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9118040 No.9118040 [Reply] [Original]

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

Previous thread

>> No.9118045

Finished chapter 2 of Aerial.
I, most definetly, want more Kate.

>> No.9118050

I'm about to finish Monmusu Quest part 2.

>> No.9118055

I lost my shit during the H-scene.

It felt like I was watching a western porno.

>> No.9118057

but if sending Aerial triggered the SPOOK activity, then why did they show up so late? wasn't Aerial buried under the sea for who knows how long? I doubt it would take SPOOKs that long to get on earth.
also it just came to me, why is Nagi at the school? considering she was sleeping in the Aerial and even when she would get out of it she would just be some unknown loli without connection, I doubt she would get citizenship in Aquapolis considering how tighly the people there are regulated. would this mean there are some people that know who she is?

well she appear briefly in ch3, and will definately appear again when the thing she originally wanted to report on is dealt with.

>> No.9118066

My guess is that Nagi came to school to observe the Elemental Driver, and I don't think that the infiltration itself is a problem when you're from the far future.

>> No.9118070

Memory manipulation then maybe?

>> No.9118086

Well, considering that she's an OS, it might be data manipulation rather than memory.

Speaking of which, I'm very pleased to see the 'my girlfriend is my weapon' trope in sci-fi, not fantasy.

>> No.9118139

yeah its pretty much given that Nagi came to observe Elemental Driver.

probably, but still even if she hacked herself in, how well the management regulates people she still would rise questions without proper existing guardian (for example if the distribution points aren't getting used by her guardian would indicate something being wrong that management would not be aware off), most likely anyway.. but maybe I'm reading this too deeply here.

>> No.9118145

Looking forward to Hatsukoi 1/1 because of the voice cast.
Playing things for that alone has yet to terribly let me down.

Otherwise, sort of floundering through some of May's releases.

>> No.9118203

It was emphasized that she doesn't stand out much, so she probably avoids situations where her guardians would be required, and If it actually happens, then I'm sure she can easily fake a phone call.
Or maybe she doesn't need guardians at all because she's a 3rd year student and thus is 18 years old.

>> No.9118223

Playing Kamidori, how does NG+ work? Is it its own route or do you play it in conjunction with another route?

>> No.9118294

You get additional missions as new content, but the routes are still the same.
After your first route, all those 100+ number routes are available.

>> No.9118298

Hmm, I'm about to complete Sewali's route then move onto Emilita's before finally doing Yuela, should I leave NG+ for Yuela or start it on Emilita?

>> No.9118303

Start it on Emelitta, at least so you can level up your characters.

>> No.9118335
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, ビチビチビチビチ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lewd! This route is too lewd!

>> No.9118341

Well they had to put all the ero at the beginning of the route because....
Well continue the route and you'll see

>> No.9118545

The eroge industry needs more ビッチ萌え

>> No.9118554

I agree.

Also how did the japanese manage to misunderstand "bitch"?

>> No.9118566

Same reason why they think "smart" means someone who dresses stylishly, I suppose.

>> No.9118573

It's one of the meanings for that at least.
Thir bitch is just slut.

>> No.9118832

Is there a recommended order for Hello, World?

>> No.9118859


None - just go with whoever you prefer. I would love if the incoming nitro+'s renai pulls off another delicious genre shift.

>> No.9118893

>Hello, World
Back when Nitro+ wasn't 5pb's love slave and not milking the Gen Urobuchi phenomenon.

>> No.9118896

Last year?

>> No.9119212

I could swear someone told me Risa got a H scene in aerial. How exactly? Maybe I missed some flags or something.

>> No.9119225

Did you finish the trial?
It's supposed to be in chapter 3.

>> No.9119230

I am in chapter 3 and she just died. I'm curious, honestly.

>> No.9119235

1st chapter -> Go to the park
2nd chapter -> Be curious with the SPOOK attack and take Risa with you

>> No.9119240

Oh, I wasn't aware that the choices affect whether you get it or not.

Anyway, I got it by choosing what the above guy did.

>> No.9119294

Fuck, missed the second flag. I should never trust Omi when making a choice relevant to the plot.

>> No.9119396

Short haired Sonico for Nitro's next title? Mite b cool.

>> No.9119572

I think she will get raped by the refugees.
I can see the refugees rioting and taking over Aquapolice, they number around 70000 compared to around 30000 inhabitants inside the dome.

>> No.9120538

All this Aerial talk is cool and all, but have anyone tried Hiragumo-chan's demo?

>> No.9121193

Finished Aerial's trial. I'm not sure I can really express how I feel after that. Risa's death scene is probably the most heart wrenching thing I've experienced. Just sitting there clicking, watching her die and not being able to do anything while the game was futilely attempt to throw small doses of hope at me, until she lost consciousness and her jet took a dive into the ocean was bad enough, but I fucking lost it when Shin read her final mail to him, which is pretty much the first time I've cried at an eroge. I don't even know how I managed get so attached to her in such a short span of time, it's the first time I've ever felt like this. I think I'll end up spiting Inoue for the rest of my life if there isn't some way to save her from that.

And that's the final autistic post from me. Not even sure what I'm gonna do now until the full game comes out.

>> No.9121304

read Starless.

>> No.9121327

All the true ends are the same except for the epilogue and should be done last.

>> No.9121557


In the mean time you can save up some sorrow energy ready to be unleashed as rage when it gets released in a few weeks.

>> No.9121884
File: 457 KB, 1380x808, 625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has the same voice as Habaki.
But as a mob character he is Wilhelm level of awesome.
I don't know whether to love or hate him

>> No.9122001

I'm replaying Yukkuri Panic Escalation because I want to play a good yuri game and there are none.

>> No.9122107

okujou was pretty good

>> No.9122594

Yeah. Fucking Tsuchiya, he better make up for it. I don't want Risa's death to be in vain.

I think high ranking officials knows of Aerial and Nagi's existence. It was referenced that they have trump card stored inside central base. They tried to deploy MONSTER1 and MONSTER2 during the last fight. I think this is the mass produced Aerials.

>> No.9122607

>I think this is the mass produced Aerials.
I'd really prefer if they kept mecha combat to a somewhat minimum till it's absolutely necessary, like with the kraken, I enjoy the aircrafts.

>> No.9122612

Weren't the people with the highest ranks also surprised when Nagi came out to stop the K? I mean, they seemed to truly believe that it's the end for them.
I'm quite sure that the 'Angel of Light' is a mystery to everyone.

>> No.9122753

I think Aerials existence is highly classified only the President/Chief of Staff knows of it's existence. We never saw the security council's reaction to it when it appeared.

APPO probably gave the ASDF the MP-Aerials (Sylpheed) but didn't told them where it came from.

It's already in the TIPS section so it'll probably appear next chapter. I enjoyed the air battles too but they're already running out of missiles and ammos. Whereas Sylpheed's weapon is a Pulsed Phasered Rifle so it doesn't have expendable ammo like the aircrafts. Though I call bullshit that they can manufacture mechas but not missiles or bullets.

>> No.9122806 [DELETED] 

I doubt the MONSTERs are the MP-aerials. the higher ups were too reluctant to use them and there must be reason for that like some massive setbacks, and I doubt the Syplheeds would have such things and the code names usually have bit of inclinations to objects true nature and MONSTER wouldn't with the Sylpheeds.

I doubt [spoilers] that the sylpheeds were produced in Aquapolis, where would they get all the material and future tech to build them? it's most likely that the sylpheeds are something sent from future like the Aerial is and are sleeping somewhere underwater and with the help of Nagi and Aerial they go excavate them[/spoiler]

>> No.9122813

I doubt the MONSTERs are the MP-aerials. the higher ups were too reluctant to use them and there must be reason for that like some massive setbacks, and I doubt the Syplheeds would have such things and the code names usually have bit of inclinations to objects true nature and MONSTER wouldn't with the Sylpheeds.

I doubt that the sylpheeds were produced in Aquapolis, where would they get all the material and future tech to build them? it's most likely that the sylpheeds are something sent from future like the Aerial is and are sleeping somewhere underwater and with the help of Nagi and Aerial they go excavate them

>> No.9122906

>the higher ups were too reluctant to use them and there must be reason for that like some massive setbacks
Maybe they haven't completed it yet? Or have trouble piloting it?

I can't really see MONSTER as anything besides it. I guess it can be mind controlled SPOOKs but that's even more unlikely.

>where would they get all the material and future tech to build them?
Nagi could've given them the blueprints and the technical know-how. Aquapolice's original inhabitants are engineers and scientists, it isn't far-fetched that they can do it.

For all we know the whole can't manufacture bullets/missiles is a ruse. The factories are being used to build mechas instead.

>> No.9122982

the "___ people are still alive" at the end of the chapter makes me wonder if Inoue has seen Battlestar Galactica. The concept bears some similarities too

>> No.9123624

Marathoned Grisaia since morning.
Just finished the "Angelic Howl" flashbacks from Amane's route. dem cannibals

I'm going to Britain for a week (and I can't bring my computer with me) from tomorrow on so I'm wondering if I'm able to finish Amane's route before leaving. How far am I from the endings?

>> No.9123646

Not far.
And yes you should finish it

>> No.9124219

but wasn't one of the main components for Aerials/Sylpheeds Daemon Cores which can only be found in SPOOK Nests? I doubt they would have those, as even the higher ups don't seem to know much about SPOOKs so it would be illogical of them to know about those.
also in the case Nagi gave all the info needed to build Sylpheeds, I doubt she would be just allowed to be at school like nothing, well she could have guards keeping eye on her but those would have been most likely hinted somehow but that didn't happen. well she could have dropped all the necessary info anonymously though. also another thing to note for would be that she has been programmed to not to interfere with humans unless they are in danger of going extinct, so would giving information like that count as interfering?

>> No.9124446

Well, my judgement on Amane's route;

I didn't like it very much to be honest. First part consisted of total ero/no story, then it went to long drawn flashback about her past which you already knew how it was gonna end anyway. Her route was pretty uneventful.

Final stake to the route was how Sakashita's appearance was a complete asspull. It's like the writer didn't know how to end her route dramatically so he had to resort to "I will kill my daughters killer!" bullshit. The good ending was anti climatic "they lived happily ever after" while the bad ending didn't have a proper conclusion, just "I failed to protect my onna" and it just ended there without credits.

Some people said that the bad end has some story importance but I don't see any apart from the fairly obvious "Kazuki is still alive" twist which was foreshadowed plenty before.

>> No.9124591

I really like the trapped and desperate atmosphere in Amane's flashback. Even though you see how it's gonna ended from miles away, the way that scene is presented (music, writing, CG) still makes it one of the best scene in the game, and I think that's why people say Amane's route is the best. I'd agree that it was kind of convenient for the writer when Sakashita's dad appears just because.
As for the bad end, I think it is important because rather than speculation, this actually offers proofs that Kazuki is still alive, though of course you can pretty much guess during the flashback.

For me, Michiru's route is actually the most enjoyable one, even though in that route Michiru was quite an annoying and whiny cunt.

>> No.9124708

I could not get over the magical transplant personality.

I was ok with it at the start when I just assumed it was Michiru being retarded. But then they decided to follow it up and visit the dead girl's family.

>> No.9124716

It was more of a real DID and a persaonlity created using those remnants as basis than a super magical thing.
Her other personality belived she was the dead girl, and they just rolled with it.

>> No.9124724

I just assumed that it was cellular memory taken up to 11 and it seemed relatively fine to me.

>> No.9124735

Analogue: A Hate Story

Yeah so what.

>> No.9124757

How is it? I played the demo and had a feeling it was going to be *very* preachy about the feminist stuff. Plus she threw a whole fuckton of information at me that my brain couldn't absorb.

Does it get better? The reviewers seem to like it (though largely just because it's an ``intellectual'' game).

>> No.9124792

The demo is a bit rough. You actually spend very little time sorting through family trees. It focuses more on personal drama, the Pale Bride's story taking the forefront for obvious reasons. Almost everything else is a series of encapsulated stories, the guy who can't get respect from his dad, letters between sisters et al. It comes together better really if you dig a bit deeper.

The feminist stuff doesn't get preachy. The characters are all sympathetic. Nobody is evil for evil's sake. They just don't understand anything. Even the most villainous acts in the game were acts of people who were just up against a wall with nowhere else to go.

Included after beating the game is historical references the author used to base this whole thing on ancient Korean society or something.

It is much more a scary fish out of water story than anything remotely approaching preachy. Don't worry. I was scared it would be like that too. At least that's how I took it.

The endings are all really sweet, probably too sweet but they make a nice denouement for what you read.

For the record, getting the admin password is about the first third of the game, probably bit less, and the branching choices (Not really a lot) start there.

>> No.9124822

I'm half asleep, most of that didn't make sense.

Basically, you hardly even need to know family trees. You're more reading for the character interactions.

The feminist stuff is not bad. It's hard to hate even the worst person there. They all come across as real people.

And it's hardly all that "intellectual" in the way preening reviewers might like it. There's no hidden depth or anything to it. hell, the story leaves a lot of holes in pursuit of its central conceit and even then wraps it up neatly enough that there's not a lot to reflect on. (But, again, not really in a preachy way I don't think.).

Sorry, I'm yammering

>> No.9124829

>For the record, getting the admin password is about the first third of the game

Don't you do that right away? Where you're at the terminal and then you find it in a text file or whatever. Or was that a user password?
Fuck your pseudo-UNIX bullshite, Love.

I guess I'll give it a go, thanks Christine.

>> No.9124858

Well you find the admin password from the first AI basically after chatting her up a lot until she reveals OH YEAH THE ADMIN PASSWORD IS THIS GIRLS NAME OH AND HERE IS THAT GIRL.

That's kinda right away but it only took me about 3 hours to clear the game. It's not long.

And I don't actually know who Christine is.

But /v/ supplied me with a free copy. http://www.mediafire.com/?c2lq801dm2vwf32

>> No.9125406

Sylpheed's do not have Daemon's Core only Aerials have one.

> I doubt she would be just allowed to be at school like nothing
Why not? She isn't a prisoner and Aquapolice is safe. It could be that they didn't know that she wasn't human.

>so would giving information like that count as interfering?
What if it was the order of the Futurians? She wasn't allowed to act independently but she was programmed to be subservient to the Elemental Driver after all. I think the Futurians want to give the humans the capability to protect themselves.

>> No.9126383

Finished intro of hoshizora, can't decide if should proceed or drop. Story is not very appealing to me, but have nothing better to play anyway.

>> No.9127109

Nagi right now is huge bank of other wordly knowledge that people in no other way would have possibility to get to know right now, so it would be illogical to her not having someone keeping eye on her even if the aquapolis is safe right now, more so after the first SPOOK attack, but there was no hint of this. and after the SPOOKs started mutating wouldn't the management then contact her in hopes of informaiton on that? well she was away from school after the first SPOOK attack, but that could be because using the Aerial drains her more when acting without the Elemental Driver.

no disagreement on the second point though

>> No.9127123
File: 186 KB, 800x600, 870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this.
Miyabi is amazing

>> No.9127436
File: 222 KB, 1282x718, ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Hatsuyuki Sakura now. Ran and Tamaki are moe, girl working at the shop is not.

>> No.9127456

It was horrible... The trial's sex scenes are horrible.

>> No.9127479

I was greatly entertained, so it's an a-okay in my book.
Shu is a damn beast.

Though, Inoue really needs to tone down the use of exclamation points both in battles and sex scenes.

>> No.9127491

>Though, Inoue really needs to tone down the use of exclamation points both in battles and sex scenes.
Worse than R07 with this '.....................'

>> No.9127497

I wonder how Ryoko x Shuu would pan out.
She doesn't seem to be a slut like the teacher or Kate.

>> No.9127506

I want to see some Shin sex scenes. I'm sure it's going to be vanilla

>> No.9127519

It annoys me to think that Ryoko is going to be fucked by Shuu.
I like Shuu but he is a man-slut, Ryoko need some pure love from Shin

>> No.9127524

There's a Risa x Shin in the trial.

>> No.9127526

Looks like somebody didn't get the Risa scene.
Shuu is quite the gentleman, so I'm sure he'd treat her right.

Also, I can't wait for the inevitable technobabble in Nagi's scene.

>> No.9127530 [SPOILER] 
File: 596 KB, 1286x776, lockon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was one in trial, and it was mostly much more normal compared to Shuu ones.

actually it isn't granted that Shuu will fuck Ryoko, why else would you get Ryoko points with Shin then if it's locked out?

>> No.9127535

those brackets between every fucking romaji word bothered me like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9127549

Oh yeah? I missed it.. prbably did the wrong choices

>> No.9127557

ch1: go to park, ch2 wonder about the SPOOK attack and take Risa with you. then you get scene in ch3.

>> No.9127558

Ok gonna try this

>> No.9127568

I guess Aerial will have no individual ends but the flags will be about getting some ero, just like the Risa's scene.
I mean, the story is the same whether you got it or not

>> No.9127577

To be honest I'm disappointed by Kate, I wasn't exactly expecting her to be a virgin but I wasn't expecting her to act like friggin porn star.

I hope not. I want a way to save Risa.

>> No.9127578

It will be no fun if you can't get random bad ends.

>> No.9127591

Shin's voice is more high pitched than Risa's

>> No.9127611 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, !!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is ridiculous

>> No.9127627

I wonder how many hscenes this game would have.
Artemis Blue have quite a few. Most of it delusions.

>> No.9127630


>> No.9127636

It's a visual representation of the spermatozoids

>> No.9127642

exclamations points

>> No.9127646

It's like he's writing while being on adrenaline.
In that case, the battles are really kinky.

>> No.9127653

probaby follows the same format, atleast trial did if you did your choices right. 1 h-scene per chapter. also I wouldn't say 3/8 was most

>> No.9127657


>> No.9127680

I'm only looking forward Tsuji's art, and a possible genre shift

>> No.9127689

I'm such a pure hearted maiden that I muted the sound and closed my eyes during Risa's scene and just ctrl'd.

>> No.9127696

..I actually listened to Shin's voice because he sounds more feminine than Risa

>> No.9127767
File: 57 KB, 113x166, delicious food the anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, sometimes these ads get a bit ridiculous.

>> No.9127785

Where is this from anyway

>> No.9127793

Random ads from Mangafox.

>> No.9127815

Oh god

>> No.9128064

Wonder if it'll be possible to move the trial save data for Aerial to the full version's folder so that it knows what text you've read. There were a handful of scenes that seemed like they cut off early, so it'd be nice to know I could ctrl through the stuff already read without worrying about skipping anything new.

>> No.9128121
File: 93 KB, 320x180, uejwb97a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagi's eyes change color when she becomes NAGI.

>> No.9128136

Maybe you can just skiip the first three usingt the passwords?

>> No.9128151

Artemis Blue had a "skip trial parts" thing, but here wouldn't it kinda make all the choices moot/pointless? Unless that kind of unimportant unlockable extra is what they were aiming for in the first place

>> No.9128160

I think the unlockable content is canon going by the op, and the fact that the rest of chapter 3 makes a lot more sense if it goes that way.

>> No.9128179

It would be dumb having an albino loli and not giving her a H scene.

>> No.9128174

I hope she has a ero scene

>> No.9128187

what I meant is, if they make it so that you can skip the parts with the choices altogether, the game won't know what choices you made and that would make them pretty pointless in the grand scheme of things

>> No.9128189

Going by her strong presence in the OP, I'm quite sure she's the main heroine.

>> No.9128194

It's MLA, it was a dumb game in itself in some respects.

>> No.9128199

they eventually gave her one though, in Alt it would have just felt forced since the story was about Sumika

>> No.9128200

They could have given her an end like Yuuko in UL.

>> No.9128223

in UL you still didn't know shit about her, would have made a pretty poor scene

>> No.9128233

Just make Sumika's consciousness posess her and you'd have a nice mystery for alternative.

>> No.9128245 [DELETED] 

Unlockable content? I seem to be missing something here.

>> No.9128300

I just don't see why her having to die has to be his "reason to fight", probably because I fucking hate the killing someone off to make the MC man up trope so much, especially since Risa doesn't fit that role at all. Considering he still flips his shit even if you don't get the romance going with her, what's the point in having it there if she's just going to die in the end?

>> No.9128318

It's more about the fact that she died because he took his training halfheartedly rather than the death itself.

>> No.9128338

>not Ilyasviel.jpg

>> No.9128343

Fuck, don't even remind me.

I didn't care much about it when I read FSN years ago and had a low powerlevel, but now it frustrates me every time.

>> No.9128346

But even then, I still don't really understand why you're allowed to make choices that leads to romance when, in the end, everything turns out the same way. Something's up man (I want to believe ;_:).

Can it be July already?

>> No.9128358

It's pandering, obviously.

>> No.9128379

Stop using that word

>> No.9128390

It's so you can fuck her.

>> No.9128401

What do the other choices in the first chapter other than the park have you meet anyway? Couldn't quicksave and last save was about an hour before that so I just chose randomly and went with it

>> No.9128407

Someone mentioned that Ryouko was one of them, leading to confusion about whether it's Shin and Shuu that's getting her.

>> No.9128411

Park -> Risa
APPO -> Miku
South Street -> Sensei
Central Base -> Ryoko

>> No.9128422

depending the place you go you spent time with one of the following person, indicating thats flag for that heroine.
Park: Risa
APPO: Miku
Base: Ryoko
Street: Kashima (but don't spend time with her and the day doesn't end)
similary the choices in ch2 would imply the same, thus people are guessing that SHin might end up with Ryoko due to Ryoko flags being with Shin

>> No.9128486

Also for 2nd chapter:
Investigate the plant -> Miku
Be curious of the SPOOK attack + Take Risa with you -> Risa
Be curious of the SPOOK attack + Don't take Risa with you -> Ryoko

>> No.9128504

Wait what, I didn't get any Miku flag when investigating the plant. Does it require meeting her at the first choice?

>> No.9128516

After investigating the plant, you go home with her and she cooks you dinner.

>> No.9128528

Maybe you guys should make a separate Aerial thread? It's getting kinda hard following this thread when it's 90% Aerial discussion.

>> No.9128659
File: 338 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Eustia recently.
It isn't really a major issue, but is there any way to turn off the avatar? It's pretty annoying.

>> No.9128666

All this talk about Aerial really makes me want to try it out, but alas I still need to finish JOKER trial.
Currently I'm juggling Rance 6, Rance Quest, and Kichikuou at the same time, which turns out to be rather time-consuming.

>> No.9128691

Usually it's not removable, though I don't know I didn't play Eustia

>> No.9128712
File: 142 KB, 800x600, 330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Katahane. Coco is the cutest thing ever.

>> No.9128878

It can't be changed through the in-game settings, but I figured it'd be possible by editing the image files.

Can't be helped

>> No.9129815

Reading Katahane's Kurohane and Coco route was depressing as fuck.
It needed a better epilogue.

>> No.9129845

I don't want to ask this at risk of being called horrible, horrible names. But where do you guys get these VNs? I've lurked and lurked. Do you torrent them? Buy them?

>> No.9129851

To be a nice person, torrent, at sukebei nyaa.
And check this >>>/vg/6949440, they probably can tell you everything you need.

>> No.9129862

Thank you very much!

>> No.9129872

They have untranslated VN discussion in /vg/?


>> No.9129879

Is this Aerial's trial as good as it seems?
Besides, what's the difficult level?

>> No.9129898

All the time.
I don't know the reason why they do it, but it helps the peasants there get motivated to learn moon, which makes it OK in my book.
It's relatively easy and pretty damn good.

>> No.9129906

I had a couple of problems because I've never been into military stuff, apart from that, easy to read, and gripping.

>> No.9129921

It's mostly a few guys gloating about it in front of the people who can't

>> No.9129928

What better way to incentivate people to learn Japanese than to make them jealous?

>> No.9129931

I'm not really good at japanese so I prefer avoiding difficult title, in fact I've been reading only moege so far but I wanted to try a different genre this summer.
So there aren't many obscure kanjis, except for the military-related?

>> No.9129937

Not really, the everyday conversations are quite simple.

>> No.9129943

Come on, that's not why they're/you're doing it and you know it. It's just self-fapping

>> No.9129956

Well, I won't deny the ego stroking, but it does help either way, whether it's intentional or not.

I think.

>> No.9129960

That's pretty much what got me the motivation to do it.

>> No.9129966
File: 40 KB, 996x184, who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you guys -.-;;;

>> No.9130293
File: 85 KB, 1024x576, sagami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Legend Seven and I'm not finding it quite as fun as Schatten, maybe because Shirayuki is stuck to the sidelines for now. At least Schatten had Schlemihl while Kizaiah couldn't be quite part of the action.

Also needs more Sagami actually getting to do stuff.

>> No.9131215


...Oh boy. I've only just started the Kurohane chapter.

>> No.9132901


>> No.9132975
File: 36 KB, 419x534, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have anyone here played Hoshizora no memoria - eternal heart?
Worth even downloading it?

>> No.9132976

It is a good addition to the VN. Definitely worth reading.

>> No.9132978

Is Ageha's route any good in Oozora?
I don't really like her so I would like to pass it if possible

>> No.9132993


God fucking damn it. I'm angry again.

>> No.9132994
File: 532 KB, 800x600, MemoriaEN 2012-06-05 01-34-44-60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloading now... Thanks Anon

>> No.9133081


It's OK, would recommend just go ahead and do Amane as she has the most complete route (you even get to see the elusive isuca(sp?)), as Ageha and the twins don't really add much, sadly.

>> No.9133678

Ex-One just released a new trial for Futsuno Fantasy

>> No.9133708

is it new trial or just "fixed" trial?

>> No.9133710


Don't tell me - a new delay beyond end of this month? Usually they don't new trial if the release is imminent. I hope I am wrong.

>> No.9133731 [DELETED] 

Hey /vn/, quick question; what kind of character-type, like tsundere and hime, does Ran-neesan from "My Girlfriend is President" or Momoyo from "Majikoi" fill? Is there a specific name for it?

Also, since I'm at it, how about one that describes Wanko from "Majikoi" as well?

>> No.9133735

Hey /jp/, quick question; what kind of character-type, like tsundere and hime, does Ran-neesan from "My Girlfriend is President" or Momoyo from "Majikoi" fill? Is there a specific name for it?

Also, since I'm at it, how about one that describes Wanko from "Majikoi" as well?

>> No.9133858

They ahd to take out the previous one, so this is probably so people can check it properly.

>> No.9134419

Kinda late I know but just finished the Aerial trial, it was pretty damn good. Shame the full game is still more than one month away.

Nagi is the cutest OS ever and the Aerial design reminds me of Zone of the Enders, complete with Vector Cann-err, Gamma Ray.

>> No.9134478

Fixed: http://asitagamienai.blog118.fc2.com/blog-entry-1614.html

>> No.9134557

What the hell.
That no longer be called a parody. ;_;

The game seems pretty boring now.

>> No.9134590

I want to send bomb to sqereenix now, fuck them just fuck them to hell

>> No.9134619


Does anyone know if there's a translation guide/patch for 月明りのラズベリィ ?

>> No.9134623
File: 160 KB, 467x700, hira_hiragumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no opinions on Hiragumo-chan? Downloading it right now, might report on my progress tomorrow.

>> No.9134717

Those are tons of changes made to the game, not to mention that they have to retake some of the new lines too.
I guess Squeenix really screws them over this one.

>> No.9134802

After all that atmosphere building about missiles being limited and shit getting desperate enough for nukes seeing Aerials annihilate the fuck out of everything with energy just felt... I don't know, stupidly convenient?
Was still pretty interesting though, has potential to easily reach 85+ range

>> No.9134846
File: 818 KB, 500x350, フェノメノ、パッケージ-thumb-500x350-2912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have I never heard about this? Has anyone read the original novels? Weird that no one cares about this despite Nitroplus being involved.

>> No.9134864

I just finished reading the trial of 終わる世界とバースデイ, it's so weird.
I guess it's basically Subahibi minus the philosophy.
Or rather it's probably closer to Tsui no Sora, anyways it's pretty intriguing.
Though the art is pretty bad

>> No.9134912

well the Aerial was kinda like there from the start so it was only matter of time and it's not like it will solve all problems like the first scene showed. I just hope that they don't throw the limited resource aspect completely away

>> No.9134918

They were just spending their resources in building more aerials as super top secret things.

>> No.9135172

well that's a nice looking heroine, looking forward to her r-
>青山 ゆかり

>> No.9135201

Don't forget the possibility that the SPOOKs can evolve to have close to Aerial tier firepower and abilities. That could lead to a bunch of new problems for everyone.

>> No.9135211
File: 148 KB, 230x300, 3016f99aa783687fac784eb18544b0fe[1].png_133909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9135227

He did seem to have some trouble with those Bullet Bills at the first scene.

>> No.9135281

I muted her, probably wouldn't have liked her as much if I didn't.

>> No.9135305
File: 72 KB, 800x600, 藤花.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a weird person.
I'm just a bit tired of coming across her in every 3rd eroge I read, but I really like her voice in most roles.

>> No.9135322

Especially since they already seemed to have evolved to have some of the Kraken's capabilities, like supercavitation. Will be interesting to see if they'll be trying to properly take it on at that point or not.

>> No.9135368

Better than Aoba Ringo in what seems pretty much every new release.
And not even in a decent part of her range, only the ear raping ultra-shrill part.

>> No.9135523

I never was much of a VN fan (but now I am) so I'm getting into the classics. Also going through the ones with high ratings on vndb.

Next up:
Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo
Cross Channel
G-Senjou no Maou

>> No.9135828

Finished the trial for Zero Infinity, what a cocktease for the ending to wait almost 4 months for.
Ryouga was surprisingly likeable as a MC and I liked both Rei and Ivan, from the girls Mishio and Malene were interesting. Also good to see Jun with do something.
I wasn't a fan of the original character designs but they kind of look better in the CGs, so I can't complain.

>> No.9136288
File: 153 KB, 400x566, aorio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for this.

>> No.9136316

The most attractive girl turned out to be a trap.

>> No.9136355

Hey guys, I uploaded Kikokugai's remake a few days back. So if someone wants it they can grab it from here:

I am sharing the torrent because I had a hard time finding the remake for myself. Also, it works, you can check the screenshots in the torrent description.

>> No.9136363

I finished baldr and now I'm sad that I will never have a girlfriend.

>> No.9136455

I've spent the last year thinking that the remake was released on the 360 only, my stupidity is mind shattering. Cheers for the upload.

>> No.9136823
File: 229 KB, 544x491, [Mazui]_Boku_Ha_Tomodachi_Ga_Sukunai_-_09_[D8813B74].mkv_snapshot_20.50_[2011.12.02_06.38.40].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.9137863

can't fucking wait for this and lewness

>> No.9138949

It's a company that apparently wants to fill the niche "we're doing an eroge version of the latest anime hit", they also did a totally-not-K-on game before. It's strangely nostalgic in that Season of the Sakura way.

>> No.9138995

I started reading Tsukihime (I'm new to VNs and though this is one of the entrylevel VNs) and so far I'm really disappointed. I got to when you kill Nrvnqsr and the entire thing feels like some shonen manga. Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda badly written?

>> No.9139004

>they also did a totally-not-K-on game
Please elaborate.

>> No.9139024

When will they stop f__ing each other, and explain what's going on?

>> No.9139027

15 ero scenes before the opening, after that the true story will finally start. Good luck
And you can say FUCK you know

>> No.9139033 [SPOILER] 
File: 450 KB, 750x3360, 1339155162993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Cotton-soft sure is moe

>> No.9139041

Okay, thanks. It's not like I don't enjoy the ero, but it never ended so I kind of gave up.
Going to play it now.

>> No.9139065
File: 44 KB, 256x368, 5192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. I would have expected it to be a lilygame.

>> No.9139516

Tokyo Babel is delayed: http://www.tokyo-babel.jp/simple_ver/enki.html

>> No.9139549

2 months delay.
God there is nothing that interest me released this month now, even Futsuno Fantasy has become too "normal"

>> No.9139556

go outside nerd

>> No.9139561

You're not interested in Robotics;Notes!?

>> No.9139563

Lewness is coming.

>> No.9139601

Life hates me, two months in a row the games I was most hyped for gets delayed.
Futsuno Fantasy got screwed over that badly? A real pity in that case I guess but then again, I suppose I wouldn't of been able to catch half of the references.

>> No.9139639

It can no longer be called a parody.
They removed all references to Final Fantasy/Dragon Quests no matter how minor they are.

>> No.9139723

... Everything?

Well shit, that kills most of its charm.

>> No.9139739

why are people at square-enix such bastards? still going to play it but the enjoyment will surely be lessened

>> No.9139743

See: >>9134478

>> No.9139832

I still have Fortissimo EXS and JOKER.

Also, I'm looking forward to a lot of nukiges this month.

>> No.9139848

For this month there is still this.
Look interesting

>> No.9139853
File: 461 KB, 1423x1449, 1339154412201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Makura, Sca-Ji isn't the writer but the director though

>> No.9139952

... Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that next month?

>> No.9140214
File: 30 KB, 411x423, uguuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish hoshizora - why did they pull hack with **** in her route? Left a slightly bad taste even though I didn't mind the general explanation for Ren/Mare/etc. Been told Irotoridori is better at the fluff stuff so probably start it some time soon.

Starting 極道の花嫁, expecting high jinks a plenty.

>> No.9140221

>Been told Irotoridori is better at the fluff stuff so probably start it some time soon.
I disagree.

>> No.9140222

>Finish hoshizora - why did they pull hack with **** in her route? Left a slightly bad taste

Spoil me in detail please, I've been meaning to read this and I don't like shitty surprises.

>> No.9140232


Mind to expand a little, just out of interest?

>> No.9140263

I found Iroseka extremely boring and dragged on.
Hoshimemo was long too, but it was a lot more enjoyable and fun. The only part I actually enjoyed was Shinku's route.
It had some good things going on for it, other worlds, shinku, magic, Kanna... it was just coma inducing for the most part.

>> No.9140276

As you wish:

In **** route, you get magical help from dead mother's spirit (if you go by the vn explanation, her higher dimension form), a time hack/rewind for a second chance keep both Mare and ****.

>> No.9140279

Adding insult to injury, the true route completely disregards the individual routes, making all that boring drivel you just thrudged through pointless.

>> No.9140302

After being rejected a second time, ****'s condition got worse and MC wasn't allowed to visit her anymore. Then Mare made him forget about **** again, permanently this time. Then it time skips to after he graduates high school, he sees **** again but doesn't remember her. That's when his dead mother turns back time somehow to give him another chance. It was weird, but then again, there's a lot of weird bullshit that happens in this game.

>> No.9140336

>>9140263 >>9140279

Cheers. Guess I would just ctrl skip on a few routes.

>> No.9140342

And the common route.

>> No.9140358

Eh, sounds stupid and asspullish, but doesn't seem that bad in the end. Thanks.

>> No.9140850

Wow, I totally forgot about that part. I guess it must not have bothered me very much.

>> No.9141698
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9142381

****'s route isn't that great, but the rest of the game is fine. Many of the individual routes are quite enjoyable and the common route was pretty good too. Even the FD is great.

>> No.9142857
File: 143 KB, 797x599, yuki_end01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is riddled with bad ends eh. For the past 7 hours I have went through 4 of them already. Granted the one in the picture isn't really a bad end.
Though I find it kinda funny that the protagonist seems to become really horny all of a sudden.

And I'm liking Saya much better than I thought I would. She turns out to be a very charming and unique heroine.

>> No.9143254

This game was severely lacking on the NTR. My favourite scene was when you look through the hole in your wall and see them having sex. Wish there was more of that.

>> No.9144351

This thread is about to die like HELL.
