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9115576 No.9115576[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did you take it easy today /jp/? I just woke up after sleeping 14 hours.

>> No.9115591

Sleeping makes me sadder.
I stay awake until I am so sleep deprived I begin hallucinating.
Then I go on taking great amounts of caffeine, sugar and in some cases even methamphetamine.
When i'm at my limit, I just can't even think about anything anymore, and thus feel nothing. It's the only time I'm not sad.
Unfortunately, it just lasts a while, until I pass out. Once I even slept while standing up, just laying against the wall.

>> No.9115598


Not yet, please, don't make me think about this, or I will end up seeing it.

>> No.9115594

have you seen the meth spiders yet

>> No.9115607

It was 3pm then I looked at the clock and it was 9. I don't even remember what I did today.

>> No.9115612

How long have you been using? The first times you used meth, how long did it keep you up?

>> No.9115609

I didn't freak out even though I was left with only 25€ after paying my rent earlier today.

>> No.9115614


>freak out

I don't even remember when that last happened...
I kind of just accept everything and shrug it out

>> No.9115623

I took it easy with my cat.

>> No.9115626

I killed a dog outside with my shovel

>> No.9115631


I use it very scarcely, plus, I can't assure it's pure (even though I buy as if it were)
First times were more intense, though.
I believe it kept me up for quite some hours, I didn't count it, but was at least 6 hours

>> No.9115633
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>> No.9115635

I've been without a decent internet connection for a week already (cell phone internet doesn't count as decent). I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.9115642

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.9115652

So you aren't addicted to it? I heard that meth was one of the most addictive drugs out there. Is that true or was that documentary full of shit?

>> No.9115662


I don't know, but I'm not addicted yet. Although, I am not the average guy, I have schizophrenia and some possibly some other shit. Believe in the documentary more than you believe in me. And if you praise your life, try something less powerful. I just don't care that much if I die or not.

>> No.9115680


>> No.9115686

My dad died homeless in an alleyway because he was a meth addict.

Sure turned me off drugs.

>> No.9115697

Slept over at a friend's house and wound up sleeping most of the day away when I got home. Now, I'm drinking a local beer.

If that isn't taking it easy, I don't know what is.

>> No.9115698


I would say amphetamines are the most psychologically addicting drug on Earth, in my opinion of course. (Really though, the question "what's the most psychologically addictive drug on Earth", can ONLY be answered with opinions.)

Physically addicting though? Nah, that's bullshit, alcohol has WAY worse withdrawals.

>> No.9115699

Why'd you let your dad die anon? Why didn't you try to save him?

>> No.9115703
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I went over to my neighbors house to fix his computer.

>> No.9115718

Best of luck to you anon. Hope your health continues to hold or improve.
That was hilarious. But one question: why would a Church want to sponsor and film getting spiders high?

>> No.9115720

Opinions? No, it's science. Addiction is about physical addition, and the most potent thing that wouldn't kill you would mostly be a combination of chemical compounds yet discovered. I would say alcohol has a mild withdraw compared to other substances.

You're idiot for putting any toxin in your body to begin with, alcohol included. It's a poison, and drunkenness is the effect of a poison on your body, loss of balance, dizziness, blurred vision, etc. This is why you throw up, it's the same response for any other poison.

>> No.9115735

To scare people straight.

>> No.9115734


You assume alot of fucking things, you assume I use drugs (that includes alcohol), when I've been sober for years.

You assume I don't know the obvious effects of alcohol, and why they happen.

You assume everyone who uses alcohol, or any other psychoactive drug, is a idiot, when that is not true, and actually only proves that you're a bigot.
There are two aspects of withdrawal, physical and psychological, and I'm just going to say this once, alcohol withdrawals can kill you, while amphetamine withdrawals are mainly just mental.

Alcohol withdrawals are objectively WAY worse than amphetamine withdrawals.

>> No.9115738

What was wrong with it?
How did you fix it?

>> No.9115742

I pozzed up some unsuspecting negs but by the end of it they were begging for my toxic cum.

>> No.9115755
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no hard drive

to fix it, i put one in.

>> No.9115759

I don't disagree with your message, but they way you delivered it makes you sounds like a 10 year old who chocked on a sip of daddy's beer once.

Therefor you are a faggot, and not worth anyone's time.

>> No.9115760
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>> No.9115764

14 hours are nothing compared to my 17 hours record OP.

>> No.9115782

Oh boy.

The assumption was correct. You have in fact consumed those substances. No one cares whether you've been sober for years, when you were a drunk yesterday, the point still stands.

The point was that you've just admitted to being an idiot, because it was you're an idiot for putting toxins into your body.

>You assume everyone who uses alcohol, or any other psychoactive drug, is a idiot, when that is not true

>a idiot

Yes they are, it's just something you're going to have to deal with nerd.

>> No.9115788

Would you consider OTC painkillers to be toxins?

Just curious.

>> No.9115807

It simply depends. If it were combined with something it could have a toxic effect.

>> No.9115810


You're a bigot, and a dumbass.

You made a post filled with shit that wasn't even relevant to my post. Like, talking about hypothetical toxins that will be developed in the future. I bet you wouldn't even think twice about someone taking amphetamines for some imaginary bullshit like "ADD".

Just fuck off, you don't even know what you're talking about.

>> No.9115830


I too am without proper internet. It is a sad fact.

>> No.9115832

I'm sorry for your loss anon. However, I guess something good did come out of it right? Last I heard a cousin of mine was on death's door as well thanks to heroin. Meth and heroin can't be taken lightly.

>> No.9115834

Don't need to get so angry because I absolutely destroyed you in an internet debate. All I was saying was there are unknown discoveries in all fields of science, this one included.

I defiantly would think twice, In this era of over medicating I believe need to stop popping pills and focus on a healthy, less harmful method. A holistic way to treat the root cause, not the symptoms. The way evil medication companies make their gold.

>> No.9115838

What stops them from being toxins on their own?

>> No.9115842


>> No.9115850

I haven't slept in ~60 hours. This is a new record for me. Strangely, I don't feel tired right now at all.. This actually has me worried as I usually have difficulty staying awake 20+ hours.

>> No.9115859


1. What is the most psychologically addicting drug, it 100% a opinion. Due to the fact that everyone is individual, and has a unique preference for drugs. It's like claiming it's a fact that the Titanic is the best movie on Earth, because it's your personal favorite.

2. You just went on a rant about how much you hate alcohol and drugs, this has nothing to do with anything in my original post, nor did it, or anything else you said, discredit my original post.

Can you say projecting?

>> No.9115882

No one cares about psychology, it's a disgusting pseudo-science. Neurology is an actual science, perhaps maybe you should present data relating to that, and biology too.

It wasn't a rant, you're ranting, actually crying. I was discussing facts.

Yes I can.

>> No.9115901

Please respond.

>> No.9115905

>What is the most psychologically addicting drug, it 100% a opinion. Due to the fact that everyone is individual

Get a load of this guy.

>> No.9115927

When they build up in your body and cause harmful effects.

>> No.9115936

Is alcohol a toxin if you consume it, say, once a month or whatever levels are sufficient level to avoid buildup?

>> No.9115939
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"My favorite movie IS the best movie on Earth, because it's my personal favorite."

>> No.9115944

>everyone is individual

Yes, we're all such special snow flakes!

>> No.9115949 [DELETED] 

What does your favorite movie movie have to do with the effects of hard drugs on your brain?

>> No.9115951

You saying my favorite movie isn't the best movie ever? Because I will fuck you in the ass if you say something like that.

>> No.9115958

What does your favorite movie have to do with the effects of hard drugs on your brain?

>> No.9115959

Keep in mind the build up period is different for different substances. Alcohol can leave your body fairly quickly, ranging in time depending on the person's metabolic rate.

>> No.9115971

It was said that "It's like claiming it's a fact that the Titanic is the best movie on Earth, because it's your personal favorite."

So there for if my movie really IS the best best movie of Earth (which it is) I can totally right about those other points.

>> No.9115978


Steve's drug of choice is amphetamines.

Tim's drug of choice is opiates.

Tim can't say "Opiates are the most psychologically addictive drug on Earth". Because Steve over there doesn't even like opiates, but he absolutely loves amphetamines.

What is the most psychologically addicting drug, is completely up to each persons PREFERENCE, therefor it's a opinion, not a fact.

>> No.9115979

But that has no relevance to the argument at hand. And if Titanic seriously is your favorite movie you have shit taste.

>> No.9115982


This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.9115989

sounds like Tim hasn't mainlined heroin

>> No.9115995

That's impossible, because my tastes are God-tier.

>> No.9116004

Look at this idiot trying to explain it to us like we're as stupid as him. We don't need to be given a scenario.
