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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9246877 No.9246877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tulpa general

How does your tulpa come along, /jp/? I used mine today to make the class bully shit his pants, it was awesome!

>> No.9246880

Anyone here have experience in tulpa tournament battles? Wondering if there's any money to be made.

>> No.9246885

what are you talking about, your tulpa is in your head. no one else can see it.

i'm 6 hours in the creation process.

>> No.9246887

do tulpa fight as, say, pokemon or stands?

>> No.9246889

Is that the girl from devil survivor?

>> No.9246895
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shes from mai-hime

>> No.9246894

>class bully
new face of /jp/
quoting yer mum

>> No.9246899

More like pokemon really. Sometimes I duke it out with a friend for shits and giggles but then he cheats and summons a sword for his tulpa even when we agreed that we let them go at it unarmed.

>> No.9246898

That's what I thought but she's apparently original.

>> No.9246902


>> No.9246910

I'm around 60 hours in and she just started talking around a week ago. Cannot be happier, before I kinda thought it being a hassle to tulpaforce, now it's actually fun since we can exchange speech with each other. And man, is she adorable.

And I do realize I'm replying to a shitstained thread, but whatever.

>> No.9246918


so it really works? it's not just people fucking around with each other? if so, that's some pretty great motivation.

if not fuck you i'm doing it anyway.

>> No.9246921
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>not using your tulpa to fight crime

>> No.9246928

How did you go about tulpa forcing?
What I've done is:
Set up some personality traits
Make up a background story for her
Visualize her a bit (although I keep changing what she looks like...)
Talk to her in my mind

What I've started doing is talk to her out loud, not sure if it has any more utility though

Also I have been tulpaing on and off, not sure how that translates to the effectiveness of it...

>> No.9246930

i don't feel safe hanging around crazy people.

>> No.9246937

apparently background stories are counter productive, as they'll think they have something to live up to and get depressed. they realise they're tulpa, you know.

>> No.9246934


>not summoning a tentacle monstrosity tulpae to make people shit their pants in the middle of the night

>> No.9246935

Yeah, I was a bit skeptical towards it myself at the start, just keep on working on it and it'll pay off.

>> No.9246943

You have to do it for atleast for 30 minutes up to 3 hours a day. If you messed up you'll have to start over.

>> No.9246953


>> No.9246956

Some practionioners claim they can make it manifest, but those are people who have been doing all kinds of spiritual shit for longer than most of /jp/ is alive.
In short; even if it is possible, the likes of OP wouldn't be able to do it.

>> No.9246958

Well I used FAQ_Man's guide and pretty much just followed all the steps through, meditating with white noise in the background. I've been doing this for 2 hours every day.

>> No.9246959

Pretty okay site, but the guides use too many run-on sentences to read comfortably.

>> No.9246960

>Your Tulpa will be able to access memories you don't remember, things you've read to the T

yea, no

ifi cant remember it then i cant even give my imaginary friend that information

>> No.9246964

Magic isn't real bro.

>> No.9246966

You got anything better, punk?

>> No.9246970

your tulpa has the information if you let it into your memories. according to people who have tulpa and have done so, they can indeed remember a ton of shit they wouldnt otherwise be able to by asking their tulpa.

it could be bullshit, i'll see for myself.

>> No.9246971

Unless it's REALLY far back or you are suffering from a legitimate memory deteriorating disease, most info you don't have access to is still around somewhere in your head and can be brought back by techniques such as hypnosis.

>> No.9246975

So aren't tulpa, yet we fuck around with it.

>> No.9246981

No, but I like a certain standard of writing to be kept.

>> No.9246982

How the hell would you mess up?

>> No.9246988

you could have unexpected results. ie no results.

>> No.9246992

I serious hope you guys are pretending.

>> No.9246997

your loss, bro. it's not like you have anything better to do.

>> No.9247000


>> No.9247008
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>> No.9247016

Look at this homo

>> No.9247023

I really hate all the ponyfags on the forums.

>> No.9247024

those people are more aptly called 'zen masters' and 'voodoo witch doctors'.

I highly believe they exist, but only through extreme amounts of time and dedication

>> No.9247030

You're not alone. I've been lurking the IRC since this shit started blowing up on several boards months ago.

>> No.9247041

I only joined a couple days ago. I'm also lurking the IRC

>> No.9247102


I try to only judge people on an individual basis, rather than what cartoons they like.

That said, a bunch of those ponyfags are rampant shitposters and I doubt they're even working on their tulpa. There's a handful of them that are actually pretty cool, but they don't post that often and are drowned out.

>> No.9247106

Probably an imaginary friend with an imaginary tulpa.

>> No.9247156

There's a few cool guys, but a lot of them seem like shitposting faggots who want to sex horsies.

>> No.9247303

I hate you for using a lewd pic as the thread's image.

>> No.9247333
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/jp/ - rationalizing imaginary friends

>> No.9247423
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>> No.9247482


Every image, smell, or feeling that you experience ultimately comes from your head though. It's just a matter of convincing your mind that what is really there isn't what you want to see.

Someone who has mastered their imagination can see whatever they want to see. If you want to see the bully shit himself then you can see this. Whether or not he actually shit himself is irrelevant as long as you believe that he did and your mind showed you what you wanted to see.

The same thing applies to magic. If you believe enough and if you have nurtured your imagination then if you want to see magical flames erupt from your hands or if you want to see a dragon then you will see these things.

People care too much about what is real when it doesn't actually matter. Subjective reality is the only thing that matters. Would you rather live in a dream where you can do anything or have anything that you want or would you rather live in "reality" and endure some shitty existence filled with pain and suffering?

>> No.9247528
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dis nigga understands

>> No.9247538

This post gave me so many feels I am unable to express

>> No.9247544

>Can I (grab, slap, hug, ect) my tulpa?

>No, you cannot enact any kind of physical force like this on your tulpa. Remember that the tulpa's body is just a projection, and it's not really who the tulpa is, or what the tulpa is. It's just a hallucination, a hologram of sorts.

Wait, what?

>> No.9247571

Tulpa is only forced upon your "subjective reality", but it still doesn't change the fact, that the tulpa isn't in the "objective reality". You cannot apply pressure to something that objectively doesn't exist. Though, there's a possibility to hug or hands with a tulpa. You just need to do it really slow and be delicate.

>> No.9247587

hold hands* I mean.

>> No.9247652
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>> No.9247661


Don't worry, that's inaccurate. You can feel your tulpa.

The problem is that they're trying to apply reason and logical thinking to something that is a product of your imagination. There are no limits to the imagination and nothing is impossible.

There are limitations in reality, but that has nothing to do with how you perceive reality. For example, imagine that you have a tulpa and you are going to try to climb onto his shoulders. Now imagine that there is another person who is observing this.

The third party will see a man sitting alone on the floor with his eyes closed or maybe they will see a man grasping at the air or whatever he does when he uses his imagination.

The man will see his tulpa, he will smell his tulpa, and he will feel his tulpa as he climbs ontop of his shoulders. He will not physically be held up in the air during this, but all of his senses will tell him that he is. It will be as clear as reality to him.

The limitations of the imagination only exist when you believe that they exist. The person who wrote that probably has a lot of experience with tulpas, but their underlining belief is too bogged down by the limitations of reality. They have unknowingly imposed limitations upon their imagination because they believe that these limitations exist after logically thinking about it, but these limitations don't exist in your imagination unless you believe that they do.

>> No.9247680

I'm working on a personality for my tulpa, what do I do so that the tulpa inherits this personality?

>> No.9247682
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That's sad and lonely.

>> No.9247686



Their reasoning makes perfect sense. A tulpa is imaginary so how can I apply physical force to an imaginary entity? You can't so their conclusion is that you must not be able to, but the problem is that they are underestimating the imagination and applying limitations where none exist. Hallucinations are not limited to existing as what's essentially a hologram unless you believe that they can never be more than a hologram. You have to drop your established thoughts on reality and realize that through your imagination you can vividly experience what it feels like to climb a mountain or fly across the sky while you're sitting on the floor.

Here's an example that most people can probably relate to. When I was about 15 years old I was ill and I had a very high fever. I hallucinated that I was floating in the air with my head just inches below the ceiling, I no longer felt my legs touching the floor, my entire visual perception had now changed so that I was viewing the room from an angle that should have been impossible because of where I was physically sitting, and I could raise my arms and feel the ceiling against my hands. All of these things should have been impossible because of limitations in reality, but the mind will cause you to feel whatever it believes is real, even if it doesn't match up to physical reality.

>> No.9247721
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Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.9247738


All you really have to do is believe and keep believing for a long enough time that your mind just gives in and produces the image, personality, or whatever you want it to create. That's what it all comes down to with tulpas or any creation of the imagination. It's also a bit of a double-edged sword though. This isn't like most other things in life where you just follow the instructions or do the studying and you get the result regardless of whether or not you actually believed you could finish it.

This all depends on believing that this is possible. If you think that you won't be able to touch your tulpa or if you think that you won't be able even create a tulpa then you won't be able to. You have to throw those doubts out and realize that this is the imagination and you can create anything. There really shouldn't even be guides on creating a tulpa because it implies that there's a certain way to do this when creating things from your imagination is such a personal experience that the only right way is the way that feels right to you.

>> No.9247756

tulpas are not fucking real


>> No.9247757

>When I was about 15 years old I was ill and I had a very high fever. I hallucinated that I was floating in the air with my head just inches below the ceiling, I no longer felt my legs touching the floor
What is this? Pink Floyd?

>> No.9247758

the guides just for telling the newfags you need to spend a fuckload of time on fleshing out the personality or else youre gonna fuck it all up

>> No.9247760

no shit, genius

they're imagination

>> No.9247761

Care to proof their nonexistance?


>> No.9247763
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>not making this nigga your tulpa

>> No.9247764

That pose and angle is hot as fuck.

>> No.9247770

And the the colors are nicely chose. And striped panties. And those thighs.

>> No.9247777

You're fucking up making a fictional charafter

>> No.9247782


That's the thing though, it's only sad to the person who is observing it.

For example, just look at your picture. We look at her and we see a girl with her eyes closed and sitting in a dimly lit room with a cardboard box. It's a depressing image, but the important question is what does she see?

Maybe she's a princess right now and happily living in a castle or maybe she's a cowboy roaming through the wild west and fighting bandits. The point is that she's doing living out her dreams and doing the things that she loves most.

It's really only depressing for the person who observes this, but where does the depression come from? They live completely in delusion and fantasy but it makes them happy, so when people feel depressed when they look at someone like this is it because they somehow feel pity for someone who is unimaginably happy or do they feel depressed because she has escaped and they're stuck in reality, the place where every dream is crushed and all you have to look forward to are the fleeting moments of happiness in between constant suffering and struggle?

>> No.9247789


shes just shitnatsu thinking about how shit she is and how shit her life is

>> No.9247798


Is dreaming paranormal?

>> No.9247803

Is that some fucking beer she's drinking?

>> No.9247806
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>> No.9247808

according to my subjective reality it is

>> No.9247810

I like reading your posts. Please don't let the shitposters get to you.

>> No.9247812

Not him, but why? How is "giving your tulpa a personality" different from the "expecting him/her to act a certain way" that is supposedly the downside of creating pre-existing fictional characters?

>> No.9247814

the man is extremely delusional

I don't really have a problem with that but I wouldn't encourage him either

>> No.9247816

My tulpa is this girl who I've been developing for more than 10 years. She's gotten so vivid I can draw her portrait, but I can't draw very well so I wouldn't do her any justice. She appears in the strangest places just to prank me, this morning it was inside my closet. She's also quite the delinquent, anything she ever brought to me she claimed she stole from the nearby convenience store. While I've grown a lot older since I started imagining her, she hasn't aged a bit.

>> No.9247835

Because the Tulpa will become insane and possess you and you will become an evil man.

>> No.9247832

Who cares? We're all delusional on /jp/, to some extent.

>> No.9247842


Any idea if a wizard-type can kill a king type? The dude at my work uses a king and I never won.

>> No.9247845

Not the one you are replying to but I found this on http://tulpa.info/guides/faqman-creation-guide.html

>Next, think of a form. No, don't make yourself. No, don't make your dead mother or your crush. It can be humanoid, a creature, an animal or a rock. Just think of something you will want to focus on for hours at a time, and hang around for quite probably the rest of your life. Making the tulpa have the same body or visage as a known and fleshed out character is not good. This can lead to the tulpa having identity problems, feeling like it has to live up to something its not, and the like. You could never make a tulpa be exactly the same as a character. They are their own being. Do not stifle them by applying the preconceived notions you have about a character to them.

>> No.9247846

that's why I don't really mind

but I feel uncomfortable encouraging that sort of thing regardless

it's sort of like buying an alcoholic a drink

>> No.9247853

But he's absolutely right. People believe in what they believe. A massive lie did is job in the 40's, religions are still fine and many people on 4chan have childishly negative views on the world. Steve Jobs was famous for his habit of seeing what he wanted.

>> No.9247856


>how shit her life is

It makes me feel sad to think that some people actually feel this way.

As long as you are still alive and still capable of conscious thought then your life is wonderful and you can do anything you want. Your legs might be amputated, but you can still sprint across the world and outrun a cheetah. Your eyes might be gouged out, but that doesn't mean you can't climb to the top of a mountain and gaze out at all of the beautiful things surrounding you. As long as you still have your mind then anything is possible.

I wish that more people tapped into their imagination. It's really the most wonderful thing in life, but so many people just discard the imaginary world before it ever really got a chance to develop to its full potential. Apparently it's a part of growing up, but all you really do is deprive yourself of a world where everything you could ever dream of is possible so that you can have a world where none of your dreams will come true and whatever happiness you do manage to scrounge up comes at the price of years and years of sacrifice and hardship.

How many people slave away in some career they despise just so they can maintain some extravagant lifestyle? They could have had all of those things and far more within their mind, but they've become so strapped down to this idea of reality that they will keep suffering like this until they eventually die.

>> No.9247859
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Been trying to teach him to stop time. Unsuccessful so far.

>> No.9247860

I don't that's really the same. I mean buying alcoholic a drink is going to ruin his life even more but everyone on /jp/ are already antisocial losers so why not have imaginary friends which give you motivation and better self esteem? At the very best, that could have a positive effect on average /jp/er and maybe even make them productive members of society.

>> No.9247863
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Are you arguing with me you little faggot dreamer? Why don't you close your eyes and imagine me showing you mercy while I beat the shit out of you in the REAL world?

>> No.9247867

I don't think it's the same, just similar. It's encouraging an unhealthy behavior. Forcing yourself to hallucinate is not going to improve your life, I don't think.

I don't have a problem with escapism but taken to this extreme, I can accept it but I don't like encouraging it is all.

>> No.9247870

that actually happened to me once in middle school

>> No.9247871

That is very rude.

>> No.9247879

Give him a break. After all, he's found a way to dream up the food and water that his body needs to survive. You should show some respect. He also dreamed that you don't even need food and water and air, because he went living on the moon with the Lunar rabbits.

>> No.9247878
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i'm never sure what to make of tulpa threads, you're either all moronic trolls, gay teenagers with imaginary friends or schizophrenics!

>> No.9247881

did you also get raped and imagined you didn't?

>> No.9247883


>> No.9247890

>It's encouraging an unhealthy behavior.
You should be very careful with this line of thought if you aren't absolutely sure about yourself. Even then, it is wise to value educated opinions.

>> No.9247892
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I think it's hilarious how he thinks he can just imagine himself with muscles and being good at aikido when I've been training my ass off for 20 years. He probably thinks he's hot shit just because his imagination empowers him.

>> No.9247894

i think it would be more accurate to say a mix of all 3 really

>> No.9247895


I'm a bored person with a bunch of time and a curiosity about what weird things one can do with their brain.

Unlike many other odd things you see on this site, making a tulpa is much easier to keep to hide from IRL folk. Also, awesome imagination training and memory recall.
