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9108547 No.9108547 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder.
Do my fellow /jp/sies enjoy nature?

I do. I live near the forest, so I don't even have to see other people when I'm there. It's very, very relaxing and healthy.

>> No.9108551

Enjoy my dick you, cunt breath ass lick.

>> No.9108550

no one cares faget

delete your thread and leave

>> No.9108556

I like nature, but she sure as hell doesn't like me back, assaulting me with mosquitoes and whatnot

>> No.9108559
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I would if it wasn't so cold ... my weak body needs to be in the warmth.

>> No.9108578

I often go for walks in the forest near my house. Not at night, though, there are hobos and crack addicts in there.

>> No.9108586

Japanese anime weak body disease.

>> No.9108597

It's like 104F outside right now so no. I don't like nature where I live.

>> No.9108611

I like trees and stuff. But I hate bugs. Specially grasshoppers.

>> No.9108613

Feels good to have strong temperature resistance.
Can just be in a shirt and jeans from 0-37C and be still comfortable.

Perfect temperature range is 10-15C though.
Sadly its only like that here in the fall mornings.
I live in a pretty forested area too, it's nice to see flora and fauna, but the nearest convenience store is a 30 minute drive.

>> No.9108623

nature sure is sweet. If I was forced to choose between living in the wild or living in a room for the rest of my life, I would always pick the wild.

>> No.9108629

I live in New York City there is none. I suppose I could hit up one of the botanical gardens though.

>> No.9108630
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It's hot here. Dry ambient. Nature hates me.

>> No.9108643

I hate worms and snails, especially slugs, worst of both worlds.

And the problem is those things are everywhere.

>> No.9108656

Slugs are icky, as are snails. But at least they are slow. They don't carry the same umpredictability of insects. And at least you can eat snails. Those are great.

>> No.9108657

I also live near forest!
Too bad I can't walk through it at night due to all the progressive youth that decided that the forest near the city is the best place to drink, get high and fuck

>> No.9108666

I used to have that sort if toughness about me from growing up on a farm for most of my life, every since I moved to a more densely populated area and became a hikki my body and whittled away to near nothing.

I miss the days of jogging in the cold morning breeze and not coming down with a severe cold.

>> No.9108667

You can go in the wild right now you know.
It's very uncomfortable, and the first think you would do by instinct is to subjugate the environment around you.

A strong control is exactly what I have in my room, where temperature, humidity can be adjusted to my liking, as well as any type of plant or animal life, and I already have a dog and a nice backyard with a garden.

>> No.9108675

I feel sorry for you. Nothing makes me more annoyed than teenagers with no sense of self-restraint or respect for other people.

>> No.9108684

Naah. Got used to it. Usually there is some noise in the evening and during the first half of the night, then it's relatively peaceful

but everything is covered in rubbish and shitty so walking there is sorta meh

however, staring through the window is certainly fine

>> No.9108691

It's getting warmer so now bugs keep flying into my room thorugh my window and it's really annoying.

>> No.9108703

I live on the very good terms with the spiders-to the point that last year my entire exterior of the windows was covered in huge spiderwebs

and I could enjoy my bug-free room

>> No.9108700


I used to be one of those teenagers, well more of a tag along but I'm pretty sure none of them would have bad intentions unless you look extremely easy to take advantage of. At least that's how it was in my area, usually it was the random people threatening us when all we wanted was our own space to chill and talk shit.

>> No.9108714

They stare at me if I walk around
I don't like it

besides, I know them
and we don't like each other very well either

>> No.9108722

you used to be a normalfag?

>> No.9108726

everyone is born on at least.

>> No.9108734

no, you become a normalfag through the influence of society around you. you are born as you, and whether you remain yourself or give in to the others is up to you

>> No.9108738

I go on weekly hikes with my mom. Usually at least 5-6 miles.

>> No.9108747

The other day, I was coming back from working out and I always drink ~4litres of water every time I work out. I really needed to pee and I was about 20 minutes away from home, so I did the logical thing and decided to go pee in the forest. I had to fight my way through bugs and cobwebs before I could finally pee.

The "forest" was actually only 10 trees deep, so from the road you could actually see a silhouette standing up. This gave me the best erection of my life and I had to masturbate there and came the biggest amount I've ever came in my life. I think I may be an exhibitionist and I'm not sure why I just typed that up.

>> No.9108746

It would be pretty cool to live in a tent and just forage/hunt for food.
But how would I get electricity and Internet for computer? That would be the only thing I require.

>> No.9108750

Actually, I want to live in a cave.

>> No.9108753
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I like nature when the weather is cold. During spring and summer, it is filled with disease carrying ticks and annoying spiders. I still go out fairly often though. Plus during winter, walking alone wearing a cozy warm coat gives me a really comfortable lonely feeling like I am the last person alive.

>> No.9108765

Also there is no Fall foliage here in NYC. Only bits of it here and there in parks. I really love the Autumn because the air crisp, the days are darker and shorter and overall the days just feel beautiful and I have an excuse to wear a sweater.

>> No.9108769

I like walking when it is cold. That's why wearing warm clothes is pointless and I never do this.

In fact, walking in warm clothes feels disgusting to me and I want to desperately take them off after few seconds

>> No.9108783


We had a horrible winter this year with no snow. One of my favorite feelings during the winter and fall is walking on a cold and windy night and opening the door of my apartment and feeling the warmth just come at me.

>> No.9108784

Only if it's cold outside. I don't like being hot.

>> No.9108793

My reason for the warm clothing comment is the comfort of knowing that I have my own personal shell against a environment. I suppose we simple like different things about winter.

>> No.9108806

Oh if you know them then fair enough.

I would rather say I used to be a child than a normalfag, I wasn't smart enough to live without the need for social interaction.

I wouldn't say becoming a normalfag is "giving in" either, it's just another path, another fork in the road, humanity is obedient by nature and I don't blame them for taking the most common path.

>> No.9108819

I've actually masturbated naked in a forest once, I don't know why but just the feeling of being in that place made me rock hard.

>> No.9108836

humanity is not obedient by nature. what sort of retarded thought is this anyway? why do you claim to know the nature of humanity?

>> No.9108858

I don't know about you but when I look at the world everyone is pretty obedient. It's just my opinion not an absolute truth.

>> No.9108871

so, you make a judgment about entire humanity based on your closest RL environment?

you're disgusting

>> No.9108872

I do that too. Open, yet secluded fields and such.

>> No.9108875

Same as this guy. I like nature but I hate being hot so I only go out for walks early in the morning or on windy days when there's enough wind to keep me cool.

>> No.9108907

No I don't base my judgement on only the environment surrounding me, that's why I said when I look at the world not the environment surrounding me. Although if I see something with my eyes I'l believe it over something I have seen on the internet obviously, it's not like my belief is set in stone I keep an open mind to any evidence that comes my way.

>> No.9108949

no, you're just a tool
you don't know what "open mind is"

>> No.9108992

An open minded person is someone who is willing to consider new ideas and holds no bias.

>> No.9109003

you're just a tool
go be rewritten over and over again by whatever you encounter IRL

even your interpretation of "open mind" is what most of normalfags believe in

>> No.9109033

Of course my interpretation of "open minded" is going to be what is most common in the scientific world. I'm sure what you think is "open minded" there is another word for, care to explain what you think is open minded?

Also, how does being open to factual evidence make me a "tool"?

>> No.9109049

ahahaah no you fucking idiot
if I wanted to explain it in detail to you I would have done it earlier
go die

>> No.9109081

No, you can't explain it in detail is why.
Now you just revert back to your insults as if you have actually won out in any way.

I'm convinced you are a troll, actually maybe you are just that dumb. I'm sure there is no shortage of NEETs like you although I wish there wasn't.

>> No.9109100
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Most of humanity has lived following leaders, and often within a strict social structure to boot. That's pretty obedient, you stupid faggot. Go ahead and try to redefine the word so you don't sound so fucking stupid.

>> No.9109115 [DELETED] 


yes, you totally blew my cover. :D I'm a troll :D :D sorry for trolling you, you're clever :D :D :D XD

leaders are aliens :D
from mars :D :D

>> No.9109886

Yes i love a nice nature trail with no one playing sidewalk alpha male.

Though I have to walk on the street now because I am fat and don't want people to see my SHAMERUFU DISRPAY in public.

problem is people walk their dogs at night (10pm) and get in the fucking way ... how do you let people know you are behind them and wanting to pass without scaring the shit out of them and making an anxious situation.

I get to lunging range and clear my throat that scares the shit out of them but it beats going " E-Exucuse M-me ... ma-may I go by you" ... when I try to say it from far away I end up shouting....if I say it close they can't makeo ut what I'm saying because I whisper.

DOG WALKERS GET THE FUCK OUT THE WAY walking at 1mph and stop taking up the sidewalk day dreaming.

how do you get these faggots to move?

>> No.9109896

You need at least 3 miles a day anon...get walking.

>> No.9109913

Not needing to see other people? that sounds awesome!

>> No.9109995

I live within walking distance from a really beautiful beach. I've always had romantic fantasies of walking on the beach barefoot at night, but my dumbass /jp/sie boyfriend would rather play video games than leave his room. I don't understand how you can hate the beach when you live in Hawaii.
