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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9251849 No.9251849 [Reply] [Original]

Do japanese crossdressers go on /jp/ ? you know, I always thought they didn't have potential, then I got some bookmarks from XTube, I still don't feel like saying "I would bang him" since 90% of them don't show face and even when the socks and stockings make them look gorgeous I hope they don't have horrible man feet.

Pic related, he shows face and looks decent, also, just in case this site decides to go down as scheduled, here are some links, just don't leave me alone in the meantime.


>> No.9251922
File: 24 KB, 375x500, l1wCt2lJMwsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we still online?

>> No.9251971

sadly...yes. i want to get this over with..

>> No.9251970

I'm a girl, btw

>> No.9251978

op, can you tell me whats so interesting about traps....like don't their broad shoulders/smal hips turn you off?

>> No.9251980

OP is not a girl, because I am OP, or you are trying to say Ritsuko is a girl, because there is one thing that shows the opposite.

>> No.9251985

Girls don't like traps, idiot.

>> No.9251986
File: 17 KB, 428x480, l4dsKukYAMGx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen any of them with hyper-manly shoulders, as for hips, I obviously don't like all traps, only the ones with a nice feminine body.

>> No.9251998

He never shows dick or anything close to it, pure tease.

>> No.9252006
File: 121 KB, 1256x1075, waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if you like them for their feminine body then...why not watch women?
no trolling, honest question.

>> No.9252001
File: 19 KB, 427x387, l7WU65sVjnSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the only downside, I would prefer him to show face at least so I could decide to keep watching or move on.

>> No.9252024

>le feel when I would suck all of these kawaii trap cocks and drown in their cum

>> No.9252029

I watch women too, but sometimes traps do a better job being women than women themselves, for example at least the ones I look usually like to tease and feel themselves, women on the other hand seem to be limited to showing pussy, boobs, fingering and that's all, no nice outfits, nothing, not to mention the horrible necrotic nails (black nail poilish) most women today want to show, tattoos, etc.

>> No.9252042
File: 376 KB, 560x420, l9Ejxi0Y4ipt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example, check
he likes those nice shiny leotards and thights, when I suggest that to a woman for example I get a death glare.

>> No.9252045

what? they do. obviously just lesbians/bisexuals, but they do.
besides, good job replying to random kopipe.

>> No.9252051
File: 62 KB, 425x425, 1336563781542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sauce please.

IDQB and Google image search failed me.

>> No.9252056

did you a like traps at first or were you indoctrinated

>> No.9252067

I'd wear those in a heartbeat if I knew where to purchase them.

>> No.9252094
File: 30 KB, 560x465, l62UUtY8GseP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I reached puberty and then I began liking little girls (my age by then), I grew up and I still liked elementary schoolers and middle schoolers (myself a middle schooler),from time to time there were some Hanes underwear ads on TV and I noticed how some preteen boys had a curvy ass and gave me a boner, years later I began searching for stuff I shouldn't search and began liking curvy boys, then I realized I would like them better with girl's clothes, after that it just went natural, saw some Bridget doujins and basically became a shotacon and trap lover, so I am usually in search for some nice looking feminine traps even though I still like women, let's say I think both have their pros and cons and can't be fully compared to each other.
