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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9102774 No.9102774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys spend most of your time doing? Playing touhou? visual novels? watching crap anime?

>> No.9102779
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on /jp/

>> No.9102783

She is so beautiful and he passed over for Nagisa. What was he thinking?

>> No.9102786
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>> No.9102791

Right now, I would say I spend a equal amount of time either on 4chan/4ch.on/forums, or watching high quality not-crap anime like nichijou.

After that would come video-games.

>> No.9102794

>high quality not-crap anime like nichijou
>>>/a/ might be more accepting of your kind

>> No.9102796

Mostly alt-tabbing between /jp/ and VNs.

>> No.9102798

Calm down spergenstein.

>> No.9102808
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>nichijou good

>> No.9102814

I hate you moetron you never respond back when I try to talk to you.

>> No.9102815


And here I thought I was on a board for otakus, I musta been hoodwinked.

>> No.9102817

Actually you are on a board for neets.

>> No.9102818


I've seen moe-tron respond before, but it's pretty rare.

>> No.9102824

Nigga, please I spend my day studying, reading books, showering, drinking water,masturbating, meditating, doing some exercise and then eating.

sometime I go on /jp/, like twice a day to learn new ways.

>> No.9102826
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>That feel when you want Mio to take a huge dump in your mouth

>> No.9102825

I thought this was a board for touhou

>> No.9102829

wasting my life away

>> No.9102831
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I feel sad because I waste most of my time in university. But I tend to sneak whatever time I have with a laptop on hand on /jp/ or playing the vidya, because it's hard to socialize when the common parlace spouts "epic win memes" every other phrase.

>> No.9102832


>> No.9102838


>Learn new ways



I bet you can't even hack my 4chan account.

>> No.9102841

are the vg programming threads good for starters? Or are they full of shit?

>> No.9102844

I go through phases. Right now I'm playing games all day.

Other times I'll focus on anime or just waste away refreshing /jp/.

>> No.9102846

For starters i recommend reading "Thinking in C++" then move to videogames.

>> No.9102849

What type of exercising?

>> No.9102852

And it's not an anime. Most people here prefer visual novels/games over anime.

>> No.9102861

They're shit. Stick to academic writings.

>> No.9102875
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Games, crossdressing, going out for walks, reading VNs, watching movies, browse /jp/, do a few daily training exercises, do some baking, and clean the house..

This is usually how the day goes by.

>> No.9102884

I love baking.

>> No.9102911

What type of panties do you like best?

>> No.9102928

Watching animes, playing video games, chatting, browsing the web, listening to music, posting on /jp/.

>> No.9102934

Browse /jp/, play the 2hu, watch anime, browse /fit/, work out, play videogames take naps, watch western cartoons, browser /r9k/, occasionally cross dress, sometimes I read books.

>> No.9102945

For normal crossdressing the simple shimapan is the best.

>> No.9102946
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Wake up at 6am, Have breakfast of 4 egg whites and a yolk in an omelet with toast and brush my teeth. Check for new episodes of anime on Nyaa, Watch those new episodes. Have an apple and some tea after that. Browse /jp/ until lunchtime, Have lunch of either Chicken and vegetables or Ramen if I'm feeling lazy + a protein shake. Afterwards I'll continue browsing /jp/ or go watch some backlog until around 5pm. Go to gym then. Come back home, have a protein shake let that go down first then prepare and eat dinner, knock back a Sertraline tab at around 8pm. Check HLJ/AmiAmi for deals, browse /jp/ or continue with my backlog. Brush teeth, shower and shave whenever I decide to stop for the day.
Go to sleep whenever.

>> No.9102950

I NEET it up taking naps in my bed all day. Then I sleep for 12 hours a night. I've been drinking a lot of beer too. I don't have internet at my place (I'm on my phone now) so occasionally I'll go to the coffee shop to use their internet.

>> No.9103001

7-8am waking up and get ready
10am at uni RA
2-3PM leave uni
get back when ever, read books, play video games, play around with ucontrollers, IRC, surf internet
midnight to 1am head to bed

>> No.9103002

I sure hope that's a typo you just made.

>> No.9103008


>> No.9103021

Lifting, browsing /v/, browsing /fit/, browsing /jp/, sometimes browsing /ic/, more lifting.

That's about it.

>> No.9103027

and bringing your aids to /jp/ too, cant forget that

>> No.9103030


To be fair, it was pretty bad when I got here.

>> No.9103048

It may be bad, but just don't you go making it worse, please.

>> No.9103070

4chan is fucking crack, I just spend most of my days browsing /jp/ and /v/.

I have to force myself to actually go out of my way and have fun which consists of playing vidya and reading eroge most of the time. Hoping that Aerial's trial will keep me fucking out of here at least for a while.

>> No.9103177

there seems to be a lot of lifters on /jp/.

are you all lifting so that you can seduce gensokyoans once you finally cross the portal, or is there something I'm not quite understanding?

>> No.9103182


Lifting is fun, it makes you beeg and strong. You lose weight, you get confidence. It's stress relieving.

What's not to like?

>> No.9103195

Wondering why I don't do anything with my time.
In the evenings I often also squeeze in a short session of self-hatred.

>> No.9103216
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i cook, draw, and i'm learning Java. i want to learn python and C# next, but one thing at a time. i have to teach myself math all over again because i'm so bad at it

>> No.9103220
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/jp/ just got a lot of wannabe``lifter" subhumans from /a/ who do very lightweight exercises and do 30 pushups to impress their ``waifu''.

Lifting means you're working (it's called working out for a reason) and if you're working you're not taking it easy and your life becomes a loss. Don't become a subhuman like them. Just take it easy and stay in bed and become truskeleton.

>> No.9103230

oh, and i really like playing indie games, mostly horror games and i spend time of 4chan and looking at pretty clothes too.

>> No.9103229

Visual Novels

>> No.9103245

Zhang zhuang.

this chinese guy, right here, this motherfucker will teach you : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y07FauHYlmg

Seriously, it helped my back pain, and any /jp/sie can do it, it doesn't require going outside or lifting, just taking it easy.

Also you won't end with a messed up body if you do only one kind of exercise that focus on a small number of muscles such as lifting.

>> No.9103249

>Horror games
I just cant handle horror games myself, scary things are too scary..
I cant take it easy at all trying to play them.

>> No.9103269


Lifting doesn't focus on small muscle groups.

>> No.9103270
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He asked me to stand up. Fuck that.

>> No.9103280

Eroge, reading, anime, writing, sometimes video games, work.

>> No.9103315
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Playing video games, reading about video games, watching other people play video games, listening to music, and watching movies.

>> No.9103352

Lifting free weights exercises a great deal of muscles at once, it doesn't need to ``focus'' on anything.

Do you even lift?

>> No.9103358


I'm not understand the disagreement here.
