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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 259 KB, 510x461, 1339696140617 recent kenichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9178706 No.9178706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think it was posted here maybe a few weeks ago,
there was a chart posted that had all the notable lolicon artists, specifically in H manga.
Anyone remember a list like that?

>> No.9178710

Sorry, we don't pander to pedophiles.

You'll have plenty of time to think about your life while you're banned :-)

>> No.9178719
File: 1.44 MB, 2627x3648, 1334907936089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9178726

I was just looking for the same exact picture. Kinda mad at myself for not saving it.



>> No.9178741 [DELETED] 

Why isnt this thread deleted yet?

>> No.9178758 [DELETED] 


Janitor, not trying to patronise or antagonise you, but let me spell this out:
>1. Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.

The material OP is requesting is just as illegal as photographic child pornography (and covered by the same law).

>> No.9178751


For everyone else who might want the picture, or to input their opinion on it.

Deal with it.

>> No.9178763 [DELETED] 

Right, like that would stop the shit teir moderation from deleting this thread.

>> No.9178775 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 355x355, 1339436031327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10/10 my jimmies are SO rustled.


>> No.9178777 [DELETED] 

loli is not child pornography.

>> No.9178781 [DELETED] 

Id report you to moderation for macros but our moderation is legally retarded.

>> No.9178787 [DELETED] 

It's a subset of child pornography.

While I don't think criminals should have the same rights the average Joe should have, you're free to call it whatever you want. "It's not a murder, it's a stabbing-to-death! There's a difference!"

At the end of the day, it's the same in the eyes of the law and to most respectable human beings.

>> No.9178784 [DELETED] 


that got repealed.
It's unconstitutional because it's arguable that a piece of art is considered free speech, as well as the fact that it doesn't harm real minors in any way.

>> No.9178785 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 405x412, Rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ZOMG ur jimmies are rustled.

>> No.9178791 [DELETED] 

No, that's a current law. You're thinking of the PREVIOUS child pornography act, which was struck down for being overly broad. These laws were designed to replace it.

>> No.9178800 [DELETED] 

At least delete the thread.

Like seriously, this is as rule breaking as it gets.

>> No.9178792 [DELETED] 

Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies,

>> No.9178795
File: 311 KB, 781x669, 1338659475593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys really have to take such obvious bait?

>> No.9178797


>> No.9178803 [DELETED] 

Free speech doesn't cover obscene things.

>> No.9178806 [DELETED] 


Yes, the Janitor is a kind person who will delete this offtopic thread.

>> No.9178807 [DELETED] 

You'll have to consider that people reply to their own posts when others don't take the bait. See all the deleted posts in this thread which were likely made by the same person.

>> No.9178809 [DELETED] 



Yes, I have an obssesive compulsion to do so no matter how ridicolous as it gets. Like I'm about to reply seriously to this guy, watch.


You fucking piece of shit, >>>/hm/

Go back there you faggot.

>> No.9178810 [DELETED] 

>1. Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.


What OP is requesting is illegal. This thread is rule-breaking, and possibly itself illegal. The site could get in trouble. moot could get in trouble.
Regardless of your personal views on the matter, remove the thread.
>Janitors ARE NOT...
>Interpreters: Rules are to be enforced as written. Janitors enforce site policy only. Personal motives should never influence deletion.

>> No.9178813

Viewing CP in New York is legal

>> No.9178823

You'll have to consider that people reply to their own posts when others don't take the bait. See all the deleted posts in this thread which were likely made by the same person.

>> No.9178817

How far /jp/ has fallen...

>> No.9178820

>1. Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.


What OP is requesting is illegal. This thread is rule-breaking, and possibly itself illegal. The site could get in trouble. moot could get in trouble.
Regardless of your personal views on the matter, remove the thread.
>Janitors ARE NOT...
>Interpreters: Rules are to be enforced as written. Janitors enforce site policy only. Personal motives should never influence deletion.

>> No.9178829

woah, is the janitor really deleting those post or are you trying to making him look bad by deleting your own post.

>> No.9178825 [DELETED] 

>new thread
Please delete this thread janitor. Some discussion may actually take place here.

>> No.9178827

Janitor be keeping this thread ON dat topic.

I don't know, on one hand, he's trying to stop a troll shitstorm, on the other, he taking away mines and ARES first amendment FREEDOMS

>> No.9178835


That's just a bill, not a law. It won't pass, either.
As of right now, lolicon is perfectly legal. And even if it wasn't, nobody's going to arrest anyone so long as if you don't wave it around children.

>> No.9178831 [DELETED] 

Ohh wait, discussion is actually taking place. DELETE IT QUICK, WE ARE CLOSE TO HAVING FUN.

>> No.9178841

He's seriously deleting them.

I have explained rationally how this thread is rule breaking to the highest degree. He has chosen to delete my posts but to leave the thread.

Honestly, I'm not trying to troll or to piss off the janitor or anything like that. I just don't want /jp/ to turn into a WERE I FIND CP??!?!! directory for pedophiles. moot would probably close it down.

>> No.9178847


/jp/ was always lolicon/Touhou/loli VN central.
/jp/ will cease to exist if you try to take that away.

>> No.9178845

I dont get it either. Its not the same stagnant crap thats been on the front page for a week, why is it still here?

>> No.9178848

It's a law. It's part of the U.S. Code. It's part of the PROTECT Act of 2003. Act, not Bill.

Lolicon is illegal. Or specifically, sending/receiving it is (including by download).

>> No.9178853


And yet all the *booru sites exist, *henai, and many others that have been around for years.

Don't kid yourself.

>> No.9178862

I'm emailing moot, he will be mad as HELL.

>> No.9178876

so i can draw it as long i don't share it?

>> No.9178866
File: 80 KB, 150x446, nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9178868

I would have understood a spoonfeeding image, but complaining about pedophilia with such zeal?

*le summer face*

>> No.9178870


How could drawn images be illegal?

That's just silly.

>> No.9178873

There are also websites with photographs of children fucking and websites that sell drugs.

Right now my point isn't even so much that it's illegal, it's that this thread is very clearly rule-breaking and the janitor is leaving it (despite policing individual posts within it). There's simple oversight then there's having something explicitly explained to you but ignoring it.

>> No.9178879
File: 14 KB, 800x473, 1337905183475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how you seem so genuine, but I know you actually fap to lolicon yourself, and are just meta-trolling us.

10/10, but please stop, okay.

>> No.9178884

>drawings are illegal

That's just silly.

>> No.9178887

>I just don't want /jp/ to turn into a WERE I FIND CP??!?!! directory for pedophiles. moot would probably close it down.

They guy is so new it hurts.

>> No.9178888
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_wo_Bokutachi_wa_Mada_Shiranai_06_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[03D4DF72].mkv_snapshot_03.19_[2012.05.21_20.38.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP could have deleted this thread after 3 replies. He didn't. That is beyond suspicious.

>> No.9178901

Its a smoke screen. Janitor is trolling.

>hurr durr they all expect me to delete this thread because ive been on my period all month but i wont delete it and ill watch how mad they all get lololOLOL LUllzz.

I just want the janitor to be complete shit like she always is. Rather have nothing on /jp/ than to start posting with false hope that something new will end up on /jp/ for more than 3 minutes.

>> No.9178916

Take it up with your governor, then. The Court has specifically ruled the pictured minor doesn't have to exist.

But in real life though, /jp/ isn't like that. You guys can fap to whatever, and even talk about it. But directly requesting illegal content violates global rule 1, and the janitor's actions set a dangerous precedent for future posters.

>> No.9178929

>so new it hurts.

Its much easier to hide your posts. Lurk more.

>> No.9178935



>> No.9178938

But he was just requesting a chart of japanese contemparary artists i dont see how thats a crime

>> No.9178944

this. it's not like we linked actual lolicon content anywhere in the thread.

>> No.9178952

I think OP was serious.

I've been the same guy arguing about this from the start (some other guy joined in because he was on an anti-janitor crusade) and I'm serious. The janitor deleted my posts along with everyone else's. I didn't reply to myself or do any other astroturfing or sock puppetry.

You're free to not believe me, though. I'm querying the mods in IRC now, and I'll say here I'm happy for them to reveal which posts were and weren't mine. This thread is as simple and shocking as it appears.
