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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 190x251, ken sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9236242 No.9236242 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the Ken Sama meme to me please? This IS the Otaku board right?

And you guys are all otakus so... thanks.

>> No.9236246

he was a epic otaku so we made a epic meme xD

>> No.9236250

he dude dead

>> No.9236263

What's so epic about it?

>> No.9236265

Yeah I see that, daddy made you make a good meme?

Will you show me why?

>> No.9236268
File: 97 KB, 863x555, kensamanoooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cool, man.
Not cool.

>> No.9236271
File: 65 KB, 800x626, one_for_my_homies_by_michaeljstraub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9236275

I like how it's highlighted in green, making it feel like it's a positive message.

>> No.9236277

Oh good an off topic thread.

Does anyone know what the fuck moot did this time?
Seems like the whole site is shitting itself again, and the usual workarounds aren't effecting it anymore.

Losing /jp/ forever is more appealing than updating firefox. Hope he didn't fuck something up that would require that.

>> No.9236292
File: 77 KB, 400x300, Eagle American Flag next poster small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236286

How is this off topic?

You do realize you are saging an on topic post.

Ken sama=otaku

Ken sama=/jp/ mem

Posting ken sama in /jp/= on topic.


Told as fuck.

>> No.9236288

What's wrong? I haven't noticed anything other than the 4chan X hiccups yesterday which got fixed after updating that, but I haven't updated firefox.

>> No.9236298

Firefox forced me to update a while ago, it was awful.

>> No.9236295

>Losing /jp/ forever is more appealing than updating firefox. Hope he didn't fuck something up that would require that.
So that's all we're worth to you?
Some friend you are.

>> No.9236296

If you're talking about 4chan X, just stick to the previous version until he updates it again

>> No.9236297

it's an "epic" meme

also this is the NEET board, otaku is so passe

>> No.9236299
File: 16 KB, 236x208, gay fag penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236307
File: 16 KB, 334x287, gayass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236304

Slow as balls, and right after it loads anything, the page reloads itself again and shits itself until it times out.

Blacklisting google stops that from happening, but then captcha is out.

>> No.9236305

If you cant pick up the joke the first time u saw it, ur dumb

>> No.9236308

Geez, sage bombing an on topic thread.

Real nice you weeaboo cunts.

>> No.9236318
File: 21 KB, 334x287, fagpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236320

Additionally, I don't use 4chanX or anything else.
Completely vanilla 4chan, here.

It's horrible, right? I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.9236324


>> No.9236330
File: 492 KB, 850x604, next.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236335
File: 18 KB, 266x400, 1339776534226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236337


>> No.9236343

I had that happen with Amazon and hotmail before Firefox decided to update itself.

>> No.9236349

there was a time when people were called e-hipsters for using firefox but now they are called faggots

>> No.9236357

It's strange that the it'd be here of all places to run into that problem though. Google itself still works fine for me, and captchas work as they always did everywhere but 4chan.

Fucking moot. Make a new blog entry or something about what you broke so we can at least try to fix it.

>> No.9236363

There was a mod post on /g/ talking about deferred loading of captchas to improve page loading times.

>> No.9236382

That sounds suspiciously relevant.

Also, on the post submitted screen I'm getting flashes of broken code and excerpts from random posts from any number of boards.

>> No.9236440
File: 18 KB, 361x94, juhyiughj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236525

"I LOVE SUSHI!" exclaimed the woman in the thick-rimmed glasses.
"Ah, excellent," Kobayashi thought contentedly to himself, "they are enjoying themselves."
"I love Japan, period" said the middle-aged man in the blue shirt, slight southern drawl lending a down-home earthiness to his earnest proclamation.
"Oh my, it is such a joy to have such enthusiastic customers!" Kobayashi said to himself, beaming with pride at the delight he had brought to his customers. It was an idyllic day in Kobayashi's small sushi shop. But, then things took a turn for the worst. "J-ROCK!" screeched a greasy-haired delinquent, quite obviously high on something.
"Oh my, someone should be watching over that poor child," Kobayashi thought to himself. But, before he could finish that thought, a rotund man burst forth from the masses, the make-up on his face still smeared across his fleshy visage.
"GIRUGAMESH!" the horrifying painted man exclaims, stabbing the air vehemtly with two massive, pudgy digits.

>> No.9236586

"What has begun here is something terrible," Kobayashi thinks to himself, rooted in place by equal parts fear, and morbid fascination. "I LOVE ANIMAY!" shrieks a curiously toupee'd customer, the disparity of voice and adornment calling into question the beast's gender. "AND MANGA" yells the man-lady's back-quatto, the horrifying extra upper torso protruding from the hermaphrodite's back, malign intent dancing across his/her eyes.
Kobayashi is speechless at the spectacle unfolding before him.
"AND GAYBMLABNGN" an infernal scarecrow man drunkenly spews forth, every diabolical syllable dripping from his tongue an affront to sanity and dignity. "Or DDR," says a man quite plainly.
"Finally, a respite from this madness," Kobayashi thought as he heaved a breathless sigh of relief. But what he had seen so far could never prepare him for what came next.
"SMILE D.K." squealed the man's bloated pig-wife, her unduous bulk barely managing to stay balanced atop her chair. As these things happened, a realiziation dawned on poor, poor Kobayashi. "These people, these DEMONS, have taken all I know and love and made it wrong, corrupted it. I can not, no, I will not sit idly by as these creatures from beyond the veil wreack havoc in my shop!"
"HEYYYYYY!" Kobayashi growls, brandishing his knife like a modern day warrior. "SAKURA-CON GIKI MAAAAAA" he bellows, the traditional war-cry of his family.

Because fuck you.

>> No.9236600

>both faggots and fags
I hate you right now.

>> No.9236632
File: 19 KB, 896x517, 1330243946068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9237135

He's alive. He's just... not Ken-sama anymore. He never was, if we're to believe his wife, happy family pictures and all that. Look to the archives if you want to cry more.
