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9246026 No.9246026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is a fully evolved truNEET?

For many years I used to feel lonely and some part of me longed for friendship or maybe even a relationship, even though I would never admit it, but then all of the sudden those feelings just went away and never came back. I don't wish for companionship anymore and complete solitude is one of my favorite things when it used to make me feel lonely.

Have I ascended? Is this the final form of the truNEET?

>> No.9246034

do you have a job?
are you studying?
do you piss in bottles?
never leave your room?

>> No.9246042

shut up faggot

>> No.9246048

This guy is not truNEET material.

>> No.9246047

a real truNEET never stops evolving. there will be always someone more NEET than you.

>> No.9246059

do u shit ur pants? if not, ur not truNEET. ur a falseNEET u fucking faggot get out of /jp/

>> No.9246060

so you liberate yourself from one set of arbitrary standards of living only to impose another set proposed by /jp/.

>> No.9246083

I lost all hope after I shit on the floor because my mom had guests over and I didn't want to be seen on the way to the bathroom

>> No.9246086
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Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall
Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers I said
Leave the hall

>> No.9246092

truNEET is more than just whether or not you're employed or educated. It's a state of mind that shares much in common with the way of the monk.

Enjoyee your life time and always take it easy. This is what it means to be a truNEET. Savor every moment of your life time, be calm and never feel upset, only spend money on essential things because the greatest pleasures come from your imagination and not your wallet, and avoid other people because you can't take it easy when you're attached to someone.

>> No.9246099

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.9246102

Your truNEET status is revoked for trying to subtlety complain about having no money.

>> No.9246145


>complain about having no money

What's there to complain about? Being poor is a good thing. Just look at the hedonic treadmill.


Happiness comes from within. Buying objects won't bring you any long-lasting happiness and you'll always have to buy more and more to sustain this level of artificial happiness. It's like chasing a high from drugs.

>> No.9246173
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When you are truly at one with yourself, it will be time for you to leave.

The truNEET does not come to /jp/. He does not go any where. By being at one with himself he has become freed from the need for socialization. That we're on /jp/ right now and talking in this thread shows that we have not freed ourselves from the need for socialization.

The truNEET is always alone, even on the internet.

>> No.9246193

>tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness

This is true, but misphrased. It should be "unhappiness".

>> No.9246198

>What is a fully evolved truNEET?

If you don't know, then you need to lurk more.

>> No.9246208

truNEET qualifications:

1. Piss in bottles
2. No job
3. No friends
4. Hikki
5. Should know Japanese on a moderate level i.e being able to play eroge without much need of text hookers
6. Floorshitting
7. Only browse /jp/, no crossboarding allowed

>> No.9246236

Why the fuck should i piss in bottles if I have a bathroom in my fucking room?
Do you really believe anyone here does that?

>> No.9246245

Can't you just accept that you're a normal NEET without freaking out?

>> No.9246255


>> No.9246259

I don't care about being a truNEET but those conditions are just plain retarded.

>> No.9246267

I think you do care.

Maybe next year, tiger.

>> No.9246266


>1. Piss in bottles
>6. Floorshitting

These qualifications are based on social anxiety though. If you take it easy then you don't have social anxiety so going to the bathroom isn't a big deal.

There's nothing worse than a person who doesn't have friends just because he's too scared to make any. He has something he wants, but he doesn't go after it because he's too scared.

Having no friends and staying inside simply because you enjoy living like that is perfectly fine and the behavior of a truNEET.

>> No.9246271

You can enjoy your situation and still have social anxiety. It doesn't automatically mean that you long for a different life, dingus.

>> No.9246299


>social anxiety

Social anxiety is based around a fear of being rejected and negatively scrutinized by others though. It's a constant need for validation which makes them anxious around other people because they are worried that they won't be able to behave in a way that earns their approval.

If they didn't give a shit about that then they wouldn't give a shit about the opinions of other people and then they'd have no social anxiety. If you have social anxiety then on some level you want to socialize otherwise you would be apathetic towards socialization and then how can you be anxious about something you don't care about?

>> No.9246298

My idea of an awakened truNEET is a hermit that travels the wilderness alone like a wizard.

We're weak NEETs that huddle together on the internet for socialization and need mommy to feed us.

>> No.9246314

I believe the final form of truNEET is a NEETness that persists once all finance and enablers have disappeared. It is being truly content with the way of NEET, even when everything else falls apart. It is to have no family, no friends, no home to call your own, and little to no legally owned property, but to seek no other state.

The final form of the truNEET is the bum.

>> No.9246316


Bums are always laying around cities begging for handouts. Sounds lame.

>> No.9246346

Sure, if you're a boring bum. Being a bum is only as exciting as you make it. If you don't have a home anyways then you're free to go wherever the hell you want. Sure, you'll have to walk to get there but that's part of the adventure!

>> No.9246348

Ascended (or descended) truNEET bums do not beg. That is work.

You could argue that going through the trash for food is also work, but I think the key is the truNEET answers to no one, and is free to pursue such things in his own time. He directly takes what he needs rather than sacrificing his time to obtain it later.

If a truNEET gets a job when the money dries up, then I think they weren't a truNEET at all. Therefore, the truNEET would have to be the one who continues his way with no money. Even if you see it as lame.

>> No.9246349

I reckon the final stage of a NEET is egodeath
those discontent with their lives -- those who long for social interaction, amount to failed normals. please don't lose your way friends

>> No.9246361

I'm not certain on what a fully evolved truNEET is, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be participating in these shitty threads.

>> No.9246362

The final form of truNEET is suicide

>> No.9246371


Starvation from not leaving the apartment to buy food due to social anxiety seems more like it.

>> No.9246376


This is incorrect method.

You will simply force yourself through your anxieties because unbearable hunger is worse than unbearable anxiety. It is a desire that is on a lower neural level.

Unless you have a pre-formed will not to live, you will never live truNEET.

>> No.9246394

Because of this, it really blows my mind how some extroverts who consider themselves to be socially skilled act. Be they kids or adults, it doesn't matter. I mean, I noticed these things as a little boy and I'm a clumsy nerd.

Nowadays I just ignore rude and selfish people. Bad behaviour feeds itself and I'm not going to encourage it. Being a dominant, using asshole has nothing to do with "natural leadership". Not in today's world.

>> No.9246412

I was referring to being a bum that stands around in intersections begging for money or going to clinics for free drugs as lame.

A bum that just wanders about doing his own thing is fine with me.

>> No.9246424


NEET education from decades ago

>> No.9246431

Baloo can eat a dick. I enjoy my figs.

>> No.9246619


You could eat for three weeks on the price of one figure.

Why do you need figures when you have your imagination? You can just visualize them in your mind and play with them in there. Imagination is free.

>> No.9246636

Food isn't exactly an issue when you live with your parents.

>> No.9246641

The people with figures and the people in poverty mode are not the same people.

>> No.9246644


It might be an issue some day though. Money is only useful for food, shelter, and maybe an internet connection since it can enrich your imagination by teaching you about new things.

Everything else is pretty much just throwing your money away since you can use the power of your imagination to have even more fun. It's best to save whatever money you have for when you might need it in the future to buy food or shelter.

>> No.9246649

Whatever you say, Mr. Rogers. I think it's time you took a nap.

>> No.9246666
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Have you used your imagination today? It's really a great thing.

Most people don't even begin to tap into the true potential of their imagination, it's very sad when I think about it.

For example, why buy a cowboy game when you could be an actual cowboy, get into gun duels, and ride your horse all through a lucid dream? Why buy a figure when you could visualize a figure inside of your mind? There won't be any joints or limitations on that figure, it can do whatever you want it to.

Most importantly though, why make friends when you can have imaginary friends? They talk to you, they're unpredictable, they're better than real friends in every way.

The power of the imagination is so amazing, but so few people ever bother to improve their imaginations.
