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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9154 No.9154 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ - Weeaboos

>> No.9158
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>> No.9175
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>> No.9201
File: 166 KB, 600x811, 1203518712069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9207
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>> No.9261
File: 173 KB, 500x708, 1203519017794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have at least picked something obscure or absurd, like Apollo 13.

>> No.9414
File: 91 KB, 350x350, 1203519675623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do it here instead.

>> No.9164

and enjoying it.

>> No.9169

who would have thunk it?

>> No.9176

I wonder what kind of terrible tripfags /jp/ will have. Hopefully none worse than anime_expert.

>> No.9177

That's the whole point. The rest of 4chan are closet weeaboos/wapanese in denial, while /jp/ simply mans the fuck up and embraces that shit.

>> No.9180

And so, japan_expert (lived in Japan 5923+ days) was born

>> No.9174

/a/ - Anime
/b/ - Random
/c/ - Cute

>> No.9182

If I lurk on /tv/ or /mu/ how am I a weeaboo?

>> No.9189

Looks like most of the tripfags from /a/ have joined in the exodus to /jp/

>> No.9191


By going to 4chan, which is a weeaboo version of 2chan

>> No.9196


>> No.9205

>I wonder what kind of terrible tripfags /jp/ will have
... someone who didn't migrate from /a/? Is such a thing possible?

>> No.9212


Who is this imposteur?

>> No.9210

Many of the trips from /a/ have defected to /jp/, plus a few from what I've gathered /v/, /mu/, and... forgot the last board.

>> No.9226


>> No.9230


Haha, oh wow. Tripfags of this type are the only ones I can tolerate.

>> No.9231

But I find Japanese music shitty, Japanese shows ridiculous, and Japanese cuisine to be lame.
Sure 4chan is based off a Japanese imageboard format, that doesn't mean everyone who visits busts a nut every time they talk to some one with slanty eyes.

>> No.9236

I don't think this of all boards is right for you, slick.

>> No.9248

sup guys

>> No.9252

If that were true, then you wouldn't be here.

But here we are.

>> No.9260

finally, reason.

i think it's far too much weeaboo crap.

seriously, while japanese culture is good and nice and we all like to watch animu, there is NO FUCKING NEED to greedily gulp down every piece of shit japan shits in our general direction, regardless if it's shitty animu/mango, shitty music or shitty vidya. the difference between lowlife subhuman weeaboo scum of the internets and anonymous is that he's a connaisseur - he has watched far too much anime, has read far too much manga, and knows far too much about japan to be blinded by it's superficial magnificence.

>> No.9262


I haven't been posting regularly on /a/ for a long time now. /jp/ is looking kinda fresh though.

>> No.9265

Stop, you're making me want to actually be a tripfag

>> No.9268

Well I'm just here to troll weeaboos.

>> No.9276

and still you browse /jp/.

>> No.9280


Am I the only one who gets raped by that particular card?

>> No.9286


>> No.9303

If you think like that, why don't you go to /a/ instead of /jp/?

>> No.9342

how about YOU go to animesuki or gaia?

you can take your funny nickname with you. you can have a nice account with a cool looking avatar and make a name for yourself.

>> No.9353

I hate weeaboos. I don't conisder myself a weeaboo, I'm actually Japanese for real, well almost. I will be when I live in Japan though. Right now I'm studying japanese, japanese history and I'm following Bushido, the way of the warrior. This is why I hate weeaboos that know 5 words in japanese and use them all the time, kawaai baka DESU NE MOTHERFUCKER. I'm actually trying to become Japanese for real unlike all these faker wees. FUCK YOU WEEABOOS

So my question is, how good are my chances of becoming Japanese for real?

>> No.9357

...what are you doing here?

>> No.9379

trying to rescue this board from becoming a weeaboo haven.

>> No.9408

I thought the point of it was so others wouldn't have to whine about it?

( ゚ 3゚) 'course, I expect you're just chasing so you CAN whine about it?

>> No.9411

This place is just /a/ without the newfags.

>> No.9400


It became a weeaboo haven when it was named /jp/. And we're all happy with that.

>> No.9419

Well, I mean, it's kinda meant to be a weeaboo haven. So rather than "rescuing" it, it's more like you're preventing it from realizing its destiny.

>> No.9424

>( ゚ 3゚)

>> No.9442


( ´∀`)

>> No.9446


>> No.9433

>I'm actually Japanese for real, well almost.


>> No.9450


>> No.9449

( ゚ 3゚)



(;゚ Д゚)

>> No.9471

Can't believe you're still awake.

>> No.9474


>> No.9465

crap like this isn't going to make this board any better.

it'll become the same shit you can have in any other shitty animu community on the interbutts.
