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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9103563 No.9103563 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, are dakimakuras really that comfortable?

I'm thinking of caving in and buying one, but I have no idea where to look, and how much one would cost + shipping. Also, do they come with character sheets, or are those separate? how do I make sure I'm buying genuine Japanese-made dakis, and not cheap Chinese knock-offs?

General Dakimakura thread, I suppose.

>> No.9103578

Get a body pillow from Bed Bath and Beyond. The cover is just for aesthetics and nodding off to sleep with a cute girl.
It's pretty comfortable, and it's nice to hug something when falling asleep.

As for the cover, get it from known, reputable sources or using a proxy service. But personally, it's not worth it. Up to $100 for a lewd cover? That's just otaku tax, they know you'll pay anything. Knockoffs printed on peach skin are just as nice, but hard to find in good resolution.
There was a site that specialized in doing custom dakimakura that shipped to America too. Forgot it though, you might want to look in the archives.

>> No.9103580

It's just a pillow, dude. It doesn't love you.

>> No.9103583

I don't need some expensive cover, if you have enough imagination then you don't need one either

>> No.9103609

I find it hard to sleep with if you hug it while sleeping, it blocks my airflow making it hard to breath and sleep.

>> No.9103613

not really, just depends on which fabric you find comfortable.

>> No.9103618

shut up, mine does

>> No.9103623
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Where the fuck do I get a body-sized pillow in Latin America?

I don't give a damn about the cover, it's just that I'm used to hug something before nodding off like a big teddy bear or something similar but my teddy bear is like 20 years old and I'm going to die of asthma if I keep cuddling with it.

>> No.9103635

Do you have comforter blankets? Like thick fluffy ones? Just fold it in half, roll that up, put a pillow case on each end and you've got a ghetto body pillow.

>> No.9103659

You don't because spics are not otaku.

>> No.9103677

You're right, spics are not otaku.

They're full blown weeaboos. You murrikans have nothing to bitch about, you guys should meet a spic weeaboo.

Not a bad idea, sir.

>> No.9103682
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You must be fat as fuck.

>> No.9103692

Body pillows are awkward as fuck to sleep with. It's like that "spooning" ultimatum outlined in Mallrats, it's nearly impossible for me to get comfortable.

>> No.9103694


>> No.9103696

Not as bad as a nigger weaboo. Those are the worst and saddest kind.

>> No.9103699

What the fuck do you mean? Are you too autistic that you can't even sleep with a daki?

>> No.9103710

Oh I've seen those here. At least they're funny.

But I can't assure anything yet since I've never met an American nigger weeaboo in my life.

>> No.9103709

Do you even know what this word means?

>> No.9103714


Fuck off with your sage.

>> No.9103717

>Fuck off with your sage
get a load of this nerd

>> No.9103735
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Get a better body pillow.

Yes, they are very comfortable. The higher quality covers are very silky smooth and soft to the touch, and fairly durable as well. It's also important you know what kind of body pillow you want though. There are squishy ones, and there are firm ones. I have both, and my squishy pillow helps me get warmer and is a bit easier to fall asleep with because it gives me a bit more freedom by conforming to my body and my grip. My firm pillow helps me stay cooler, and while it doesn't give me as much freedom to hold it how I want, it still feels good in its own right, and I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. I usually give my pillows turns, and change up every night. However, I do tend to use my firmer pillow for naps, because during the day it is hotter and I need it to help keep me cool.

>> No.9103740

Living in a fellow spic country, I'm disappointed by the weeaboos here.

I wouldn't mind if they at least had good taste in anime and japanese games, but 95% of the time it's these braindead mouthbreathers and headband-wearers who don't know anything about anime besides Naruto and Madoka, and claim that this is the best the medium has to offer.

>> No.9103749

Supposing I were to order one online, is there a way to know whether it's the soft or firm kind beforehand? I think I would like a soft one.

>> No.9103780
File: 425 KB, 350x1050, reimu_dakEmakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This circle has their own artists, do commissions, has a couple versions of almost every character imaginable, you can choose whatever material you desire, and their shit lasts forever.


I have one I bought two years ago and have slept with every night, washing it about once a week and it has not lost a single stitch or faded at all.

Not to mention they make yours FOR you. You have to wait a month or so but it is definitely the nicest of all the circles or brands I've tried - which is most of the big ones.

>> No.9103793

>who don't know anything about anime besides Naruto and Madoka
That's not something you see only in Latin America.

>> No.9103898

Have you ever slept with a real girl, /jp/? Tell me what it's like.

>> No.9103916

I slept with my cousin (I was 15 and she was 14) once.

I kinda liked her (I blame everything on the teenage hormone peak) so I thought I would get in her panties, but of course, I couldn't.

Sleeping with someone else was annoying as fuck, I'm just not cut out for that labor.

>> No.9104012

I don't want to derail the thread, but I have to say this:

I 'went back to society' some months ago, and noticed a guy from class liked animay-things. It had been some time since meeting new people, and it's not high-school anymore, so I thought revealing a bit of my hobbies and trying to share was fine.
"Have you seen Elfen Lied? It's really good".
This shit just never ends. It's bad enough in USA/Europe, but Latin America's entire fandom is plainly disgusting.

>> No.9104323

I want one but maybe when I move out.

>Caring about what people think

i know im a faggot

>> No.9104639

It's pretty nice, your arm that's facing the bed gets in the way though, and I usually wind up rolling over and sleeping on my back after a minute of spooning. It's nice having your dick press against her ass though, and it gets me hard and I start grinding. That's why they say "spooning leads to forking".
It's also really nice when you sleep on your back and she puts her heads on your chest, and put an arm around her.

>> No.9104655

How could you have incest that is messed up.

>> No.9104657

I understand it anon, I don't really care what random people might think but I care very much about what my parents think because I want to avoid awkward conversations at all costs

>> No.9104689
File: 26 KB, 500x375, Mad Thad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You hating on my nigga Mad Thaddeus?

Because he was a cool guy, fuck you.

>> No.9104724
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>> No.9104730


Why does that exist?

>> No.9104731 [SPOILER] 
File: 485 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mine. It's really soft and smooth, and it feels wonderful to hold it while you're sleeping. It's also nice to hold it while you watch anime or play video games.

As for buying one, the official dakis are expensive, but you do get very good quality. Of course, you can also find some really good unofficial dakis, and they're also a lot easier on your wallet.

Peachskin is really nice, but you can also pay extra for tricot, which is some really good material.

>> No.9104734
File: 184 KB, 707x1000, 1278315498076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some of us like the dark skin.

>> No.9104737

Its a fetish and a terrible one at that.

>> No.9104745
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>> No.9104746

ew lol niggers

>> No.9104755

Reported for racism
Learn to respect your superiors you shitty caucasian scum

>> No.9104761

2D having dark skin doesn't make them a nigger. Having monkey like features makes them a nigger.

>> No.9104768


>> No.9104770


>> No.9104771

le mad?

>> No.9104790

I was apprehensive at first about buying one, but then thought what the heck and got a cover with a copy of Comic G's Festival.

I can't sleep on regular pillows anymore...

And to anybody worrying about their parents, don't. Mine don't give two craps.

>> No.9104796


>> No.9104799



>> No.9104828


>> No.9104900


shit. another reason to learn moon.

>> No.9104940

The art looks like shit.

>> No.9104947

>Madoka, and claim that this is the best the medium has to offer.

Sorry you can't appreciate good anime.

>> No.9104952


I didn't really like madoka that much. I honestly thought 11eyes was way bettter than that.

Madoka magica, was just kind of, meh, I hate the art-style and the "action" scenes are so bland and emotionless.

It's still watchable though.

>> No.9104963

Nigger-lovers are the worst kind of person alive.

Please get the fuck out of /jp/, right now. Beastiality is illegal, you know.

>> No.9104964

Stop lying anon. Nobody liked the 11eyes adaptation.

>> No.9105044

Fuck your shit, 11 eyes was decent, at least.
