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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 157 KB, 560x570, satenshitposts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9245344 No.9245344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw americans clap after shitposting

>> No.9245348

I'm not even american and I do that

>> No.9245363
File: 955 KB, 316x200, 1336652646030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saten a shit.
Fuq off ur spoilers
who u quot?


>> No.9245365

so now that we have a clapping thread, could someone explain to me where this "americans clap" meme comes from? do they really clap after activities? how did it make it into 4chan? how did it become popular?

>> No.9245368
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>mfw japs bow after shitposting

>> No.9245373
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>> No.9245381

Jealous europeans

'Some' American people clap after a successful landing because its to congratulate the pilots for driving a safe trip

>> No.9245385

Has probably something to do with how people clap in planes after successfully landing

>> No.9245390

Europeans do that too, it happened in all of my flights

>> No.9245386

that, OP, is a shitpost of a shitpost from a completely different board, therefore yuros prove yet again that mericans are the best posters and yurosemendrinkers are the worst.

Glad we have that settled, yet again.

>> No.9245387


Americans clap to congratulate one another or to symbolically celebrate some occurrence. It is analogous to how the nips bow to one another and thank their heathen gods before eating, or how males in the UK make out with each other to celebrate a new wave of immigration.

>> No.9245388

They seriously do that?

>> No.9245396
File: 76 KB, 645x512, burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw Amerifatsos clap after bowing to the Japanese


>> No.9245398


>mfw europoors whenever muslims pass a new sharia law

>> No.9245399

but wasn't that poles, not americans? or do americans clap now too?

>> No.9245408


>> No.9245410

uh do people outsidee america find clapping after a good performance or movie weird?

>> No.9245424

>mfw Americans clap as their waitress delivers their burgers (with boogers and pus from them not tipping enough last time)

>> No.9245425

Clapping after a good performance I think it's ok. Clapping after a movie is weird though. Is this one real?

>> No.9245438


In most European countries, they usually pull their pants down after a rousing performance and shit on one another while making guttural noises. Germany is well known for this.

>> No.9245432

Yes, Americans do this. Canadians too.

>> No.9245435

> Is this one real?
Oh yes it is. Especially after watching The Avengers.

>> No.9245444


Canada is just a watered-down rip off of America that takes pride in being passive and weak.

>> No.9245439

I saw a movie in a US NAVY base once mostly full of white people.

No one clapped after the movie

Mostly just talked about it while exiting

People from reddit need to stop these american hate joke or mootles will ban block everyone thats not american

>> No.9245449


>or mootles will ban block everyone thats not american

But that would be great. This is an American site, after all, like all the other ones that matter to anyone in the world.

>> No.9245453

>mfw americans clap after being hurt feeling

>> No.9245460

mfw Yuroop was being absorbed into the Arab world next to me

>> No.9245457
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American Logic.

>> No.9245459


>Mfw europoors make out after their countrymen are jailed for racist comments

>> No.9245462

Weird, last time I noticed Canada is clearly superior to America.

At least people have jobs here and we aren't overrun by blacks and mexicans,
asians and indians are actually good immigrants

>> No.9245469

I haven't gone to movies very often since I was a kid, but I don't ever remember seeing any clapping.

The whole nignogs shouting during movies thing is true, though.

>> No.9245470
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>mfw american claps near me

>> No.9245472

Canada has nothing

No wonder their heathcare is free

>> No.9245476

Have you noticed the bitter/hostile nature of most Canadians online? Must be some type of inferiority complex that came about from being raised in an unimportant country.

>> No.9245484

originated on kc

>> No.9245490

I'm american and I saw this meme a while ago and lol'd hard i have no idea what its about maybe the national anthem before baseball games but its still kinda funny.

>> No.9245485

>34 replies and 7 images
Jaypee! Jaypee! Jaypee!

>> No.9245494

Canadians are weird, no joke, they're fucking annoying and their only topic is how high they are.

>> No.9245498


That's because our National Anthem is the shit.


>> No.9245497

Im american and i find this funny because its not true

>> No.9245506


No, but I have noticed that brits can be stuffy, but are more or less pleasant and amiable, Australians are hardy, well-humored people that enjoy swearing, and that Italians are disgusting,lazy children that should be ignored.

>> No.9245509

>The whole nignogs shouting during movies thing is true, though.
When I used to go to the movies, I make it a point to go at a time when niggers are either sleeping or out mugging and raping people.

>> No.9245512


Enjoy your maple syrup and living off of of America's cultural scraps, canuck. At least you have Rush and BNL.

>> No.9245533

Pro wrestlers are Canada's greatest contribution to society. Excluding Chris Benoit.

>> No.9245535

at least maple syrup is superior food. what do you have? hamburgers?

>> No.9245536
File: 222 KB, 600x800, Uiharu doing what she does best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One night I had a dream I was in some husge football stand and was sitting naked on the bench with a team for of pro american football team. They were all niggers and naked too. Then I seu uriharu sitting one row infrontof me to the left slightly and I see her face light up full of excitement every so often and every so often me and the naked nigger football team would get up and kneel on the rows in front of us so our dicks were all dangling. I was nervous becuase I was the only white guy there omongst the football teams of naked niggers and I did not want to see if they were laughing at my tiny penis or not or if they had huge dicks or not.

Then one of the niggers from the football team got up from kneeling and went to fuck Saten who was sitting infront of Uiharu. The way they were fucking was that Saten was laying on her back accross the benches perpendicularly while her feet were rather close to me. Uiharu was stimulating the nigger from behind while he fucked saten. And I was trying to get a small whiff or a lick of satens feet while trying not to see if the other niggers were laughing at my small penis or not.

>> No.9245546
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>> No.9245552

I don't really care about cultural status or how my country is regarded internationally.
I'm fine with everyone ignoring Canada and thinking of it as some kind of America rip-off.

As long as I get to live a good life I'm fine

>> No.9245553

what does it mean?

>> No.9245555


Hamburgers are fucking delicious, and if you disagree, you're probably a vegan faggot or just jelly that America is the burger capital of the world.

Maple syrup is hardly a food-it's a condiment, you filthy cunt. That's like saying ketchup is superior to a sandwich. Why don't you go enjoy your fucking baby pancakes with your wah-wah toddler syrup, nerd.

>> No.9245561


Look at that pathetic, defeatist attitude. So typical of a roll-over beta Canadian.

>> No.9245572

Could the pilot even hear the Americans clapping from the cockpit?
I imagine the cockpit of a 747 or A380 is pretty insulated from sound.

>> No.9245588

And money.

>> No.9245594

congratz on the get but hamburgers still inferior

>> No.9245598

Stop making so many shitty posts

>> No.9245602


Nope. Go guzzle some sticky tree juice, you degenerate beaver-fucking mounty shitbag.

>> No.9245616

lol comparing a condiment to a dish

if Maple Syrup is what Canada is all about then lol

>> No.9245619

Finnish are responsible for 98% of the shitposting on this board.

All other countries should band together as wholesome respectful posters to drive them back to their forsaken iceworld.

>> No.9245623
File: 275 KB, 1000x1024, problem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americans clap when defending their cheese burgers

>> No.9245656
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, chrischandrunk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when you irrelevant country can't produce a single food even half as delicious as a cheeseburger

>> No.9245660

Isnt KURISU american

you now realize she claps after Okarin does something autistic

>> No.9245664


europeans dont understand what noises sound like from inside a flying machine

>> No.9245667


Well, what do they sound like in the cockpit?
Can you hear noise from back in the passenger area?

>> No.9245668

fuck off cunt
seriously, take your anti-finn bullshit back to russia you filthy mongrel i just wanna enjoy my toohoo

>> No.9245673


That feel when /jp/ is too dense to realize Finnish buttburgers are some of their best posters and that the only people who use Finnish memes outside Finnish imageboards are foreigners.

>> No.9245676
File: 51 KB, 324x246, 1294192066284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i get called an irrelevant country

>> No.9245677


Hello, Finn.

>> No.9245679
File: 54 KB, 320x241, 2_1256822239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw american claps near me after trying to justify his junk food.

>> No.9245680
File: 25 KB, 294x194, snowniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get out Finnscum

>> No.9245687
File: 11 KB, 214x201, homu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm eating a burger

>> No.9245692


>Mmm, this wheat-grass mixed with pig shit and a side of rice is delicioussss! It's so much better than anything an American could make, like a gross CHEESEBURGER EWWW!


>> No.9245695

painu vittuun

>> No.9245700

You must be eating a NOT-AMERICAN BURGER

>> No.9245701


Please respond, American flying machine expert.

>> No.9245712

>Mmm, this wheat-grass
americans are the biggest grain nerds there are and you're implying some other guy's country likes wheat-grass?

you put corn in everything.

>> No.9245730


What country are you from, faggot? Tell me what delicious goddamned food your little shit country has created.

>> No.9245743

fush & chups

>> No.9245748


Nope. Although I do kind of feel bad now for forcing spurdo so much on /jp/. Most Finnish posters are very nice and just want to be left alone. This sort of thing was never about ruining Finland's reputation and it's a shame it's turned out that way. The Finnish internet community really is great and involved in a lot of projects across a wide spectrum of not only /jp/ related interests but also other fields too.

>> No.9245755
File: 1.73 MB, 5000x5000, descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americans clap after getting mad

>> No.9245758


Interestingly, I would wager that New Zealand has contributed just as much in a culinary sense as the US, a country tens of times its size.
Mostly seafood I imagine.

>> No.9245760


>Fried pussy-scented slabs of grease with some fries

Oh look, it's a shitty, much greasier version of a cheeseburger meal. Try again, you crook-toothed queen-worshipping cocksucker.

>> No.9245764


And you'd be wrong, asslord. Why are you such an idiot?

>> No.9245786

country size isnt relevant to culinary contributions

but everyone jealous of the Land of the Free because its the only country that matters

>> No.9245787

Look at this bitch nigga, never had a hangi.

>> No.9245792


I will make a point to if I ever get to New Zealand.

>> No.9245791

>'Some' American people clap after a successful landing because its to congratulate the pilots for driving a safe trip

I'm an American who has flown quite a bit and I have literally never heard anyone clap after landing, ever.

>> No.9245801

Like i said 'some'

>> No.9245826

Can someone please analysis my dream?

>> No.9245836
File: 10 KB, 200x284, 200px-Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you crave for big fat megacocks

>> No.9245842

You dint even read all of it did you? That was too quick

>> No.9245854

I did. You want to take saten's place.

>> No.9245875

what other conclusion did you think freud was going to reach anyway?

>> No.9245880
File: 29 KB, 429x381, 1300881451608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a twisted and strange man.
Not that there is anything wrong with that! The world is full of weird people after all~

>> No.9245910

I dont know really. Something about my mother perhaps.

I guess. I think the dream was brought on because I saw some anons desktop image that was full of nothing but Satens so her image must have gotten imprinted in my mind before I slept.

I dont even like her that much. I dont particularly hate her (I would not hesitate to fuck and/or lick her feet given the chance) I just dont like the "fanbase" she is associated with

>> No.9245952
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, 34534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That almost sounds like my current wallpaper that i made for a thread sometime ago. 3k+ Saten-san images as layers in photoshop.

Picture related.

>> No.9245963

Yep, thats the one. Might end up dreaming about it again now.

>> No.9246093
File: 25 KB, 307x280, 1286171390935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time dont just settle with licking her feet.
Go for the goal, stick it in

>> No.9247620

