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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 270x217, Bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9174785 No.9174785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any hobbies that conflict with your NEET/Hikikomori lifestyle? I personally love birds. I watch them out of my window, but I'm afraid to go outside and see more.

>> No.9174792


>> No.9174790

You're a faggot, OP. A massive one at that.

>> No.9174817

i collect guns and like to go to shooting ranges with them, only recently started becoming neet so i dont have many problems so far

>> No.9174828

I have and buy a ton of nice clothing yet I have nowhere to wear them to. I just got this nice jacket from APC. Playing dress-up in front of the mirror's fun I guess.

>> No.9174904
File: 154 KB, 900x685, son goku_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after watching dbz... martial arts. i've considered going to a gym but right now i just practise it at home

th-thanks, goku.

>> No.9174909

>hobbies that conflict with your NEET/Hikikomori lifestyle
>watching birds
Please explain

>> No.9174915



my nightclub is late at night wen everyone is asleep and i have this magic electronic music party for a few hours by myself where i move around a lot haha

i guess its not a conflict after all...

>> No.9174920

I haven't left my house in 23 months. I want to see more birds other than the same dozen or so species I see from my window.

>> No.9174922

I like watching sports but I'm too scared to go outside and play them out of embarrassment of being shit

>> No.9174929

I like having sex but I can't find a girlfriend in my home.

>> No.9174931

Oh my god, me too

>> No.9174958

lol who shopped a kiwi on that arm?

>> No.9174975
File: 59 KB, 1180x790, IMG_0925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there is the prohibition of realistically depicting sex with an animal. The law does not care whether the animal wanted sex. I've read that male dolphins try to have sex with humans, and female apes sollicit sex from humans. What is wrong with giving them what they want, if that's what turns you on, or even just to gratify them?

But this law is not concerned with protecting animals, since it does not care whether the animal really had sex, or really existed at all. It only panders to the prejudice of censors.

A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked by his soft feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of that act ; should I go to prison for it?

Perhaps I am spared because this photo isn't "disgusting", but "disgusting" is a subjective matter; we must not imprison people merely because someone feels disgusted. I find the sight of wounds disgusting; fortunately surgeons do not. Maybe there is someone who considers it disgusting for a parrot to have sex with a human. Or for a dolphin or tiger to have sex with a human. So what? Others feel that all sex is disgusting.

>> No.9174987

I enjoy working on my cars but occasionally you need to take something to a machine shop and all the burly men there look at me weird.

I really wish I could autox more or do DE but there are too many people

>> No.9174993

>sex with a tiger
What dumb motherfucker would take a chance on fucking a tiger?

>> No.9175003
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, Scarlet Snowboarders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Snowboarding, but I'm on a beginner level. I don't think I can handle people seeing me plop my face on the snow.

It doesn't help that most snowboarders are insufferable tools.

>> No.9175006

I like photography, but I don't like going outside, and I have nothing in here to take pictures of aside from a few figures

>> No.9175052

i barely have any hobbies or interests (or none, depending how you look at it), so they don't conflict with anything.
i kinda like walking my dog though, but that's all.

>> No.9175057

Sorry, I can't think of any.

>> No.9175803
File: 7 KB, 180x135, 23269_342918359013_3130_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I work out with friends, club, date, college, work, ect.

In all honesty I am a secret Otaku.
I've said it before.
Only about 4 people know II'm Otaku

>> No.9175806

A social life.
Oh wait, sorry, those aren't allowed here.

>> No.9175808


Me too but there really isn't anything interesting to shoot here in NYC. Usually during the Fall and spring I head to upstate Connecticut where there is some pretty damn good fall foliage.

Other than that my job is quite what you would call normalfaggish.

>> No.9175811

Sounds like one of my college friends. Even though he learned Japanese, went to Japan, all for the sake of his otaku interests, last year he just took up wightlifting, being a bro, piercings all over, and drunk 24/7.
Sad, as he was a really fun guy prior to all that superficial crap.

>> No.9175835

Everything we do is superficial in the end.

I like shopping for food and clothes.

>> No.9175858 [DELETED] 

What happened to him on his trip to Japan?

>> No.9175865

NYC is a big city though, I would think there would be a lot. Then again, street photography takes balls that I don't have. I get nervous around people so badly that I can't pick up the camera.

>> No.9175873

Im forced to attend school. But I just sit in back and look angry so no one approaches me.

>> No.9175883
File: 96 KB, 200x372, 1328045665833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only my close friends know my true nature too.every one else just calls me a hipster because besides being a faggot who browses /a/ and /jp/ i'm a huge music nerd.
>implying that liking bands you've never heard of makes me a hipster
fuck them

>> No.9175885

None of the kiddos here do even knows what NEET or Hikikomori means.

>> No.9175887
File: 60 KB, 450x329, satsuma-samurai-during-boshin-war-period.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't drink that much, because of medical reasons.
I'll never abandon /jp/
I'm pretty sure I'll die a young heroic death, so if you guys don't hear from me than I probs died
me holding scroll
/jp/ are the other brother samurai

>> No.9175897

i do know what it means, i just choose not to live that way because i enjoy nature and in order to get to nature, i need to leave my house. hence not being a hikkimori

>> No.9175898
File: 3 KB, 88x88, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do they mean /n/igger

>> No.9175901

Are you me? A lot of the "hipster" kids think I'm the shit because I listen to music that doesn't play on NPR or whatever the fuck kids listen to these days.

>> No.9175906
File: 19 KB, 120x90, Image20110820071905170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probs aren't suppose to bes here man

>> No.9175904

Then don't reply and leave OP alone please.

>> No.9175917

Can i frame your post with gold?

>> No.9175921


It is and I love street life but the lighting is constantly terrible in NYC and generally the places that I want to take photos are usually packed with tourists and traffic.

Lately I have started a little project to photograph the street graffiti of NYC mainly the tributes.

>> No.9175933
File: 196 KB, 1100x825, tesla_1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has OP considered studying mathematics? It goes well with being a shut in.

>> No.9175941


One is unemployed and taking it easy, the other is addicted to using the computer, to his/her social detriment.

Summon the Commissar if I'm wrong.

>> No.9175952

Wow, that actually sounds really cool, and it being NYC you'd no doubt be able to find some really good graffiti. I'd like to do something like that, but the only graffiti is on the trains that sometimes pass through. I've been to some bigger cities before though, some of the graffiti art out there is really amazing.

>> No.9175984

trains. i love watching trains and riding them, but i live about 40 miles from the nearest railroad so i never get to see any

>> No.9175993

I love bus spotting, but I'm too lazy to go out.

>> No.9176011

They love trains too:

>> No.9176096

I like going out and hiking occasionally. Or just walking places in general. There is really a lot to think about when I'm not drowning in the infinite pleasures of the internet.

>> No.9176281

Not anymore. I used to go to raves back in the late 90s and take a lot of drugs, it was a very different scene to how it is now, so I've left. The people who go to raves are the cool people nowdays.

Now I just stay indoors

>> No.9176293

Wow are you 40?

>> No.9176306



>> No.9176323

hardcore man 13-15 year old drug abusing party animal :3

>> No.9176329





>> No.9176338


1998 I was 18 and going to raves.

>> No.9176340

I want to go outside and do things but I need a logical reason to leave my room, I can't just leave and go for a stroll or have fun outside like regular people.

>> No.9176354

I don't know about the USA but going to parties and doing drugs at 15years old is kinda normal in my country.

>> No.9176355

HELLa epic. did you make it back home before your bed time tho? my mom gets really mad at me if i dont :(

>> No.9176363

Yes: it's /jp/.

>> No.9176361

Is there a reason you're choosing to act like a retard?

>> No.9176362


It wasn't really like that back then lol, it has 'edgy' connotations now for the exact reason I stopped going.

It just used to be something fun to do.

>> No.9176415

the anon in question kinda sounded like a jealous kid to me. that's kinda weird.

>It goes well with being a shut in.
eh, why? and what makes it different from most other sciences in that matter?
i hear this opinion often but i never got where it comes from.

>> No.9176422

I lift. Not sure if that goes against /jp/, but whatever.

>> No.9176430

you can lift without living your room.
doesn't count.

>> No.9176440

Exploring nature, hiking, rivers, etc.

The world really is a beautiful, fun and interesting place when you don't have to deal with other people.

>> No.9176445

>I love birds
how about this one? *grabs cock*

>> No.9176446


>> No.9176450

My hobby is collecting stuffs and reading books, I am enjoying all of them at my home.

>> No.9176454

I love football, don't know if it can be considered in conflict but I'd like to see my team in the stadium.

I don't visit /sp/ though.

>> No.9176480

Most of you guys go to nightclubs, do drugs, Liking sports.
I did not expect this from /jp/ at all

>> No.9176481

Yeah.Things like riding my bike, eating a healthy diet. Meeting new people while going out for walks. Smiling and getting a lot of sunshine on my skin. meeting people on the internet, and then meeting them in real life to do things like walking, riding bikes, going out to eat, and generally just hanging out. Sometimes i watch tv, and masturbate to porn. I dont have a girlfriend, but i dont want one.

I enjoy cooking eggs, and cooking for other people. I talk with my family members often just to pass the time.

>when im not doing these things im holding binoculars and watching people, mostly peers from the blinds from inside my room

Other than than, im a totaly NEET


>> No.9176517

I love watching sports as well but I could never handle the atmosphere of a stadium.

I used to visit /sp/ gamethreads from time to time just to feel like I was actually watching the games with someone but in the past year or so the gamethreads have become unbearably bad.

>> No.9176535


Only because of the connotations

>> No.9176593


>My hobby is collecting stuffs

How does this conflict? Hoarding shit is a mental illness that's consistent with NEET/hikidom

>> No.9176602

A neet with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

>> No.9176622

I'm the biggest, NEET. Being social is hard for me, but I somehow always manage. The only people I know other then family are those online. I leave my room only twice. Once to access my washroom, and once to go to work.

I work as a bartender.

>> No.9176641

OPs question was clearly directed at NEETs. Can this thread get anymore retarded?

>> No.9176648

The normals get offended over these threads for some reason. I think they have trouble understanding that some people lead different lives than they do.

>> No.9176660

I like to go for walks.

There's a 3d girl who lives down the road from me.

Sometimes, I like to walk by her house and loiter near it for several minutes to see if she'll come out to play.

>> No.9176729

i completely forgot singing. it definitely counts.
you may argue that i could practice at home, but it's shit compared to practicing with a teacher.

>> No.9176731

isn't it kinda like stalking? do you know what she thinks of it?

>> No.9176742

>I'm the biggest, NEET
>I work
if the coma is accidental: dafuq i just read.
if it's not: dafuq i just read and exactly what part of you is "the biggest"?

>> No.9176754

He's trying to be a super epic troll, anon.
