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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9106523 No.9106523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9106533

my soul is dark like the abyss, i fap to guro because i enjoy seeing the suffering of others.
i have no emotions
i am dead inside

>> No.9106537

Schizoid indifference worldwide

>> No.9106544

This is a bad thread and I feel bad for replying.

>> No.9106555
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With the new board style Tomorrow, now 4chan can be as dark as my soul.

>> No.9106563

Are bloodlust, rage and 'raping mood' emotions?
What about that warm feeling I get from torturing small animals?

>> No.9106568

they are dark emotions, thus allowed.

>> No.9106571

What if I have emotions but not the ability to read them?

>> No.9106573


Sweet. How do I sign up for the secret /jp/ Dark and Edgy society?

>> No.9106577


Autism is pretty dark. You should be allowed to stay.

>> No.9106578


>> No.9106582

You first have to learn our secret handshake.

>> No.9106590


It involves dicks touching, doesn't it?

>> No.9106591

get le fug outa hear

>> No.9106594

That's... a secret.

>> No.9106601

You are not edgy enough for us. Get out, "please".

>> No.9106603

Send a list of all your sick fetishes, how many animals you tortured, your favorites grimdark doujin, and then write an essay explaining in details the darkness of your soul

Then the Dark Lords of /jp/ will decide if you are or aren't worthy of our society.

>> No.9106606


Hey, do you want to alert everyone to our secret thread?
Didn't think so. Sage for safety, we can't allow just anyone here.


I'll look forward to finding out. Not in a happy way of course - more in a brooding, dark way.

>> No.9106607

i can get very emotional

>> No.9106611
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>> No.9106612

I was informed it could be a lengthy poem in place of an essay, if desired.

>> No.9106615
File: 322 KB, 729x717, satan_www.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont bully meormyfriends-chan
>dont bully
>dont ****

>> No.9106618

Yes, what matters is the expression of your dark dephts.

>> No.9106625



Crawling in my skin
These wounds
They will not heal
Murdering kittens
The only thing that's real

>> No.9106637
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>> No.9106638

cri evertiem

>> No.9106685

???? jerks
