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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9214852 No.9214852 [Reply] [Original]

Glorious Gi Domination

Previous thread

Gi Clans:
Seacats (full)
Hotglue (full)
Witches' Tea Party (recruiting)
DFC (recruiting)

Shoku Clans:
Puella Magi (full)
Smexy Flan (recruiting)

Other news: The beanfun devs asked players on FB if they should wipe the data after the beta ends. Right now opinion seems to be slightly in favour of keeping the data.

>> No.9215102

No one around me is spamming mission requests. I can't take it easy like this...

>> No.9215128
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>> No.9215153

why is Go so weak..... :(

>> No.9215170

Ugly girls.
Ugly red tiles.

>> No.9215198

Kyo here. I might change into different nation on the next beta. Go is hopeless.

>> No.9215232

Definitely the eye-searing red tiles.

There is a faction change option under "Lord Management".

>> No.9215330

And it left you with your main base, half your honor unable to build or attack for 24 hours.

>> No.9215412

>So the question on everyone’s mind has been whether or not we will wipe after this beta. And the answer is, we don’t know.
>That’s where you come in!
>We want to know how you guys feel about us wiping! Do you want us to wipe after this beta, or would you like to keep your game information?

Bullfuckingshit, someone need to tell them what's wrong with that statement

>> No.9215480

What's wrong with that statement?

>> No.9215497 [DELETED] 

CBT are where you do some test, fine tuning and fucking around so you can find the best way to play in CBT. If they turn this current game to OBT, I'm fucked, that's why I'm bitching

>> No.9215500

CBT are where you do some test, fine tuning and fucking around so you can find the best way to play in OBT. If they turn this current game to OBT, I'm fucked, that's why I'm bitching

>> No.9215508

Oh, I just told them not to wipe because I thought that was what you wanted.

>> No.9215528

So how many koihimes do you have so far /jp/?
Also, have they fixed the royal castle bug?

>> No.9215669

Well if they *do* wipe then I just don't give a shit about this anymore.

>> No.9215783

Wolkenshitter just drilled a line straight into Gi heartland.
I'm guessing they're planning to establish a base there.

>> No.9215797


What coordinates?

>> No.9215813

Straight north from Mirene's capital, IIRC.

>> No.9215828

>Ryomo & Rikuson
team megane magic, let's go

>> No.9215856

can change the name to my "New Village"?

>> No.9215861
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Too late

>> No.9215867

Bottom screen, lord management

>> No.9215876


>> No.9215890

someone tell wolkenritter to be less predictable

>> No.9215895

Time for the Gi battlefront to drill their buttholes from behind.

>> No.9216015

Maybe you should try to protect your own land before? You've lost a few already around their new bases.

>> No.9216021

I leveled up almost everything to level 10 already, but there's no one spamming request missions, should I just build an army and crush everything?.

Gi, right on the center of the map, everything is captured already...

>> No.9216027

Quiet, Wolkenritter scum. The players close to the new bases will take care of recapturing territory. You just make sure your anal crevice is well-lubed.

>> No.9216030

You should make another account just to request attack mission to nearby mini castles around your main base. Spam missions yourself.

>> No.9216045

You mad, Gi piece of shit?

>> No.9216071
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Not nearly as much as you will be when you realize what a terrible idea your little stunt was.

>> No.9216073

/a/ pls go

>> No.9216084

So I was wondering why Gi did well and now I know why. They are just leeching all the territories off the emperor. PVE sure is good, heh?

>> No.9216262

Hm, if there's not gonna be a wipe like it looks like, I probably won't continue playing.

Any fuckups interested in my account? It's got a second base that's pretty well situated to shove a broomstick up the ass of shoku's frontline

>> No.9216267


What faction, Gi or Go?

>> No.9216274



>> No.9216277


I'll take it in that case, if you're definitely quitting.

>> No.9216280

Double accounts are a bannable offense.

>> No.9216286



>> No.9216288


Yeah sure, just pm Nuo ingame so I can hand it over.

Also fellow Eastern Teaclub members, you might want to merge into the witches' tea party, since I just got mail about that earlier, if you're staying that is.

>> No.9216292


You act like every single clan in the top ten hasn't abused alt accounts for gold

>> No.9216297

I'm reporting the account name Nao, let's see if that get the dude and his new account banned.

>> No.9216309


That'd be more amusing if there actually was a way to report people

>> No.9216312


He's friends with a GM / He knows how to hack / His dad works for Nintendo.

Ignore him already.

>> No.9216313

I think I saw the word "report" somewhere.

>> No.9216317


Alright, good hunting. Do me a favor and decide what to do with my teaclub too.

>> No.9216322
File: 12 KB, 72x91, Report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I should think so.

>> No.9216328

Yes ignore me kiddo. And enjoy getting banned for double account.

>> No.9216332

Somehow I doubt they give a shit about double accounts in the beta.

>> No.9216336

Much appreciated, Nuo.

I won't be changing the details, feel free to take it back whenever you wish.

>> No.9216339

Not that one, idiot.

>> No.9216346

We will see soon if you retard get banned. Would be funny if you did. I hope you enjoy losing both your accounts if that happens.

>> No.9216348

If that does happens, I'm going to report everyone I think is cheating, there is no way there can be someone better than me without cheating.

>> No.9216350


Nah I'm good, I only like playing games for short stints until they wipe. If there's no wipe, there's no need for me to play.

If you don't want to play it, just hand it off to someone who's too far behind or just starting, as I think you've already got a main account?

>> No.9216352


Don't worry, I'll be putting it to good use. It's actually much better than what was my main, so I'll be using this now instead.

>> No.9216355


Start with Kyoichi

>> No.9216493

That's the point of the game, you idiot.

At least they're better than Wolkenritter who are just abusing mission requests.

>> No.9216512

Gifag here, I'm not too far away from the Go intruders. 2 hour march, give or take.

My base is pretty close to all-around level 10's, but I'm quite short on manpower. Level 3 Teiiku probably won't cut it alone, and she's the only warlord I have at the moment (first three rolls were sucky).

Should I still try to stop them? I've never attacked another base before, though. Eh, I guess I should still try while their bases are still new.

>> No.9216525


You're guaranteed to lose and I'm not sure if winning defensive battles grants experience, so there's a chance you'd only be helping them.

>> No.9216532

It's pretty much an exercise in futility to attack a base unless you have a base of your own right nearby.

>> No.9216546


That's not true. The only requirement is to have a force large enough, you can march them wherever you please.

>> No.9216554

I made attacking Wolkenritter a mission so you have something to gain now

>> No.9216561


You need a base within 10 or so spaces of the target to accept missions for it.

>> No.9216566

Plan B, then. I'll reclaim the territory they took and try cutting them off from their main base. That path they drilled seems to have left them pretty open from behind...

Though, they're expanding quite a lot of territory to the east of their bases too. Damn.

>> No.9216580

...is this shit free?

>> No.9216588

No, but it's pretty cheap. Only $14.99 for a beta key.

>> No.9216596

even $1 is too much for me. I'll pass...

>> No.9216602


He's lying and it's free, but you're probably too late to the party to get going now

>> No.9216626

Thanks for the free xp, dude.

>> No.9216668

Sure is lonely in Shoku these days.

>> No.9216898

Dammit. They're expanding too fast.

Someone closer has to handle it until I can get more manpower...

>> No.9216909

I'm not that far from them, but I don't have enough engineers. If someone attacks with engies, I'd attack them.

Witches' Tea Party seems to be right near them, but they already have 3 bases up.

>> No.9216957

Hey guys, what are we going to do about Worcestershitsen?
Get those filthy red tiles away!

>> No.9216971


Nothing. The requirements for taking a base in this game are so ridiculous that they could play it nonstop for a year and only take a handful of them. Just ignore them.

>> No.9216973


You're an idiot.

>> No.9216977

Shut up, Wolkenritter scum.

>> No.9216981

It's time to live Gi for Go.

>> No.9217021

But it's truth.

Just exploit EXP capture some of their tiles and put some bases around.

>> No.9217133

This man tells the truth, unfortunately. I've only ever heard of one city being captured from the last beta, and it was from the combined efforts of a whole guild and sheer autism to take it out. Just one.

Let's just take a shit in Go territory by capturing and putting up bases in the form of the word "Shit". Us GI certainly have the following for such a feat. Can't say the same for certain lesser races.

>> No.9217165

Theoretically, couldn't you surround something with enough bases just to be a dick?

Like, I wonder if people in the back line can make enough bases to surround the royal castle or something.

>> No.9217172

You could if someone's stupid enough to put a base where there's no resource tiles around it.

>> No.9217447
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I for one support the efforts of our Go friends against the common enemy, the Gi scum. I hope the war between them is going to be long and exhausting, because I'm so slow at chipping away Go lands while they don't look.

>> No.9217455
File: 39 KB, 650x600, I am so fucking mad right now I want to rip off your face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave go clay alone
remove shoku plague from the premises

>> No.9217486

We are helping you by bothering Gi on others sides.

>> No.9217537

That would have been hot but too bad she's ugly brown.

>> No.9217591
File: 151 KB, 263x463, Everyone's little sister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last!

>> No.9217618

Why is no one pick go when she is a sexy hot brown women?

>> No.9217657

Is there some special way for getting equipment for warlords?

>> No.9217662


1. Farm mini-castles
2. Get your market to level 10 and buy them

>> No.9217670

Well, Seacats has some room now.

>> No.9217677


This is why you're the greatest leader.

>> No.9217708

I'm not leading, I'm barely even playing.

>> No.9217727

Where's the achievements page again?. I can't find it.

>> No.9217743

Warlord's Mansion under Records.

>> No.9217784

-"Period" is now "returning".
-Clan leaders can now see applicants.

Yep, that's it. At least they could've optimized the whole tile conquering and tile sharing business, because it takes way too many clicks.

>> No.9217855

mami's tea party @504k.jpg (I don't remember where I put the image)
Winning defensive battles give exp to the defender depending on the number of troops sent to attack. That guy that attacked the tea party during the sneak peak got me 2.5k exp per attack (so 5k exp total)

>> No.9217934
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>> No.9218052

Oh right the highest I got was 300k but there was some guy who threatened to attack with 504k but failed to realize that I had -40% attack debuffs.

>> No.9218156


How do you even get defence that high?

>threatened to attack with 504k

Or attack that high?

>> No.9218216

I had about 21 warlords at Mami's Tea Party with their affiliated units (rank 1).
The other guy probably had maxed out Rank 2 Spearmen and a lv20 command center.

>> No.9218731

Is anyone still playing this? Feels like people are just dropping out left and right.

>> No.9218737

I stopped because I don't know if they are wiping or not.

>> No.9218780

Command Centers increase attack?

>> No.9218784

Increases the number of warlords that you can move together. At level 20 it would be 5.

>> No.9218786

I'll at least be playing until they do the beta rewards and we find out if cards cost crystals or $$$.

Shoku does feel pretty empty this time though. No thanks to all the traitorous scum who jumped to Gi.

>> No.9218787

>>9218780 here
Nevermind. When you said he had a lv20 CC that means he attacked with 4 warlords.

>> No.9218862


Maybe. There's spots open in almost all the clans.

>> No.9218983

I'll at least play this last beta to the end. See you guys in the next FotM MMO afterwards.

>> No.9219080

An application for DFC came in the with name of McAids. The question is, is he a /jp/er? If you are here, please respond to this message before I can accept you.

>> No.9219090


I hope not with a name like that.

>> No.9219098

I'm here.

>> No.9219110

Prove it.

>> No.9219113

I'll take the sage as a sign of irony and reject this guy. I had my doubts with that name of his to begin with...

>> No.9219141

Are you treating your Koihimes well, /jp/?

>> No.9219211

Worcestershitsen scum!

>> No.9219264

I treat them with gifts every so (not) often, but as you can tell, they don't come up too much. Goddamn useless high level equips.

>> No.9219299
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>> No.9219450
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Only Kousonsan. The rest are unwanted stepchildren I will feed to Sei if they ever open the Koihime shop.

>> No.9219915

Why is it that, in the aftermath of a battle, a single surviving soldier can scare an entire army into full-blown retreat?

Fucking Ancient Chinese supersoldiers.

>> No.9221048
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>Smexy Flan (recruiting)
That's not a very dedicated clan. Still only 1 member and I have my application pending for more than a day.
Is there a /jp/ Shoku clan that needs my services?

>> No.9222064

Gi scum mad because you are getting buttraped?

>> No.9222205

i think i done goofing now, how in the fuck i get my warlord and troops back from the factions main castle? i sended them there to do a mission and now i don't seem to get them return back to my base

>> No.9222212

Uhh-oh, I have bad news for you.

>> No.9222325

Change faction.

>> No.9222570
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Apparently you get some kind of "special prize" if you vote on their 3D Koihime thing.
I'm not sure if it's worth the potential loss of eyesight though.

>> No.9222577


Got a link?

>> No.9222606
File: 56 KB, 610x678, snapshot20110628224402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To vote, you will need an OnRPG account, you can sign up for one here: http://www.onrpg.com/boards/register.php

>Once you have your account, you can vote for your favorite Battle Maiden here: http://www.onrpg.com/MMO/Web-Koihime-Musou/news/Web-Koihime-Musou-Cosplay-Contest-Final-Reveal

I haven't voted yet because I'm trying to ignore the whole thing. But it doesn't look like they're going to let me do that.

>> No.9222631

>cast your vote to win a Warlord Card for Web Koihime Musou

It could be useful, maybe.

>> No.9222675

I've been wondering this too. My autism is being wasted alone.

I guess I could make one if no one else wants to, but I'm not very good with names.

>> No.9222702

Mini-castle destroyed 80% of my troops.
Had 3k attack but not enought for 3.6k defense.

>> No.9222729 [SPOILER] 
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Delicious brown.

>> No.9222732

Alright, when do I get my fucking card. I better get one, goddamnit.

>> No.9222740

They said they were going to give you a keycode. Beats me how you use that, but whatever. Do tel if you manage to figure it out.

>> No.9222745

I've voted

I feels like I've been raped

Hold me /jp/

>> No.9222746 [DELETED] 

Yes i am

>> No.9222750

The Sousou isn't bad, at least.

>> No.9222788

Let's see if you pass the exam.

>> No.9222796

Hold this

*grabs dick*

>> No.9222831
File: 55 KB, 451x480, so mad I ripped out my eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Her costume is a little plain so I’m definitely going to be doing a lot of texture and little touches"

3D pig thinks she has better fashion sense than my waifu. I'm not even mad.

>> No.9222843

No she means, your waifu is too beautiful for those plain clothing, so she'll make them even better.

>> No.9222848

>Cast your votes for your favorites and comment below telling us who you are rooting for and I'll PM you codes to snag a free Warlord card in for Web Koihime Musou (now in open beta testing!)

I-I think we actually have to post there.

This isn't what I signed up for.

>> No.9222860


Fucking normals. They're probably basic warlord cards too, not worth tainting yourself over.

>> No.9222885

That's it. I'm out.

>> No.9223040

Dammit Mami's Tea Party, I was going to make my new base there.

>> No.9223308
File: 182 KB, 1053x724, 3baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to enjoy the game.

>> No.9223331


That's one hell of a team.

>> No.9223355

3 infantry and 2 horse generals. Good thing I was teching to spearman like mad.

>> No.9223372

all three bakas?

>> No.9223377

Is there some trick to get non-shitty Koihimes?

I've done warlord invitations 4 time now. 2 of them were Gengar and I don't even know who the other 2 are.

>> No.9223388

4 accounts and their remaining gold can do the trick.

>> No.9223384

I gave in and voted in that awful cosplay event. I'm sorry, /jp/, I really am.

>> No.9223392


It's entirely luck. I got two duplicates that went to waste. People have even been getting duplicates during the tutorial, stopping you from completing it.

>> No.9223396

You're not alone, I voted too. I feel so dirty.

>> No.9223403

You can give gold to other players?

>> No.9223411


Not give, but you can trade it through a level 10 market.

>> No.9223423

Abuse item trading. Takes time to build up though.

>> No.9223429


Wonder how long it'll be until they send out the codes. Or even where we use them.

>> No.9223511

Hopefully soon so I can stop refreshing and put this behind me.

>> No.9223531

You really are a baka. MayQueen Nyan2, such a baka base name!

>> No.9223553


Glad I'm not the only one that went looking.

>> No.9223601

Yeh he forgot to hide one thing, so it was actually extremely easy to find him.

>> No.9223657
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Mah generals gave away my identity. Probably.

>> No.9223869

It's the achievement and your faction

>> No.9224105

Achievement and main general is all you needed to find him.

>> No.9224120
File: 122 KB, 800x600, koihime1e4792e87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>all three bakas


Also you should get a bonus or something for deploying related koihimes. Might be cool.

>> No.9224278
File: 73 KB, 476x431, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is no one trying on Gi anymore.

>> No.9224297

To be honest, I'm just so tired of how many clicks and page reloading you have to go through to do everything.

>> No.9224317

This game sure is getting old fast, I wonder how the Japanese dev handling their server.

>> No.9224400

At least the last beta had the facebook event to keep things from getting too stale.

We can't even get new Koihimes this time and are stuck with whatever random ones we were given.

>> No.9224439

Gi is getting buttowned by Go right now. Useless piece of shit aren't doing crap to block the Go circlejerk from taking lands so now I'm fucked over.

>> No.9224442


A lot of people, myself included, quit because of how much they fucked up that event. They're apparently adding things soon along with handing out past beta's rewards.

>> No.9224453


How are you fucked over? Just keep taking the land back for free achievement and exp.

It's a pain trying to organize things in this, especially with the normals.

>> No.9224461

I think it's all right. My resources take like 6 hours to upgrade now, so I just check it whenever.

Be sure to play some PSO2 and/or Divina with /jp/ while playing this. Both are very nice free games.

>> No.9224586

I can't, I lost my units trying last time.

>> No.9224902
File: 109 KB, 667x731, mumiapartments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took that spot in the sneak peak beta, what makes you think I won't take it again?

>> No.9224916


It looks like so much fun. Too bad I'm on Gi.

>> No.9225178

Well yeah it was pretty crappy, but at least it was _something_.

I'm not finding it much fun this time because there's no way for me to get my favorite Koihimes.

>> No.9225196

If my second base gets destroyed I lose it, but if my main base gets destroyed I get converted to the side that beat me, right? Or do I need to lose all of my bases before I get converted?

>> No.9225499

I haven't even heard of anyone losing their base yet.

>> No.9225525 [DELETED] 

all of Zunbar's base are belong to us xD

>> No.9225531 [DELETED] 


Please leave.

>> No.9225556 [DELETED] 

Qutiet b!tch. I'm trying to fug you're mom

>> No.9225561 [DELETED] 


Please leave.

>> No.9225602

>All of the betakey had benn sent

>> No.9225964

How did you do that?

>> No.9226004

There's too many pubs in Puella Magi, I think there are only 3 /jp/sies in there.

>> No.9226088


The worst kind of pubs too, can't type something without adding XD

>> No.9226299

Have Wolkenritter quit? Pubs are higher than them in the rankings at this point.

>> No.9226431

They haven't quit, but they might be getting burnt out. Same for most of /jp/, actually.
A lot of the former /jp/ clans and players have let their ranking drop.

>> No.9226459

Yeah, I blitzed my ranking two days ago from 3 to 10k. After I finally got a spot at the top 50, I realized "who the fuck cares?" and decided I'd just take it easy and build forces and invade mini castles every so often instead. At least DFC's ranking went up with it, I guess.

>> No.9226570

I was pretty determined to get into the top 15 at some point. Then I managed to get to 14 and simply stopped caring at that point.

>> No.9226574

I'm still burned out from trying to stay in the top 10 during the sneak peek.

>> No.9226590

The same feeling as back in the Beta, when a few Gi players I know and I went and worked overtime to get the faction to Top 1, and when we got there we we basically just stopped caring. I quit that week.

>> No.9226636


The territory system is awful. It's nothing more than a dick-waving contest, where so much work is put in just to get your name / clan name to the top of some list, yet this is the main mechanic of the game.

>> No.9226704

It doesn't take that much work. I've just been taking random territory while I do other stuff and somehow managed to get in the top 10.

>> No.9226757

We're annoyed by the lack of information from beanfun, they didn't even state whether this is OBT / CBT , or even the duration. Lot of system is also not implemented yet.

We're considering dropping the game if this turn out to be the full version / OBT.

>> No.9226816

>We're annoyed by the lack of information from beanfun, they didn't even state whether this is OBT / CBT

It's not really their fault you don't know the difference between open and closed beta. The fact that it's open to everyone means it can't be closed beta.

I agree they've been pretty crappy with everything else though, yeah.

Whatever happened to those prizes we were supposed to get from the first beta?
I went full autism the last few days grinding out the rest of the achievements and have nothing to show for it.

>> No.9226848

beanfun's still arranging how to claim those prizes.

>> No.9226851

They already forgot about it over the cosplay voting award.

>> No.9226861
File: 125 KB, 800x600, ECG_ENS01A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said that they're gonna send out the prizes sometime this week.


>> No.9226870
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>> No.9226881

go back to PSO2

>> No.9226883

That's the problem. This should have been done before it started. By the time they get them out nobody is going to care.

And they didn't even get that right. I spent a good 45 minutes of spaghetti storming to make a post on their forum and still haven't gotten my code.

>> No.9226895

Stopped giving a shit at that point.

>> No.9226984

>It's not really their fault you don't know the difference between open and closed beta. The fact that it's open to everyone means it can't be closed beta.

I beg to differ, there are game in closed beta phase that's open to everyone

>> No.9227207

So uh, web browser game that's like Travia but with moe? Sounds cool

>> No.9227335

I can't exactly call this a closed beta since I saw an ad somewhere, advertizing the game. It's likely in OBT since they're actively trying to attract the public instead of just leaving it there, discretely allowing players to play if they want to.

Just saying, though, if they're planning to directly connect the game as it is to main launch, I'm afraid this is the last time I'm playing this. It just doesn't cut the standard.

>> No.9227507

What? No. That would go against the very definition of "closed" and "open" betas:
>Developers release either a closed beta or an open beta; closed beta versions are released to a restricted group of individuals for a user test by invitation, while open beta testers are from a larger group, or anyone interested.

>> No.9227520

Which is why I beg to differ in the first place. There are games that do that so the meaning is kinda lost nowadays, so developer really should state it clearly

>> No.9227573
File: 272 KB, 1116x446, screen9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fucking finally. Just a bit more...

>> No.9227580

How do you even get that much wood?

>> No.9227590

It's not that hard, since the scaling goes nuts over Lv. 10. But I did focus on wood only, so I've got a Lv. 14 forest, 10 clay, 8 iron and 5 farm. Oh, I also shared 104 different resource lands (only resource lands, mind you - I never annex vacants) fueled by the blitz two days ago.

>> No.9227595

Oh, and can somebody please repost that unit list? I want to find out what level engineer barracks I need for the one I'm aiming for.

>> No.9227599


>> No.9227614

Much appreciated. Oh, looks like the next level's going to be the one I want.
>inb4 120,000 wood, 200,000 clay, 200,000 iron and 20,000 food

>> No.9227648

Why doesn't the clan rankings on the front page actually show clans?

>> No.9227672

Because beanfun is incompetent

>> No.9228176

Have they announced whether they'll ultimately wipe?

>> No.9228423

They probably will. Good thing for you Gi scums, because you are losing more and more.

>> No.9228450
File: 36 KB, 259x198, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit living in the past, shoku shithead, your little run in the 2nd spot is now over.

>> No.9228461

Hah! Good observation there. You see, when you're on the top like us, there's really nowhere else to go but down.

Maybe you'll experience it once. Then again, let's not fool ourselves.

>> No.9228801

Gi are as useless shits as Shoku, I'll go to Go next beta. Maybe people there won't be retarded and stop farming castles instead of protecting their land...

>> No.9228836

I'm just taking it easy until they do the beta prizes/open the Koihime shop. No sense trying to play seriously when you only have one Koihime.

>> No.9228845

You know that farming castles gives more resources per hour, and more experience than land fights? also more exp = more lvls = bigger army.

>> No.9228862

Not so much when you lose all your lands to Go around you.

>> No.9228886

Do you wait for a while for the castle to have better units or do you just wreck every non-broken castle that you see?
Looks like the lower the number of warlords in the mini-castle, the lower the rewards...

>> No.9228951

I'm not playing anymore, after upgrading everything and making a level 10 army I got bored, having to refresh the page every time to capture a tile is frustrating, I can't deal with that.

>> No.9228997

You aren't autistic enough.

>> No.9229143

>the lower the rewards...
Only the gold. Items seem totally random and I always get the maximum possible resources
But good luck waiting while the other 20 guys around you relentlessly want to rape mini-castles..

>> No.9229174

>the other 20 guys around you relentlessly want to rape mini-castles

How lewd.

>> No.9229534

I like how I'm in the top clans even though I'm not even in one.

>> No.9229685

It's been over a day and nothing. I think they tricked us just so we'd vote in their stupid cosplay crap..

>> No.9230831

Ehhhhh. I shouldn't have been shoku.

It's lonely as hell here.
Puella Magi! Open up a spot already jeez!

>> No.9230925


Switch to Gi, plenty of people over here. Only takes 24 hours too.

>> No.9231153

I went ahead and made another clan since we're in desperate need of one. Feel free to send an application.

Any other Shoku friends are welcome too. Just leave a message or something so I know you're not a normal.

Clan name is Shikata ga nai

I really should have earlier, but it's way too late now.

>> No.9231224

I doubt he switched to it. Why would you waste your time with Gi scums?

>> No.9231329

Shoku feels so empty this time.
All our old clans switched to Gi, except for Puella Magi. And the only other one we have has been dead for days.

We don't even have the rivalry we had during the last beta because too many people are in Gi now.
If there's nothing left in Shoku, might as well go to where the rest of /jp/ is. Even if it means becoming traitorous scum.

>> No.9231569

DonPatch joining in

>> No.9231876
File: 407 KB, 1133x508, thatslooooooong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? Highest level fire archers only took me four hours, goddamnit.

>> No.9231884

The turret carts take forever to make too.

Though I ended up with about 150 at the end of the sneak peek that I never got to use.

>> No.9231897

That's awful. That'll only fill up one of my warlords. I was hoping I'd get at least three full so I can take down a player base...

>> No.9231901

That would be a bit overkill.

>> No.9231908


Not if his target had built up their wall.

>> No.9231909

Three? No, that won't be enough. Way not enough. I'll probably still need to go back and forth a dozen times...

>> No.9231915
File: 73 KB, 864x480, sion63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>And they didn't even get that right. I spent a good 45 minutes of spaghetti storming to make a post on their forum and still haven't gotten my code.

Is spaghetti storming like brainstorming?

Also I don't what to do with my second base. I'm on the GI frontline. I could either go north and kill some reds and build 5 squares away from Mami's Tea Party, or I could go West and violate some newbie green bases.

>> No.9231923

My upgraded walls were taken down faster than I could repair last time and the guy didn't even have any engineer type units.

He was right beside me though so he didn't have to wait long in between attacks.

>> No.9231933

>I could go West and violate some newbie green bases.

Do this. Go aren't an issue outside of that one clan.

>> No.9231940

I do wonder if there's a way to remove your own base. I'd hate to use up one base slot for the sole reason of removing another player's.

>> No.9231987

Of course you can delete a secondary base.
Castle > Operations > Delete Base
(On a main base, Transfer replaces Delete Base.)

>> No.9232060

Oh, I never knew. Thanks a lot for this info. I have some dozen thousand points for one more slot, but I'll be worth it, I think.

>> No.9232077

If I were you, I'd build my second base right beside my first one, so I can double unit production. Seriously, these training times for actually useful units are criminal.

The third base will be the one I use for raping. Every next consecutive base will go to production, of course. You only need one forward base after all, since it's packable.

>> No.9232116

Did anyone try attacking the Imperial Castle last beta? I wonder how strong it is.

>> No.9232125

If you sent your warlords there, they never came back.
That's how strong it is.

>> No.9232139

They got my poor Gien in the last beta.

I will never forget you. ;_;

>> No.9232170

Shuutai never returned from her attack on the Go homeland.

>> No.9232188

Did they go to Gensokyo?

>> No.9232539

So, it'd take around 10 hours to get a level 10 wall, the resource requirements are really light too, the highest being 2,651 of each resource.

How the hell are people ever expected to get through that? 5,000 endurance and a 21% defence bonus, even if that got taken down it'd only go down a level to 4,500 endurance, which could then be rebuilt and fully healed in 2 hours. What the fuck?

It'd take just over 4 days to get to the max of level 20, with 10,000 endurance and 45% bonus, again with light resource requirements.

For reference, attacking with 150 turret carts, the 3rd upgrade of the engineer, would deal 330 damage to the wall, excluding offensive bonuses you'd get and the much higher defensive bonuses they'd get.

>> No.9233295
File: 117 KB, 800x600, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it makes no sense. And I'm still not sure if anyone has managed to take down a player base yet.

Maybe if you have multiple bases with level 20 wood, then maybe you could pump out units fast enough. But I still don't get it really.

>> No.9233334

I recall Saku conquering a base and converting the player in the sneak peek.

>> No.9235006 [DELETED] 

I just sold some items. How long before I receive the coins?

>> No.9235016 [DELETED] 

If someone bought them you should get the coins instantly.

>> No.9236667

goddammit, i must be a huge faggot since i can't take on a single mini-castle and they just kick my troops nuts everytime
poor Riten

>> No.9237361

If I upgrade weapons/armor in one base, do they also apply on units on another base?

>> No.9237364


>> No.9237478

Beanfun has abandoned us.

They don't respond on their forums.
They stopped responding on their Facebook.
They lied about the sneak peek prizes.
They lied about the shitty cosplay prize.

Fuck this shit. I'm out.

>> No.9237516
File: 368 KB, 1109x1600, 0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I heard a group of crazy otaku attacked the Beanfun offices.

>> No.9237555

No, but it applies to all units inside that base, including units not made from that base.

In short, designate a base as the "launch pad", and only upgrade units there. Everywhere else, build units and sent them to that base.

>> No.9237609

>To wipe or not to wipe, that is the question! At this time we are giving you the final say with this poll. We will allow you to vote until June 27, 2012, at 7:00 PM PDT / 2:00 UTC in regards to whether you would like us to wipe. If the option to wipe has the majority vote, we will wipe the servers on Friday, June 29, 2012; you will be able to start your new game at that time as well. Vote now!

It's official, beanfun are fucking retarded.

>> No.9237616



>> No.9237626

WTF they're planning the wipe in 3 days? Son of a bitch. GO, HERE I FUCKING COME GODDAMNIT.

>> No.9237656

I suppose if they're going to wipe this soon it's better they wait to give out the autism rewards.

Still, this was very sloppy of them.

>> No.9237661


"Don't wipe" is currently pretty far in the lead and by the sounds of it most people didn't want a wipe before the poll came up.

There's also a post at the bottom of http://us.forums.beanfun.com/index.php?/topic/12982-this-cbt-is-worse-than-previous-sneak-peek/page_
_st__20 apologizing for a bunch of things.

>> No.9237693

At this point it would probably be in their best interests to wipe. Considering how many people they put off in this run with their incompetence.

Doesn't look like that's going to happen though and most of the interest died off because of it.

>> No.9237701


Exactly. No matter what happens a large chunk of people are going to quit and those that have already won't be coming back.

>> No.9237702

There are 35 votes against wiping, and 18 for.

>> No.9237711


My, this game sure is popular.

>> No.9237717

Hmm... I'm unsure whether or not I want I wipe... On one hand, I've got a pretty good setup going; on the other hand... I made irreplaceable mistakes again this time around. (I'm sorry for sacrificing you for training, the-one-whom-I-forgot-the-name-of!)

>> No.9238683

Think I'm done for this game /jp/, with no free Koihimes it would take me forever to get Chooun. Sorry, Puella Magi.

>> No.9238748

Me too. Sorry, Seacats.

>> No.9238778

Welp, everyone's obviously over with this game. Time to pack up, then.

>> No.9238793

It's finally getting good in the frontline, so I'm just gonna wait and see what happens.

>> No.9239122

Don't forget to vote to reset the game if you're quitting, the least we could do is upset a few normals before we go.

>> No.9239772

Just say "To help out the guys who are willing to wait some more.".

>> No.9241673

Wipe is at 100 wipe, 120 not wipe, now.

>> No.9242513

I might as well mention this, but you guys realize that this is the first of many "games", right?

The game ends when either two Kingdoms fall or 6 months pass. If time runs out, the Kingdom with the most progress is declared the winner, and we all start anew, but with some data carried over (most likely not related to any bases we've made).

You can also DELETE YOUR GAME DATA (requires 3 days) to reroll the mansion picks if you were dealt a bad hand. Sneak Peek beta prizes will be given out on Friday anyway.

Wipes don't get bugs fixed; that's the purpose of reporting them in the forums (and contacting the staff).

>> No.9242778
File: 859 KB, 800x600, e_minmei_006a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I check this thing again and my second base is completely surrounded by green tiles. And I'm on the blue team.

Uh oh.

>> No.9242833 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 744x1053, 7363833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you Shoku already?
Didn't I raid your ass enough times already?
How can your castle still stand?
What's wrong with this game?

>> No.9242888

Is this game easy for someone who has never played a strategy game?

>> No.9243387

OH, I should vote now. Maybe wipe can still make he cut. Where do I do this?

>> No.9243407

