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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 60 KB, 776x597, RETYUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9166843 No.9166843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What reputation does /jp/ have in 4chan?

>> No.9166848
File: 20 KB, 248x274, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best board of 4chan

>> No.9166850

Best board, everyone else is jealous.

>> No.9166855

"elitist shithole"

>> No.9166856

keep up the good work

>> No.9166858

Badass mofos with big penises.

>> No.9166862

I think this sums it up.
Also it's fun when people come here to troll, shitting on Japan not knowing /jp/ hates Japan.

>> No.9166865

pimpz and wizards

>> No.9166871
File: 20 KB, 248x274, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i try my best

>> No.9166875

Shouldn't you be asking 4chan? How the fuck should I know?

>> No.9166884
File: 273 KB, 580x931, 1333626199905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9166887

That kimochi when no board likes your fat greasy nerd games.

>> No.9166891

we are best guy!

On a more serious note, I met someone from /v/ in an MMO, he was very surprised to find someone from /jp/ who was a `bro`. I hadn't realized it myself, but /jp/ is pretty fucking weird for people outside of /jp/. Very difficult to understand this board. This makes them feel apprehensive towards us.

>> No.9166894

Permanently buttmad autistic weeaboos who sage everyone like what the fuck man that board sucks

>> No.9166898

>Very difficult to understand this board. This makes them feel apprehensive towards us.
Typical mongoloid behaviour.

>> No.9166913

The best.

>> No.9166919

/jp/ reminds me of ye olde 4chan.

>> No.9166926

I like the way /jp/ puts other boards in their place whenever someone announces they're from another board, asks a question about Japan, or tries to troll on the premise that we worship Japan.

>> No.9166927
File: 159 KB, 936x460, jpcred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're well known for our passions.

>> No.9166930

I think /jp/ is still seen in terms of its original character (uptight, hostile and aspergerine) rather than what it has become: a delightfully absurd work of postmodern genius.

>> No.9166934

It's a hybrid of /r9k/ and /jp/.


>> No.9166935

Best board.
You can do the same search on every boards.

>> No.9166936
File: 54 KB, 786x455, jpban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is full of bullshit

>> No.9166946

What was the ban actually for?

>> No.9166963

We take it easy.

>> No.9166970


>talking about[...]how fucking beta you are

This is not /r9k/. Actually, we are the opposite. We are proud of our NEET life and disregard try hard retards. FUCK OFF

>> No.9166971
File: 14 KB, 300x300, Cover15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we laid back.

>> No.9166974

/ / ヽ :: \
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| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, |
| ,;‐=‐ヽ .:::::|
\ `ニニ´ .:::/ N-NO THANK YOU
.n:n nn
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|: :: ! } {! ::: ::|
ヽ ,イ ヽ :イ

>> No.9166977

The day will eventually come when you realise that what people want /jp/ to be and what it actually is are two very different things

>> No.9166980

/ /    ヽ :: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |
|   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|
\  `ニニ´  .:::/      N-NO THANK YOU
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |..|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: ::|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

>> No.9166983

You're obsessed aren't you.

How cute.

>> No.9166994

Why does /jp/ sage so much, it hurts my feelings. ;_;

>> No.9166996


You do not understand what sage is. Please leave us forever.

>> No.9166998

I usually don't see other boards talking about us that much. When I ask people about it, there's usually two responses I get:
>/jp/ is a shitty board.
>I lurk there ironically.
However, in the past, I have seen people speak positively about /jp/, especially if /jp/ was just a subject that happened to come up in a thread. I remember one case in particular when the topic of the thread happened to drift over to the days when 4chan still used all those old subdomains (dis/zip/img etc.). Someone mentioned how some subdomains would go down and while others were still up and that all the good boards were hosted on one subdomain (I forget which one it was, but it was the one that hosted /jp/) They said that, while some domains were down, they would hang out on /jp/ and it was always fun here. That sort of "/jp/ is fun, but I don't go there often" kind of attitude is one that I think is somewhat relatively common, but the loudest voices are the negative ones so it's not often heard.

>> No.9166999

/jp/ is the only board that still caries traditional 4chan spirit.
/jp/ and porn boards.

>> No.9167000


What if Yasuna walked in on Sonya while she was killing some guy? Riding ontop of him until she pulls out a gun and empties it into him right before Yasuna's eyes.

>> No.9167001

Can someone link to the board statistics?

The ones that show sage use by board and other crap like that.

>> No.9167002

Stop that, I didn't say anything mean to you.

>> No.9167003

/jp/ is a delicious shit sandwich, you must eat it

>> No.9167004

As much as I dislike foolz, if for some strange reason you actually want to read archives of /a/ and the like, it's the only option.

>> No.9167006

Check the archive. Also, you can't track sages effectively.

>> No.9167007


Almost 50%, last time I have seen. Still, as sage is the supposed normal behavior of posting, it should be around 75%. Well, some people may think their posts are too important for sage... Damn, can't they be humble?

>> No.9167011
File: 194 KB, 669x984, Los Caprichos - 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9167012

/jp/ is adorable

>> No.9167014

Why the hate for foolz?

>> No.9167017


>> No.9167015

Not everyone likes eating sperm.

>> No.9167019

not everyone can be u

>> No.9167020

i'd rather be alone than in the company of foolz

>> No.9167022

will SAGE still sage?

>> No.9167023


>> No.9167024

Look at this shit.
Clicking on post quotes doesn't even scroll the page to the quoted post in the Fuuka theme.

Pathetic script kiddies.

>> No.9167028

Elitist, douchebag NEETs who cry about how hard their lives are and mull over making the trek to Gensokyo every night.

>> No.9167030

Real Japanese use sageru.

>> No.9167032

>cry about how hard their lives are

I don't think that's something that /jp/ users do. That's /a/b/v/ blogging.

>> No.9167039

>That's /a/b/v/ blogging.

>> No.9167040


Why would you want to read /a/?

>> No.9167044


What? We just take it easy here, man. You must be confused


According to this, it was almost 50%. http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/8929110
The browser developer posted this stats some months ago, he keep track of MANY things. Too bad the image is too small to be seen.

>> No.9167052



>> No.9167053

I browse /jp/ regularly, and most other boards, too. I don't mention I'm from other boards on any board, but I comment when it's brought up.

>> No.9167050


/ /    ヽ :: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |
|   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|
\  `ニニ´  .:::/      N-NO THANK YOU
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |..|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: ::|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

>> No.9167059

Yes yes. Now use your brain and think about how you can differentiate sage and nokosage.

>> No.9167061

4chan Timeline

>> No.9167062

I always use this archive.


>> No.9167065

I agree with you but I am posting other board archives. No choice here.
foolz is shit. Their search is broken compare to warosu.

>> No.9167074


Oh oh oh!
nokosage has the effect of sage when you post (not bumping the thread) but it doesn't show you are saging, so, to other's perspective, you consider your post good enough to bump the thread, even though you are not. In other words, nokosage is useless in sage's original meaning.

>> No.9167075 [DELETED] 

Please understand what sage truly means.

>> No.9167076

/jp/ is full of shitposting, but it's good shitposting.

in some bizzare macrocosm sociology experiment, /jp/ as a board itself has become one with the NEET mindset. At first it was happy to be a NEET and excited by the prospect, now it just shits the bed and doesn't care.

now if you'll excuse me I need to pretend I'm a powerlifter in another thread and call people nerds.

>> No.9167080

I personally like sagenoko so I don't have to manually enter sage.

>> No.9167083

>sage's truMEANING is to show others that you saged.

>> No.9167090

Didn't know I could do this. Thanks, this saves me from nokosaging every time.

>> No.9167087

The best thing about saging isn't not bumping the thread but showing everyone on /jp you did.

>> No.9167088


Yes, and thus they know you do not consider your post worthy of bumping the thread.

>> No.9167096

i still laugh at how etc.

>> No.9167100 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 1683x937, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other boards?

What other boards?

>> No.9167101

What's so funny about etc.?

>> No.9167102

You just need sage in your email field for your post to sage

>> No.9167107

/jp/ is truly the only board for me

>> No.9167108

No. sage's purpose is to not bump the thread you are replying to. That's all.

So, which subhuman board do you come from?

>> No.9167114


2chan use sage when they post something that is not worthy of bumping the thread. Being derived from 2chan, the behavior here should be the same. I do not visit any other boards.

>> No.9167123

They use sage whenever they don't want to bump the thread. Anything else is your interpretation/imagination/extrapolation.

>> No.9167132

sage isn't commonly used on 2chan.

You probably think of 2ch.

>> No.9167137

who world2ch here

fuck moot

>> No.9167143
File: 298 KB, 1158x808, educational.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9167145


me, I used to idle on pyoko too years and years ago. literally like when I was a teenager.

>> No.9167148

It wasn't meant to be accurate, that's just what someone posted a week or so ago on some other board, I forget which one.

>> No.9167149

4chan white pigs can't difference 2chan and 2ch to save their lives.

>> No.9167153


I know the difference between both, just confused in which one sage was used, since I do not frequent any. My apologies. I am ashamed and will refrain for posting in this thread from now on, as I am the one to normally tell people the difference.

>> No.9167161

You'd better.

>> No.9167192


>> No.9167226

/jp/ is the best board on 4chan because I'm here.

>> No.9167237

u arent moetron

>> No.9167239


>> No.9167244

The kawaiiest board.

>> No.9167256
File: 878 KB, 1280x720, Yuuko-san 95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is the best board! Red Ren which you cannot find anywhere else posts here!

>> No.9167355

/jp/ should be /jp/ - NEET Culture, we past the "otaku" phase many years ago, otaku sounds like normalfaggotry but that's my opinion.

>> No.9168044
File: 205 KB, 1381x797, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9168064


That's from last spring.

>> No.9168119

Should be /jp/ - Otoko Culture since we passed the "wanting to be little girls" phase many years ago and now want to be glory hole lurking homos but thats just me wanting to make a dumb joke.

>> No.9168129

moot once changed the name to ``NEET/Hikikomori General'' for a while.

>> No.9168149

What game is that anyway? I feel curious

>> No.9168152
File: 69 KB, 360x358, 1333272933268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9168157


Final Fantasy Tactics: HD Remix

>> No.9168158

Have you tried actually looking at the picture?

>> No.9168162


Fucker probably has vision problems. Be more respectful you cunt bag.

>> No.9168176

/jp/ is 4chan's personal translator

but still doesnt do translating

>> No.9168186

Yes. That awesome .jpg compression and the fancy letters doesn't allow me to see what it says, not even zooming it.

>> No.9168184

Okuu Culture

>> No.9168189

Get out warosu devs

>> No.9168199

Eksopl abandoned his archive to make a new archive?

What a twist!

>> No.9168197

wait, never mind. I was looking at the box, not the post text

>> No.9168202

But 2channel has yukkuri on their home page.

>> No.9168206

rude bump


>> No.9168217

the link in the post.

>> No.9168232

I can only view /jp/ and /tg/ with my scripts. /tg/ is alright but I enver post there, I only lurk to find MtG strategies when new blocks come out or recently with DnD 5e.

>> No.9168247

I'm sorry for your terrible eyesight. The name is listed in the post.

Atelier Meruru.

>> No.9168248

/jp/ is considered even more autistic than /a/ and /vp/ mixed with the beta-ness of /r9k/.

>> No.9168252

There's a 5e now?

I still remember all the shit twinkie crap. /tg/ really went to shit around then.

>> No.9168259

But /jp/ isn't beta.

>> No.9168263

It would be nice if /tg/ discussed board games, I play a lot and have no nice place to talk about them.

>> No.9168265

Don't worry you're missing nothing, it's even worse than 4e. Pathfinder for life nigga.

>> No.9168276

I think people actually think this board is about raving on Japan and otaku culture, instead of being /2hu/ - Shitposting

>> No.9168284

But there's typically only 5 pages full of shitposting. There's plenty of legitimate threads.

>> No.9168296

This. Are we browsing different /jp/s or something? Just find a thread you like and post in it. If you can't find any, make one. Use the Catalog if it helps.

>> No.9168304


I do I was just making a joke, nerds.

>> No.9168330

They know, they're just shitting out that meme.
>But there's typically only 5 pages full of shitposting.
There's something amusing about there ONLY being five pages of shitposts.

>> No.9168341

It's still only one third. I can promise you /a/ is no better and /v/ is even worse. We just have a vendetta because we are the masters and founders of the art and everyone emulates our style.

>> No.9168362

4chan's /a/ imageboard on /jp/:
>/jp/ doesn't know how to discuss VNs.
>I try and avoid /jp/ nowadays because it's basically /touhou/ now.
>/jp/ is just a Touhou infested shithole
>/jp/ hates everyone.
>Go to /jp/ and ask for a translation. They take any chance they can to translate shit.
>If you want maximum weaboos >>>/jp/
>/jp/ is complete shit and all the good VN or LN discussions are on /a/
>/jp/ is the most hipster board on 4chan.
>why not get /jp/ to translate it for us? they have more weaboos there than here.
>/jp/ is one of the stupidest boards on 4chan and their high power level amounts of parroting what they heard someone else heard on 2ch and vigorously liking anything translators throw at them. They are worse than /v/.
>/jp/ is like a retirement house for otakus
>Why is /jp/ such a douche? I'll never go to that board again.
>To /jp/, if it's been translated it's already mainstream bullshit and therefore worthless.
>4chan needs more asshole boards like /jp/. They scare away all the faggots
>You start at /a/ (or /b/ if you're a fagget). Then everything goes downhill and you end up in /jp/. Then you die. Either by normal means or suicide.
>I mainly browse /a/, but even I know /jp/ is better by default because of their elitism
>Between the diapers, bedwetting, shitting and other NEET activities, you can have a great time there.
>I wish I liked what /jp/ liked, so I could browse there. I like their level of elitism.
>/jp/ is about as shitty as any other board. They only think high of themselves because their low traffic and long time users are used to sagespamming everything in order to ensure whatever the mods or friends of the mods favor stay on the frontpage at all times. See: Touhou fiasco.

>> No.9168367


>> No.9168371

Being on a level where we can be compared to /a/ or /v/ is not really a good state of affairs. I understand your point, and accept that this is our unfortunate reality, but still find amusement when how far we've fallen is played down.

>> No.9168381

We've fallen? /jp/ was born in shitposting, I'd argue there was more shitposting in 2008 and 2010 than there ever is today.

>> No.9168395

>why not get /jp/ to translate it for us? they have more weaboos there than here.
/a/ has thousands of unique posters, /jp/ has on average anywhere from 200-400 on a good day. Statistically we can't have mroe weeaboos than /a/.

>> No.9168401

Highest concentration maybe?

>> No.9168405

Yeah yeah, we've always had it around.
But there was a fair amount of "on topic" shit to keep busy in, from around when the board settled down in late 08-early 09, until just about the end of 2010.
No it was never a pristine chapel of good behavior and perfect grammar, but you rarely had to wade through five pages of spam to find what you were looking for either.

>> No.9168413

This is true, but now wading is a thing of the past with the catalogue. Shitposting has become a novelty sport than an actual hindrance.

>> No.9168422

I can agree with you on that.

>> No.9168502

Finally, someone who doesn't believe all this beta/alpha bullshit.
Same, /jp/ is a getaway from all the other boards when you get tired of all the shit they pull. It seems to have more spirit and less hostility than the other boards, so is a nice little oasis of sorts.
Yep, /jp/ just doen't care.

>> No.9168518
File: 856 KB, 2560x1920, 1333664136533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is the only board where I truly feel at home

>> No.9168531

holy shit that's one easy cat

>> No.9168537

/a/ is lame

it just isnt as good as when code geass was airing

>> No.9168574

Why doesn't /jp/ ever actually take it easy?

>> No.9168586

i used to take it easy but then i took an arrow to the knee lul >u<

>> No.9168596

Whoa take it easy man

>> No.9168636


Are we really that elitist? /a/ is elitist to whiny bitch extents and we make sure to drive them away. Maybe they think that makes us more elitist by default.

>> No.9168656

A lot of people call us elitist because we're so xenophobic and complain non-stop when crossboarders post here, announcing what board they're from.

>> No.9168681

>What reputation does /jp/ have in 4chan?
It's shit.

>> No.9168703

/jp/ is the only board I browse. Every other board is just filled with normals and kids.

>> No.9168708

Eventually all the off boarders will leave, and I'll have my home back. Should only take another eight or nine years, that's nothing.

>> No.9168722

I was in disbelief when I found out it was June yesterday.

>> No.9168723


>> No.9168753
File: 61 KB, 320x304, 1318809135509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9169068

/jp/ is impervous to the other boards, nobody quite understands it and most don't even try to understand it.

The only people who seriously try and take part in /jp/ are /a/ who think "Aaah, otaku culture - and I've heard these guys are elitist, I'll fit right in here as I'm sick of all those normalfag /v/tards on /a/. hi /jp/, 3DPD amirite? who's ur waifu xD anyone watching <latest shitty anime>? I love moe!!".

/jp/ is the only good board, it doesn't have some kind of hivemind standard of posting like the other boards, but everyone just happens to be on the same wavelength anyway. I feel like I can relax here.

>> No.9169097

I still don't fully understand, but I don't think I don't understand either

I'm about halfway there

>> No.9169114


Please don't try to fit in. We're not some kind of secret club.

>> No.9169116


>> No.9169145


>> No.9170054

Nice satire anon.
