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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9155224 No.9155224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Password: fluttershy

My god, they make us NEETs and touhou fans look like gentlemen.

>> No.9155228

no i not going to wacth thatt no no no

>> No.9155238

I'm just going to assume it's some guy fucking a pony and move on.

>> No.9155245

In the past few days, I've seen this posted on every board, kraut(notspam)chan, 4(...)chon, and who knows where else.

I think it's just one guy doing it too, Opie.

>> No.9155242
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no thank you

>> No.9155246

>implying that /jp/ is any different.
Same obsession, different drug.

>> No.9155248

It was pretty educational for me.
I wasn't from america so I never knew about the MLP phenomenon.

>> No.9155250

it's this ponyfag documentary, the beginning is already terrible

>> No.9155262


Are you implying the US is big on MLP?

The vast majority of US citizens would have no clue at all what a "brony" is. It's a very obscure sub-culture here relative to the general publics knowledge.

>> No.9155263
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I can already tell where this was going in the first few seconds.

>> No.9155270
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What can you really say though? They just want to demonize the group, but on the other hand I have't watched the video yet. I may do so now.

>> No.9155272

Dude they are selling MLP stuff in your mcdonald.
They arent even showing MLP on TV in my country.

>> No.9155277

There have literally been hundreds of shows that have had related toys sold in Happy Meals.

>> No.9155282


Yes, that is true, but the majority of people see it as no different then Dora the Explorer, or some other stupid show.

The vast majority of people here have no clue about it's cult like fanbase, they have never heard of a brony.

>> No.9155297

Well it is definitely a US only thing.
I doubt it got this big in other place like in yurop or down under.
They should have interviewed the creator. I wonder how she feel that grown up fatty are worshipping her ponies. I can already see her disgusted face while she was posing with bronies for pics.

>> No.9155303
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>> No.9155309

Watching it at the moment, it is sort of interesting but its really cringe worthy, every couple of minutes I have to pause it and just look away for a moment

>> No.9155315


One isn't furry

>> No.9155316





>> No.9155323

Oh, so pedo is in your eyes better than furry?

>> No.9155342

There was nothing wrong with pedophilia before rise of feminism in the 19th-20th centuries.
Besides it's ephebophilia, not pedophilia.

>> No.9155340

/jp/edos here only, go back to fucking your ponies you child.

>> No.9155343
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>My god, they make us NEETs and touhou fans look like gentlemen.

That's kind of the point, no? I'm watching the video, and all I see is a bunch of depressed normalfags.

/jp/ is supposed to be high-class little girls discussing otaku culture with proper manners and etiquette, not angry /r9k/mlp/ neckbeards bitching about society.

>> No.9155357

Rustle traces CP

>> No.9155375


everyone really wants some shota/loli, deep down. they're taught to deny it.

>> No.9155376


We know, this me-me gets funnier every you post it.

>> No.9155401

I want to see the original rustle face girl.

>> No.9155407

There is nothing wrong with liking cute girls.
It is perfectly normal. Talking horse with alien colors on the other hand.....

>> No.9155419

I'm pretty sure that if you'd survey normal people what they find worst most would say pedophilia.

So yeah, these people are more socially acceptable than us

Saying that you are better than mlp is nothing but ego stroking and normalfag behaviour.
Go and hate things on other boards like /v.

>> No.9155423

Most normals associate MLP with pedophilia since it's aimed at little girls.

>> No.9155430

>So yeah, these people are more socially acceptable than us
Nobody gives a shit what is or what isn't socially acceptable when it comes to shit you don't have to display in public, and your love for Touhou and/or MLP is one of these.

>Go and hate things on other boards like /v/.
I'm speechless.

>> No.9155437

but I always thought you NEETs and touhou fans are gentlemen.

am I wrong?

>> No.9155440

/jp/ is not the board for bitching about MLP. There is no reason you give any shits about it. Go whine about it somewhere else.

>> No.9155476

Aren't the ponies in the series children themselves.
So isn't ponyfags just a furry pedophiles? I think we can look down on them.

>> No.9155484

this is the board for bitching about whatever i feel like. right now you are bitching about my bitching. and now i am bitching about you bitching about my bitching.

the great circle of bitch

>> No.9155483

I don't care about mlp, but I didn't expect this kind of hypocrisy from /jp/.
Whatever happened to /jp/ being a refuge from normalfags?
It's sad to see people here act just like the people they want to escape from

>> No.9155492

lel like half of them touhous are based on animals

>> No.9155494
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>> No.9155495

>I didn't expect this kind of hypocrisy from /jp/.

>Whatever happened to /jp/ being a refuge from normalfags?
The fuck did this question come from? It has fuck-all to do with this thread.

>> No.9155498

You can be disgusted by subhuman behavior without being a normie.

>> No.9155499
File: 14 KB, 501x383, ponyreddittroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever happened to /jp/ being a refuge from normalfags?
/jp/ is a refuge from the other boards.

>> No.9155501

Since /jp/ inception, confags and people that make a fool of themselves in public have always been looked down on.
Why should bronies that openly show off their love for horses be any different?

>> No.9155516

There are annoying people in every fandom.
There are many touhou fans which are just as bad
It's silly to hate a whole fandom and say "haha at least we are not this much of a loser!" based on their behaviour

>> No.9155521

I need to see this picture.

>> No.9155523

There is no other board besides /b/ that allows for the rampant circlejerking and blogging.

It is a really shitty board, really shitty.

>> No.9155525

You are implying that I dont hate people that sing cirno perfect math in public.
I am pretty sure I dont hate on little girls that watch MLP.

>> No.9155526

MLP gets more shit because it's fans are louder.

But you're not really going to find anybody defending the Touhou fandom from anything either because most people agree that it's a bit shit too.

Besides maybe accusations of being worse than the MLP fandom.

>> No.9155527

Main cast seem to be teens.

There's loads of loli ponies though.

>> No.9155533
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>> No.9155537

every brony I have seen or have had a conversation with on the internet has been acting
like a child.
I have actually met a few.

>> No.9155540

...all those faggots wearing 20% cooler t-shirts.

>> No.9155545

Is there a designation for obnoxious touhou fans?
Only loud obnoxious mlpfags call themselves brony.
I mean in the documentary, that dude was trying to convert one of his friend to a brony.

>> No.9155548

I actually know 2 people who just enjoy the show and have nothing to do with the fandom

>> No.9155566

do you even know what a brony is? it isn't someone who enjoys the show and has nothing to do with the fanbase.

a brony are those retarded /b/tards who shit on everything, they are hated exactly because they are /b/tards (with their stupid /b/read)

>> No.9155603

I think they're in their early twenties actually, the white one may be as high up as 28 or 30

>> No.9155607

>He's gone over to the dark side. Or in this case the happy, icky rainbow side.
>When I was a child, I was amazingly happy. Everything was wonderful: The little birds in the trees; the cute squirrels from across the lot... But eventually, it got to the point where I met people who didn't like me and that attitude made me feel unhappy, 'cause people wouldn't like me very much. So one day people called me names and crap like that, so I just wanted to punch them in the face, right in the god damn face. And I did. And it wasn't so much the punching in the face but the feeling of hate that brought back happiness for me.
Holy crap the guy with the banjo is great. He redeemed the whole video.

>> No.9155624
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Full house.

>> No.9155645
File: 30 KB, 929x526, dear fucking god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not real right? these people don't actually exist...

>> No.9155651

I'm glad that you've never been to /cgl/. The horrors there... too much for any human being. Yes, ugly and retarded creatures like that do exist.

>> No.9155659

This is actually pretty sad. I'm not exactly a normie myself, but I would never dress up like fluttershy and dance around in public squealing about ponies...

Not to seem elitist, but I pity them. It's one thing to enjoy the show, whatever. But this is taking it too far. Why can't they love and tolerate without bronydom?

>> No.9155681

so kawi


>> No.9155687

The beginning where that neckbeard is singing that song for children really makes you feel sorry for them

>> No.9155700

I turned my only friend into a ponyshit. I know its my fault because I turned him furry.

>> No.9155704

They also have their own version Yukkuri threads


>"FWIENDS!" "New fwiends?" "PWAY!" "sgetties!"
>fluffy ponies swarm you
>glance at friend, he nods
stomp one, stab another, skewer a third stallion sideways and let him try and wriggle off the bayonet
>most of his body is in line with the barrel
>his front half no longer exists, rear half flops to ground
>fucking fluffy blood on your jacket, goddamn it

>> No.9155710

Animals don't have teens. They are either children or adults. You ever seen anyone say "well this animal is able to breed, but lets just wait a few more years before we let it because we are not sure it fully understands the consequences of mating yet"

>> No.9155814
File: 54 KB, 954x536, Car crashes caused by fat MLPfan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is he posing in front of a wrecked car?

>> No.9155887

Actually fuck, I could make money out MLP, these people will buy up anything, I could be really fucking rich and fund my NEET life.

>> No.9155933

Bah. I will love and tolerate the hell out of you all.

>> No.9155941


>> No.9155978

look at this analowned buttnerd

>> No.9155979

Did you take us some fags who hate the latest trend to fit in?

>> No.9155995

>My god, they make us NEETs and touhou fans look like gentlemen.
Welcome to /jp/ OP, enjoy your stay. Hope you have fun, but seriously though, no one gives a shit about this.

>> No.9156004

Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.9156100

At least /b/tards know they are disgusting.

>> No.9156153

U mad?

>> No.9156220

Wow I can only imagine the few girls in there thinking: "Oooh a MLP convention! I'm going there and meet a lot of girls like me who like ponies!"
Goes there and finds herself surrounded by male neckbeards and weirdoes.

>> No.9156230

Riveting tale chap, gaia would love to hear more of your funnies. Take a visit and maybe stay there for a while.

>> No.9156242

No, I'd miss the people telling me to get out of /jp/

>> No.9156244
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>> No.9156281
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We shootan game now.

>> No.9156284


This. You'd be complaining if this film was about fans of a Japanese show

>> No.9156290

>one group of autistic manchildren thinks they're better than the other

It's like when South Americans go on about how much white they have in them, you're both disgusting.

>> No.9156297
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Yes, yes, turn against each other! War between yourselves, that you pose no threat to anyone else!

>> No.9156307

Also, OP is viralling. I mean, come on. Cherrypick some ugly American otaku, whip up the meaningless hate, profit. No one here is dumb enough to fall for it.

When I first saw this on /b/ it had five views, and if you don't think it's OP's video, explain why he knows the password.

>> No.9156311
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>> No.9156321


Le Happy Merchant is a joking stand-in for the overall systems of social domination and control.

>> No.9156347

>systems of social domination and control.
Like the evildoers banning your shitty 2D CP?

oh wait..that's right they dont

losers always point the finger

>> No.9156348

Yeah I mean seriously, I just don't get it.
I don't want to judge, but I mean... c'mon guys.

I've been very depressed and suicidal the entire day, but this video actually made me feel a lot better, like, I'm really not such a big loser after all.

>> No.9156355

Hi OP.

>> No.9156362

I have said this every time I see this video, but we need to get some actors together and do one like it for the gay lifestyle. Shot for shot remake.

Then one for feminists.

>> No.9156372

I used to think the pony thing was JUST some 'ironic' /b/ or reddit thing. At least they're out having fun and making friends, I guess.

>> No.9156389


Irony is a bourgeois affectation.

>> No.9156415

Most awkward shit is when the voice actors or whatnot are giving signatures.

"You look just like her!" and the neckbeard is happier than he's ever been.

>> No.9156418


Do you think you're going to parlay your shitty pseudodoc into a comedy career?

>> No.9156435

That banjo guy seemed pretty cool.

>> No.9156441

Sorry I don't understand what "pseudodoc" means and I am terribly sorry if I somehow offended you.

>> No.9156450

I believe that he was telling you that you aren't funny.
