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9105668 No.9105668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey goyim, did you know that the Quran promises 72 virgins for Muslims who blow themselves up? It's in there, you can trust me.

Better stop those ragheads while you still can, America!

>> No.9105669

Was capitalism invented by jews?

>> No.9105671

Why would we want to stop them from getting virgins?

Why not just send marines to fuck the virgins instead?

>> No.9105673

We should just nuke the entire middle east into glass so these threads stop appearing.

>> No.9105674
File: 1.10 MB, 1456x2173, AdamSmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just check out that schnoz.

>> No.9105678

weeeell that pretty much started as classical liberalism under adam smith, in order to address the issues post industrialisation.

>> No.9105681
File: 457 KB, 850x768, 1338154936177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reading my mind anonymous!

>> No.9105682

Fucking industrialization.

I swear, improvements in technology just make the world worse. Normalfags have all these things like phones and email and tablets that are *supposed* to save time and make life easier. Instead, it just means their work can more effectively follow them home and ruin their lives.

I guess it's the paradox of progress.

>> No.9105683


>> No.9105685

That feel when you think someone might be reading your mind so you think to not think of porn then you think of porn and your fetishes and things you are guilty/embarrassed about.

>> No.9105686

Your average pre-industrial human would trade his life for that of a modern human in a heartbeat.

>> No.9105690
File: 1.18 MB, 330x245, 1336674550569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9105691

Who was that scientist who believed Jews have evolved to be racist and they're smarter than everyone else?

>> No.9105692

And by pre-industrial, I mean feudal; by modern, I mean modern and first-world.

>> No.9105702


Would you rather be poor now or rich in the 18th century, /jp/?

>> No.9105714

rich in 18th century so i can buy lolis

>> No.9105717

Rich in the 18th century. I'm black so it would be pretty lolworthy.

>> No.9105725

Become a sheik.

>> No.9105720

Get out Arc devs.

>> No.9105721

I can't imagine what it would be like to be rich in the eighteenth century. I wouldn't have to work, of course. But what would I do all day? The lack of various modern things (primarily the computer) would certainly be a system shock. Maybe better the devil you know, who knows.

But then, if I were an eighteenth century rich man, maybe I wouldn't want to have to work just for the privilege of being able to use a fancy computation machine.

I assume we're talking first-world poor and not poor poor.

>> No.9105723

>i'm black
How did you even figure out how to browse the internet?

>> No.9105727


Isn't the average Jewish IQ ~115 or something really high?

>> No.9105731

the only thing thats high is they're bank accounts


>> No.9105734

You could read books all day! Maybe become a scientist. That's what I'd do. It's amazing how much time there is in the world when you have no computer.

I'd probably do nothing worthwhile, though. Even if I went directly from now and retained all my knowledge. I know nothing that could be useful or profitable in the past.
Anyone have that "so you've gone back in time..." image?

>> No.9105772

Because we are the virgins.

>> No.9105782

IQ is measured in knowledge and mathematical abilities and stuff like that (which is why you can practise for the tests). So of course a well-educated person would fare better than other people. In the middle ages, monks and jews were the best-educated guys around. I don't know about today.

>> No.9105823

Obviously if you can't read or weren't taught arithmetic, you're going to fail at an IQ test. However, they're largely simple puzzles for a reason. If you have the cognitive ability to solve them, you're intelligent. Intelligence is mostly genetically determined. No matter how KNOWLEDGEABLE you are, you can't really improve your base intelligence by more than a few IQ points. There's no way to "learn" being more intelligent.

>> No.9105931

>they're largely simple puzzles
I've done a number of IQ tests. Some because I was interested in my IQ, some for diagnostic reasons under the eyes of my therapists.
They do not consist to even 30% of puzzles that previous knowledge of puzzles wouldn't help you with.
No, it is not all: "You need to know this formula to not fail", but a lot of the tasks are of a nature of "Hey, I know this pattern. I think I've done something similar a couple of years back".

>> No.9105940


I agree with this.
I haven't done any real IQ tests since primary school but from that I can see how with training someone's score could improve.

>> No.9105951

>There's no way to "learn" being more intelligent.
No one's saying anything about getting more intelligent.
High IQ scores != high intelligence
