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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9144080 No.9144080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9144093 [DELETED] 

>start le thread with no discussion points // incentive to post
>wait for le other people 2 post an do the work for you


>> No.9145456
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>> No.9145472

holy shit get a load of that giant roach!

>> No.9146147
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>> No.9146576

i came buckets

>> No.9147722 [DELETED] 

What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?
What happened to the last thread, op?

>> No.9147725
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a lot of threads suddenly disappeared.

>> No.9147750 [DELETED] 
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oh my, there should be more padding on the hips

>> No.9148668

Someone better take that dango away so we can see her uniform better!

>> No.9149123

she really is unbearably adorable normally :)

>> No.9149133

just a friendly reminder that you people are fucking bizarre

>> No.9149953
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>> No.9149950
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>> No.9149957
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>> No.9151260


Man legs and hands.

>> No.9151299

pose doesnt look feminine either

>> No.9151725

Mask and costume look nice though.

>> No.9152168

We must be looking at different pictures

>> No.9152205

that performer could use alot of help

>> No.9152214

They are new aren't they?

>> No.9152234

regardless they should get better if they want to participate in public events like conventions

>> No.9152243

I was more asking. Only recently have i seen pictures of her pop up.

>> No.9152258

And from the 2 pictures she looked fine to me.

Unlike others who look like a mess and cant even dress right

>> No.9152275

does any one know the performer so they can be informed of what needs improvement?

>> No.9152288

This would be a great idea.

>> No.9152360

i've never seen the kig threads get so hostile over the appearance of a new performer. i actually think she looks pretty good.

>> No.9152372

This would be GouKaOu's first bad performer

>> No.9152586

Yeah, im not really understanding it either. It might just be someone trying to create drama...

>> No.9152640

I agree wholeheartedly

bitch be trollin :v

>> No.9153771


I think they need a lot of help with their performance.
Hiding behind a big plush does not make you a good performer. Its puts focus on your hands and other areas which is a dead give away. This pony needs another trick. Yagami had time to practice. His mask is nice and his costume looks good but he needs to focus on posing and how he portrays his character. I love traps but he needs work.

>> No.9153918


Not the person you're replying to, however

Nagisa is a shy character, but i agree that she needs to pose without it too. Performers should had have some sort of suggestion email. The people here could help a lot.

>> No.9153936

good feedback, thanks for actually giving critique instead of just saying "its bad". I think yagami's ACTUAL shyness will get in the way of his performance, unless he learns otherwise.

>> No.9153947
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Nagisa is not as shy as the performer is portraying her. He should work on getting some basic poses she's seen in perfected.

>> No.9153958

I know that, i was just saying.

I think >>9153936 has got the reason right.

>> No.9154055

there's actually a group on facebook designed to help performers get feedback, though it still isn't being used to it's true potential. either the performers post vague photos that can't be critiqued that well, or no one offers any input except for one or 2 people

>> No.9154196

hes okay compared to those that hang out on wyus site

>> No.9154566
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>> No.9154679
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>> No.9154689
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>> No.9154940


Most definitely, that place is vomit central.

>> No.9155298

bedtime bump

>> No.9156414
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>> No.9157587
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>> No.9157657
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>> No.9157717
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>> No.9159460

This is the best "I woke up transformed/stuck in a costume" video I have ever seen.

>> No.9159477
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>> No.9160719


>> No.9161703


>> No.9162188
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>> No.9162692


Source on this one?

>> No.9163102

Penetration vids where?

>> No.9163142
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I'm pretty sure this bitch is Korean.

>> No.9163185

That other article was soo much better.

Didnt really like this one and kotaku quite popular so im sure more people will be reading this.

>> No.9163341
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Somewhere in HJK's archives
the archive page is kind of confusing to get to, so here ya go. http://5893.jp/hjk_log/

>> No.9163538
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>> No.9163683
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>> No.9163705 [DELETED] 

Does anyone here know/like Erueeru?

I said hi to him on his blog the other day.


>> No.9163713

Does anyone here know/like Eru-eru?

I said hi to him on his blog the other day.


>> No.9163765

I hope to have a body like him when I'm 48 years old.

And yes I am samefagging.

>> No.9164483
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>> No.9165306

There are some pretty cute pictures there.

Would be cool to be able to say hi to my favorite kigurumi performer...

>> No.9165345

send one a fan mail. If you take the time to work out a japanese letter to them, it won't go unappreciated.

>> No.9165895

Yeah but i dont know a single thing on writing in japanese and i dont want to sent them some google translated crap.

Perhaps i can use this as an incentive to learn... however it will probably be to late.

>> No.9166758

Kigurumi eyes ain't creepy, because they now blink!

it's by wyukig

>> No.9167588

Neat. That turned out better than I expected.

>> No.9170463

too late for what?

>> No.9170653
File: 54 KB, 551x459, !B+T6VPQ!2k~$(KGrHqYOKjYEzqCRzlqyBM+Q+DBGyg~~_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if this is a reputable seller?


>> No.9172007

People grow out of hobbies/get to old for them...
Looks like an anime version of those rubber female masks.

>> No.9172565

>People grow out of hobbies/get to old for them...

No they don't.

>> No.9172782 [DELETED] 

Anyone know who this is?

>> No.9172819
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Does anyone know where this came from?

>> No.9172935


>> No.9173031


I'm a fan of kigurumi but when you mention the age of the cosplayer I get a bit turned off.

>> No.9173492

They say its PRX, which is some kind of Hard Plastic, (could not find much details about it)

The good Kigurumi masks are made of FRP (Fibre reinforced Plastic)

>> No.9173620
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Think, I can have relationship with that...

>> No.9173633

Ugh, all of them are so ugly and disgusting, if this is supposed to be anything more than just "funny" then I don't even know. Honestly, even usual cosplay is better, and I hate cosplay.

>> No.9173819

What do you think the ratio of male to female performers is?

>> No.9174239
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Source on this? The mask is very pretty.

>> No.9174509
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I've only just recently become interested in kigs after finding out about Momochi Minami. She's so adorable, I just love her idol shtick. I want to do something like this some day, too, even though I can't dance for shit. Are there any other kig idols who do dancing videos?


>> No.9174641
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>> No.9174643
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>> No.9174647
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>> No.9174695
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>> No.9175025

nah, too realistic facial features makes it look worse, not better.

>> No.9175497
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>> No.9175514
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>> No.9176747

70% Male 30%Female

>> No.9178313


i thought she is commercial.
