9253964


She fell for that Vash the Stampeede looking mother fucker, he just died pretty much right after she met him though, I can bet you if he lived they would've became a couple, and Kasumi was in love with Cochie so no you're wrong

Love it what drives heros to kick the ass they do rather it be for country, respect, justice, or that special someone it's always a part of every hero ever just not as obvious for some.

>> No.9253994
File: 124 KB, 960x720, Gunbuster_Movie_(1988)_[720p,BluRay,x264]_part1_-_THORA.mkv_snapshot_00.33.38_[2012.03.30_14.38.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But technically that didn't happen.
And Noriko threw away any hope for a normal relationship with anyone in order to dedicate her life to protect the Earth.
At least that's how I interpreted it.

But I guess according to you what drives Noriko is her love for her father and humanity.

>> No.9253997
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1332718042880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9256466

I think it has to deal with the continuous "pussification" of the Japanese male which has been occurring ever since they lost the second world war.

Ever since they ratified their new constitution, which included Article 9 which prohibited a military force, the Japanese man has been toothless. They are such big pussies that the Japanese woman doesn't even want to have sex with them anymore and would rather look abroad.

>> No.9256502

This is pretty fucking intense, what is it from?

>> No.9256517

Space Runaway Ideon, I believe.

>> No.9256527


>> No.9256541


It is from Space Runaway Ideon. Specifically the second movie, Be Invoked.

There's a reason why it was inspiration for Evangelion.

>> No.9256637

Was that the first instance of "Kill Em All Tomino"?

>> No.9256644
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Ive seen them all, its just theres just too few of these kind of anime that just rake in views and they dont expand on them.

got any others i may have missed?

maybe something like, the main character- no, main couple, a battle couple, with equal screentime and abilities both being useful to...(insert shonen plot here).

>> No.9256645


>> No.9257427
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>> No.9257445

>People defending the moemarket

I want /a/ to leave.

>> No.9257447

for someone who apparently enjoys only exaggeratedly masculine films you sure do complain and whine like a little bitch op.

stick a tampon in it and go back to /v/.

>> No.9257450

I think you're confused about where you are.

>> No.9257457
File: 307 KB, 350x217, 1340302427204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who want /insert board here/ to leave or go back there

>> No.9257462

well your thread has been had, and you really are a bit of a cunt anyway so we could do without you anyway.

>> No.9257464

Most of the stuff discussed here has more depth than "cute girls doing cute things", shitposting and idol threads aside, of course.

Eat shit.

>> No.9257469

im not the OP, but i always found it funny how people like to think they can tell other people where to go.

maybe its justsummer

>> No.9257471

It definitely is if we have people like you hanging around.

>> No.9257474

So if you don't like UGUUUUUUU~ you must be a /v/ regular who only enjoys manly men shooting at each other?

See, this is why I fucking revile moefags.

>> No.9257479

No, but if you unironically use terms like uguuuuuuuuu or moefags you must be.

>> No.9257480

or maybe it is because the moment you disagree with something, you invariably begin shouting HURR SUMMERFAG GO BACK TO TUMBLR/REDDIT/B/V/SOME OTHER BOARD.

i've been around for way too long and this stuff has to get old after awhile.

>> No.9257498


Compelling an enriching. Thank you for that.

>> No.9257508

That's a response better directed at yourself.

>> No.9258874
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>> No.9258889
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This particular kind of battle couple is rather popular among producers (and apparently also among nips), as it allows them to on the one hand have a strong female that slays everything, while at the same time demonstrating that the guy is still the guy and the girl is still the girl.
Here is the non-emancipated action-girl.

>> No.9258900
File: 60 KB, 1100x1400, 1319468299498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though she is currently evolving more and more into a Mary Sue, Alita/Yoko is a pretty cool character.

>> No.9258917
File: 338 KB, 1500x1058, 1313707969696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion this one goes a little bit like >>9258889
YMMV though.

>> No.9258926
File: 187 KB, 484x478, 1227717536553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.9258956
File: 187 KB, 500x600, lina_salute_by_crossbowgurl-d3eh77h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darn it. Flood detection. I hate you all. I also hate every single one of you in particular. And I hate YOU especially. Yes you. Fuck YOU. Why do you even exist? Seriously, is there a reason why you must sully my days so? Your foul influence on the board is the sole reason that /jp/ is bad.
Ah, posting works again. Love you guys.

>> No.9258970

Classic shitty good old days-kun thread.

>> No.9258979

People are still reading Gunnm:LO?

>> No.9258985

Hey, the tournament ended.

>> No.9258993
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older shows WERE a bit more intense...

>> No.9259018

I think this is a logical fallacy. How many years are included in "old shows" as opposed to "new shows"?

>> No.9259040

I like new anime, moe and slice of life, and don't think there's anything wrong with current shonen or shoujo.
Hell AKB0048 had like idols girls piloting mechas and wielding rifles and lightsaber mics and shit. It's slow as fuck but when there's action it's pretty "emancipated" as fuck.
I only feel bad about was the director from Perfect Blue dieing, his movies were something else entirely and was one of my gateway shows.

>> No.9259192
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>> No.9259225
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>> No.9259231
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>> No.9259245

Why is the janitor resetting the report queue on an off-topic thread that was started with an image macro? Don't make me take this to IRC.

>> No.9259250
File: 59 KB, 687x771, anime nowdays3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Mtv and Sailor Moon generation...

>> No.9259256


>> No.9259786



>> No.9259791

does /a/ really still believe that new anime is good? Jesus christ.

>> No.9259801

Anime then: Strike Witches 1
Anime now: Strike Witches 2

Watch the two back to back and you'll understand why everything turned to shit in the past few years.

also fuck off back to /a/ moepigs

>> No.9259805
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, f-91 all over again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Tomino, I can tell by the HILARIOUSLY INDISCRIMINATE DEATHS and having seen quite a bit of Tomino in my time.

>> No.9259807

<sigh> I'm not one to post to this board, as I like to generally keep
to myself and watch anime by myself. Still, I remember a day when I used
to watch this board avidly, reading everything. Now I come back for a
bit of nostalgia and I am disgusted. Exactly what I expected: Sailor Moon,
moronic messages (i.e. Black Anime) and messages with HUNDREDS of
responses (Ranma's best babe). It's too bad that everything cool gets
murdered by the mainstream. I was filling out a Right Stuf order form when
this epiphany (Joyce would be proud) came to me. Anime is dead!
Pimple-faced, lame teenagers now are talking about the "cool cartoons"
with the girls with big eyes, talking about how they loved Street Fighter
II and Fatal Fury. The internet used to be real cool, but now we've got a
buch of morons coming from all the mass media attention to the internet.
Same thing is happening with anime. The mainstream society is out to kill
everything that is good, capitalising on all that's great. Fuck. It sucks.
I don't want to wave around 9000 messages, most about mainstream topics,
non-anime, Sailor Moon, etc. Where the fuck did otakuism and anime
obssession encorporated with sexual perversions and frustrated computer
geeks? Now a bunch of fucking jocks are laughing at Ranma. Motherfuckers.
I'm pissed off. Anime is dead. So now, all you fucking lamers, enjoy it.
But I spit on Sailor Moon. And I HOPE that maybe a little bit of anime can
be saved. Fuck the world.

>> No.9259842

Yumekui Merry, roughly.

Kore wa Zombie, despite being a comedy show is this way.

Dog Days is also along what you mean, but if you watched Nanoha, you probably watched Dog Days too. .

>> No.9259851


I have to agree with pretty much everything in this post. There is a fine line between good and shit that was crossed recently.

>> No.9259860

Fuck you.
>anime murdered by mainstream
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.9259866

Same here. 99% of new animation is simply unbearable.
looking at people debating about "waifus" and shit, and getting hyped by formulaic shows built to sell without the complications of trying to tell a story, is really depressing.

>> No.9259869

>Korean zombie desk car
You serious

>> No.9259871

Not for me. I never cared about anime stories anyway. They were always bad.

>> No.9259875

You find new anime bad or the fanbases?
If you list good anime, can you list more than 2 per year for your favored decades?

>> No.9259901


Exactly, and the only response these people have is "hurr take off the nostalgia goggles".

I have nostalgia goggles for 1997 because that was when I started following fansubs and watching anime.

However, I think anime went to shit about 10 years after that. Things were formulaic in 2007 but they weren't so obvious about it, we had tons of retarded fans and weaboos everywhere yet it didn't matter because the anime was worth watching.

It's always a plunge watching something made in the past ~5 years because there's such a high chance it'll be really fucking awful. Anime has always been a bit cliche, formulaic and/or cutesy but recently it's like it just got too much like that.

Cute girls lost their comedy and became Mary Sues, character traits became heavily exaggerated, plots became cringingly cheesy and in many cases, outright copied.

If anime is a pizza then at somepoint around 2007-2009 someone turned up the oven too high and burned it.

>> No.9259908

Sounds like you simply outgrew anime. Time to find a new hobby.

>> No.9259912

They both are bad, as one is the result of the other.
>can you list more than 2 per year
I don't have really a favourite decade,. but I think I can find a sufficient number of good shows every year apart the last 4-5.
unsurprisingly, I'm too lazy to do that now.
I'm not talking only about the avearage commercial show that the industry needs to float. generally there's a stagnant, absolute refuse of what's not categorizable. alpha-beta MC, tsundere, yandere, kuudere. Rei isn't anymore a strange, enigmatic girl. she's an archetype. younger people grow seeing her and other characters only that way: a different cover for the same book.
and lets not speak about what happened after the international community discovered that Anno made lots of things for money: now everything that tries to be different is automatically tagged as DEEP, and stripped of any credibility.
anyway, gotta sleep

>> No.9259926

...I can't believe somebody saved that.

>> No.9259933


Not at all, there are many people who have pointed it out, especially on the Japanese internet. If you've been keeping your eye on the ball you'll understand the changes. Look at Strike Witches 1 and compare it with Strike Witches 2. Look at Kiddy Grade and then check Kiddy Girl-And.

Look at the dialogue, setting and behavioral patterns of slice of life series as recent as 2008 and compare them to that of 2009. There is an enormous difference. The entire approach is different, they try and cater to as many 'fan fetishes' as possible by cramming the same type of characters in the same series.

You can pretty much tell the root cause of it all too, and even in Akibaranger they highlight this issue through the entire series.

>> No.9259948

worst thread in the history of /jp/.

get out op, nobody fucking cares. why don’t you ask the ANIME board instead?


>> No.9259954

I'd imagine even /a/ is smart enough to ignore something as shitty as this.

>> No.9259997

>You can pretty much tell the root cause of it all too
money. any time someone notices that something can make lots of money, it goes to shit shortly afterwards.

>> No.9260007

Then apparently we have different tastes. I've found lots of really decent titles in the last 5 years.
AnoHana, Bakemonogatari, Chihayafuru, Golgo 13, Hanasaku Iroha, Kimi ni Todoke, Lupin III (Fujiko but also specials like Green vs Red), Mawaru Penguindrum, Natsume's Book of Friends, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~, Shigofumi, Toradora!, Un-Go, the World God Only Knows...
(my plan was to find a good title for every letter - I failed. I'm sorry)
I think it's been saved quite a few times by now.
Oh boy, sequels not living up to the originals. This is nothing new and nothing anime-specific. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.9260018


>sequels not living up to the originals

This is how your one-track mind sees it.

It's not just 'living up to the sequels'. It's a complete change in style. Look beyond what you see on the surface. Do you call yourself an anime fan? Then start paying attention to the small details of what you watch and stop parroting what you've heard on 4chan.

I'd say almost all of those series you listed are perfect examples of how things have changed, so it's pointless talking to you anyway because you obviously haven't seen the change. Do you watch subs?

>> No.9260020


>all that bad taste


>> No.9260041

Why do people automatically assume that all of /jp/ must be moeshit-eaters?
Listen, I like cute girls and all that, but I don't like it when
a)something oversaturates a market and thus makes that market sole dependant on one thing
b)Shit with no depth beyond "cute girls doing cute things". Like I said, I'm fine with things being cute. It's just when it goes overboard with waifu shit(which most shows seem to do nowadays)

>> No.9260053


It's because /a/ thinks the shitty cute girl series that have been circulating recently are the peak of 'otaku culture', therefore they assume it's acceptable on /jp/ and get mad when people challenge them or tell them to fuck off.

tl;dr /a/ gets things wrong and then gets angry when nobody agrees. It's as embarassing as their boku no pico or 'sekret club' board culture shit.

Blame the whole board, everyone just believes everything there is true, that's why they're so easy to troll.

>> No.9260072

AnoHana, Berserk, Clannad, Durarara, Ergo Proxy, Fate/Zero, Great Teacher Onizuka, Haibane Renmei, Initial D, Jigoku Shoujo, Kaiji, Kino no Tabi, Legend of Galactic Heroes, Mushishi, Noein, Outlaw Star, Planetes, RAINBOW, Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Uchuu Senkan Yamato, Voices of a Distant Star, Welcome to the NHK, xxxHolic, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei, Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou

>> No.9260084

But that's wrong. Jesus, I have never seen someone so delusional. /a/ is shit, but you, and basically everyone in this thread, seem to be trying your hardest to make /jp/ look worse.

>> No.9260094

>If he hates moe, he must not belong here!

You just proved his point, dipshit.

>> No.9260238

Are you denying it has a battle couple? (more like a battle harem)

>> No.9260253

Your reading comprehension is really impressive.

>> No.9260561


>Legend of the Galactic Heroes

LOL wow is that troll still around?

>> No.9260621

I was being called away to an appointment, so I had to finish early. Otherwise I'm sure I could have thought of more titles.
>This is how your one-track mind sees it.
>It's not just 'living up to the sequels'.
Then maybe you shouldn't use sequels as "proof" for your theories.
>Do you call yourself an anime fan?
>Do you watch subs?
Wait, is this going to turn into an ad hominem?
>Then start paying attention to the small details
Details? Like?
>I'd say almost all of those series you listed are perfect examples of how things have changed
>stop parroting what you've heard on 4chan.
I can only call this ironic. You say nothing of substance, and yet you demand that I agree with you if I am an anime fan, and at the same time you tell me not to parrat what I hear on 4chan. Whow.

>> No.9260640


Not that guy but can you please take your whiny bullshit to /a/ please?


>> No.9260647

Are you saying the girls are treated as equals and not as a harem?
In fact, I seem to see you using the word harem yourself.

>> No.9260653 [DELETED] 

Why I'm whiny? Please elaborate.

>> No.9260658


I didn't ask for a reply, I asked you to leave.

>> No.9260663

i come to /jp/ to discuss anime because /jp/ knows how to take it easy and not be like /a/ where everyone goes "my taste > your taste", "lol moeshit", "you like deep anime, that means you're pretentious"

but i dont make threads about anime and only post when someone else (zunbar) makes them

>> No.9260671 [DELETED] 

That sounds awfully whiny.

>> No.9260679


People here don't like /a/ because of replies like yours.

'Wah wah wah someone is wrong on the internet'. When you grow out of being a teenager you'll understand why it gets on everyone's nerves.

>> No.9260695 [DELETED] 

You seem to know a lot about me, good sir.

>> No.9262152

Forgot a thread, janitor.

>> No.9262216

Don't use sage if you want it deleted. How is the janitor supposed to see this?

>> No.9262251

He sees it through the report queue that he keeps resetting.

>> No.9262549
File: 125 KB, 501x900, 4251b3834197c0162cc91ecb94489e1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not saging just to spite

>> No.9262695
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1340360490705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9262963 [DELETED] 

With regards people bitching about manly men in anime... a friend of mine used to say that there's an element in japanese culture that has a different meaning for what a badass male should be like. You're basically looking for western style gender roles from another culture and while they're pretty common things aren't always going to match up.

I don't really know if real life japanese men are becoming "Pussified". Japan still has quite strong gender roles and women are still treated there like they were here in the 70s in a lot of ways, men are still very much dominant. You just get a lot of women who according to said gender roles have a lot of strict expectations from a relationship.

There are still quite a few badass men in anime, they just don't have a stereotypical appearance. Looking "pretty" doesn't mean you can't be badass, it's because western culture especially tends to assign weakness to it.

I do kind of miss the "Manly Men" type characters as well, but I think as someone pointed out they were never all that common. I'd love to see more Harlock style characters and the like.

I can think of a few though, like the Captain from Macross Frontier, he was manly as fuck. Remember that bit where he said, "As of this moment, we are now Pirates!". Fuck yes. And wasn't there still a ton a Super Robot stuff being made until recently? Mostly redux of older Go Nagai/Ishikawa stuff, you had New Getter Robo, Shin Getter Robo, Jeeg, Shin Mazinger(so pissed it never got a second season, loved it) and of course Gurren Lagann.

>> No.9262975

Come to think of it though, Kamen Riders are nearly always pretty boys these days. Which is generally fine, but I'd like to see some of the older badasses. Kamen Rider Black/RX was so awesome in Dickaido. Of course, as testament to what I said earlier, the movie actually made Gackt into a badass rider man. The bit where he punches the lead, has a manly conversation, then *rips off his own arm*, replaces it with a big fuck off gun and goes up against like 20 approaching boss characters at once is about as manly as it gets.

Maybe it's something to do with them valuing youth, like the way a lot of characters in anime like NGE tend to be like 14 whereas if it was a western thing they'd be older(also see: Megaman box art). "Pretty" boys look more youthful.

And then there's the Nier thing.

>> No.9262969

With regards people bitching about manly men in anime... a friend of mine used to say that there's an element in japanese culture that has a different meaning for what a badass male should be like. You're basically looking for western style gender roles from another culture and while they're pretty common things aren't always going to match up.

I don't really know if real life japanese men are becoming "Pussified". Japan still has quite strong gender roles and women are still treated there like they were here in the 70s in a lot of ways, men are still very much dominant. You just get a lot of women who according to said gender roles have a lot of strict expectations from a relationship.

There are still quite a few badass men in anime, they just don't have a stereotypical appearance. Looking "pretty" doesn't mean you can't be badass, it's because western culture especially tends to assign weakness to it.

I do kind of miss the "Manly Men" type characters as well, but I think as someone pointed out they were never all that common. I'd love to see more Harlock style characters and the like.

I can think of a few though, like the Captain from Macross Frontier, he was manly as fuck. Remember that bit where he said, "As of this moment, we are now Pirates!". Fuck yes. And wasn't there still a ton a Super Robot stuff being made until recently? Mostly redux of older Go Nagai/Ishikawa stuff, you had New Getter Robo, Shin Getter Robo, Jeeg, Shin Mazinger(so pissed it never got a second season, loved it) and of course Gurren Lagann.
