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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 939 KB, 1024x576, Urban Ultimatum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
921129 No.921129 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening /jp/,

What is the best Japanese game ever made? Like a game that shows America that it needs to haul its fat ass away from what used to be a form of art. A game that none other can surpass. A game to end all games. Pic possibly related?

/v/ called me a weeaboo and told me to ask here ;_;

>> No.921135


>> No.921136

Doesn't exist.

>> No.921137

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.921138

Western games are better than Japanese games.

>> No.921139


>> No.921140

Do you even have to ask?
Final Fantasy VII

>> No.921141

The worst game from Japan still beats the best game from America.

Japanese are just so infinitely superior when it comes to art.

>> No.921143

fate/stay night and fate/hollow ataraxia

they are really good games

and gil is hawt

>> No.921145


>> No.921147

Final Fantasy 6.

Now return to /v/ with your answer.

>> No.921149
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>> No.921151
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Metal Gear Solid 4

>> No.921154
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>> No.921156

Your on a weaboo site and on a weaboo board calling people weaboos?

>> No.921158


Ha ha, oh fucking wow. Fallout 2 vs. FF12. (One of Japan's "better" games, apparently. No fucking contest. There's plenty of shit on both sides, but don't act like Japan is some kind of master race when it comes to the vidya.

>> No.921160

Rock, paper, scissors.

>> No.921162




>> No.921174
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Now posting images with said best Japanese game

>> No.921168

Even FF12 isn't the best of its genre. SMT3 is a much better game.

>> No.921171

>one of Japan's better games


>> No.921173

legend of lufia rise of the sinistralz

>> No.921176

Monster Hunter is only good for its porn

>> No.921180

I love how /jp/ tries to act all elitist by trying to hate anything that's Japanese when actuality it's the most weeaboo board on 4chan.

FFS the board is dedicated to Japan. It's like you're all in denial.

It's cute and sad at the same time :(

>> No.921183
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Now posting images with said best Japanese game

>> No.921181

Team Fortress 2 is of higher quality and has more replay value than 90% of the doujin games so popular on this board.

>> No.921184

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

>> No.921185
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>> No.921189

MGS 4 is barely a game. It's really a series of nonsensical cutscenes. It's not good.

The fact is, foreigner pig disgustings do great games, too.

>> No.921191

Chrono Trigger

>> No.921194


Set a standard for its genre, just like RE4.


>> No.921198



>> No.921199

Darkstalkers, most underrated game ever.

>> No.921202


Final Fantasy 6 > Fallout 2 > UT Classic >>>> TF2

>> No.921204

Fuck, I second.

>> No.921207

Persona 3

>> No.921208

Nice troll

>> No.921209


>Final Fantasy 4> Fallout 2 > UT Classic >>>> TF2

Fix'd for truthiness. Japan loved FF4 almost as much as Dragonquest.

>> No.921211

They are called "tsundere".

>> No.921218
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Silver Surfer beats that bullethell anime fanwankery in terms of difficulty. Western games also include not only US, but the UK and Europe as well, which the UK seems to mimic Japan's style in terms of game design, minus the anime.

>> No.921219

Kirby Super Star

>> No.921220


Seconded. And the MGS series in general.

As far as classic franchises go, Zelda and Mario, especially since Mario is one of the gold standards of classical games.

That being said, I would't count out Western games. Let's not forget that the video game was invented in the US after all. I'd say Starcraft and other Blizzard classics do deserve their praise.

>> No.921221

>Fallout 2 > Final Fantasy 6 > TF2 >>>> UT Classic

Fixed that for you.

>> No.921223
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>> No.921224






>> No.921228


Oh yeah. The original FFT was a great story. Not many game creators try that kind of political story, much less in a medieval fantasy setting.

>> No.921229

TF2 sucks why the hell is it so popular? I'd take any Battlefield game over it any day of the year.

>> No.921233
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>> No.921238


Final Fantasy Tactics?

I liked it better when it was called Tactics Ogre.

>> No.921242
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>> No.921245
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Tactics Ogre? I liked it better when it was called HALO.

>> No.921251


TF2's got character though. It's got that wacky art style that seems all its own imo.

>> No.921255


I haven't played it though, I'll admit.

>> No.921260

Secret of Mana > Secret of Evermore

Metal Gear Solid > Syphon Filter

Guilty Gear > Heavy Gear

I could go on. Americans created videogames, but the Japanese perfected it.

>> No.921261

Halo? I liked it better when it was called Duck Hunters.

>> No.921264


but...but...secret of evermore is a jap game

>> No.921266

lol opinions

>> No.921267

TF2 is one of the most fun FPS' out there.

And Bioshock has a better story than MGS4

>> No.921268

Xenogears. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

>> No.921273

Xenogears is like Eva but without the awesome and double the religious overtones.

>> No.921276

>Guilty Gear>Heavy Gear

Are you serious? That comparison doesn't even make sense because of the genre differences.

Also, Heavy Gear's published by Canada. Just nitpicking.

>> No.921275
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Stories in my FPS?!

I liked Bioshock when it was called System Shock 1 and 2.



>> No.921280

Bioshock had a much better story than System Shock...

>> No.921282

Guilty Gear? I like him better when it was called Darkstalkers.

Well, actually I love both games.

>> No.921286

When was the last time japan made an actual 'game' though? Most of the stuff coming out of their are hardly eligible to be called interactive.

>> No.921287



NEWFAG FPS vidya gamer alart.

>> No.921290

This person is lying.

>> No.921294


Doesn't that kind of go without saying though considering Bioshock's the "spiritual successor" to System?

>> No.921295

I've played both of them.

>> No.921298
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>> No.921297


So are you saying something like Oblivion 4 is more interactive? Stop shitting out your mouth, Anon.

>> No.921300

I like both.

I like the freedom of being able to tell people to fuck off with their sidequests in the average western RPG.

I like the DEEP LIKE EVA storylines of eleven rpgs.

I like having nothing but a gun an reticule. I like clunky eleven shooters. I like playing RTSes, and I like playing VNs.

I like both.

>> No.921302

Naruto Ultimate Fighter

>> No.921306
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Pic very related.

>> No.921303

You're misusing the word IDORT and you're wrong about your second statement.

>> No.921312


MGS4? Came out just a few weeks ago here in the States.

in b4 cutscenes. Yeah, I know they're long and convoluted, as is MGS tradition, but the stealth/shooter mechanics are there, and you can't deny them with a straight face.

>> No.921313


>> No.921315

I agree, but this thread is about irrationality and anger, not having good opinions.

>> No.921318

Just being the spiritual successor doesn't mean Bioshock is better.
not saying it isn't, though

>> No.921319


Goddamn it. ALL of 4chan's like that.

Makes me wonder.

>> No.921322

Holy fuck /jp/ sucks.

>> No.921324

There's really nothing to wonder about.

>> No.921326

Me too.

>> No.921329


Well, I was just thinking in terms of experience gained from the System Shock 1 & 2, idea fermentation, etc.

>> No.921334


Good point.

>> No.921338


>> No.921343

Of course I'm not. This thread is too silly to begin with.

American and Japanese games are just so different these days that I don't even bother to compare them. They're completely different in artwork, presentation, gameplay, and even styles of music composition.

I enjoy videogames, so I can appreciate their differences, and even the genre specific ones. For example, Americans can't do console RPGs and fighting games, and the Japanese can't do FPS or RTS games.

>> No.921344


Heh. The one game that could make a guy look gar for beating it.

>> No.921347

You're forgetting Devil May Cry

>> No.921350
File: 140 KB, 362x1121, 1214802477061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh the memories where a little fly stops you from dodging the gravios lazer

>> No.921352


That's wisdom there, man. Thanks.

Heh, I really should have thought that to begin with.

>> No.921358


Hm. Is DMC as notoriously hard as Gaiden though?

Really, I have no idea. I've only played (and likely sucked at) a demo of Gaiden.

>> No.921362

DMC1 and DMC3 are hard. I haven't played 4 yet and 2 sucks.

>> No.921372

DMC is fucking awesome, that's all you need to know.

>> No.921377


lol, sure, I'll go with that.

>> No.921381

4 isn't as hard as 3 but it has some of the best gameplay and graphics of any action game at the moment.

>> No.921387
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I disagree

>> No.921389
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christ, I hope Persona 4 doesn't suck.

I already have the jap limited edition of it preordered.

>> No.921391

Lufia 2

>> No.921400

From what's been released, it already seems better than 3. No more fucking tartarus and I like murder mysteries.

>> No.921415

I wouldn't worry. The Persona series is always consistently good.

P1 was good, P2 was great, and P3 was great.

>> No.921436
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>> No.921438

Majora's Mask was better than OoT

>> No.921452


Gameplay wise, I could agree since MM was more complex. On the technical side, it also required the Expansion Pack unlike OoT (for what it was worth)

But..MM just lacked that epic good vs. evil feel that OoT gave from fighting a a giant green bipedal pig duel wielding swords the size of pillars at the end. Oh, and Ganondorf.

>> No.921455

Was it really? I missed out on it. I'm not sure why, but even though OoT was my favorite game when I was younger I had never shown any interest in MM.

>> No.921456

I liked the story more though

>> No.921457

Play it on an emulator. Even if you don't think it's better, you won't regret it. It's an amazing game.

>> No.921460


Well, MM does lack Zelda pretty much.

I remember someone on a game review show calling it something like the "Groundhog's Day" of Zelda games.

>> No.921466

"Despite superficial similarities to Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask is often regarded as one of the darkest and most original titles in the Legend of Zelda series. Edge magazine referred to Majora's Mask as "the oddest, darkest and saddest of all Zelda games".[21] Reviews were generally favorable, although opinions are mixed regarding whether the game is as good as its predecessor.[citation needed] Some feel that Majora's Mask is significantly better than Ocarina of Time in certain areas. According to Famitsu, "The difficulty level of the game is drastically improved [from Ocarina of Time], the limited saves, and the time limit to finish the game all help to make the game more enjoyable to play".[22] IGN described Majora's Mask as "The Empire Strikes Back of Nintendo 64." "It's the same franchise, but it's more intelligent, darker, and tells a much better storyline".[7]"

>> No.921474


It needed two more dungeons.
Since it doesn't have that, I have to hold back and call LttP my favorite.

>> No.921477
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The "Groundhog's Day" kinda storyline does seem pretty popular for sequels in Japan though, especially in visual novels.

>> No.921484


>more intelligent

Huh? Ok, for once I think I'll go ahead and use the word DEEP for this.

This isn't like comparing a dime-store smut novel to Fitzgerald or Conrad.

It's true to an extent, but not THAT much.

>> No.921485

>lacked that epic good vs. evil
One of the reasons it's so good.

>> No.921487
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>> No.921491


Yeah, I can see that.

Man, it's been a long time since I last played it though.

>> No.921498

The skull kid was one bad dude, you have to admit. And if you got all the masks the last battle would be Evil vs Evil which is pretty awesome.

>> No.921499


Although still, OoT is great for bringing Zelda into 3D. IIRC, the long time fans really doubted it could be done.

>> No.921500


>> No.921511


Just like the Mario fans before and Metroid after


But then again, at the end of it all, he's still a kid. And there's the whole split personality/social anxiety thing with the other kids running around the tree on the moon. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just different, a very different flavor of plot and thematics.

And I just remembered that MM got pretty trippy sometimes. So by the by, anyone ever try playing said trippy parts while high or on a trip yourself? Rez is also welcome.

>> No.921521

Yeah, that's one of the things I love about MM and I agree, it's not for everybody.

>> No.921528

I liked MM better because of the characters. They had their own lives and schedules they adhered to and were more fleshed out than OoT's in general.

>> No.921531

I always finished Kafei's and Anju's quest right before beating the game.

>> No.921544

>Metal Gear Solid > Syphon Filter

Did you just compare the best japanese game of a genre to the worst western game of the same genre?

Holy fuck gtfo.

>> No.921552

By the way, thanks for the civil discussion guys.

>> No.921553

>I love how /jp/ tries to act all elitist by trying to hate anything that's Japanese when actuality it's the most weeaboo board on 4chan.
Faggot nerds hate themselves and have pitifully low self-esteem and all seriously want to die.

>> No.921566

Super Metroid

>> No.921568

I don't know if you're trolling or not, but I agree.

>> No.921572


Pokemon was the first franchise to try that, wasn't it?

Try it and become hugely successful. That ain't bad now is it, /jp/?

>> No.921585



ie making the card game and then the video game, I meant.

>> No.921588

The Megami Tensei games were the first to use the idea of ally monster to fight.
Nintendo just took the idea and made it for all ages.

>> No.921591


Oh ok. I stand corrected.

>> No.921601

In Megami Tensei you used demons, angels and all kind of mythological figures. And the 70% of the monsters insulted you and theated you like shit when trying to convince them to join you.
In pokemon...well...

>> No.921609

They bend over and smile politely after you have just beaten them like a housewife.

lol. Japan.

>> No.921611



>> No.921616

Super Mario World

>> No.921633

Agreed. I'm currently playing the GBA version.

>> No.921634

Weren't they also the first games where alignment determined the ending?

>> No.921642

Play VIP Mario if you like that game.


>> No.921659


Yeah the Megaten Games are something in itself. If you could not convince them, after a little beating they may ask you to stop in exchange for an item or them joining you nonetheless.


Yeah. Law, Neutral, or Chaos

I just hated the first person view. Nocturne made that all the better for me since you get to actually see your own demons attacking, also your lead character is a Half-demon himself. Body of a demon but thinks like a human.

>> No.921669

And most of the good Japanese games don't even come to the US. Isn't it sad?

>> No.921682

SaGa Series is awesome also since you actually fucking learn techs and evades in combat, and the bosses make you shit bricks!

It was a JRPG/WRPG Hybrid, the free exploration system of a WRPG, but the story of a JRPG.

Unlimited Saga (Blacksheep of the series) Actually was more like D&D in terms of crossing obsticles, evading traps, and opening chests.

>> No.921684



I'm sure there's games that Japan makes that are weird but good (though not a VN), although I'm inclined to think it's mostly VN's and less suspicious but still suspicious enough (for the US) games like Idolmaster.

>> No.921686

What the hell?!

>> No.921689

What he's saying is the truth. There's no market in America for half the games I would like to see translated.

>> No.921701



>> No.921706

watch some video

>> No.921723

EVER17. The only game that make you shit brix at the end.

For you purist who doesn't see VN as game, I would say super mario brother 3. The only game that I would play for hours when I was kid.

>> No.921755
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>> No.921787

What do I do with a .smc file?

>> No.921793

run it with a snes emulator i guess

>> No.921794


>What do I do with a .smc file?

oh god

>> No.921797


>> No.921800


Eat it.

>> No.921836

Final Fantasy VII was the best thing to come out of Japan.
Too bad that everything Valve Software has ever created beats it.

>> No.921860

>Final Fantasy VII was the best thing to come out of Japan.
This is a bad opinion.
>Too bad that everything Valve Software has ever created beats it.
This is a bad opinion.
I hope to god you're a troll.

>> No.921882
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1214812395891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face the truth.

german games >>>>>> japanese games > american games

pic related

>> No.921885

There are German MMOs?!

>> No.921893

Till number 3

>> No.921894



You Sir, are a gigantic faggot!

>> No.921898
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In b4 final destination, fox only, etc.

>> No.921903

which wasn't that bad either

>> No.921981

I can't decide, so Earthbound and Chrono Trigger. And thanks to >>921797, I'll be playing them tonight.

>> No.922599
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Pic very related.

>> No.922644


>> No.922650

Zelda: Ocarina of Time

>> No.922651
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>> No.922678
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Cave Story.

JRPGs are shit.

>> No.922691

By the way what is this?

>> No.922692


>> No.922696

yahtzee, is that you?

>> No.922710

which version? the one with the nazis and stuff was awesome. the other version was great, but not as awesome as t'other.

>> No.922731

I agree completely.

>> No.923041

This thread proves that /jp/ is awesome.

>> No.923082

It's a FUCKING linear VN with the pretext of paths to choose.
How the FUCK can you consider JUST A STORY as a game.
Read topic again and shut your fucking mouth, Sonytard.

Also, on topic: FF 4, 5 & 6 Remakes for DS.

>> No.923130

Holy shit, so much winrar.

>> No.923151

Enjoy your shitty 3D graphics.

>> No.923158

And I WILL, better than the GBA extras included.

>> No.923177


>> No.923192

Shut up tripfag it goes in all fields

>> No.923246

Wait, what.

>> No.923267


>> No.923275

It's funny how only the last few posts are troll shit. gb2/v/.

>> No.923492

Fire Emblem, for the GBA.


>> No.923599
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>> No.923644



>> No.923645



>> No.923818

There's Monster Hunter hentai?
Rule 34, etc., but still....
On a side note: Mushihimesama
