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File: 676 KB, 881x711, Chen 390476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9120336 No.9120336 [Reply] [Original]

I can't see any point in buying figurines, it just seems like frivolous waste of my money since all I can do is look at them.

Am I a grown up now?

>> No.9120347

no, you're smart, shit's expensive.

>> No.9120357

Well, it is a frivolous waste of money, but collecting things you like just for the sake of collecting them is alot of fun.

>> No.9120390

I would but it if they weren't so expensive.
Fucking jews.

>> No.9120404

woah anon for a second there I thought you were talking about doing something for the enjoyment of it.

>> No.9120415

Collecting a large amount of figures is only worth it if you're going to organize them, put them in nice displays, and spread them out some.

>> No.9120417

Technically 90% of interior decorating is a frivolous waste of money since all you can do is look at the shit you buy. It's just aesthetics. Some people like a nice painting, some value a pretty vase, some put chairs in pointless locations just because the space needs to be filled, and some even buy hundreds of books just because they like the way a bloated bookshelf looks at the southern end of their parlor.

If you enjoy decorating with little pieces of art from a beloved series there's nothing more frivolous about that than a china cabinet full of dishes you don't use.

But, as a rule of thumb don't buy something you don't love. So if you have doubts, just listen to your gut.

>> No.9120438

It's not growing up, it's called common sense OP.

Buy some shit that's consumable like foods, and other necessities, though, it would not hurt to buy one or two things of your waifu.

Showing your support towards something can also be done in another way rather than buying figurines since they're expensive as fuck. If I were not a poorfag, I'd buy every figure that I really, deeply like and keep them for the rest of my life. I wouldn't collect just for the sake of collecting things, bitch money is important. You should play G senjou and realise your life.

>> No.9120440

Does that Chen have panties or bloomers? This is important.

>> No.9120448

It's nice because they look cute and you can look at it everytime you want, doesnt matter if you are playing a game or doing anything in fullscreen, when you get your eyes off your monitor you'll see them, make me feel less lonely.

That's how I use my single figure. I wanted to buy at least one more, but it's indeed fucking expensive.
But personally I don't see any point in buying thousands of figures, it looks like consumerism to me.

>> No.9120462

>consumable like foods
Foods get turn into shit.
Figs last forever.

>> No.9120466

would you say getting one would be worth it then? I've had my eye on one for ages now, I keep telling myself to buy it, but I keep hearing tales of the "slippery slope".

>> No.9120469

You sound like a robot.

>> No.9120470

Having a couple really good ones of characters you like is nice, but if you're just wastefully throwing your money at all the crap that comes out and not even having a good display to put them in is kind of silly.

But hey it's not my autism bux, so whatever.

>> No.9120475

>I keep hearing tales of the "slippery slope"
>slipper slope
What? No such thing unless you are a bandwagoner.

>> No.9120501

not all of them are expensive
figmas for example are only 20 bux and they look nice

>> No.9120504

I still buy figs, but only if I really like the character.
I'm more into fumo now, as you can at least hug them, plus I've heard the only touhou figures made are by a company with horrible quality control (Griffon).

>> No.9120510

I buy figs because I like looking at them, and your environement affects you.

I'm sure to be cuter if I'm surounded by cute things.

>> No.9120515

if i'm cute enough will my waifu finally accept me

>> No.9120516

I got a bunch of touhou vinyl figs for only like 1200yen each.
They look cute since they actually look like their 2D counterpart.

>> No.9122280
File: 630 KB, 1632x1224, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was beautiful seeing the UFO title screen and this together.

>> No.9122329
File: 20 KB, 400x450, sirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see any point in buying [insert anything], it just seems like frivolous waste of my money since all I can do is [insert the function of the thing].
When you can afford everything you need to not die right away and have some left over, the natural thing to do is to buy other things. Who cares whether you buy attractive pieces of plastic, attractive pieces of precious metals or gems, psychoactive chemicals or anything of equal usefulness.
Before you stop caring about preferences and realize that fun things are fun, you are in absolutely no position to call yourself grown up.

>> No.9122332

I like collecting money. It sure is fun.

>> No.9122343

>the natural thing to do
The best sentence ever.

>> No.9122356

That's pretty amazing. How much did it cost you?

>> No.9122357

I'm with you OP, but frankly if someone wants to surround himself with figures about anime/games or shit he'd probably forget in a few years, who am I to stop them or judge them?

I personaly wouldn'tt feel comfortable in having all that shit around me, and either you seal your figures in glass casings or you'll have to deal with the dust.

But if you encase them, then you lose half the advantage of a 3D object. And at that point I'd rather have a collection of pcitures.

>> No.9122364


>> No.9122395

Yen or USD?

>> No.9122399
File: 110 KB, 218x216, bowman_stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god let it be yen

>> No.9122410
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>> No.9122415

not that guy but I think its yen

there is no way that figure can be so fucking expensive

>> No.9122421 [DELETED] 

>it seems like a waste of money since all I can do is look at them.
What about your monitor?

>> No.9122423

You just went full retard.

>> No.9122434
File: 312 KB, 531x430, 1333920968593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122457

That's why you buy fumos. You can look at them and cuddle them and sleep with them and they're soft and cute.

>> No.9122465

that chubby belly...

>> No.9122537


Who are you quoting?

>> No.9122534
File: 478 KB, 512x695, chocatiel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all I can do is look at them
>not buying that Chen figurine and joining the SoF community
You clearly don't know what's what.

>> No.9122560

My dog bit my fumo.

>> No.9122566
File: 110 KB, 218x227, chen_golf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i make the rules ecks dee look at my sageru
But seriously, get out.

>> No.9122571

wow this guy is maaaad :D

>> No.9122572

Who are you quoting o_O

>> No.9122574

y u so made??

>> No.9122577

Just write your posts as prose, man. We don't have ADD and need things in a convenient list format. And at least lurk before you start posting, so you know the ropes.

>> No.9122584
File: 47 KB, 600x541, yeah, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122592

That's like saying having nice wallpaper/carpets or having nice paintings on the walls (potentially much more expensive than figures) is a waste of money.

Like, in a way it absolutely is. But if you enjoy it, so what.

>> No.9122593

i liked in cardcaptors when the cheshire cat is eli moon and hes all meow

>> No.9122913

I sold one of my liver for it.

>> No.9122922
File: 120 KB, 200x267, 1338910270173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious or not.. dunno how to react

>> No.9123012

I have been buying figs since 2007, spent a stupid amount in 2009-2010. But lately it really hit me how pointless this hobby is. You pay about $100 to buy each fig, all it does is sit there, and that's it. Like with video games at least you can actually play it and they're reasonably worthwhile.

And recently seeing all the 'buyfag' trends popping up has really made me reconsider, the kind of people that figs are associated with now are some of the worst. It's like these people are just buying figures to fit in and show off online, I wonder if they would actually buy them if it wasn't popular. It seems that /jp/ barely even talks about figs anymore which is probably some indication of others on here as well.

I've managed to stop myself buying figs the last year. It's kind of an odd feeling because I regret wasting so much money on it but still have a bit of attachment to them. Instead I'll just be saving up and spending money on stuff that have some practical use like a high end DAC or amps.

>> No.9123040

I like buying figs because they're physical objects and not data like games or music. I've never really participated in photography threads or anything, I just put them up in my room and look at them and feel good. I wasn't really aware that people buy figs to "show off online", and hearing that makes me kind of sad. I would hope that most people on /jp/ aren't like that.

Although, I do think the fumo threads here, and a lot of nendroid threads on futaba are really cute. I enjoy reading threads like those, even though I don't post in them.

I think it's kind of silly to question whether figs are a viable hobby or not because "all they do is sit there", because to me, that's the same as saying that all you can do with a game is play it, and it has no meaning in the grand scheme of things. It all depends on the amount of satisfaction you can pull from the purchased object.

>> No.9123049

I used to see things the same way, but who cares if something doesn't do anything? Normalfags spend hundreds of dollars on pointless ornaments and trinkets. Or they'll even pay a huge mark up for functional things. Curtains that block the sunlight are so 19th century. My curtain are made of velvet silk and cost $800!

The fact is you're collecting these things BECAUSE they sit there and do nothing, and also because you're a hoarder who'll collect any sort of merchandise companies shit out because you're a fan (which is fine!).

>> No.9123046

I only think Griffon figs are a waste of time.

Shame I think this but still plan to buy the Suika reissue.

>> No.9123114

>people buy figs to "show off online"
Actually, no one does this, especially on here. It's just that people who can't get figs for whatever reason force themselves to see it this way.

>> No.9123119

>video games at least you can actually play it
Video games are free.
You cant pirate figs.

>> No.9123222

You can't play multiplayer if you pirate though

>> No.9123233


>> No.9123240

/jp/ is the only multiplayer game I'll ever need.

>> No.9123246

there are some games that are supposed to be played online, bf3, sc2 etc.

You can't really pirate those games, unless you really want to play against AI.

>> No.9123250

sutema detected

>> No.9123298

for a comparison, a good IPS monitor will cost $300 or you can buy about 3 figures.

The usefulness of having a decent monitor is just not comparable to toys. I don't know about you guys, but I have no idea why some of you would put up with using some shitty 20" tn panel every single day just to keep buying figures.

>> No.9123538

This is a good point though.
Buyfag threads have spiked tremendously in the past year on /a/, it really does seem like they will just buy figurines to show off on the internet rather than buying anything functional with their money.

Of course buying figurines isn't necessarily a bad thing but the type of filth who buy it purely to show off to people most likely don't understand the inherent value of owning a nice figurine.

Personally I only buy a figurine if it's of a character I have a particular attachment to and the make of the figurine itself is superior, with such limitations, I normally don't find myself buying more than 1 figurine per year and such I have only dropped roughly 500usd in the past 4 years I have been collecting them. Being able to look at something nice such as those figurines justifies their price after a while in my view.

>> No.9123561

what if you already have a good monitor or two
or three

>> No.9123562

Many people like more than a single character a year, anon. It doesn't mean they're buying things just to gloat or show off.

>> No.9123763

I collect board games, video games, posters, and figurines. I don't play board games or video games, though.

I'm starting to move into doujinshi, movies, and books, as well. I live pretty meagerly because of this.

I don't buy things like computer parts or audio equipment because what I have is suitable enough for what I do in my little amout of free time: shitpost on /jp/.

>> No.9123783

This is one of the reasons why I prefer model kits to figures. With model kits, you've got the fun of making and painting the kits and the feeling of accomplishment once you're finished.

>> No.9123785

While we're already talking about buying shit. Does anyone know if Mandarake does price reductions over time? There's a tapestry I really want but it's 3.5x the doujin event price. That's just too much.

>> No.9123818

Really? A monitor over figs? Please stop.

>> No.9123856

what are you even? trying to do
fuck off

>> No.9124165
File: 90 KB, 600x675, 3b5ad865a025c2ae0b046064f0c8325e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky for me, most of the characters I like don't even have merchandise.

pic unfortunately related

>> No.9125088

>it really does seem like they will just buy figurines to show off
I think it is more accurate to say that monkeys see monkeys do.

>> No.9125096

Actually I don't either what fuck can you do with them? I can't fap to that weird looking shit.

>> No.9125138

Read the fucking thread.

>> No.9125491


But money by itself doesn't do anything. Money is the intermediary vehicle in which you can obtain other goods, services, etc, because it has a value assigned to it. If you're collecting money (and if literal old coins, foreign currency, etc), then you're the same as an ordinary figurine collector.

>> No.9125492

Buying anything but food and water is frivolous since you will die and lose everything.

>> No.9125495

Are you connected to /jp/ through some kind of food and water computer?

>> No.9125498

Bootlegs are 20 bucks. Legit figmas are more like 50-60 with the exchange rate right now. Bargain bin figmas are usually shitty ones that nobody buys and you shouldn't either.

>> No.9125522

Mandarake pricing is permanent. The only way it'll drop in price are new listings reflecting market price trends.

>> No.9125533

>Legit figmas are more like 50-60
more like 30

>> No.9125571

i agree with you good sir

>> No.9125617

figmas and nendos are terrible in general.
Either you buy full scale or dont buy them at all.

>> No.9125619
File: 871 KB, 822x1169, 27742647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've collected figurines back when I was in high school... and now, I feel as if its a waste of money.

Though, I say buying a "one" good figurine of your favorite character is reasonable. However, buying shit load of it is a no-no unless collecting figurines is your primary hobby.

>> No.9125624

I can't even tell you how hard I want to hotglue that fig.

>> No.9127378 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 183x168, Wario32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9128640

I have 3 Nendoroids which I keep on my desk. They are cute and nice to look at. I especially like putting them in funny poses and situations.

And I ordered my first real figure, which will come next month hopefully.

>> No.9128934
File: 30 KB, 450x600, michelangelo_david2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see any point in buying sculptures, it just seems like frivolous waste of my money since all I can do is look at them.

Am I a grown up now?

>> No.9131120
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131128

Nendos are cute but I can never set them up decently.

Maybe I'm an idiot.

>> No.9131152
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>> No.9131174


>> No.9131250 [SPOILER] 
File: 194 KB, 1024x683, IMG_0725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131520

if I wanted to buy a figurine, what's a trusted site, person, or company to purchase from? I've been doing some research most of the day about how to spot fakes and sifting through lots of Reimu, Meiling, and Flandre figurines but I still have no idea where I should begin.

>> No.9131982

I've spent 235,813 yen on figures (yes, I keep track of this sort of thing).

ANYTHING is a waste of money, beyond the essentials of keeping a roof over your head, and food. "collecting" in and of itself is a waste of money. Gaming is a waste of money, they deteriorate in value at an almost guaranteed rate (even JP releases).

I don't buy stuff to waste money, I buy figures of characters or figures that I like, and I want to have. It's entirely a matter of acquisition, same applies for other otaku goods (dakimakura, etc) which are heavily geared around acquisition. Same goes for those store-specific telecards that certain shops in Japan sell with games, where people will buy multiple copies of the same game just to get all of them.

Acquisition. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's a hobby.
