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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9240611 No.9240611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a /jp/ boyfriend?

>> No.9240621

I'm not a fucking homo.

>> No.9240624

B-but I do...

>> No.9240626

Go on.

>> No.9240669

Because no-one wants me.

>> No.9240677

because suck my cock dude.

>> No.9240678

because everyone already has their own little groups and it's impossible to enter one.

>> No.9240684

That is wrong.

>> No.9240691

It is possibe to enter one. You just need to learn japanese and translate everything people ask you to. Expect to always be at the bottom of the group's hierarchy even though some idiots with no knowledge of japanese call all the shots, though.

>> No.9240696

Because I am not a cute trap, but a chubby neckbeard with no good personality traits.

>> No.9240700

Find a cute trap then.

>> No.9240702
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>> No.9240703

would you be my boyfriend op? I'm not sure about wanting to get pregnant, but we could still cuddle a lot instead. I mean, if you wanted to..

>> No.9240709

maybe I'm just too weird then or maybe I just need to stay around the same people for longer rather than gaping it as soon as I'm rejected once.

>> No.9240717
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>> No.9240729

A cute trap can get a much better guy than me.

>> No.9240730


>> No.9240740

I'm talking to a cute Japanese boy, but I don't like sex with him. It's my first time and I can't get used to it.

He's sucked my cock once.

>> No.9240760


I won't give up, though. Someday, I will hook up with another /jp/sie.

>> No.9240765

>but I don't like sex with him.
Why? I would kill to be able to have sex regularly with a cute boy.

>> No.9240769

I-I can be your t-trap b-boyfriend, /jp/-kun....

>> No.9240771

It is easier than you think.

>> No.9240775

Traps all have severe mental/emotional problems, no thank you.

>> No.9240779

Anon-kun hidoi!


>> No.9240781

you meant "humans", dear.

>> No.9240782
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It made me feel so gay...

I've never done a dude, but he's so cute, and we do karaoke together.

>> No.9240784

Traps have more than any normal human does.

>> No.9240785

i'm ugly. no one would ever think i'm cute enough to take me as their boyfriend, and even if I tried to be the one who wore the pants anyone cute wouldn't want to date me because i'm ugly

also i'm self concious and shy and boring and i get too nervous too talk very often

every time i've talked to someone on /jp/ they run out of things to say and abandon me

it's a good thing that i'll run out of money soon, so that they'll disconnect my internet so that i'll finally have nothing to live for so i can gather the courage to jump off the roof of my 12 story apartment building

>> No.9240787

He sucked your cock, so it's already gay. Might aswell go the whole way and make his asspussy addicted to your cock.

>> No.9240791

Make him dress up as your favorite 2hu and make sure you buy him an expensive wig so it looks better.

>> No.9240794


You -are- gay now. It's okay anon. But you're a homo. You need to accept your gayness.

>> No.9240795

I should, but it feels so wrong...

>> No.9240807

Actually.... I'm alright with this maybe.

Where should I get the clothes?

>> No.9240809

eBay if you don't care about quality.

>> No.9240819

Is there some kind of holiday today?

>> No.9240818

because I like girls...

>> No.9240820
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My boyfriend is from /vg/ but I taught him how to shitpost properly on /jp/ and he's even better at it than I am now. v_v

>> No.9240825

I would kill to be in your situation. If you mess up this chance, I will find you and follow you around with an autistic look on my face.

>> No.9240828

Quality is everything to me... Also I gotta figure out which touhou would suite him most..... I Alice popped in my head first.

>> No.9240829

Isn't it Independence day today?

>> No.9240833

But you are going to ruin the clothes with the lewd smell of sex, semen, so why does quality matter? You could buy it from a shop that specializes in cosplay related stuff or you can custom order the outfit if you have the money.

>> No.9240841

I never thought about that as well! I'll probably have to look up care and cleaning of those types of clothes later... I'd totally have enough to buy a few dresses for him though.

I hope I could get him into this shit.

>> No.9240845

Just pull out the "If you love me you will do this" card.

>> No.9240848

i'll be your friend, dude.

>> No.9240856

I have a boyfriend already but having more wouldn't be a bad idea. Anyone up for it? :3

>> No.9240862

i guess that would be nice. but at most we'll talk once and then we'll run out of things to say and you'll forget to talk to me and i'll be too nervous to say anything to you. forever.

it's happened before

>> No.9240863

That is mean.

>> No.9240872

Not talking often doesn't mean you're not friends. I have a friend with who I barely talk with. Even after two years without seeing each other, we both greeted eaxh other and proceeded to play some games together.

>> No.9240877

We could play video games together. When we run out of things to say, we just shoot enemies in the face.

>> No.9240880


read these


of course there's only so far you can go with just talking, but there are other forms of interaction.

>> No.9240882

i guess. i don't really play many video games, though. what kind do you play?

>> No.9240891

I just want a harem of cute /jp/sies ;_;

>> No.9240911

You said you wanted more boyfriends not just friends. I get very jealous when the person I am talking to talks about someone else.

>> No.9240913

My /jp/sie boyfriend insists on gettig a /jp/ harem too, but the thought of sharing the person I love makes me want to rip apart anyone who tries to steal him away from me...
You are probally him and will proceed to ignore me so let's just pretend I never made this post

>> No.9240922

Homosexuality and sodomy are not /jp/ related. Please go back to /soc/ or /hm/.

>> No.9240971

Yes they are, deal with it nerdlord.

>> No.9240974

They are not, and I feel guilty for contributing to the downfall of /jp/

>> No.9240981

Team fortress is f2p, sometimes I just join random servers and play it. I tens to avoid reddit, the weeaboo server and the pony servers.

...As well as the bot-filled premium servers, the valve servers and the clan servers. There's really not many servers left after this filter.

I also play touhou, of course, and will start playing hisoutensoku/melty blood once I get a controller. I also play dungeon crawl, battlefield 2142 and will play other assorted things if they are interesting enough. What do you play?

>> No.9240993
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>Team fortress

>> No.9241000
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I'm sorry.

>> No.9241007
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i would actually rather do a trap than a fat chick. that is the state of affairs, the average woman is so plastic, aggressive/bitchy and repulsively overweight guys resort to doing feminine guys. especially on the internet.

at the end of a day, a man can be better at being a woman than most women and it saddens me terribly.

>> No.9241014

>i would actually rather do a trap than a fat chick

Anyone in their right mind would. I wouldn't get in a relationship with neither, unless the trap is just a regular guy who is willing to dress in girl clothes for me.

>> No.9241028

You sound cute, want to be my boyfriend?

>> No.9241029

No, go away you slut.My heart only belongs to him

>> No.9241039

I had a /v/ boyfriend but he was way too clingy and we don't talk much anymore. I wonder what a /jp/ boyfriend would be like...

>> No.9241041

Probably about the same.

>> No.9241044

I used to play TF2 before it went F2P and that was just me trying to nostalgia from TFC, the game is shit now though. Do you feel bad for playing it? You should.

>> No.9241065

Lately I've been playing TF2, Mount and Blade, Killing Floor. I have a few other games like L4D2 but don't really play those.

>> No.9241066

The game isn't shit. The community might be, though. People bound by nostalgia are sad.

>> No.9241076

I am not bound by nostalgia, I stopped playing that game after a while and the game is shit now. Hats and all these ridiculous weapons.

>> No.9241081

I had a boyfriend when I lived in Korea (I'm a tranny) but sadly his mother didn't like me (It was not a secret either) so he had to break up with me and it's sad because he was rather good looking.

>> No.9241086

I'll let you suck my cock dude, don't be such a prude.

>> No.9241088

My mouthpussy will never serve anyone but him, I'd rather die.

>> No.9241122

im a guy i cant have boyfriends..the bible says so

>> No.9241127
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Because the only people that could truly call this place home are fat and/or unattractive. If you think you're the exception, you're not because you never belonged here in the first place.

>> No.9241131

God I'm gonna NTR you away from your pathetic loser sweethard with my big cock so hard.

>> No.9241134


>> No.9241140

Not if I rip out your beating heart, turbonerd

>> No.9241147

I'm neither fat nor unattractive. I'm not really socially impaired either. I just don't like most other people so that's why I'm alone all the time.

>> No.9241151

Stop projecting, nerd. Most people are like this guy >>9241147

>> No.9241165

He's probably fat and ugly, i'll show you how a real man looks~

>> No.9241170

Looks are meaningless.
He has qualities you will never have

>> No.9241176

Like what? A small cock?

>> No.9241188

Holy shit, /jp/ is about par with /fit/, as far as gayness.

>I hope I could get him into this shit.
Just bring it up in a serious discussion. Don't turn it into an ultimatum, like >>9240845 said.
Tell him that you like him for who he is, but that seeing a dress hung up on his cock would make you want to insert tab A into slot B all night long.

>> No.9241196

Something you probally never heard of

>> No.9241205

Are you just realizing how gay /jp/ is? The gloryhole and cock sucking threads never gave you a hint?

>> No.9241208

>My /jp/sie boyfriend insists on gettig a /jp/ harem too

Looks like he's not as loyal as you think~

>> No.9241210

He's been here all summer.

>> No.9241218

Frankly, I don't give a shit what some superficial slut thinks

>> No.9241221

Except that those cock sucking threads were never nothing more than just jokes. They did manage to lure in some actual faggots from /soc/, though. Well done.

>> No.9241233

>those cock sucking threads were never nothing more than just jokes
Tell that to the raging erection I get whenever I read them.

>> No.9241237

Jokes? Oh my...

>> No.9241250

I thought those were just ironic shiptoasts!

>> No.9241260

I'm a guy who wants a boyfriend that isn't gay. Preferable someone from /jp/.

>> No.9241261
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I wonder if /jp/ is more gay than /cm/

>> No.9241270

Are you a NEET?
I can't love a NEET.

>> No.9241277

I don't know if these posts are a joke or not, but I have seen an abundance of bitchy behaviour on /jp/ as of late.

>> No.9241286

What? That isn't how it works.

>> No.9241290

You've never had a straight boyfriend?

>> No.9241296

Obviously not, since then he wouldn't be straight. And neither would I, which isn't true.

>> No.9241298

How does that work exactly?

>> No.9241307

Having a boyfriend isn't gay.

>> No.9241309

Never heard of straight women being married to homo men?

>> No.9241311

Yes it is.

>> No.9241315

Ever heard of being bisexual?

>> No.9241318

/jp/ - /soc/ culture

>> No.9241423

Sucking dicks isn't gay.

>> No.9241514

So tsundere~ I'll treat you extra special :3

>> No.9241523

i am not your boyfriend, and i have a /jp/. it's on 4chan

>> No.9241530

Don't touch me you filthy piece of shit or I'll kill you

>> No.9241538

Where are you from? I'll make sure we have a good time~

>> No.9241547

Gensokyo.Kill yourself, then you can see me

>> No.9241553

How are you posting if you're dead? ;_;

>> No.9241560

i have a non-/jp/ boyfriend, how do i get him into /jp/ or at least 2hus?

>> No.9241563

I'm a touhou

>> No.9241565

Which one?

>> No.9241583
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I have one, but we live too far away to have sex ;_;
