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9179301 No.9179301 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>9136997

What bullets have you dodged lately, /jp/?

>> No.9179312
File: 372 KB, 1019x1019, reimu6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it to stage 4 in PCB on normal and died, I made it to stage 4 in IN on normal and died, and I made it to stage 4 in TD on normal and died.

I think I just need to pick a single game and focus on it instead of doing this.

>> No.9179323

I made it to Flan's survival spell card for the first time, two days ago. It was my first time seeing most of the spell cards.

I don't really play EoSD that much, so I was pretty happy. I think I can 1cc it if I stop losing lives during the actual stage.

>> No.9179333
File: 122 KB, 640x884, My face when I kick ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





FINALLY, AFTER... Huh. It feels like I've been wrestling with this game for quite awhile, but apparently I applied the English patch on the evening of the 12th of this month, and I didn't play this game before applying the English patch. So I've had this game for less than 72 hours before being able to 1cc it. Hmm.


>> No.9179336

tried pacifist of ReimuA stage 4 in SA. Fucked up on Double Butterfly, didn't try anymore since then.

>> No.9179339 [DELETED] 

> What bullets have you dodged lately, /jp/?
Only playing some pofv with a friend. He is not a good player, alas. Also where is my PoFV 2?

>> No.9179358

Kagyua's Dragon Necklace is some of the hardest shit ever

I captured it just now but still can't get Imperishable shooting.

I've already cleared every ex stage so there isn't much else left for me to do. I don't play it nearly as often as I used to.

>> No.9179360

I recently started Imperishable Night. What does the human/youkai meter actually do? I typically keep it human like a good little bitch but I don't know what it really does.

Also I keep hearing about familiars, but I've no idea what those are either.

>> No.9179361

have you tried the Seihou and Samidare extras? Should keep you busy for a long time.

>> No.9179387

You have to keep it over 80% in human or youkai form to collect time, if you don't collect enough time that the stage says then it's game over

>> No.9179398

I forgot the subject field. Oh well.
I also uploaded a new video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqGN4SLm5-Y
You might be interested in trying some of the photography games.
I am proud. What are you going to do next?
That's just for the scoring system, and it doesn't have a big impact on the game. Familiars are just entities that enemies spawn. You can cancel familiars by killing their bosses.

>> No.9179416


Familiars are those little glowy things that enemies and bosses sometimes spawn. While you're focused, they turn into these weird circle designs and your shots pass right through them; you have to unfocus to hit them. If you defeat the enemy or boss, the familiars die anyway.

As for the human/youkai meter, I don't know what it does since I haven't played IN hardly at all. I've heard that it only affects scoring, though, so you can ignore it completely without any issue.

>> No.9179434


I've 1cc'd EoSD, PCB, MoF, and TD. I struggled with SA before and gave up, so I'm probably going to tackle it last. After UFO took so much effort, I'm going to take it easy with IN next, since it's apparently one of the easier ones in the series. I'm just hoping I don't develop bad habits from the deathbombs.

>> No.9179446

The human/youkai guage also affects the spawning of time orbs, annoying little mechanic that it is.

>> No.9179452

The games with Aya? I think I'm going to focus on PCB first and then check them out because the different movement speed of each games is what's hurting me the most.

>> No.9179476

>You have to keep it over 80% in human or youkai form to collect time, if you don't collect enough time that the stage says then it's game over

False. The time mechanic governs continues, in a way, but it is not an automatic "Game over" if you fail to pick up enough time. If you don't continue, it won't matter.

On a related note, getting the amount of time for a stage causes the boss to use their special card (I can never remember whether it's Last Spell or Last Word) after you defeat them.

>> No.9179483

I have a question about the speed of the characters.
I have only played TD and UFO, and it feels like all characters have the same moving speed while focused, but when not focused, Marisa is slightly faster. Is this the case? And is there somewhere I can read more about this?

The reason I'm asking this is because I want to be consistent with my playing so my hand-eye coordination gets good faster.

>> No.9179491


It's weird, going from Marisa in EoSD to Reimu in PCB. Feels like wading through molasses.


People say it's easy, but the stage 4 boss is rape tier, either way.

Got to Kanako again and died pretty quickly (normal). At least I can consistently get there? Had a great first three stages then predictably fucked up the waterfall. Always the damn waterfall.

>> No.9179494
File: 368 KB, 1280x1024, 9543_touhou_marisa_kirisame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marisa is the fastest.

>> No.9179505 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 527x625, bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just hoping I don't develop bad habits from the deathbombs.
I don't believe in that. I never had a problem with it.
It's a Last Spell in the stage.
Marisa is a lot faster than Reimu. Also, starting on PCB, Marisa has a larger hitbox than Reimu.
Pic related.
Marisa is pretty fast.

>> No.9179509

Should I go to the extra bosses now that I`ve beaten every single touhou on normal or just go to hard mode?

>> No.9179514


I do use a lot of bombs, but it's still sloppy needing to burn them when I can (usually) do most of it OK (Midboss aside...). MoF's deathbomb timer is punishing.

>> No.9179516

I more or less went with the Extra stages when I was in that position. I think that you should try both and then decide. Just make sure to have fun.
Post a replay?

>> No.9179543


Last night's, up to the final card.

From just now.

Cheers Riz.

>> No.9179590

A lot of people forget that despite IN's deathbomb window being larger, it'll also consume two bombs instead of one if you miss the counter-bomb window, which is still almost instantaneous.

Ideally though, you should be bombing ahead of time and only counter bombing when the situation is unavoidable and you know you're going to get hit.

>> No.9179727

Stupid replay desyncs got me totally confused.

I think that you do good on the stages and bosses, but you still don't bomb nearly enough. Almost all of your deaths are with bombs in stock. Other than streaming improperly at times and running into bullets, nothing strikes out to me as being particularly bad. I think that you could easily have the run in your grasp if you just bombed a little more.
You may also want to look into these replays: http://replays.gensokyo.org/index.php?u=&g=10&p=&t=0&d=2&c=1&ch=32

>> No.9179752

Is there a way to delete all player data from Imperishable Night? I've used two different torrents, and both of them have had Extra Stage unlocked, replays, and other stuff. I want to unlock everything myself!

>> No.9179757

Delete the score.dat file. The game will make a new one when you start it up again.

>> No.9179774

Did the old thread get deleted or something?

>> No.9179784

Ookay. So I took advice from that replay you posted, Riz, and I managed to go from dying four times on one Monster Train to dying once on it. Thanks, broski. Apparently, I just can't get anything done by myself. Feeling real professional again.

I also managed to dodge the previous spell card a few times, and by god that is not ReimuA friendly either. I'm still shaking from that.

Then I took a break to eat a slice of bread and lost my Blinding Speed Reflexes™. I'll win this yet.

>> No.9179800

It was far over the bump limit.
Good luck.

>> No.9179814


So many Reimu As. Will take a look, thanks.

As for bombs, I suppose at this point I need to think of them less as a crutch. It always feels nice to barely catch a spellcard you're tenuous with, but on the other hand it would be nicer to actually get the clear.

>> No.9179826

I always say that the best time to improve is after you have already cleared the game. There is nothing stopping you from playing after you have beaten it.

>> No.9179982

When will you be streaming next riz?

>> No.9180028
File: 213 KB, 640x480, th10 2012-06-15 16-37-42-62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So many Reimu As
I bomb sometimes for score, and I messed up just a little on Kanako. I forgot that spellcard was different on Normal mode, so I forgot to stream. I think it might be harder than the Hard/Lunatic versions. I also derped on her second nonspell because I forgot how to do it.
I probably won't stream for too long.

>> No.9180232


It worked, thanks! I started off with like 8 lives for some reason, but it let me see well into the game despite dying a lot. I've since reset the number of lives to the default amount.

The Stage 5 boss has to be the most gimmicky fight in the world, though. Holy shit, I couldn't tell what was going on.

>> No.9180256

>The Stage 5 boss has to be the most gimmicky fight in the world, though.
I agree.

>> No.9180318
File: 157 KB, 708x1000, 1338445995376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are photo-games so much better than normal touhou games?

>> No.9180361

Why is hard modo so hard?

>> No.9180413

not to be shocking... but fun things are fun.

>> No.9180492 [DELETED] 

pure, unadulterated autism
does anyone want to give her advice, like "don't waste your fucking bombs" and "why the fuck aren't you utilizing focused movements"?
I'd do it myself, but I'm afraid I'd insult her.

>> No.9180530

In 2012 an unemployed Japanese student accidentally opened a portal to another dimension, a dimension sealed years ago for our safety. The fantastical township on the other side of the portal contained horrors unknown except in myth and legend. Beasts that hungered for human flesh, monsters that lurk in the space between all things, and an fae and icy doom, stronger than all others.

The JSDF proved useless, as did the point defence weapons of the US Pacific Fleet. Vessel after vessel was penetrated by high speed projectiles despite the amount of bullets they fired against acquired targets. A horror, so unimaginable that the United Nations authorised the use of a weapons system so horrific that its use tears the fabric of reality asunder.

Coming this summer in 2012: Evangelion versus Touhou.

>> No.9180540

Had a pretty sweet NBNUFO run that ended on Shou's last spellcard. I had a perfect run up until Murasa's last nonspell. I think I could have reached stage 6 if I didn't die four times to Shou.

>> No.9180551

Why are you even aware of this video's existence?

It's seriously painful to watch.

>> No.9180601 [DELETED] 

For some reason it was in my recommended videos list.
other than that I can't say.
It's very obvious she's a secondary who felt insulted when someone called her that and decided to fix that problem.
She's still terrible though, and still a secondary.

>> No.9180617

I'm throwing myself at SA extra on and off, feels like I should beat it anytime now. Dunno if I should go for UFO extra next or dedicate myself to actually beating all the GFW routes.

Anyone want to decide for me?

>> No.9180683 [DELETED] 

I always get confused on what to do when the familiars show up

>> No.9180749

The best thing to do when familiars show up is to go focused and kill their masters. You made a lot of silly mistakes in your run. I think that you just need to practice.
Here are some replays for you:
http://score.royalflare.net/th08/score.cgi?type=score_nf&level=3&chara=2&route=2 (I hope I got the right category)

>> No.9180769

she looks super kawaii in that pic

>> No.9180784

I have a friend who doesn't use the shift key when she is playing touhou. I want to smack her!

>> No.9180792

You should heed that want.

>> No.9180798

God damn it, I made it to the final Prismriver spellcard and lost, I feel so stupid from dying by one of the homing enemies on stage 3 instead of just bombing when I was locked down and getting hit from a really easy to dodge bullet by Alice. It's going to take forever to reach Yuyuko at this rate if I can't even get to Stage 5.

>> No.9180816
File: 12 KB, 501x585, 1339343019671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /jp/, /v/ tourist.

I have a friend who I showed Touhou today (13 to be exact), and he quit because he said it was too easy, claiming that he reached stage 3 on hard mode. This "feat" took him 8 minutes.

Keep in mind he hadn't even heard of Touhou until this time. How exactly do I explain to him he is full of shit? It was over Skype and he claims he deleted the game so I can't confirm anything.

>> No.9180830

I just tried EoSD today, but I couldn't beat Sakuya because I kept laughing whenever she used a spellcard. Are there any mods out there with the SWR art or something?

>> No.9180831

I suppose it would be possible to reach stage 3 on hard pretty quickly if you had some kind of STG experience outside of Touhou. Stage 1 and 2 aren't very difficult in TD, particularly if he spammed bombs at the right times.

It does sound pretty unlikely though. Why do you need to "explain to him he is full of shit"? Maybe he just doesn't like the game.

>> No.9180835

Why didn't you show him a good game instead?

>> No.9180848

There is really no way to play fast or slow (unless you don't fire at the bosses on purpose), so it takes circa the same amount of time to reach a certain level, given that you don't get game over.

>> No.9180850

TD Stage 1 and Stage 2 are pretty much easy mode in any other game, it's not that hard to get that far that fast.

>> No.9180856

I wonder if he used continues.

>> No.9180865


The problem is that he has not played any game in a similar genre before and this was on hard mode, so I really doubt he did it.

The reason I care is that he keeps being a dick about it.

>> No.9180866


he claims he did not

>> No.9180867

This is a good point. I've only introduced one person to Touhou myself, but they credit feed constantly no matter how much I tell them not to.

>> No.9180871

Tell him to do it again and upload a replay to Gensoko.

To make sure he doesn't get another person's replay, tell him what to fill out as user name.

>> No.9180895

I don't know if ZUN wanted to scare the shit out the players with TD extra or what.

I got trapped in the center of the screen at the end of her spellcard "Mamizou Danmaku in Ten Transformations" like 3-4 times, and you think you'll get raped by the undodgeable barrage of maminals, but the spellcard times out 0.0005secs before it happens... Holy Shit.

>> No.9180919

>I don't know if ZUN wanted to scare the shit out the players with TD extra or what.
Extra survival cards are meant to do that.

>> No.9180934

I don't see the unbelievable here. You might want to tell him that most Touhou games have quite a difficulty leap between stage 3 and 4 and that Ten Desires is one of the easier games, but if he doesn't like the game then he doesn't like the game.

Ten Desires isn't the game I'd introduce someone to Touhou with, mind. Better to go with one that doesn't have a gimmick that heavily influences gameplay, which is basically any of the normal games before Subterranean Animism, and to a lesser extent SA itself.

>> No.9180945

If he cannot provide any proof, you have no reason to believe him.

>> No.9181013

Something of this magnitude of holy fuc never happened to me before.

Well, the Buddhist swastika thing in PCB was kinda weird too.

>> No.9181028

You should have at least posted a replay or screenshot.

>> No.9181057

Hard as in not Lunatic shouldn't be that bad.

>> No.9181071

Sure, here it is.

(From the first time I cleared TD, kinda shitty).

>> No.9181079

It really bothers me when people play IN like scrubs, pull a half-assed 1cc in it and call it the easiest Touhou game when they completely disregard how the scoring system works, which makes the entire game and it's difficulty (this includes the do-not-focus and kill-them-before-they-shoot aggressive style gameplay, youkai/human meter, time counter, etc). I know not everyone plays for score (which makes me wonder why they're playing a shmup in the first place), but only those that do are the ones that can accurately judge a game's difficulty.

>> No.9181093
File: 418 KB, 640x480, th13 2012-06-15 20-27-31-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty awesome.
What are some replays that you have?

>> No.9181205

Concealed the Conclusion is really giving me a harder time than I expected. It's fun, I just wish it didn't have that stupid mechanic where you have to graze all the time. Reimu is a pretty difficult stage 6 boss.

>> No.9181520

I think it's pretty fair to have "difficulty of clearing it" be the standard for "difficulty". It's what people usually think of.

Although even when going by that, I'd say MoF is a fair sight easier than IN. It's the only game I'm confident I could no-miss no-bomb clear (on normal) if I sat down with it for an evening or two.

>> No.9181559

I have this weird habit. I don't listen to music from a Touhou game unless I've reached the place where that music is played. So I just tried my hand at TD's and UFO's Extras, just to reach each boss so I can "unlock" its song, and HOLY FUCK. I mean, I could do a lot better with some actual practice, but BULLETS EVERYWHERE GOING SUPERFAST OH GOD. I would BARELY reach the boss, having expended almost all of my extra lives and bombs. Christ.

>> No.9181571
File: 2.67 MB, 1536x1750, IT BEGINS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beat SA
>Clear Hell's Artificial Sun on Normal
>Stray bullet hits me as they disperse
>Game Over
All of my rage
Next time, Reimu-Aya team to just screw around

>> No.9181633

Whew, IN being "easy" doesn't necessarily mean it's a cakewalk. That said, the game throws TONS of bombs at you all the time.

What teams do you guys usually go with? I've been going with Sakuya/Remilia because I adored MarisaC in MoF.

>> No.9181682

When people say they “1cc'd X”, what difficulty should I assume they mean?

>> No.9181687


Normal, unless otherwise stated.

>> No.9181701

Youmu because she scores like crazy.

>> No.9181745

I used to switch between the border and scarlet devil teams, but now after using the ghost team, it feels awkward switching back to the others. I just really like them for some reason.

>> No.9182517

It happens, way too often, always watch out for the slowdown on the final spellcards and never stop dodging till the screen is completely empty, heh.

>> No.9182951
File: 492 KB, 640x480, diEUu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this run yesterday (NMNB MoF extra) http://www.replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=21825
and managed to 1cc IN lunatic today with really shameful playing

>> No.9183111
File: 248 KB, 500x600, c3c51badb0cc7ae4d392629169dc69d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes...
Just cleared my first hard mode.
It was PCB.
It only took like 3 hours....
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely happy right now.
I've been told by quite a few people that I wouldn't be ready for hard mode straight after normal, and that I should move onto extra stages first.
Honestly though, SA on normal seems harder than PCB and EOSD on hard, though that could just be me.

>> No.9183116

SA is one of the easiest games together iwth In and MoF

>> No.9183122
File: 73 KB, 634x373, laughing cancer patient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9183133


Oh forgot to ask, can someone check my replay out and tell me how I did for someone who has only just started hard mode yesterday.
I admit it's not the most graceful of victories, but I'm still happy with it.


I completely disagree, it's the only game that took me like 2 weeks to clear.

>> No.9183137

First of all, congratulations!
>I've been told by quite a few people that I wouldn't be ready for hard mode straight after normal, and that I should move onto extra stages first.
I don't think this is true at all. Play whatever you find the most fun

>> No.9183143


Also forgot to add that TD is the easiest.

>> No.9183177
File: 1.56 MB, 1415x1079, obviously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to the last stage recently, and I already hate it. Not because it's hard, but because Orin is trying to give me a seizure.

>> No.9183188

Just cleared TD extra. Next in line is Flandre.

>> No.9183244

I made it to the last boss at IN but I died...I continued once at Reisen though. On normal...I'll beat it soon!

>> No.9183266

Why do people keep posting this? It proves nothing.

>> No.9183276

Do your best you have ever done!

>> No.9183481

It proves that SA is laughably easy!

>> No.9183524

Haven't touch Touhou since last year. Just downloaded Ten Desires and about to fire it up.

What am I expecting?

>> No.9183527

To die a lot

>> No.9183535


"Relatively" easy bullet patterns, an extra get out of jail card and really limited resources.

I feel the music is kind of soso, but that's personal preference.

>> No.9183541
File: 510 KB, 600x552, 3f6d88100c80bfe12939ee43a0ed8625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect people to say it's easy, even though it isn't. It's by no means hard, but it's definitely more of a challenge than IN / MOF / PCB and imo even EOSD.
I cleared UFO faster that it too but I don't want to say it's harder than that (talking about normal mode here) because it'll cause a shit storm.

Anyway expect to die by random bullets on the stages that you don't even see, and expect to get barely any lives.

>> No.9183546

Not really.

>> No.9183553

I bet you still play ReimuA wwww

>> No.9183564

I play Reimu A, and I find SA incredibly easy. What now?

>> No.9183559

Nope, I play ReimuC actually.

>> No.9183568

then why don't you find it easy? Bombing is much easier than in the other games

>> No.9183574
File: 619 KB, 1200x920, yuugi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is kicking my ass so far..i still have to learn how to dodge her 2 last spell cards

>> No.9183577

> Lying on an anonymous image board.
How much more pathetic can you get?

>> No.9183591

Don't let the danmaku touch your hitbox.

>> No.9183606

thtas....of great help

>> No.9183608

What he said. Concentrate on dodging by focusing only on your hitbox, and forget about everything that's surrounding you. The last spellcard is a bit tricky, though. You must find a path throughout that swarm of bullets.

>> No.9183611

Make an IQ or penis size thread. Compare averages with the averages for 4chan's demographic.

People lie to themselves. Why the HELL wouldn't we live to dozens of other people?

>> No.9183612

>quoting nobody
How much more pathetic can you get? Oh wait I just did it too

>> No.9183613


>> No.9183616

>Concentrate on dodging by focusing only on your hitbox, and forget about everything that's surrounding you.
This isn't always the case. I find that focusing on what's in front of you rather than on your sprite makes dodging a lot easier most of the time. I rarely look at my hitbox when I play.

>> No.9183620
File: 128 KB, 716x1024, yuugi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sad part is that im playing only in hard mode..man lunatic yuugi must be some crazy shit

>> No.9183634

The difference between Hard and Lunatic in SA is actually pretty small compared to other games.

>> No.9183664

Yeah, Yuugi's still as annoying as always, there's no real increase in difficulty though between hard and lunatic, the method is still the same, maybe the bullets are a bit more numerous and faster or something but it doesn't seem that more difficult.

>> No.9183679

Can anyone give me tips for fighting Patchy in EoSD's extra? It'd be nice if I could save those 3 bombs for fighting Flandre.

>> No.9183691

Her first and last spellcards don't have much to them other than dodging, and her second spellcard is static. I would watch a replay to see how it is done.

>> No.9183700
File: 476 KB, 640x480, FqZgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9182951 here
1cc'd TD Lunatic too today and even scored decently. Not that hard but I have a lot of consistency issues so low resource games like TD can be quite difficult. The score isn't that bad either I suppose

>> No.9183722

I wonder what's wrong with my fingers. I was playing Touhou like normal today, but all of a sudden my fingers started vibrating/shaking like hell when I held keys down. I even took a three-hour nap since I thought I was just tired, but it's still there. ._.

>> No.9183727

That happened to me when I was playing for extreme periods of time. All that I can recommend you is to take a longer break or keep playing and see if you can get used to it.

>> No.9183748

You're crippled for life.

I'm sorry to tell you this but the truth is you won't be able to play 2hu ever again.

>> No.9183762


>> No.9183814

That's because Reimu A is better than Reimu C.
more damage output, better bomb, more attack range, good special ability., etc...
Reimu A is by far the best shot type in SA.

>> No.9183920
File: 477 KB, 1296x768, cracked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can capturing one spell card feel so fucking fulfilling? Feels like I've beaten the game already. Now I just need to do it consistently.

>> No.9183943
File: 177 KB, 640x480, rakdrfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am proud.
My score.dat looks so tiny compared to yours.

>> No.9184248
File: 458 KB, 640x1438, stage5sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is stage 5 so cruel.

>> No.9184489

How do I cheat?

>> No.9184494

Hold down shift for focused movement.

>> No.9184498

Faq please tell me. I know you all use cheats.

>> No.9184502

Press X to win

>> No.9184516

Grab Hourglass, have fun with savestates and frame advance and upload your replays without marking them as tool-assisted.

>> No.9184670

Cheat Engine's speedhack. Replays won't detect fps drops and almost all of the world records are done using it. Using it is very bad and shame on you if do.

>> No.9184688

And what does it do exactly?

>> No.9184700

Inject it into a game and you can slow down/speed up the speed at which the game runs.

>> No.9185048
File: 228 KB, 787x783, 4639418582_b16c3ab907_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost all of the world records are done using it

>> No.9185189

Yes, T. We know you set a few world records in TD without using a speedhack. That's cute and all, but really, it's just TD.

>> No.9185261

The statement is false and silly. This is not even close to being about me.

>> No.9185517

Bitches don't know about T's power level, giving whatshisname a run for his money in TD extra isn't exactly trivial.

>> No.9185796
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Shou you monster.

>> No.9185808

Poor Riz.

>> No.9186206

Can you make it so that you have three lives in PCB practice mode like EoSD?

I don't like how they give you so many lives for practice mode

>> No.9186252

Then don't lose more than 3 lives.

>> No.9186256

Just restart after dying three times. Besides if I remember correctly the extend counter starts at 0/75 so you'll get more pretty fast as it is.

>> No.9186694

What's the best non-touhou game to practice SHMUPs?

>> No.9186700

Raiden X

>> No.9186728

Guys, I recently stopped playing so much Touhou because of employment

I want to try and get into EoSD again(I was the guy who was stuck at stage 2/3 hard for the longest time), but I'm afraid I'll do horrible. More horrible than usual, that is.

>> No.9186732

You'll never beat it if you don't try. Get over your fears, and one day it will be trivial to you.

>> No.9186915
File: 766 KB, 1267x1080, 7c05cb40257446d930b9ce5a693f5a23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, I finally got to Stage 5 on PCB and got all the way up to the boss fight with Youmu before dying. Time to hit practice mode

>> No.9186935
File: 1002 KB, 1280x480, ufoclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YEEEEES! I finally managed to clear UFO! I am so happy! And I want to thank you Riz for answering my questions about UFO.

>> No.9186945
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>> No.9186955

Thanx man xd

>> No.9186973
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I wish this spell card had a longer timer. Grazing every bullet is so much fun.

>> No.9186977

I practiced Touhou while unemployed, it was very difficult, and the scheduling made it more so, since I couldn't play consistently and improve it was random and focused when I'd get to practice.

I did eventually clear EoSD though (took a year of practice, most of the year was before employment, however), as well as PCB and IN. I'm working (read: not working) on MF right now.

>> No.9186980

Sorry, I meant to say I practiced Touhou while employed.

>> No.9187000

>YEEEEES! I finally managed to clear UFO! I am so happy!
And it looks like you did a great job, even on Byakuren.
>And I want to thank you Riz for answering my questions about UFO.
You are so nice. I'm glad that I could help. Feel free to ask me more.
LNBNUFO is still kicking my butt. I need to take a break.
I don't think you need a huge amount of free time to practice Touhou. Most high-profile players I know rarely grind. I'm not playing nearly as much as I used to, even though I have a lot of free time. Touhou is hard to grind when you are at a high level because you always have to be on your absolute best to achieve your goals. It's very demanding, and it's hard to keep up for extended periods of time.

>> No.9187018

You really think so? Well, most of my achievements came from when I felt like dedicating myself several days in playing only touhou. I usually get very stressed when I do this, but I end up achieving my objective. For example, I've practiced Mamizou for about 4 days nonstop, and even went as far as not sleeping one day. In the fourth day, I've managed to beat her easily.

>> No.9187034

The amount of "grind" someone needs probably depends on how fast they remember and develop their reactionary skills.

I think you only really need to grind until your first clear of a game (or rather your captures of spell cards), after that, you're just improving your reactions and timing.

When you're a novice, you probably gain more from grinding than a veteran, since veterans already have developed their reactions and learned the spell cards. At that point it's probably more about your mood or status, rather than your knowledge and skill of the game.

>> No.9187050

That's what I did for the first half-year or so of playing Touhou. I either slept or played, and that allowed me to clear UFO Lunatic within 3 months of discovering the game. Grinding is a lot easier when you are not familiar with the game, but not quite as doable when you have played it significantly. It also depends on the person. I don't have a lot in UFO Lunatic to learn, and my challenges look very alike. They are always the same level which I have spend hundreds of hours on. There is nothing to surprise me anymore, so the game isn't very grindable.
I agree.

>> No.9187583


>> No.9188890

Picked up my first Touhou, EoSD, three weeks ago. Just scrubbed out a shitty clear on Hard, please tell me how much I suck.


>> No.9188905

>on Hard
Already doing great.

>> No.9189072

>3 weeks
>already on Hard

I've been playing EoSD for 3 years and I still can't clear it on Normal.

>> No.9189113

I grew up on Tyrian and I've casually played a few other shmups.

Lord of Game on Turbo speed is quite fun even with the game's numerous flaws.

>> No.9189282

"years" is a meaningless measure.

game-hours, concentration of said hours, and practice habits are what matter.

>> No.9189300

I dunno, 5-10 maybe?

I turn it on for 15 minutes once every month.

>> No.9189371

then you should be easily clearing lunatic ultra.

for shame.

>> No.9189376

Finally beat IN! On easy though. Only got hit twice..! Gonna try normal later.

>> No.9189389

I'm playing on hard after 4 months. Is that okay? ;_;

>> No.9189571

Any tips defeating youmu at normal?
She keeps killing me with her non-spell

>> No.9189575
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Where would you guys rank UFO's Extra stage's difficulty, compared to the other Extra stages? Nue's theme is so absolutely fantastic; I MUST defeat her someday, and fighting her as the midboss in TD's Extra stage doesn't count.

I just hope the difficulty isn't so high that struggling against her would just be a futile waste of my time. I haven't cleared ANY of the Extra stages yet, but I haven't put too much energy into any of them.

>> No.9189581

UFO extra isn't too difficult...though it isn't exactly easy either. I'd say it's mid tier in terms of difficulty as far as extras go.

>> No.9189591

Stay at the very bottom of the screen. Youmu's nonspells tend to spawn under you if you are too high. You can also lure some of her nonspells, but you would have to look at a replay to see that. Also, don't get tricked by her aimed bullets. Youmu is the kind of boss where practice helps a lot. She's somewhat gimmicky.
>Where would you guys rank UFO's Extra stage's difficulty, compared to the other Extra stages?
I would rank it pretty low. I think it has a hard stage, but an easy boss.

>> No.9189598

Oh god you sound just like me when I was stuck on PCB. That's pretty cute. Unfortunately, I can't really help you. I had friends showing me replays etc and I still couldn't figure it out...then one day it just became....easy.
It's the yellow and green circle bullets that are giving you trouble right?
The blue bullets she shoots are aimed at you, and the red bullets are aimed away from you (I can't imagine you having trouble with this part of the spell, but thought I'd explain that anyway...just incase.)

>> No.9189969

Is Imperishable Night one of the games that needs a vsync patch, or whatever it was called? I'm noticing a very, very tiny amount of input delay. It just feels like my character is... sticky. It takes her a moment to start moving. It's barely noticeable, but there were a couple of times when I got hit when I KNEW I pressed the movement key in time.

>> No.9189978

use it on all of the games

>> No.9189984

Every game suffers from input lag. Generally, the games before MoF need it the most. I would use it on all the games if I were you.

>> No.9190005


I never noticed it in EoSD or PCB. I noticed that MoF, SA, UFO, and TD felt unusually smooth in comparison and controlled REALLY well, but the input delay in the pre-MoF games is so slight that I couldn't even tell what felt slightly off about the controls.

Is there actually input delay in the games MoF and onward? Why hasn't ZUN fixed it?

>> No.9190034

As long as there is vsync, there is input lag. ZUN improves it with new releases, but it's still there. Some people like to play with vsync because they like the smooth controls and they don't want their screen to tear, but that's still input lag.

>> No.9190108

I noticed it in MoF before I had even heard of the VSync patches.

>> No.9190155

With a suitable screen, tearing is fortunately imperceptible.

>> No.9190227


Yeah, I started up Imperishable Night again and HOLY FUCK THE CONTROLS ARE SO SMOOTH. Everything is so much easier now that I can accurately dodge with tiny twitches. I noticed the screen tearing at first, but eventually I either got used to it or they went away, because I stopped noticing them altogether.

I have no fucking clue how to dodge the Stage 5 boss's second-to-last spellcard on Normal. Am I overthinking that there's a trick to it? Are you really supposed to use the time when the screen gets all weird to just find a place to dodge the most easily? I figured there were designated safezones that I was supposed to notice and dash towards, but after the first screen-getting-all-weird thing I couldn't find any zones like that.

And for her last spellcard, is the strategy just to dash behind the bullet wave that looks like a solid wall every time the screen gets all weird? It's hard to position yourself well for that, as all the bullets disappear when the screen gets weird, but I guess that's the point?

>> No.9190304

This video should explain everything: http://youtu.be/MUFGt-3spP0
It may be on Lunatic, but it should still generally be the same concept. You can also learn a lot from watching the whole run.
You can also use this: http://replays.gensokyo.org/index.php?u=&g=8&p=&t=0&d=2&c=1&ch=32

Also, for the future, you should really provide a screenshot or the specific name/number of the card. I'm not familiar with the exact order of Reisen's spellcards, I may not be aware of changes between difficulties, and I'm not sure if by "second-to-last" you are also including her Last Spell and such.

>> No.9190392

Wow, watching this video (it's not me by the way) makes me shake my head at how I couldn't beat Yuyuko on easy with max lives and using all three continues when I first started playing Touhou. I made it to Resurrection Butterfly and died with 10 seconds left and stopped playing completely until about three weeks ago, now I can almost beat her on normal with default lives.


>> No.9190566

Redirect the first wave of the noncards, and down her before the second wave gets to you.

(Also, uh, you can redirect the second noncard too, I just kinda forgot to. But that's how you dodge it normally, I guess?)

I usually just dodge it in the same manner each time. The specific bullets are different each time, of course, but there's always a reasonable path like this.

(Also, ignore my noncarding, I got irritated that I forgot to Time back to youkai mode before the super grazing noncard so I just kinda dicked around.)

>> No.9190780

I play with the vpatch but with vsync still on. Tearing is ugly, and I don't notice any improvement if I turn vsync off. Playing with the vpatch, however, removes the several frames of latency in EoSD/PCB and maybe a frame or two in IN.

>> No.9190873

Wait gais. vpatch, vsync. what are these and what do they do?

>> No.9191037

vpatch = A patch that can remove vsync in order to get rid of input lag. It can do other stuff too.
vsync = A video mode that synchronizes the application with the refresh rate of your monitor. It is used to prevent vertical tearing, but also results in input lag because the application has to wait to draw the next frame.

>> No.9191166

After dying a lot on QED's last second with ReimuB, I used MarisaA, and fuck yes!

>> No.9191176

Try LockBackBuffer=1, D3DMultiThread=1, ProcessPriority=2

>> No.9191904

I tried playing with the vpatch and honestly, I can't really tell a huge difference.

>> No.9191921

What are the hitboxes for Marisa's large star bullets?

I can coast through stage 1-3 in IN then I go fullretarded when I run into her

>> No.9191932

Roughly the white area, I believe.

I'm not sure exactly on the size but I'm pretty sure it's just a circular hitbox.

>> No.9192493

Its effectiveness depends on your monitor and how much input lag you were getting in the first place. If you barely had any before then of course you won't notice a difference. MoF and up also are usually much better in that regard; EoSD and PCB are the worst offenders for input lag.

>> No.9192537
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>> No.9192546
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I don't even know what just happened.

>Working my way through IN, cleared it with a single continue, practiced the later stages, decided to give 1cc'ing it a shot
>Get to the last stage, set myself in the middle of the screen, waiting for that first big guy to come down
>Wait, why am I going down this hallway in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION?
>TWO big guys come down, with completely different bullet patterns than I was expecting
>All the enemy waves are acting similarly yet quite differently than when I practiced the stage
>Reach the red and blue chick, Sakuya and Remilia dismiss her as not the one they're searching for, instead of focusing on her like before
>Defeat her, end up at a completely different backdrop than what I was expecting
>That one chick from the final boss's Last Spell shows up, and we're at the real moon, and apparently THIS girl is the final boss now
>Manage to defeat her on my first try without needing to use a continue
>All of a sudden she gets fucking livid at us for extending the night

>> No.9192548
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Going insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>She uses a Last Spell, I fail it, whatever
>Oh God why did the time suddenly rush thirty minutes into the future
>She uses another Last Spell, getting angrier and angrier, sending us further into the future
>Fail all the Last Spells since I had never seen them before, though I did manage to survive one of them until the very last second
>It's 5:00 AM now
>Ending displays everyone going insane from the light of the real moon, babbling nonsense
>It's a Good Ending, Extra Mode is unlocked and everything

I thought the alternate stages that I saw in Practice mode were just for different teams. Does something different happen if you beat one of those Last Spells? I was freaking out the entire time, because I couldn't fucking tell what was happening and I thought everyone going insane would be a BAD END.

What just happened?

>> No.9192556

>Clearing Final B in first try
I tip my hat to you

>> No.9192570

Please speak normally my child, this is not v

>> No.9192582


Well, it's not as if this was my first attempt to 1cc the game, it's just that that was the first time I encountered a different Final Stage. I thought the different stages that I saw (but couldn't select) in Practice mode were for different teams, as I've been using Sakuya/Remilia pretty much exclusively. I don't even know what I did to trigger a different Final Stage.

>> No.9192580

Are there any non-circular hitboxes in Touhou?

>> No.9192602

I cleared IN (fought Marisa and Eirin) and had a bunch of my starting seven lives left in the tank. Hit most of the time bonuses to boot, I should switch gears and try for a real 1cc soon.

>> No.9192640

Sure, longer/weirdly-shaped bullets like Sakuya's knives aren't circular.

>> No.9192668

Most Touhou hitboxes are square, from what I remember. Bubbles, suns, flowers, etc. are circular. Most of the other bullets are small enough that the difference between circle and square is negligible.

>> No.9192763
File: 66 KB, 599x605, remiq.net_12474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reimu A
>Not Marisa B

>> No.9192796

The various lasers, knives, Shiki's rods, paper charms, and bosses' kickboxes are all rectangular I believe. The triangular things (I think) and curvy lasers are also non-circular.

>> No.9192811

>Marisa without lasers or christmas trees
>better than anything

>> No.9192836

But MarisaB in SA is 100% christmas trees.

>> No.9192858

The first time you play IN you are forced into Final A. Once you 1cc with that team, your next run is forced into Final B if you haven't continued. Once you 1cc that you get the choice between the two and Extra is unlocked. You can also now choose a solo character from that team to play with.

Most hitboxes are small squares, and some are bunches of the squares. I'm not even certain that the bubbles are circular, a 24x24 square seems possible. It isn't noticeable or should really be concentrated on at all, though.

>> No.9192874

whoops i forgot to mention that in order to choose final b you also can't have continued, otherwise you're forced into eirin

>> No.9192999


I didn't 1cc Final A, though. I had to use a continue during the fight against the final boss. This was my first time getting a 1cc of the game at all.

>> No.9193071

>Only 2 useful shot types, spreadshot and forward focus
>Have to go through all the useless shot types just to get to the useful ones if you want to switch
>No piercing lasers(Only thing Marisa is good for)
>Forward focus type does half the damage of Reimu A's shot type

>> No.9193293

Trying to 1cc SA on normal. Managed to get to Orin before I had to continue. I've 1cc'ed the previous games on normal and beat a couple extra stages but this is some bullshit.

Been using Reimu C since the bomb is so awesome but thinking about switching to Reimu A.

>> No.9193340

That might be what finally does it for you. Reimu A's bomb is great, the portals are useful, and her shot is nothing to sneeze at either.

>> No.9193359


You mean the teleporting from one side of the screen to the other? That seemed like one of the least useful support abilities to me. Do you actually use it a lot?

>> No.9193377

Most of the other ones are entirely useless, even detrimental. Suika's is very bad, since you get little points from it and you can autocollect by filling the gauge anyways. Aya's is... just why, Aya, why, how could you ever think this was a good idea. Patchy's is part of her shot type, so it doesn't really count. Alice's is fairly useful, though each bomb isn't all that great.. Nitori's is... questionable at best, especially since the bomb is really not that good and why are you even using it in the first place if you don't need it?

And with how SA is very streaming-intensive, if you mess up or just feel lazy, it can be pretty useful, yeah. You just gotta be a little careful when you do use it.

>> No.9193727
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>Aya's is... just why, Aya, why, how could you ever think this was a good idea.

>> No.9194176


What is with all this greentext, this looks like /v/. Please get out.

>> No.9194247

You can pretty much cheese alot of the streaming sections.
Stage 1 becomes nothing (it causes a few restarts if you mess up the streaming on Lunatic)
Stage 5 has a streaming portion right after the popcorn which becomes stupidly easy with gapping (No re-streaming needed!!)
Stage 6's stage all the way to Utsuho is retardedly easy with gapping; for the blue-kunai crows just kill one side, then gap through that side to avoid the retreating crows, no restreaming for the wisps, and the same for the blue-kunai crows after Orin.
I suppose you can gap in the streaming section of Stage 4, but you've got to be very careful about the green amulets which might kill you on the other side.
Eitherway, life becomes alot easier with ReimuA.

>> No.9194255

I've only ever used it for a quick PoC, apart from that there're very few areas where it comes in use.

>> No.9196101


Welp, went back and 1cc'd IN again, this time on Final A so I'll have 1cc'd it with both Final stages. I took a whack at the Extra Stage just for fun (didn't get very far against Mokou since I had NO idea what to expect), but I'm done with this game for now.

I've 1cc'd EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, UFO, and TD on Normal. All that remains is Subterranean Animism. Fffuuuuuuck.

>> No.9196210

I've never beaten a touhou game before and yet I'm playing 11, which I heard is the hardest, so far I can get to Orin almost.
should I continue?

>> No.9196217

I don't use continues when I'm trying to beat a game because it usually gives me more motivation

>> No.9196218

Yeah. SA was the first touhou game I've beaten. Now you just need to practice a lot against Orin, and eventually you'll defeat her easily, and then you'll reach Okuu and laugh at how easy she is compared to the previous boss.

>> No.9196234

Keep going if you're into it. People only say that because they don't want new players giving up.

>> No.9196272

yesterday i played 10D for the first time in a loooong ass time, i got a game over to midboss seiga ;A;
gotta keep practicing

>> No.9196483

Touhou is pretty hard even on easy.

Just 1cc'd EoSD and IN on easy with Reimu and Marisa/Marisa + Alice.

>> No.9196679

Yes, keep continuing, it'll let you restart the stage with default lives and force you to try to clear it as such, but it'll be good training for an actual run where you'll hopefully have more resources. Also, if you can clear the stage with default lives then even better, and you'll unlock it for practice so you can practice particular spellcards in question which bog you down.
Please post a replay.

>> No.9196706

My stats for UFO (Not counting my 90fps and Ultra mode score.dats):
15,169 Times used.
2317/2735 Rod signs.
572:27:57 Play time. (I thought it would be more.)
24 Lunatic clears. (I don't know how I have this many.)

Boss runs (based on first spellcard):
1,000 Kogasa runs. (I didn't know it was going to be this. Happy 1,000 Kogasas!)
575 Ichirin runs.
470 Murasa runs.
39/427 Nazrin midboss (What.)
287 Shou runs.
444 Byakuren runs.
Clearly Shou is my weakest link. I must practice stage 5 more. I may also practice Byakuren and try to do a perfect pacifist of her last spellcard to go with my VoWG and Tongling Yoshika timeouts.

Other games (Broadly, in hours):
EoSD Unknown. Probably around 100 hours.
35 PCB.
39 IN.
PoFV Unknown. Probably around 30 hours.
StB Unknown. Probably a little less than DS.
69 MoF.
60 SA.
21:33 DS.
7:45 FW.
63 TD.
I hope I didn't mess up the calculations too much. I really like my UFO.

>> No.9197228


Daaamn, no wonder the Stage 5 replay of UFO you did for me was so well-done. Have you 1cc'd all the games on Lunatic?

>> No.9197327

Dang. I can't into Ichirin's laser noncards at all. They even go on a straight path yet I still miss every second wave.

>> No.9197766

Just downloaded Marine Benefit, and all it's doing is showing a black screen the crashing. What do?

On a possibly related note, I just realized I don't have Japanese language packs installed, which sucks because I actually have a legit copy, I just don't have the CD anymore. Again, what do?

>> No.9197954

Yes, you can check all my progress on my wiki page: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/User:Riz/Riz%27s_1CCs
They're not so bad once you get used to them. Remember that they follow a static pattern. Look above your sprite and try to predict where to go. You can also post a replay if you need some extra help.
Maybe it's something with your Flash?

>> No.9197958

Downloading a game you actually own is not piracy, if that's what you're getting at.

>> No.9198023


Not sure. How would I figure out if that's the case?


Isn't MB free though?

>> No.9198106

Today I made it to Youmu in normal mode PCB for the first time. I'm getting better!

>> No.9198118

Oh wow, I'm at the same exact spot as you. You're using default lives right? The thing that's hurting me the most right now is Lily White.

>> No.9198235


Well, I managed to beat Stage 5 in SA without TOO much difficulty, surprisingly enough. I think I only had to use two continues to get through it. The last time I played SA, I used continue after continue trying to struggle through that stage, playing the game multiple times a day over several days, and I never ever beat it until today. I think I'm just better at Touhou in general, as I've gone through TD, UFO, and IN since last fighting against SA. I've also switched from MarisaB to ReimuA, as apparently MarisaB's focused fire isn't as strong as ReimuA's?

Okuu is quite difficult, though. Her spell cards with those fuckhuge bullets last FOREVER in addition to just being really hard to dodge. I've made it to her last spell card, and I managed to get sort-of-close to beating it, but holy hell it's ridiculous. She's moving my character, summoning a pretty damn dense field of bullets, AND shooting walls of tiny bullets? I can't really maneuver left and right very well in that dense bullet field, in addition to my movement just being weird in general because SHE'S MOVING ME, so dodging those tiny bullets seems nigh-impossible.

>> No.9198231

Yeah I am. I don't really have problems with Lily, the Prismrivers are really what's giving me trouble. Using Sakuya A.

>> No.9198282


Also, I tried using the vsync patch, and it gave me HORRIBLE screen-tearing. In IN, the screen-tearing was barely ever noticeable, but in SA there were lingering tears that liked to float around the bottom of the screen, and that's MUCH more detrimental to my dodging ability than the infinitesimal input delay caused by NOT using the vsync patch. Honestly, I couldn't tell the difference between using the vsync patch and not, as far as input was concerned (in SA; the difference is night and day in IN).

>> No.9198327

Nice, I'm using Reimu A. Hopefully I'll be able to beat Yuyuko within the next two weeks, but first it's time to beat Youmu.

>> No.9198358

Why would you do that when Sakuya A has better homing and more bombs?

>> No.9198366

Smaller hitbox

>> No.9199832

During the first spellcard where they're all on screen, focus your shooting on the one you want to fight during the second solo (I recommend Lunasa, the black one).

If you're still around, how did you train yourself to aim Myon? I like team Ghost on paper, but can't use Youmu for shit.

>> No.9199913

>Touhou is pretty hard even on easy.
>Just 1cc'd EoSD and IN on easy
Too bad we don't have last stage in EoSD on ease, huh?..
No, I'm not mocking you.

>> No.9201043
File: 360 KB, 640x480, Q7R9g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1cc'd PCB Lunatic
4/7 done

>> No.9201047

Nice quads bro.

>> No.9201122
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1cc SA on Normal. Here's funny thing - I used to use vpatch, which upped my FPS in SA to 75 and all that time I thought it was normal. I succeeded on a second try after playing without it.

>> No.9201151

>If you're still around, how did you train yourself to aim Myon?
Play Imperishable Night Extra as solo Youmu until you can dance around hitting errything at the same time.

As an aside, this was another attempt at no-deaths Mokou. I was so certain that I was ten kinds of hosed after I accidentally bombed wrongly on that last noncard, that when I somehow managed to clear it I had to pause the game and stumble around my apartment laughing and gasping for about a minute and a half.

Too bad it was all for naught ;_;

>> No.9201179

I finally 1cc'd every GFW route and unlocked Extra today.

I really like this game.

>> No.9201252

Tapping shift centers Myon under Youmu, shooting straight up. Abusing this makes the team much easier to use.

>> No.9201256

Or quickly tapping up then down will do the same.

>> No.9201352
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Could someone help me? I want to clear PCB on easy someday, for now I just suck. What I'm doing wrong? Am I too unfocused? I'd be really glad if someone could help me...


>> No.9201425

You keep wasting a lot of your borders by thinking they're just a free shield. If you don't get hit you get a huge point bonus which could be an extra life or two. Its fine if you HAVE to take a hit, but you seem to just intentionally run into shit when you have a border.

Stage 1 looked fine.
Stage 2, bombed a little early on Chen, but if you weren't comfortable on that card then I guess its alright, you would have been perfectly fine though.
Stage 3, bombed again on a part of Alice you would have been perfectly fine on. Do you tend to get nervous a lot when playing?
I'm also not sure what you were paying attention to when you got hit by that unbelievably slow bullet with plenty of room to move. This must be what you meant be not being focused on the game?
Stage 4: Be careful about boxing yourself in like you did early on, by this point you should stop concerning yourself with point items if you're having trouble surviving. Also STOP WASTING THOSE BORDERS.
A trick for this stage, most of the fast flying enemies that explode into red/blue bullets? Don't shoot them. when they reach the end of their flight path across the screen they'll release a much more easily dodged green pattern, you literally just have to tap left or right slightly to dodge them instead of having to deal with all the extra bullets from shooting them. After Lily White its safe to shoot again.

You bombed REALLY early for the first part of the prismrivers, thats just something you'll have to practice on.
Once again, stop thinking borders are a free shield, just stop, dont even acknowledge they exist, that one not only cost you a border bonus but a life too. The sister you shoot at the most during the first Trio sequence is the one you'll end up fighting next, you might have an easier time with Lyrica (red one) so try focus firing on her during that trio sequence.

>> No.9201433

>If you don't get hit you get a huge point bonus which could be an extra life or two.
Extends in PCB (and in most games, really) are based on number of points items picked up, not your actual points. So it wouldn't really make a difference.

Border wasting is painful to watch, but there's no real disadvantage if you don't care about points.

>> No.9201434


Extra lives in PCB are point items, not points, so saving borders isn't going to help that much.

>> No.9201442

The only thing to do is practice, you died at some really silly parts like when Youmu was shooting bullets from the bottom of the screen but you went straight to the bottom. And deathbombing, learn how to do that.

>> No.9201457

For Youmu's attacks where she just fills the screen with yellow and cyan bullets, thats just something you'll have to practice on.

When she slashes Blue, move slightly or slowly left or right.
When she slashes Red, don't move, they will completely miss you.

On her slowdown spellcards the only advice I can really give is try to push forward while everything is slow. If you're caught in front of all that danmaku when it speeds back up you're probably screwed.

No seriously, if you just treat it like it doesn't exist and just play normally you'll either
1: Rack up a bunch of extra points
2: Actually get hit when you really needed that protection, instead of wasting it on a suicide dive.

On that second-to-last spellcard, I hope you already know not to get too close to the bottom like you did. As for dodging the red, its best to start at the left or right of the screen and slowly work your way to the other side. Once you get there you can attempt to double back or bomb.
And two more wasted bombs on the last spellcard, which could have been averted by pushing forward. Courage!

>> No.9201471

Right right, for some reason I thought PCB still had lives at like 50m and whatnot.

Either way the point still stands, he's literally using them as an excuse to charge face first into bullets instead of waiting untill he actually needs to use it. And getting lasered in one specific case.

>> No.9201481

Not the same person that you guys are helping, but man first time fighting the Red Prismvir and I thought she was way harder. Maybe it's just lack of practice on her though.

>> No.9201486
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1200, catbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thank you! Thank you very much!
Yes, I was thinking I am supposed to waste borders for cherry points... I'm very stupid.
I was very nervous because I was playing this time with clear purpose of uploading my replay here and I didn't want to ashame myself too much...
Usually I fare much better when I'm fighting Youmu... Prismrivers are the worst.
Thank you again for your help! I hope I'll be better someday...

>> No.9201493

do your best borderblaster-san

>> No.9201513

First death: You had plenty of bombs in stock and could have used one. Frankly it's hard to give advise here that doesn't sound like a complete insult since you could have just moved to the left or something.
Let's move on.
The first part on stage 4 where you bombed is aimed right at you so you can just move a few pixels to the side at a time and they will miss you.
Second death: 2 bombs in store, those bullets spread out as they move across the screen so you need to pass them before you get trapped like here.
You miss a bomb after Lily simply because you stay on the lower edge too much.
Third death: Only the word silly comes to mind, you had plenty of time to react to that laser.
Also if you want to clear the screen with your borders just use the bomb button instead of smashing you hitbox into bullets.
Fourth death: I have no real advise here. You were in the almost right spot.
Fifth and sixth and seventh death: Just practice, nothing else I can say there besides once again remarking on the fact that there were bombs available.
Eighth death: bullets be coming from behind Anon so don't move down too much.
Ninth death: Nothing.
Tenth death: Seems practice is what you need more than anything here.

>> No.9201548

>I've also switched from MarisaB to ReimuA, as apparently MarisaB's focused fire isn't as strong as ReimuA's?
I wouldn't worry too much about that. They're not worse, just different. It shouldn't matter a lot on Normal mode. Also, MarisaB can change her shot and has a very powerful bomb.
For Okuu's last spellcard, you just have to get into the rhythm of it. You will be dodging mostly horizontally. Watch some replays to see how it is done.
Maybe it is something with your monitor or the way it is plugged in? You might be able to change somethings in the vpatch to lower the tearing. The input lag in SA won't be as noticeable because it is a newer game, but it's still there.
SA in particular likes to do that. Try changing your Input Latency in the Graphical Configuration in order to fix it. FPS hacks are good for training.
I was the same way when playing Easy mode in UFO. Learning the game mechanics is what Easy mode is all about.

>> No.9201558

PCB, SakuyaA user, any advice to deal with the initial prism sister? I'm not skilled but I can somewhat manage all the other stages.

Stage 4 just seems to be my bane. I lose too many bombs and lives to it to manage a 1cc.

>> No.9201599


>a very powerful bomb

In what way? Her bomb makes you immortal for its duration and creates a small area that destroys all bullets that enter it, but unless you can drop it ON a boss to absorb all her bullets or something, it's not nearly as useful as ReimuA's bomb, which makes you immortal for the entire duration AND completely clears all bullets on the screen when it's done (with some exceptions).

MarisaB's bomb was my least favorite part about her.

>> No.9201620
File: 121 KB, 330x500, merlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Merlin, with the white dress? Her first nonspell is pretty hard. All that I can tell you is to stream widely and don't be afraid to bomb. PCB has a very difficult stage 4. It has a lot of memorization, so practice pays off a lot.
MarisaB's bomb is arguable more useful because it is capable of doing huge amounts of damage, as opposed to ReimuA which can only do a certain amount of damage. ReimuA might be better for someone that isn't experienced with the game.

>> No.9201633

Her bomb sucks ass for getting out of trouble. Makes a 1CC much harder. Maybe supar pro playar never bombs except by choice so I guess it's all the same right?

>> No.9201651

>Her bomb sucks ass for getting out of trouble.
But you have a lot of them, so you have to develop your strategy to make the most effective use of them. A supar pro player probably doesn't need to bomb to clear the game, but becoming that good takes a lot of work. I might not be able to clear PCB on Vanilla Lunatic if I tried right now. Don't worry and keep playing.

>> No.9201687

For some reason my games run at 40-50 fps, cant enjoy the game, bullets feel slower...

>> No.9201725

I just want to say thanks again to people who helped me... now I suck a bit less and I managed to reach Prismriver Sisters without using any bombs or losing lives (and I don't waste borders anymore)! But I need to practice fighting them; they always rape me. I guess it's the matter of time until I'll be able to beat them without problems.
You're very nice and helpful!

If you don't mind, I have one more question: what does "slowdown rate" on score screen means?

>> No.9201745

How is TD extra compared to IN's? That's the only extra I've completed and I'm having one hell of a hard time doing TD extra, dying before getting to Nue and having difficulty on all of Nue's spells. I've gotten the hang of the first two but I'm still having trouble with the third, any tips?

>> No.9201740

Aren't you two talking about SA marisa B?
she has 4 bombs max just like everyone else right? Does Marisa always get more power or something? I thought that happens with Malice.

Maybe I'm just confused.

>> No.9201751

She's the one, thanks. Guess I'll have to put some time into practice mode when I get home.

I've figured my way through the majority of the stage and only catch myself in a few tough spots when I forget what I'm doing and move in the wrong direction.

I found Youmu to be more of a lesson of staying calm in obscene circumstances. Her patterns and bullet time, to me, seem to be geared towards shock tactics if anything.

Yuyuko just turns into a test of endurance and resources.

>> No.9201782

Maybe your computer isn't strong enough for the games?
>I managed to reach Prismriver Sisters without using any bombs or losing lives (and I don't waste borders anymore)!
Well then you should be able to clear the game easily.
>If you don't mind, I have one more question: what does "slowdown rate" on score screen means?
That talks about how many frames you have dropped, which is relevant to your fps during the game. If you lag a lot, your slowdown % will be high.
Only Malice collects extra power from power items, and she has a maximum of 8 power, unlike all the other shots which have 4.
The stage isn't too bad, but I still think TD Extra is on the harder side. I find Nue's third spellcard to be the easiest. I can't give too much advice other than to go vertical. I start by milking Nue and going down when the bullets force me to, then I just casually dodge the bullets. You can also time a trance there to collect what she drops after the third spellcard. I think you can collect both her second spellcard and third spellcard if you time a good trance as Marisa.
>Her patterns and bullet time, to me, seem to be geared towards shock tactics if anything.
I think that's the gimmick. It's supposed to represent the fight of a sword.
>Yuyuko just turns into a test of endurance and resources.
I agree.

>> No.9201979

Made it to Yuyuko for the first time on normal.
Replay of it, if anyone is interested in giving advice or anything.

>> No.9202061

So I went for EoSD Lunatic after a shitty clear on Hard a while ago and I'm surprised to find how much hasn't changed. When I began on Lunatic when discovering the game I was overwhelmed and Hard felt like easymodo in comparison, but they don't seem that different after all.

>> No.9202126

You did good on the first stage, but I think that you could have timed a border there to help you collect resources.
You probably could have avoided that bomb on Chen, but it's no big deal.
That first bomb on Alice could have been avoided just by going slightly to the side. You can see how I did it in: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=21933
You bombed Foggy London Dolls twice. If you wanted to bombskip it, you should have waited more before your first bomb. I think that you could have dodged it.
You made a silly mistake on the introduction to stage 4, but I think that you were doing well. That next bomb was just a waste.
Other than a few occasional mistakes, you did a pretty good stage 4.
I think that you got stuck in a bad position on Merlin's first spell. I would have gone farther to the right on the first wave so that you could stream it more easily.
You got surprised on the first spellcard, and you started to bombspam. It's very simple streaming, and you should practice it.
You did a pretty bad job on the Prismrivers. I think you need some practice there.
You did a pretty good stage 5 other than getting surprised on Youmu a lot.
I don't know why you used that first bomb on stage 6.
Yuyuko's first spell is very easy. You just have to go to the opposite side that the lasers are going to go. You kept going right towards the lasers. The nonspell after that needs to be re-streamed, but there is no problem with using a bomb there.

In general, I think that your strategy is good other than some moments in the later stages. I think that practicing a few parts along with watching some replays should bring you very close to a 1cc.
I think this might be a good replay for you: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=6741

>> No.9202152

Hey Riz, you got time to stream something any time soon?

>> No.9202185

I have to go to school in a little while, so no. I might be able to do it tomorrow if I don't have too many homeworks, but I'll be able to do it by Friday for sure.

>> No.9202204

Not the same guy you responded to but if you could drop me an e-mail before you begin it it would be awesome.

It'd be fun to watch someone who knows what they're doing aside from the usual replay.

>> No.9202216

Usually it takes the same number of bombs anyway. A planned MarisaB bomb is about the same as a wait-and-see ReimuA bomb to get by a single pattern. And you get to choose whether and when to use it. If it's something you absolutely can't dodge and it has a lot of HP then MarisaB's is a lot better. Outside of that you'll probably have to use more bombs. The blue spread shot makes up for it some.

>> No.9202230

Just idle on #pofv or monitor the STG thread or use the streaming site's follow function.

>> No.9202281

I have a quick question I'd like to ask, mostly aimed more towards the decent players, especially if they have any experience with what I'm talking about.

I've been playing touhou on a xbox 360 pad, using the analogue stick instead of the d-pad. Yeh I know I know, it's not recommended etc.
I've recently beat all the games on hard mode though, and am in the process of moving onto lunatic. However I can't help but feel that the response time of the analogue stick is now holding me back on this much more reaction time demanding difficulty.
I'm thinking of switching things up, as late as it might be, to a mechanical keyboard. The one I have now is a cheap £5 no name keyboard, and I would really like to upgrade it.

Would any lunatic players that use mechanical keyboards be able to recommend me one that would best suit my needs?
I imagine the cherry reds would be the more suitable for playing touhou...but maybe I'm wrong...I'm just going by what I've read.

>> No.9202288


Same guy, declaring myself dead weight at this point.

What streaming site and what STG thread?

Never actually watched a stream before.

Any help is appreciated.

>> No.9202292

Cherry reds are good. I use them, a lot of good players use them too. (not saying I'm a good player.)

>> No.9202293

Thanks for the tips! I feel like I can really do it.
And that stage 6 bomb was an accident. I guess I was a little too excited I beat Youmu.

>> No.9202301

This is Riz' stream


This is the STG thread, he'll usually announce his streams here, and/or on


>> No.9202304

wow I'm a retard.

>> No.9202306


No, that's a perfectly acceptable spelling.

>> No.9202307

I appreciate your help!

>> No.9202312

Adding to this that I'm using QPAD MK-85. (shameless plug)

>> No.9202358

I'm currently using this keyboard: http://elitekeyboards.com/products.php?sub=leopold,fullsize&pid=fc500rrabn
It has Cherry MX Red switches. I like them very much. You might not appreciate the blank keys, but there is a version that shows them. This keyboard has given my just a few mechanical problems, but it's been good overall. It gave me some problems like occasionally typing some keys twice (Ex: tyyping some keyys twice), some keys being stuck and flimsy, and some of the lights not working properly. Because of this, I don't know if I would recommend Leopold, but I don't have anything else to compare it to. It's still a lot more comfortable that rubber membranes. You may want to ask /g/ about it in the next mechanical keyboard thread.

The keyboard feels very responsive and sturdy, and typing on it is a great pleasure. I feel like Reds would be the most suitable for playing Touhou, but I don't have any other ones to compare them to. You are going to have to get used to very light keys with a very sensitive response time. It feels like typing on air, and you are going to have to get used to not having to bottom the keys out when playing. I think Reds are also pretty quiet keys. I've always wanted to try out Blues, but it's not so easy since these keyboard are so expensive. Anyone want to donate one for the sake of science? I only know one other person that uses a mechanical keyboard, and that is a Normal mode player. If you have a chance to try one of these keyboard out before buying, make sure to do it, but that's probably not likely.

>> No.9202357

I've 1cc'd PCB on normal already, but I would still like some help, namely with Lunasa's first nonspell, with Yuyuko's knife nonspell and any others that can be improved. I just can't seem to do them.

Replay: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=21935

>> No.9202360

Keep in mind that it might take you a very long time to get used to playing on a keyboard, and that you might have to get used to not being able to beat Easy mode for a while. I couldn't beat Easy mode PCB with a pad or using the WASD keys for control. My muscle memory isn't built into that, even though I am experienced with the game.
The email I sent you should explain everything.

>> No.9202375

PCB on normal has got easier since I beat IN on easy. Failed though.

>> No.9202378


Made it to the Stage 6 boss in a single continue! Beating this game isn't TOO far off!

That said, holy fuck my Stage 6 is absolutely shameful. Four deaths, all of them to stupid, easily-avoided things. My first death was one I didn't see coming, as this was my first time playing today and the bit I played yesterday was my first time ever seeing this stage, so I just didn't remember that those guys that would be coming in from the right. I have no excuse for the other deaths, though. They were simply me being absolutely retarded.

Still, progress! After practicing the last stage a little, I lasted long enough in her final spell card for her not only to create a sun around her, but for her to make that sun EXPAND. I haven't watched any replays of Stage 6 at all yet, but I'm fixing that now.

>> No.9202409

Yahoo is being slow and I haven't been receiving any mail I've been expecting so I'm crossing my fingers that yours comes through later on in the day.

>> No.9202442

The clicks on Blues start to get really infuriating after a little while. In my opinion, they're mostly suited to playing something that doesn't need a lot of keyboard use. Then again, that defeats the point of getting them, doesn't it? I'm still going to swear by Reds.

>> No.9202447

What triggers the large power item before the midboss in EoSD Stage 1? Sometimes I'm getting one at 22 power and sometimes I get none despite sitting at 28 when clearing the last batch of fairies.

>> No.9202465

>The clicks on Blues start to get really infuriating after a little while.
I like that noise. Not everyone seems to appreciate it.
>In my opinion, they're mostly suited to playing something that doesn't need a lot of keyboard use.
I think they are mostly suited for typing, as opposed to Reds which are mostly suited for gaming. Still, Touhou is a much different game than most, so it might be an exception. I'd just have to test it out.
Are you you shooting the same fairies each time you play?

>> No.9202512

On Hard and below I'm shooting every fairy before the midboss and the large power item sometimes appears and sometimes doesn't.

>> No.9202538

Rather than quoting everyone I'll just state that PCB awards lives for reaching both point item and score thresholds.

I've used both a 360 and a PS2 Dual Shock controller in a number of PC games (including Touhou and Jamestown) and found the Dual Shock to be superior hands down, especially its sticks. Just another thing you could try.

>> No.9202574


After watching a number of replays while confusedly scratching my head, I learned of a replay desynchronization glitch. If you want to watch a replay of Stage 6, you have to start it from Stage 5, otherwise the bullets on your screen don't match what the replay originally had. This means that the player will quickly run into stupid things and die.

My last two deaths in the replay I posted are significantly less shameful.

>> No.9202581

Yes, SA has that with stage 6. I think MoF has that with stage 4. There might be more in the other games, but I'm not sure.

>> No.9202822

This has probably been asked a ton of times, but what's everyone's favorite Touhou game?

>> No.9202837

Out of the few I've played, I'd have to say UFO. I don't exactly like the UFOs, but the bosses are worthy rivals and I like them as characters.

>> No.9202916

PCB because the cherry meter and borders are such compelling gameplay mechanics that they don't even feel like gimmicks.

>> No.9202933

I like PCB because I like its stages, bosses, and music the best.

>> No.9203000

It feels really silly that most of my deaths from Patchouli are coming from her non-spell card lasers that move across the screen around. I need to practice her more

>> No.9203042

Ten Desires. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.9203088





I HAVE COMPLETED A NORMAL 1CC OF EVERY SINGLE WINDOWS TOUHOU! Well, other than PoFV, but that's kind of its own thing.

God, I feel like an unstoppable beast, capable of conquering any foe! I'm a planet-devouring horror from beyond time and space! I am the greatest at video games! I know I'm not any of those things, but holy fucking hell I am so happy that I honestly don't care! I CAN DO ANYTHING! Hard modes! Extra Stages! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!

Unfortunately, I died right at the very end of this SA run, during the slowdown. I had extra lives, so I still beat the game, but it just has this kind of odd feeling when you don't get to see all the points on the screen fly towards you. Still, GOD DAMN I FEEL SO FUCKING AWESOME!

>> No.9203098

Congratulations man, you are fucking awesome. The next step up in difficulty are the extra stages, gogogo.

>> No.9203104


I'm slowly turning my friends into Touhoufags with it.

>> No.9203118

Through my very limited time of playing touhou on normal mode

EoSD - I really like this one, it has really good music too
PCB - I like it too , but the boss battles aren't as good as EoSD until the Prismriver sisters
IN - It was ok, I liked the Marisa or Reimu battle
PoFV - It felt weird
MoF - I only played 5 minutes of it, can't comment
SA - has the best music of the series IMO
UFO - Same as MoF
TD - all of the bosses until Seiga felt way too easy

So probably EoSD right now

>> No.9203158

> TD - all of the bosses until Seiga felt way too easy

Aren't all the games easy up until the 4th boss?

>> No.9203166

How are arcade sticks for playing Touhou? Do they match up to keyboards? Do any good players use arcade sticks?

>> No.9203167


Subterranean Animism isn't.

>> No.9203180

I thought Yuugi was pretty tough, but the bosses in TD until then really made me feel like I was playing on easy mode. I usually struggle a little bit during my first couple of times playing a Touhou game but I collected every spellcard from 1 to 3 on the first try.

>> No.9203199

Arcade sticks suck on Touhou. Use a keyboard, you can dodge much better with it.

>> No.9203235
File: 26 KB, 371x171, Error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, trying to use the vpatch with EoSD is giving me this error box, and a window that looks like Command Prompt with the exact same error message written in it. From what little moonrunes I know, it says something about being unable to find some game file. The game executable is named th06.exe, and I have vpatch.exe, vpatch.ini, and vpatch_th06.dll all in that same folder.

Any idea what's wrong?

>> No.9203387

rename th06 東方紅魔郷.exe

>> No.9203954


That fixed it! Thanks!

Man, fighting Flandre is exhilarating. I've 1cc'd every Touhou (aside from PoFV and the PC-98 ones). I KNOW I can beat Flandre. Every time I go against her, I get better. I'm dodging better every time. I'm figuring out her patterns.

Flandre's theme was what originally drew me to Touhou, and the first thing I wanted to do was defeat her. I started off with EoSD, and after 1cc'ing it (which took me over five months of playing it off-and-on), I discovered that there were NO ALTERNATE DIFFICULTIES FOR EXTRA STAGES. After practicing against Flandre for a good while and getting my ass kicked, I decided that I ought to get better by working my way through all the other games.

It turns out that I actually played and beat all of the Touhous after EoSD within a month; my replay of my first EoSD 1cc is dated May 22nd. Huh, I didn't realize that I burned through them so quickly. ANYWAY, so far, the furthest I've gotten against Flandre is her nonspell after a card called something like 'Cardiatropic'. I will defeat her, without looking at replays or anything like that. She's MINE.

>> No.9206199

New thread?

>> No.9206226
File: 15 KB, 290x290, AY2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, late reply is late but here it is
didn't save any replays, so I had to go make a few, I think this one is the best for now, got to 5th stage
/jp/, tell me how did I do


>> No.9206229

I made one: >>9206222
We could have probably used this one for another day, but I guess it doesn't matter.

>> No.9207940

how to know you have muscle memory
>play UFO stage 1
>reach the boss, not sure whether it's the midboss or the boss because you didn't pay attention the the whole stage

>> No.9207945

That happens to me all the time throughout the whole game.
