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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9151899 No.9151899 [Reply] [Original]

have any of you /jp/ NEETs thought about finding another jpsie and sharing an apartment?

>> No.9151908

How am I supposed to pay for an apartment?

>> No.9151922

Yes, we've had a zillion threads.

Quite a few people have offered, like that British guy (David?) though it rarely goes anywhere. Tokiko even did a very clever troll where he pretended he was looking for a roommate, but he wasn't!

Living with a /jp/er would be awful anyway.

>> No.9152232

>Living with a /jp/er would be awful anyway.
This. Someone has to do the chores like cleaning up properly after all.

>> No.9153543

I'd hate to live with another male. Men are gross.

>> No.9153550

i clean up my place about once a week

>> No.9153552

I've asked before and people have offered, but no one ever follows up on it. /jp/ is meant to be alone, I think. One day I'll find a cheap studio apartment and a cute 2D person to share it with.

>> No.9153594

I'd only live with someone from /jp/ because I'd get the opportunity to beat the shit out of you nerds on a daily basis

>> No.9153602

I did consider taking someone on in my second room that I barely use, but after meeting with one of you in person I realized what an abysmally bad idea it would be.

>> No.9153624

I wish I could. I'd love to share an apartment with a /jp/er. Since are hobbies are very similar, I think that it would be very fun. I think my room mate might even be able to put up with me never talking (or sucking at it), since we are probably both pretty introverted.

>> No.9153634

I wouldn't mind. I'd have to be the one moving in, though. I don't have an empty house all for myself.

>> No.9153631

Yes, but no one seems to be interested in my offers.

>> No.9153636

no, because everyone here is an awful person

>> No.9153648

If there's no one telling us what to do, nothing will get done.

>> No.9153673

That feel when your /jp/er roomate turns out to be female.

>> No.9153682

Jesus Christ, that's horrifying.

>> No.9153684

Which ZUN!bar stalker is this?

>> No.9153693

Why would I want to do that? I just want to be alone so I can do whatever the fuck I want. Having another person living with me, even a /jp/sie would not be very fun.

>> No.9153694

I'd sooner kill myself than live with someone I don't even know.

>> No.9153729


>> No.9153751

Not him, but you'd be dealing with a creature that acts on instinct, bleeds from the crotch once or twice a month, occupies the bathroom for hours and will likely let the bathroom with period stink whenever that time comes. They are also highly social, which means she would inevitably bring friends to visit the house. She would then demand you do "your part" and clean the whole house.

>> No.9153778

Living? With ....people?


>> No.9153788

Oh, I see! That puts things into perspective. I am >>9153552 and >>9153729 (female). I am not social at all, and I don't imagine any /jp/er to be, regardless of their gender, nor do I spend much time in the bathroom... I guess I am kind of like a guy altogether, though, but that's typically not a very good thing to be when you are a girl.

The period thing could be a problem though. I almost forgot about that...

>> No.9153791

>will likely let the bathroom with period stink

>> No.9153795

Damn you woman are some fucking strange creatures, this menstruation thing blows my mind.

>> No.9153796

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9153797

The only person I would bother living with is a significant other.
Otherwise it really wouldn't be worth the hassle.

>> No.9153806

We'd get sick of each other for sure. Plus one weirdo being stuck in his apartment all the time is already freaky to the neighbors. Imagine two guys.

>> No.9153810

I didn't moved out of my parents house to live with some filthy scum that I never met before

>> No.9153819

>She would then demand you do "your part" and clean the whole house.
Holy shit, this would be the worst thing. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times women have told me I should do "my part" in cleaning up after THEM.

>> No.9153821

Ever went to the bathroom and felt a strange smell? Ever heard your mother or sister complain about a neighbour having flushed something rotten or vile down the drain, leading your own bathroom to smell bad? Or is your bathroom so full of artificial air fresheners it drives your senses to a halt? Now you know why.

>> No.9153830

Woah, buddy. You aren't me. I was one of those quoted posts.

>> No.9153829

Who the fuck are you calling flithy scum, manchild? I probably make more money in a month than your whole family makes in a year.

>> No.9153834

Actually no, the only strange smells I used to feel back in my home were from the huge turds my father squeezed out on a regular basis

>> No.9153837
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Holy shit! That was the reason?! I honestly thought the neighbour living above me was running some kind of meth lab! Jesus christ!

>> No.9153840

I will wreck your shit. Don't even start with me, kid.

>> No.9153857

HA oops! I meant >>9153624, not >>9153552. Sorry.

>> No.9153859

I'm sure I could change your mind. Where are you located?

>> No.9153860

Come on then bitch. Or are you too busy sucking your boss' dick begging for a promotion? Get at me when you can actually afford something beside Gucci, mongrel.

>> No.9153861

Come at me you fucking nerd, I bet you are some wimpy computer programmer or some aspie shit like that that thinks you are the shit because you earn more money than the avaerage /jp/ scum

I will kick your ass

>> No.9153864 [DELETED] 

Why would you pretend that one of my anon posts is you, what gain could you get from that...

>> No.9153867

Oh, okay. You scared me. I am not a girl, nor do I pretend to be on the internet.

I'm too afraid of people to live with anyone at the moment anyway. Maybe someday..

>> No.9153871

Hurr hurr Internet gangstas

>> No.9153876


>> No.9153919 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 714x947, daf3d39f155fe8436bbcb6fdab736a2e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived with a /jp/er and it sucked.

We both just sat at our respective computers and pretty much ignored each other for a straight year because we were both too awkward to initiate a conversation much less actually do anything.

>> No.9153922 [SPOILER] 
File: 307 KB, 750x850, Keine_pointing_ironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9153930


I'm a guy who's been told he's kind of like a girl. I've kind of stopped worrying about what sort of behavior is ascribed to which gender and simply act as I please. You should do the same, Anon!

>> No.9153935

How does that suck? Sharing expense with someone and avoiding constant interaction sounds great.

or are you one of those closet-normals who blog about their forever alone and NEET-depression.

>> No.9153938

>I've asked before and people have offered, but no one ever follows up on it.
That sucks. I'd probably try offering, but the idea of not know what you could wind up with isn't exactly thrilling, even though I'm having a pretty desperate time.

>> No.9153945


What? How is that a bad thing? I mean, come on, be realistic. It was never going to end with one of you balls deep in the other or anything. Isn't simply coexisting with one another good enough?

I think that sounds like a fine living arrangement

>> No.9153942

Are you serious? That sounds awkward. At first glance I thought that sounds perfect, it'd be cheaper for both of you and stuff..

but I met a /jp/er and now I'm a bit afraid to try to meet any more of you guys. I thought you were gonna be nicer..

>> No.9153949 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9153952

Yeah. Well, I guess I should have said "Hey, let's talk and maybe after meeting move in together!" instead of "Anyone need a roommate?".

Me being a tripfag will probably turn off 90% of the people who'd offer anyway, though.

>> No.9153953

If I have to avoid interaction in the first place it will suck.

>> No.9153955 [DELETED] 

The constant tension from the awkward, silent atmosphere was probably the worst thing. I never felt comfortable and always found myself wishing he would leave to do something so I could be alone.

>> No.9153959

Perhaps, I meant that more as a general thing, though. I don't know who you are, nor have I seen your threads, so whatever.

Maybe I should take my chances with /jp/ some day. It's getting to that point.

>> No.9153963

If you are really considering, I could give you my e-mail address. I'm getting desperate to move as well.

>> No.9153969

i guess it would be akward if you don't know him. i imagine it would be very different if this was your SO or a friend.

>> No.9153967


>> No.9153980

Care to let others in on the joke?

>> No.9153981 [DELETED] 

Well, we were friends throughout high school.

Living together is pretty much the worst thing you can do to a friendship. Being around somebody 24/7 really wears away at you.

>> No.9153984

I would live with you fumosen. But I don't have any money. And Ohio sucks

>> No.9153993

I appreciate the thought, at least.

>> No.9153990

it wouldn't work out because I need a place where I can talk to myself out loud without being heard by other people

>> No.9153992

Having talked to a good amount of /jp/ers and met several in real life, I have something to say about these.

Many /jp/ers who are actually open to meeting and talking to others aren't very /jp/. It's quite hard to explain, but they're like seasonal browsers of /jp/ who don't invest too much into playing games (at least ones that you would /jp/ would play, like GUST or NISA games) or reading VN.

Secondly, the people who actually look for /jp/er roommates aren't the type of people who play VN and games all day, but try and want to talk to people. They are people who want a roommate to talk to and feel together with, not to make bills and rent. This leads to mostly obnoxious and/or annoying people up for roommates.

Combine these two traits and you get the pool of people you have your choice of.

Of course, this isn't speaking of everyone, but that is the majority as I see it. I actually know a good amount of females who show pretty solid /jp/ traits and hobbies that rival the amount of males I know.

>> No.9154002

Just a note, I'm not the guy you were originally talking to.

>> No.9154004
File: 104 KB, 600x317, pic_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is important, what's your opinion of Go?

>> No.9154012

Many of us are also quite desperate for roommates. I'm not going to argue with your post, I think it is correct in my experience as well. That said, there are some of us just desperate enough to need a roommate for monetary reasons, but simply don't have any friends.

One thing I will say is that most anyone looking to move will have a job, so that isn't very /jp/ right off the bat.

>> No.9154020
File: 226 KB, 900x851, cirno I suppose it can't be helped blueboard_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't surprise me. Anyone who actively seeks out real life interaction with people isn't really /jp/ in the first place

It really is sad how much of /jp/ is a bunch of closeted normals who are too afraid of society to join it, as opposed to those of us who simply looked at it, found it wanting, and left it to find ourselves


There's a difference between NEETs and hikkis. I'd like to think that most decent /jp/ folk are the latter rather than the former

>> No.9154021

Would it be worse than living with a family disappointed in you?

I'd prefer to get the protracted silent treatment from a stranger than family.

>> No.9154023

I see.

>> No.9154022

Fucking stupid

>> No.9154029

Put a big wooden board in the middle of the room and pretend you are housemates instead of roommates.

Well, right after you get that time machine.

>> No.9154030

That other guy wasn't me.

I tried to learn Go once, but I have no one to play with. I think I own a board here somewhere.

I like all kinds of /tg/ things, so I think I'd enjoy it.

>> No.9154035

I actually have a small room for rent in my house for $325 a month (and utilities) and a $300 deposit in California, Victorville.

There isn't much in the way of furniture, the living room literally has nothing in it but a TV sitting on a cable box, and there's a fridge in the kitchen.

The location in general sucks (Victorville is a crappy city in a crappy desert) but there's a myriad a food places like McDonalds and Deltaco really close by.

I have to find a renter for the place. I was going to put an ad up for one on Craigslist, but if someone here wants it, I'd help them make the move in some way.

>> No.9154037

I see.

>> No.9154047

Not enough jpers around and the idea of meeting one scares me.

>> No.9154047,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why did you let it happen w

>> No.9154047,2 [INTERNAL] 

wow so milg really is sucking mushy dick to pay her rent?
