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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 200 KB, 1536x1152, 1339297588043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9148391 No.9148391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fomu thread, and why you own guns.

>> No.9148398

Why own a gun?

>> No.9148413

More important, why is the round in the chamber red?

>> No.9148416 [DELETED] 

I use one for my job but I don't consider a toy like every kid on /k/

>> No.9148420

i like shooty things
also my grandfathers were in the air force and the navy
i think that shit runs in my blood

>> No.9148445
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Safety rounds.

No need to make things dangerous and put a hole through your wall because you wanted it to look cool for the camera.

>> No.9148446
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Firing rifles and rifle grenades was fun in the army but it'd be rather expensive as a hobby, also cleanning those things after firing was not that fun. Guess i could join the reserve and get to fire some rounds for free once every year.

>> No.9148458

I can't own the good guns because my state doesn't respect my freedom. I imagine most of /jp/ is on the forbidden list for mental problems anyway. Which is amusing because statistically people with mental problems are the least dangerous people in society.

>> No.9148462

Not having anything loaded in the magazine would work too but i guess it depends on the person, if i had a weapon i'd have a blank loaded first in case i have to scare someone trying to break in.

>> No.9148509

You can still kill someone with a blank. Saftey rounds are totally different.

>> No.9148521

>You can still kill someone with a blank

If i shove the muzzle down their eyesocket and fire of course i'm gonna kill someone

>> No.9148526

I live in a nigger country which ironically has strict gun control laws, laws which are regularly broken by welfare niggers who deal in drugs.

So no, I do not currently have a raifu. ;_;

>> No.9148530

/jp/ - /k/, /tg/, and /fit/

>> No.9148532

Do you have a fumo? Maybe that could help get your mind off those laws.

>> No.9148538

How is this /jp/ related?

>> No.9148542

Is this a fumo thread or a gun thread? Because I want a fumo thread because the last one died but I don't have the balls to make a thread.

>> No.9148546

It's clearly a "Fomu" and why you own guns thread.

>> No.9148551

gun otaku

>> No.9148553

Why did the last one die? Did it get deleted? I'm up for a fumo thread though

>> No.9148554

How much are fumo's?

>> No.9148556

I don't know, I went to the thread and it was just gone and I was very sad.

>> No.9148562

I was too. I'm going to buy my first fumos soon, but making my own thread is scary

>> No.9148564

Napoleon invaded /jp/ with dozens of spam threads.

They were beaten back, but only after massive losses.

>> No.9148559

A guy in /toy/ said he paid 40k yen (shipping included) for a bigass fumo, i shrugged.

>> No.9148565

Regular sized ones are around 30 bucks

>> No.9148571
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>> No.9148599
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Hey Fumos... GOT YOUR NOSE!

>> No.9148612

Fumos are for nerds, real heroes have figs.

I keep guns for regular hunting, and the occasional rowdy bourbon fueled plinking. And of course, to combat a tyrannical government, should one ever pop up, I guess.

>> No.9148615

But they don't have nos--

We got a funny man here.

I can't cuddle with figures at night.

>> No.9148618

in japan that means ``lets have sex''

>> No.9148623

.... Seriously?

>> No.9148630


>> No.9148631
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She wants to fuck

>> No.9148635


>> No.9148638


>> No.9148640

What are the spoilers for?

>> No.9148643

I could never take it easy holding something that has the potential to kill someone in the blink on an eye

And yet I drunk drove for years without batting an eye

>> No.9148646

Where are you seeing them

>> No.9148659

i can take it easy knowing i have a gun to off myself at any time, or defend myself if I somehow gain the will to live

>> No.9148680

I really don't get it. What's the point of the spoilers?

>> No.9148691

Dramatic suspense.

>> No.9148695



>> No.9148697


I'm not the guy you were replying to, but I have the same issue.

Having a gun in my possession scares me, knowing that a pull of the trigger can instantly decide if someone lives or dies, scares me.

Even though I'm not one bit suicidal, and very, very happy with my life, I feel like If I had a gun I would end up shooting myself, just because someday in the future I got in some weird mood where I didn't care whether I live or die.

>> No.9148745

You have a drawer full of knives, and a garage or shed full of chainsaws and who knows what else, and you haven't killed yourself with that in a weird mood.
Having a gun is no different than having a hammer. It's just a hunk of metal, a tool. Don't let hollywood or anything else tell you otherwise.

Go out shooting one day. You can rent a gun at the range in any caliber you like, once you've done that almost all of your irrational fear will simply melt away. You budget might too, once you see how fun that shit is. Fuck you, spoiler complaining guy.

>> No.9148752

But anonymous, all governments are tyrannical!

>> No.9148754


>> No.9148758

Well shit, load the truck, it's gonna be a long year.

>> No.9148761


Yes, I have a drawer full of knives, but it's not the same as a machine that can blow a hole through your skull with the press of a trigger, it's not easy to kill yourself with a blade, but it only takes 2 seconds to pick up a gun and shoot yourself.

I've shot a gun before, I've been to a shooting range, I still don't like them, I just don't.

>> No.9148764

Guess that's just like, your opinion, man.
Sorry for your loss.

>> No.9148768
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You can do that with a knife or car. Even medicine.
Go ahead, right now into your kitchen and grab your sharpest knife. Take note that you could easily kill yourself with it. Or go take an easy cruise in your car. You can easily speed up right off the road. I'd say it's even easier, especially considering that more people die that way. Perhaps get some pills and booze.

It's called destrudo, the inherent desire/instinct to kill yourself. Whenever you look off a cliff and get an odd desire to just go ahead and jump off of it, that's the destrudo. It's something everyone has, don't think you are suicidal or anything. Just pay mind to it. Only then can you completely control and prevent it.
You really shouldn't worry too much about it, just keep heed.

It's things like this that makes me see immortality and characters like Mokou and Kaguya silly. That, or they live through one of the most unending hells imaginable.

>> No.9148770

What the fuck is a ``fomu''?

>> No.9148776

It's like a Fumo except it's actually a gun not a girl.

>> No.9148781

Soccer mom detected.
Knives kill people just fine. Been doing it for a LONG motherfucking time too. Still going strong as a matter of fact.

But yeah, clearly all guns are babby seeking assault clipz that instant kill anyone who even sees one go off.

>> No.9148783

I can't snuggle with a gun. I'll pass.

>> No.9148788

Are you racist towards guns?

>> No.9148789

No but they're cold metal and plastic, also they can kill me.

>> No.9148795

If you don't snuggle with your nugget every night you need to fuck off back to /a/, kid.

>> No.9148802

Is nugget slang for a type of gun? I've only fired an M16 and I know virtually nothing about them.

>> No.9148804


>> No.9148807


None of that shit is the same as a gun, I'm not worried that I'm going to kill myself with a knife, because that is fucking hard and painful to kill yourself with, I'm not worried about crashing my car on purpose, because that is a terrifying death.

I will give you one thing though, I feel the same way about guns that I do about cliffs and high ledges.


Go fuck yourself, just because I don't like guns I'm a soccer mom that wants them outright banned? Ya, way to project asshole.

I don't like keeping one in my house, the thought that I could pick it up at any time and exit this world with so little as the pull of a trigger would constantly bother me.

Why would I want something that I have no use for, and would just constantly disturb me?

>Inb4 "U need a gun to fight off the hordes of rapists and robbers".

>> No.9148809

Yeah nigger so watch what you say. I was in the air force as a avionics maintainer before I was kicked out for being mentally unstable.

>> No.9148811

Doesn't the chairforce fuck about with m4s like everyone else?

>> No.9148813

You can fire them in basic if there aren't enough M16s available at the time, only officers shoot them typically I believe.

>> No.9148821

I went through basic 2 or 3 years ago, we did M16s and M9s. Apparently they stopped doing M9s right after I was done though. It's a shame, because I fuckin loved the M9.

>> No.9148826

Sounds a bit assbackwards, to me.
I'm going to have to check on this, to make sure though.

>> No.9148828

They started the M9s a few months after I left basic, I wanted to fire one too.

>> No.9148834

Well I can tell you with 100% certainty that I was certified with the M16A2.

>> No.9148835

>Ya, way to project asshole.
Do you even know what is meant by projection in this sense?

Are you saying HE is a soccer mom who wants all guns banned?

>> No.9148838

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

>> No.9148840


>> No.9148858
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we like you

>> No.9148862


>> No.9148872

That wasn't even me! But he asked what I was wondering!

>> No.9148874

Any reason for your autismal rage?

>> No.9148876
File: 164 KB, 368x659, Hazama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die. Die. Die! Die! DIE! DIE!!

>> No.9148946

What happened to Fumo threads?

>> No.9149029 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1200x797, cantdanmakuwiththisgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9149060
File: 128 KB, 1200x797, cantdanmakuwiththisgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9149079

Holy fucking shit on crackers licking my cat's paws. I have that EXACT SAME PURPLE... bedspread/blanket/thing.

>> No.9149140

That feeling when nogunz and no fumo. ;_;

>> No.9149227

Guys what's with the spoilers?

>> No.9149279

so has anyone here fucked their fumo?

>> No.9149390

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9149570
File: 252 KB, 684x912, GunToKnifeFight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fumos are ill equipped to use rifles. That won't stop Sakuya.

Sorry for letting the previous thread go off of the board. It caught me by surprise, but /jp/ had somehow reached page 15. The days of threads lasting weeks may have ended when summer began.,.

We need more pictures of fumos with guns in this thread. There's too much talking, not enough cute.

>> No.9149584

When Serbs come again we can fuck them up instantly.

>> No.9149594
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as do we

>> No.9149618
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Marisa doesn't need a gun, she has the weapon of rock!

>> No.9149632

the magic of rock

>> No.9149633

Is that an Ibanez or Jackson?

>> No.9149647

that's a nendo not a fumo you bastard. your kind's not wanted here.

Nah, honestly, if I didn't already have a fumo collection started I'd probably prefer nendo plushies.

>> No.9149649
File: 901 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck how does this thread even exist, and why did I happen to have an image ready for it?!

>> No.9149657

America, an awesome country. adults playing the tea party with dolls on the internet, owning semiautomatic weapons.
awesome really, op.

>> No.9149663


Ibanez rg series.


They see to be all I can find, I'm in the UK so options are limited I guess.

>> No.9149669

I'll see if I can get Youmu in on some firearm action tomorrow. She's probably more of the precise rifle type, Sakuya might prefer a shotgun.

>> No.9149677

If you search "fumofumo" on Amiami, they come up. Does Amiami not ship to the UK? Of course I'm not telling you to get a fumo if you don't want one, just mentioning it.

>> No.9149686

I completely forgot how adorable Aya looks in plushie form.

>> No.9149717


I will take a look and see

>> No.9149728
File: 224 KB, 768x1024, 16f1c0ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish Moko could get a defect like smirking remi so she could be a little happier. I hate to see her frown all the time.

>> No.9149753
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she's always so pessimistic, still lights up the night though

>> No.9149805

lol, you really bought a SCAR? Those cost around 3 grand. Where do /jp/ neets get this kind of money?

>> No.9149858
File: 187 KB, 1200x797, nowthisisdanmaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a sleeping bag

>> No.9149883

I know, right? He could have bought an AR that's just as good or better for less.

>> No.9149907

a lot of us are false neets with jobs and go outside. anyone with a gun is particularly a false neet because you can't get firearms shipped to your house unless they count as relics/antiques. you have to go find someone with a federal firearms license and have guns sent to them (usually they are attached to a gunstore or something similar) and you go and pick them up from them.

>> No.9150221


Why buy a Mercedes or other high performance car when the speed limit is 55?

>> No.9150251

But an AR for the same price will out perform the SCAR.

>> No.9150301

When I go to Japan next month, I'm going to finally meet my first fumofumo. Though I really want a big marisa...

I hope that she will love me and doesn't mind spending time in my luggage on the way back...

Wish me luck guys!

>> No.9150316

Make sure you try to smuggle some loli doujinshi in her silly hat.

>> No.9150354

Where I live loli doujins are legal, I've had no problem bringing them in countless times. So I can keep my dirty secrets away from my innocent fumos.

>> No.9150377
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>> No.9151165

So the Fumos don't care that I stole their noses?

>> No.9151175

Why buy an M3 when a Mustang will outperform it for the same price?

>> No.9151222

>paying 2000$ for a 'upgraded AR'


scrub, get a custom already

>> No.9151241

C-can I post in a thread like this if I only have a non-touhou fumo and replica firearms? ;_;

>> No.9151245
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>> No.9151253

OP why are you hiding a nerf Longshot behind your SCAR?

>> No.9151309
File: 16 KB, 400x300, Nerf_Longshot_05 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. He actually does have one in the op picture. Weird.

>> No.9151426

Yeah. In the other threads someone with a Miku plushie by the company that made the fumos posted. They had some neat adventures.

>> No.9151493

Is there a Cirno fumo present? I would like to ask her for her chances of being the Touhou Mascot for Super Smash Brothers 4.

>> No.9151499

Oh come the fuck on. I like these threads and it's fine to have some cute fun, but you can't interview the fucking plushies.

>> No.9151511


I don't think you quite understand the level of role-playing that is involved in these threads, for all intensive purposes the fumos are alive, they have emotions, the feel, they talk, and if you don't like that, get the fuck out.

>> No.9151516

Sure you can. The interview is over when the plushie tips and sloooowly falls onto it's face.

>> No.9151530

Their heads are too heavy for their own good. I can't imagine how the dekafumos are.

>> No.9151536

Well it doesn't take rocket appliances to realize that Touhou is in no way related to Nintendo, so how would she get into SSB?

>> No.9151538

Yes, but they're more like captions. Like a post card that has a dog and it says something from the dog's point of view. Dogs can't really talk.

Or to use some more obnoxious examples, they're like when people make those stupid in-character jokes on Something Awful Let's Plays. Or when people pretend to be senseis and reis on any textboard.

>> No.9151539

Sonic and Snake say hi.

>> No.9151548

>intensive purposes
>rocket appliances

You guys are fools. Don't try to point out my mistakes, nerds, because I didn't make any. If you try I'll just keep harassing you. Sure is a doggy dog world.

>> No.9151559
File: 21 KB, 479x362, ryoko 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking saying is Dog eat dog.

>> No.9151562

I think that post was made tounge and cheak.

>> No.9151572
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>> No.9151566

It's supposed to be taken with a grain assault.

>> No.9151571

I could care less.

I am sorry to be the baron of bad news, but you seem buttered, so allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality, because it’s now like the pot calling the kettle cracked. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Irregardless, make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts, instead of making a half-harded effort. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake. Accept the fax.

>> No.9151577
File: 12 KB, 317x235, ryoko 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could care less about the other fuck ups, but you, YOU... You're soiling the name of a great Parody song from Weird Al!

>> No.9151580

>finger on the trigger
You need to teach that girl proper gun safety,

>> No.9151586

I like how the last paragraph is entirely made up of Trailer Park Boy's quotes.

>> No.9151588
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>> No.9151594

Her whole hand is a fucking finger.

>> No.9151627
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Too bad you can only get hunting rifles in this socialist shithole. And even then only if you actually practice hunting.

>> No.9151667
File: 34 KB, 541x406, Jazisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a long time I've only had Marisa. I'm considering getting a new one finally. I wanted Cirno but she's on Back Order, so I doubt I'll get her (I was lucky enough to get Marisa). Reimu will probably never be on sale again from the looks of it. I'm thinking either Patchy, Meiling, or Alice. BUT I CANNOT DECIDE.

Or a Nendo Aya. Or a Nendo anything, because they always seem to be on sale. But I think it might feel unbalanced having two different types of plushie.

I seek counsel. What must I do?

>> No.9151697
File: 2.81 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_1384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really a good idea to let those fumos play with guns? It's starting to worry me.

>> No.9151719

Fumolust? Well I'm pretty fond of mine. No guns here.
