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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 293 KB, 700x849, patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9102265 No.9102265 [Reply] [Original]

Do /jp/sies do programming?
If so, what are you up to?
Any finished programs?

>> No.9102268

I've been learning C for about twelve years. Second only to learning Japanese on my longest "to-do" list.

>> No.9102271

>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Now Patchy is my favorite 2hu :D

>> No.9102273


computer is epig win :)

>> No.9102279

I made a shmup for cellphones on JavaME, a hangman with Java and Swing, and a distributed board game with Python(Django), Coffeescript and jQuery.

>> No.9102278

If everyone has REALLY read SICP, why aren't there OVER 9000 Lisp compilers/interpreters floating around?

>> No.9102296

print('hello world')

>> No.9102357
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The current interpreters work fine. REPL all day bitch.

>> No.9102389

This year has been mostly java. Haven't produced anything other than assignment hand-ins, and those things aren't really interesting enough to show people if they don't have an interest in hearing about data types and protocol implementation.

>> No.9102398

A bit with Scheme, a bit with Octave.

I still don't know anything else. Basically, just did whatever is necessary to pass the assignments.

I feel so unmotivated and ashamed.

>> No.9102426

I only do Python for my own uses. Right now I'm making a script that uses rtmpdump to get live streams on my computer automatically.

>> No.9102879

I've done a bit of C++, C# and Matlab if that counts. I want to make a game over the summer, so I just got this


I wonder how it'll go.

>> No.9102897
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I do websites and web applications along with some scripting for automating things.

>> No.9102905

/jp/ programming threads are fucking atrocious. Please. I'm here to see cute girls.

>> No.9102909
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Accounting software and employee assistance.

>> No.9102916

Twelve years? Shouldn't you be adept by now?

>> No.9102920

jp should make a game together

>> No.9102925

look at this autism faggot

>> No.9102932

Well, if he's still on C... I don't think so.

>> No.9103016

I know C++ and Java, and can use C to some extent. Tried python, don't like it.

I've recently opened my eyes to the full possibility of games about playing as young girls and am going to make a collection of cheap and simple beginner games with them. Also a couple bigger ideas about survival horror-ish game and something that my brain describes as "the feeling of an mmo without being an offline mmo simulation" which at the moment basically involves grinding enemies for items to make magic components. (RO style battles)

I haven't completed anything because I can't focus on one idea. Also I insist on using 2D because I hate most 3D, although it would probably be easier for me to just learn 3D and not have to draw a million things. (I realize I'd still have to make the textures) I like 3D when you can put on various clothes, but I can't do all that.

I think I'll make a shooting game or a simple turn based tactics type game today for practice, if I can get SDL to fucking work with eclipse. (I usually use Visual Studio cause I got them for free in uni, but I want to try this way even though I don't plan to make games for use on anything but windows.)

Once I get good, hopefully I can make many games for /jp/. I wish I was a normalfag so I could be making money making jewel quest clones for android or whatever sells to the casual public nowadays.

>> No.9103050
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I'm practicing pascal

>> No.9103057

/jp/ is too lazy for that.

/jp/ should make a "doujinshi support" sort of culture, where people who can make sprites make sprites whenever they feel like it, people who make music make whatever they feel like, people who can code make helpful snippets of code, and they upload their work to some site where /jp/ can freely use it in games/VNs, criticize the art/music, and whatever.

With everyone taking it easy as they want, eventually it'll be populated with enough resources for anyone to make games easy.

>> No.9103076


>> No.9103080
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C and x86 assembly mostly. I did some work on the Linux kernel's scheduler, so my name is in the CREDITS file.

>> No.9103092
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Recently I've been wanting to write a VN of some kind, with a story that goes nowhere, a high school student with his own maid, apocalypse and mass murder endings, nasu-style sex scenes, no sprites and backgrounds taken with a game boy camera instead of those shitty filtered photos most VNs use.

I also need to program my own vn engine in order to be super special.

>> No.9103100

Sounds nice.
Epic, even.
I like the idea.

>> No.9103105

>program my own vn engine

I doubt you are good enough to program a VN engine.

>> No.9103112

Nigga please, I could run a VN in an applet in IE4.

>> No.9103119
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Better than you.
Compared to some shit like a fighting game or a shmup, moving pictures with sound and reading a script is easy mode

>> No.9103123

I had to use Delphi at work before.

Never again.

>> No.9103125

Was there a reason for the spoilers?

>> No.9103126

i get it

bcuz u aqchiv satori

>> No.9103128

How do you get into serious projects like that?

I was reading about x86 assembler today, actually.

>> No.9103131

For some reason, I think you're 12~17, retarded, come from /v/-/g/ and not trolling at all.

>> No.9103139

Fuck off

>> No.9103143

Making VN engines is fucking easy.

>> No.9103145

To make the serious part of the comment stand out.
Looking back on it, it's not really useful through.

I shall think twice before using such a thing again to prevent you from wasting energy moving your mouse.

>> No.9103155

If you think spoilers add any type of flair to your post, you would be better off looking at how the post was worded.

>> No.9103151

I'm making a Touhou based roguelike in Lisp, OP.

>> No.9103157
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I'm working on the UI of some static code analysis tool. It's in C++ with Qt. I also know C, Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, Haskell and some obscure functional programming language called Pure.

As for finished projects. I've been programming for ~10 years now but I've never produced something worth to publish, except for three CMS plugins that I was paid for. I hope my current project will become mature enough to become open source.

>> No.9103174 [DELETED] 

I wish I had a mentor to guide me in this area. I know how to program on a superficial level, but nothing more. I really want to improve a lot in the next year or so.

>> No.9103331

echo suck my cock dude

>> No.9103377

I've made about 5-6 games or so, and am finishing up another one.

Maybe gonna make a shmup next.

>> No.9103399

>>9102879 again.

If anyone wants to be programming buddies and learn together or become a mentor, email's in the email field.

>> No.9103431

yes wwww

a dos game

and I NEED HELP!!!!

>> No.9103434
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>> No.9103444

I want to make operating systems for home appliances such as rice cookers and washing machines in C.

But there's no resources ;_;

I also want to learn about AI too.

>> No.9103448
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lets make a DOS game!

>> No.9103451

How did you make that?

>> No.9103457

I was considering it, but after reading your email address, I hate your email, and I hate you.

>> No.9103458

can you do IRC?

>> No.9103459


Why do you hate freedom?

>> No.9103471

I'd love to make a game together, but why DOS? Honestly, I don't know much about it. Can we just develop for modern PCs?

>> No.9103474

It's a throwaway email I created for /jp/.

>> No.9103481
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DOS CAN run on modern PCs

I can teach you everything i know about it!

>> No.9103482

Yeah I can.

>> No.9103485

my point still stands


>> No.9103491

I've done embedded programming, GUI front ends, cache simulators, parsers for device testing, IRC bot scripts, programs to create LUTs used for linearizing input signals in FPGAs. That's just the software side of things. My main forte is digital design with HDLs.

>> No.9103499

Yeah I know, but can you still make games look nice in it?

You can send me an email if you like.

>> No.9103494


eat shit, sparky

>> No.9103506

please make make a link or make available; would fart outta dick for this

>> No.9103507
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>> No.9103512
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>> No.9103524

C/x86 on DOS is a good way to learn.

>> No.9103529

Stop bullshitting him.

There's no reason to make DOS games unless you are... a subhuman ban evader.

>> No.9103530

Eye am good at C

>> No.9103537
File: 118 KB, 405x685, shmupp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a shmup in C++.
I wonder if people would play this.

>> No.9103538
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>> No.9103540
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I work at SAIC on video games for military use. I play with OpenGL and other fun libraries at home. Eventually I'll get around to making an open source, modular, extensible, scriptable bullet hell engine (something more nice than danmakufu).

Image is of a class project using low level OpenGL. The colors are really saturated on my laptop monitor, so they are probably blinding on a newer screen. Everything is animated, so a still image doesn't do any justice.

>> No.9103551
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I have worked for like 6 years on AT&T first as a DBA programmer and then as a sysadmin, plus I began using Linux since I was 15, it helped a lot.
As a hobby, I made some Quake 2 model viewers with C++ and OpenGL using GLUT for Windows. Also some websites I don't even remember.
Lately I have been programming in VB.NET and SQL Server 2008. But I skip the job every week so I probably will get fired soon. I don't like it really.

I know C, a little C++, a little Java, Python, Bash
scripting, Visual Basic 6/.NET and C#.

Btw, the more programming I do out of hobby, the more I get high; does anyone suffer from this too?

>> No.9103550

Only if there's actual gameplay and such.

Aimlessly implementing features is not the best nor most efficient method.

>> No.9103552

Colors look fine to me.
But your choice of colors is awful, I'm guessing you're not really an artist right?
>scriptable bullet hell engine
I hope you choose Lua for scripting, people are used to it.

>> No.9103558


I'm also making a shmup. I finished making the scriptengine similar to danmakufu that emulates coroutines with that yield command.

How do you do bullet managment? Linked lists? Vectors? Can you give details?

>> No.9103565

I would definitely not recommend my code as a base for anything, its rather messy and its my first c++ project.
I have a bullet manager class which holds instances of bullet objects (uses object pooling) in vectors.
Right now the patterns are hardcoded since I was just getting things working before doing anything pretty.

tl;dr its pretty shit.

>> No.9103570



>> No.9103571

The background colors are random, the red and green was a specification of the project.

I doodle a lot, although I am colorblind.

Also doodling in this thread:

>> No.9103582


See, I'm asking because I want to use linked lists. They're very easy in the sense that if a bullet somewhere in the middle of the list needs to be removed, it's as easy as redirecting pointers and putting the node into a garbage pool. It's not like I'll ever be using a linear search with bullets, ever either.

People are telling me to use vectors though, but I'm not using linear searching at all.
The problem I have with vectors is if a bullet needs to be removed from somewhere in the middle of it, I'm in trouble. True that I could use a simple if() check, but all those bullets will build that up. On top of that, I want to keep the bullets in order. That is- first spawned is first drawn, and this means I must keep them in order each frame. A list solves both those problems but people tell me to use a vector anyway.

>> No.9103604
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>> No.9103616

I can see what you mean, if linked lists work for you then just use that.
There is no ~right~ way of doing something, just more efficient ways.
Do what is convenient for you and yet not a hinder to the performance and try not over optimize.

>> No.9103617

i generally dont. does trying to get redhat to work with modern stuff count?

>> No.9103614

cute, would suck

>> No.9103632

I had to take a course in python which was a mandatory requisite for my otherwise unrelated engineering program. I didn't do any of the assignments or labs as they entailed far too much inanity than I cared to deal with and basically ended up learning the language to a test-functional level just days preceding the final. Fortunately the exam format was easily predictable.

We dealt primarily with array mapped functions and the like. If I knew how to orient my efforts towards making animes and such I'd maybe attempt to apply what little I recall.

>> No.9103634
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>> No.9103643 [SPOILER] 
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/prog/ would like to help you with that, dude.

>> No.9103640

>uses moonrunes
Weeaboo pleb.

>> No.9103646

I was hoping for sicp when I clicked that spoiler.

>> No.9103651

I don't really program anything unless I have to, and when I have to, it's in Python because it's enough for my needs (and I'm too lazy to learn REAL DEAL C++ and/or assembly. I'm not even a professional programmer anyway).
Most of the times it's VN-related command line utilities (script (de-)compilers, game archive (un-)packers, resource converters etc.) for VNs nobody wants to translate because they're too old and generally aren't popular. Quite a few of them are for PS2 too, and PS2 being a dead console doesn't help either. But PS2 VNs, being all-ages, should be easy to translate, so I'm going to take a crash course of Japanese this summer and have something to show next year, hopefully edited by someone speaking English natively.

>> No.9103654

Should I fuck off with my spoilers?

>> No.9103655

I actually started learning python a couple days ago.

It's fun.

>> No.9103661

python a shit

>> No.9103665

Only if you do it like this.

>> No.9103669

I always wanted to learn but feel as if there's not enough time.

>> No.9103671

You can start any time and take breaks anytime, there's no competition.
You can take it easy while learning to code.

>> No.9103674

List is most likely fine in your case. Traversing a list is much slower than traversing a vector but the traversal cost doesn't matter much if you are anyway doing expensive operations such as drawing each item.

I'd say vector would still work well in your case. Removing elements from a vector is slow if you remove elements one by one, but it is actually fast if you remove many elements at once. If you use C++ and STL, you can use the function std::remove_if to do that while preserving the order of other elements (it performs only a single pass of the data so it is fine to do that on each frame):

bool bullet_dead(const bullet& b) {...}

bullets.erase(std::remove_if(bullets.begin(), bullets.end(), bullet_dead), bullets.end());

>> No.9103689

Use vectors and some sort of "isActive" flag in your bullet object. You don't need to move your bullets around.

>> No.9103688

sepples a fucking shit

>> No.9103695

I was making a program that you could use to browse booru websites with tags but decided to scrape it since I didn't get that much initial downloads. Due to the low demand I stopped.

>> No.9103708

>due to the low demand
holy fuck fagcock are you serious
i'd kill for something like that
how retarded do you even have to be to stop developing that, i hate you for not releasing it

and you should learn for once in your life that if a program makes your own life easier, you should go for it, no matter what happens

>> No.9103707


Did you see the part where I said that all those if- checks build up? These are thousands of bullets we're talking about, and those checks build up and become expensive.

>> No.9103711

In most cases (like FUCKING ALWAYS) ifs are much much fucking much less expensive then moving/allocating shit in memory.

Profile before trying to optimize blindly.

>> No.9103713

java pleb pls go

>> No.9103715

I'm looking more and more into Rails, coffeescript and Node.js, coming from a .NET and vba and vb6 background.

Recently found http://meteor.com/, looks fucking awesome.

>> No.9103718

sup hipster scum


>> No.9103716

If you think checking a boolean is intensive, you,re already head deep in premature and needless optimization in the wrong places.

Checking if a bullet is ready to be drawn/updated takes nothing, even in thousands, drawing them and other operations is what can make your bottleneck.

>> No.9103722

>Rails, coffeescript and Node.js,
fuck off web fagstorm

>> No.9103726

> if- checks build up? These are thousands of bullets we're talking about,
Most people are not playing bullet hells on calculators or toasters, if ( isActive) flag is fucking nothing.

>> No.9103729


Well I'll be doing this in DirectX. All of the bullets that share the same blend and sprite sheet will be drawn in a single draw() call.

Bullets will only be removed one at a time as well, except the few once-in-a-blue-moon function I use to clear the whole screen of bullets.

See, the bullets will have their own data such as position, speed, blend, and such. But their position on the screen will be copied over to a vector that holds vertex position information of all of the bullets. I'll be iterating from first to last bullet, calculating the vertex information based on the bullet's center, and that information will be copied to the vector used by DirectX during the draw calls.
Of course, there'll be separate draw calls for each layer. For example, the bullets will be drawn above the enemies in the game, so enemies will be drawn first then bullets.

>> No.9103731

Sorry for the inconvenience.

>> No.9103732

Where's the best place I can learn how to program assembly?

>> No.9103734


>> No.9103736

>remove bullets

Like, freeing/deleting the objects? Why would you do that?

>> No.9103744

>Bullets will only be removed one at a time as well,
What do you mean "removed"?
Delete the object entirely?

Your method for drawing the bullets seems normal.
Since you're batch drawing as well there shouldn't be a problem performance wise either.

>> No.9103745

Why all the hate?

Just because I run attractive and fast user interfaces on my clients on any platform with simple and real-time deployment while you use cumbersome and ugly client applications that your users hate to mess around with?

>> No.9103748


What? No, why would I delete and allocate bullets constantly?
I use pointers and my own quick garbage collection. I intend to toss around pointers to the actual memory into the garbage pool when the bullets are thrown out, and fetch a bullet from the pool when I need to place a new bullet in the live-bullets container.
There will be no unnecessary allocation or deallocation. That's way too expensive.

>> No.9103751

Could someone teach me C?
I swear to be a good student, /jp/!
I just can't do shit on my own, I'm too lazy~

>> No.9103755

Alright so you have everything sorted out by the looks of it, where's the problem then?

If your linked lists system works, use it.

If not, a vector with an isActive or whatever flag can work as well and will NOT affect your performance noticeably, computers are much more capable than you seem to think.

>> No.9103760

>Bullets will only be removed one at a time as well, except the few once-in-a-blue-moon function I use to clear the whole screen of bullets.
Well, you probably still could remove all the bullets that are removed on a single frame at once if you wanted. Though it really doesn't matter; just use anything that you have implemented now as long as you it doesn't cause you a performance problem.

>> No.9103761

>fast user interfaces on my clients on any platform with simple and real-time deployment
Holy fucking ENTERPRISE buzzwords nigger

You're ready for the corporate world, now wear a suit and stare at stock charts

>> No.9103762

Oh and have a Mac, corporate bitches love macs and web development.

>> No.9103770

I get paid for plugging Ethernet cables when stupid people unplug them.

I don't give a shit about your ``clients" and I think you should fuck off back to your AbstractCubicleFactoryFactory.

>> No.9103767


I guess I am a little overly paranoid about it. I've taken assembly and know how this stuff works under the hood. It's just that lists aren't too cache friendly but they're just so convenient to the sorting problem and don't know if its worth the sacrifice. My engine is intended to be a replacement to Danmakufu and I want it to run into the same problem where it'll get really slow after a number of bullets.

I already made the scriptengine faster, and I pretty much wanted to improve everything about it. I'll later make it open source.

>> No.9103769

I remember when /jp/ was full of talentless NEETs. This internet boom has been tough on us.

>> No.9103773

/jp/ has always been full of people somewhere on the autism spectrum, and programmers fit well in this spectrum too.

Come on, this is not new.

>> No.9103774

>I was making a program that you could use to browse booru websites with tags but decided to scrape it
o ho ho

>> No.9103776

>slower after a number of bullets.
You'll much more likely run into a rendering bottleneck than you will from the CPU and checking ifs.

Don't batch draw 50000 bullets in one draw call.
Separate them in batches of 1000-2000 vertices at a time.

>> No.9103781

May I post this to /prog/, Anon-kun? It would get me at least 10 replies and some spam.

>> No.9103782

Do it, its your post anyways.
/jp/ is one person samefagging.

>> No.9103783


Just pass the fucking meow mix

>> No.9103785

Thank you so much!

>> No.9103787


No I'm not!!

>> No.9103788

Yeah, that's pretty much what I do, that gives you money.

I still find personal web projects very fun. Tell me what you'd rather do instead. Programming processor specific code while fighting half a day with memory allocation bugs and otherwise reinventing the wheel?

Oh, so what's the most advanced thing you can do? Set up some proprietary routing protocol or some other technology that's going to die in 5 years?

>> No.9103794

I used to program in middle school and high school but then I gave up because I was too incompetent and lazy to write anything of worth. It was a fun hobby while it lasted.

>> No.9103797

I actually like threads like this because /jp/ is trying to be more productive for a change.

>> No.9103798

> Programming processor specific code while fighting half a day with memory allocation bugs and otherwise reinventing the wheel?
You do know there is such a thing as higher level programming that doesn't deal with all of that.
Java and even Flash, JS/HTML5, and whatever library you can find can take care of most of what you stated.

Please make educated opinions if you're going to bash others.

>> No.9103799


I bet you're one of those faggots who think that internet operating systems will replace traditional types.

>> No.9103804


I'd actually be more interested in the low level stuff, I love the tiny technical details. But then I also make chiptune music.

>> No.9103805
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So I do nothing with my days and just quit video games because the fun is all gone, should I start learning programming? I was considering picking up drawing as well, maybe I should just lift weights or do all 3 of these things.

I feel like a whole new world is opened up to me, anyone have any advice?

>> No.9103813

I've got a CCNA certificate and I work for some stupid faggots, which means I earn decently and do stupid work while programming whatever I want on my free time, instead of being a corporate drone who pretends to be creating the next ``2.0 social media revolution".

>> No.9103816

>I feel like a whole new world is opened up to me, anyone have any advice?
I find it very rewarding when things work.

Especially when you can use procedural generations and see things like particles come to life.

Give it a try man.

What do you want to do? Games? Regular software?

>> No.9103826

being a linux sysadmin gives me money too
enough for buying otaku shit

and i just make ncurses games on my free time. way more amusing than making scalablerobustturn-keyclientcenteredcostoptimizingdeployablecloudenabled web applications, dude

>> No.9103829

why are you at /jp/
you belong at /r/programming

>> No.9103830

Do any programmers know of some good resources for writing code for very old 80s/90s PCs?

>> No.9103831

And you lose your Internet connection and everything is fucking over

>> No.9103833

Learn C?

>> No.9103838


I was thinking along the lines of BASIC and stuff.

>> No.9103843

So I was right about the proprietary protocol stuff.

No, but I do believe most stuff that doesn't need high performance and doesn't benefit from local file storage will eventually go to the web.

>> No.9103844

Oh, not sure then, haven't used basic nor do I own tech that old nowadays.

Try looking for old manuals/books maybe?

>> No.9103846

If you're a NEET, you can easily learn how to program, draw, make exercise and even learn lucid dreaming or do some tulpa meditation if you're into that. Hell, you could even pick up those books in your reading backlog and become a happier person.

Just use this chance to be a better person.

>> No.9103847
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>> No.9103852


For fuck's sake

>> No.9103854

Working on a script to download a bunch of torrent files so the local weeaboo site can be kept alive, I should be done by now but I am just too darn lazy.

>> No.9103855


I guess that's my only option, I was wondering if there were any general resources with some do's and don'ts that apply to any language of that era.

Just tips and stuff really.

>> No.9103863

No, the CCNA was enough to convince these faggots to give me money. Proprietary protocol? That's fucking retarded, my job consists on blocking Facebook and play VNs from my office.

>> No.9103864

Yup. I used to work as a UNIX/Linux sysadmin (webserver, mailserver, ftpserver, etc. included) and I liked it.
Now I'm programming in .NET and T-SQL; I'm learning a lot, but man, I miss my old job so much..
Gonna get fired soon anyway, so I'll look for a sysadmin job again :)

>> No.9103869

Downloading my lossless Touhou music collection over a 20/20 connection sure sounds like fun

>> No.9103872

I love .NET, using it makes everything a breeze.

>> No.9103873

I used to program a lot back when Web 2.0 was the trendy thing and it seems like web programmers now are just as pretentious and annoying as they were back then.

>> No.9103875

No wonder why software is so slow nowadays. It's because of people like you keeping up with Gates' Law.

>> No.9103876

That's exactly what I'm looking to do, set up a new reward system so that I have something to feel good about whereas before I was just raping kids in video games.

I guess going into games would be logical since I have an alright understanding. Although I'l be trying many things and finding something I enjoy.

Thanks for the words.

>> No.9103878

>web programmers now are just as pretentious and annoying as they were back then.
Unfortunate truth.

>> No.9103886

If you have absolutely no experience on programming, it would be nice if you started with Java or C++. You only need to know what variables, functions and arrays are and how arithmetic operations work on computah.

Once you know that, you're pretty much ready for simple programs.

>> No.9103890

Same here.

I used to think PHP was the shit until I came to 4chan and became a bitter C neckbeard.

I never realized how pretentious are these web "programmers".

>> No.9103899

Considering I see many with their Macs, its quite easy to realize.

Web and mobile devs (especially iOs) are annoying as shit.

>> No.9103914
File: 416 KB, 700x1000, 1337629847090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, hopefully I will be able to find my own way from here, thanks.

>> No.9103922

I don't program much, but I'm pretty good at reversing things. Cracks are done by groups though, so I don't get anything done, but when I run across a program that I can't find a crack for, I can usually make a patch for it myself.

>> No.9103931


How did you get started in this? I'm not interested in making cracks but I love pulling hardware apart and I want to do the same for software.

>> No.9103932

Oh, right. Most web developers fucking love Macs and all those Applefucks are pretentious like that.

Why the fuck didn't I realize this before?

>> No.9104243
File: 71 KB, 600x840, 1333567452369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learned Java in class, then picked up C++ and Obj C as part of an independent study since my school has a shit comp sci program. Became competent enough that I can use OpenGL ES without too much difficulty.

However, 6 months of work later and I have some stuff up on github. I'd publish some things on the app store I made, but my inner perfectionist won't let me. Nor will the licensing fee since I'm dirt poor right now. Reimu's probably richer than I am right now.

Anyways, this summer, I'll probably be playing around with Source models. Might contriboot to 2huFortress. Also playing around with animation with OpenGL as well when I have free time. A company in Boston picked me up as an intern. Wish I had more time to program in the school year though. Junior year sucked balls for me.

As a reward for sitting through my long post, have some creeper Patchy

>> No.9104261

>As a reward for sitting through my long post, have some creeper Patchy
I didn't though. I read the first line until OpenGL ES, then skipped to the last line, where you thanked me for reading.

>> No.9104297

You sound like a normalfag

>> No.9104298


Holy shit Anon, you scare me. I currently work as a web developer for a company (on a contract) and most of my workmates have Macs and brag about how Macs are superior and that I should get one. It's really annoying sometimes, but I though it was an isolated situation where I work. Web developers preferring Macs; how common is this?

>> No.9104301

As common as gay men liking it in the ass.

>> No.9104311

But he is.
He goes to school.

>> No.9104315

>Web developers preferring Macs; how common is this?
Web "programming" and "design/artsy" are the Macfag's favorite domains.

God help me if I find another Macfag telling me how macs are better when the software they use isn't OSX only.

>> No.9104318

One of you fucking n*rds port zsnes to PSP.
I will give you $200.

>> No.9104328

>only $200
That would be a waste of my NEET time.
2000$ is more like it

>> No.9104332

Only a retarded permanent summerfag like you would have that definition. It is truly terrible how much that term has been ruined by you new arrivals, just as the rest of /jp/. It doesn't mean anyone who isn't a floor-shitting NEET you retard, it is someone who condemns everything that isn't normal, or is a little unsavory, and has a mind closed to the things that we like, like loli, rape VNs, and yukkuri. Basically UNICEF and governments, and their supporters. It has nothing to do with how far someone is from the /jp/ stereotype. Stop with this shit already, you damn moron.

>> No.9104340
File: 50 KB, 331x331, 1337082522355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9104347

It will take far more than $200 to have someone port an emulator that's written in x86 assembly to anything other than an x86 platform. You might as well just write one from scratch.

>> No.9104348

suck my cock, dude.

>> No.9104352

only if you suck mine first faggot

>> No.9104353

Nice reaction image. What a testament to your post quality.

>> No.9104354

Not to mention the timestamp.

>> No.9104356

you fucking homoquer scum If you were near me I'd lynch for you, fucking homo.

>> No.9104357

What does PSP run and why can't you do it?

>> No.9104363

You still here?

How are you drawing your bullets, anyway?

>> No.9104368

MIPS assembly.

>> No.9104366

Facking jerk using an image on an imageboard. He should be banned.

>> No.9104369

He wrote that he puts all the vertices in a vector and draws that.

But forget about it, he was worrying over nothing and thought that a boolean if check would be more of a bottleneck than things like rendering.

>> No.9104371
File: 10 KB, 221x221, 1338546217286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please take it easy.

>> No.9104375

3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: ...macro image replies...

>> No.9104376

I don't know what the PSP uses and I don't really care, but x86 needs way to much fucking power for anything mobile. Assembly is machine code for the processor, and can't be run on other architectures. It also can't be translated. You would have to drastically redesign zSnes to get it to work, so much so that you might as well just make a new one.

>> No.9104377

I wrote some shitty homebrew in C for PSP though, couldn't you use C/C++?

>> No.9104386

ZSNES isn't written in C/C++. If it were, porting it to non-x86 architectures would be far easier.

>> No.9104388

Reaction images aren't image macros.

>> No.9104396

Fuck you, yes they are!

>> No.9104389

Yes, but zSnes is in x86 assembly, and rewritting in another language is such a large task that you might as well start over and do it from scratch.

Or use Snes9x. It's written in C.

>> No.9104394

Note where it says "0 replies".

>> No.9104418

>zsnes is x86 ASM
Oh my bad.

>use Snes9x
They ported that to PSP didn't they?

>> No.9104426 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 573x493, 1322165012363 - Cópia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9104433

Yes, but it is as buggy as shit and development seems to be dead.

>> No.9104452

I manage to play most games fine on it.
Could be better but it works at least.

>> No.9104468

You are objectively wrong.

>> No.9104504

No they aren't.

>> No.9104550

It says flames and racism are banned in the same fucking sentence, but when is the last time you saw someone banned for flaming?

>> No.9104661



>> No.9104776


Could you upload it again please?

>> No.9104831


>> No.9105065
File: 100 KB, 771x671, 1338580624702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old program. says time in japanese in a loli voice. doubleclick says date in japanese.

>> No.9105102

i used to program for a software company before i got fed up of everyone being a retard and low wage. when your team leadis someone that writes a 3000 line cs page with 3 js scripts around 500 lines that can be done in 300 lines of cs and html only, you tend to get grumpy fast

it sucks being the most competent developer in a division

>> No.9105143
File: 365 KB, 1680x1024, Screenshot-2012-06-02 02:21:18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a new archiver because I want to be Internet famous like Woxxy ;_;

>> No.9105350

Unless you're the only programmer in your company, in which case it only mostly sucks.

Actually, it's pretty nice to be honest. Having no one to discuss technical issues with is kind of a downer, though.

>> No.9105368
File: 66 KB, 1069x723, sample output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me, OP. I really need to work on my loli rape simulator some more, but I've been a bit busy lately. Maybe I'll work on it a bunch this weekend.

pic related if you hadn't seen it before.


If you want to get around the slowness of deleting from the middle of a vector, you could always swap the element you want to delete (assuming the contents are pointers. you could do it otherwise, but the copy assignment operator might be slower than just changing pointer addresses) with the one at the end of the list, and then call pop_back(), so you're pretty much dealing with O(1) complexity instead of O(n). This is assuming that you don't give a fuck about the order of your vector, which I'm not sure why you would here.

>> No.9105393
File: 1 KB, 409x20, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan SS standard

>> No.9105414

It's a worthless pursuit: I always lose motivation, and it only makes me feel more stupid because I have to reread everything 5 times to "get" it.

>> No.9105487


Do you think everyone understood every programming concept the first time they read it? It often takes actual practice before you can fully understand most things related to programming.

>> No.9105527

Well, I couldn't read a single page of SICP, so I'd say I'm pretty thick.

>> No.9105744
File: 69 KB, 573x462, 1338593953493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli voice clock - redone in english (voice is still japanese tho)


>> No.9105751

Working through Learn C The Hard Way. I've read K&R a few times but the knowledge doesn't get absorbed into my brain. Hopefully this will accomplish something.

>> No.9105819


>> No.9106097



>> No.9106185

Ralf Brown Interrupt List
IBM PC Technical Reference Manual (with schematics)
All the processor and chipset datasheets you can find

PCs were quite open up until the end of the Pentium III era so there should be plenty of information available. Then Intel made its FSB proprietary and AMD stopped publishing CPU pinouts.

>> No.9106248



>> No.9106257

should've listened to stallman, fuckers

>> No.9106262

>not having a 0x10c DCPU-16


>> No.9106306

How do you store the different routes in a good way?

>> No.9106387
File: 58 KB, 656x518, marisasim3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a silly game I wrote in C. Source is included.


>> No.9106412

man marisa is floating around like HELL

>> No.9106440
File: 7 KB, 150x150, 1331813064648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sort of learning AS3. I just fuck around in it. I want to learn C# some more.

I made this back when I wanted to do a shmup. Was trying to make a really good bullet emitter for ease in making patterns. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8120671/March2012.swf

I've gotten better since then, I made a new emitter but I stopped working on the project. I really wanna make a game but I'm much too lazy. I still to make sprites and drawing...

>> No.9106749

What happened to that touhou harvest moon project?

Did they ever make any progress?

>> No.9107047


>> No.9107080

I have a C++ exam coming up.
Later a Java one 2.
I'm not really worried, I guess I should study, but instead I'm on /jp/. I feel like this is the right thing to do.

>> No.9107134
File: 12 KB, 640x480, shooty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the best game but I'm proud of it.


>> No.9107178


That's interesting but it may but be very functional.

>> No.9107235

help me with project 16

>> No.9107250

u mena ``haskal''

am i /prog/ (w/ spoilers) yet
am i fitting in yet

>> No.9107333

Nice virus, faggot. And Rapidshit to boot, in what age do you live?

>> No.9107707

Funny this showed up, I just started learning Java a few days ago.
I'm horrible at math so I have to teach myself a lot more than usual

>> No.9108440

Do I need to learn Python before learning Pygame?

>> No.9108457

You can learn as you go, if you know another language it's just a matter of learning the syntax.

>> No.9108698

Not at all, python is an easy language to pick up.

I would recommend pyglet over pygame, however.

>> No.9109001

I am very intrigued by this and would like to subscript to your project's mailing list. Can you please be sure to post updates every so often?

>> No.9109006

Pyglet is dead.

>> No.9109031

I've done some programming but it was mostly mathematical models and algorithm basics stuff in LISP (Racket). Seeing as I have all this free time, I'd like to make a game of some sort; mostly as an excuse to make some lolisex appear on-screen. Would following those Amateur Game Dev threads on /vg/ be a good thing? Or is it like the rest of the board: full of idiots pretending to know shit?

>> No.9109039

Oh, bother.

>> No.9109050

The best thing would be to just go and make a game instead of browsing 4chan.

>> No.9109058

Of course, but I've got 7 years into it already now, so how could I stop?

>> No.9109779

The Amateur Game Dev threads on /vg/ are definitely not worth following.

>> No.9110248

Did you have your eyes closed anon?
Y-y-y'know you have to have your eyes open to read a book r-right?

>> No.9110321

I've been playing around with Linux distros for years and I'm currently running Debian on my desktop, Arch on my laptop and CentOS on my web server. Too bad writing conf files is the closest I've come to actual coding. I tried learning Python but got bored after reading LPtHW.

>> No.9110631

Personally I didn't really like LPtHW. I'm not sure what to recommend, I mainly just learned by programming, and the one book I went through isn't that great in retrospect.

>> No.9110708
File: 3 KB, 240x240, Loli10x-response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've posted on here a couple times before about it, and I'll probably continue doing so whenever I add anything significant. I don't really have a mailing list/blog/whatever because it's not really something I would want to release non-anonymously.

>I'd like to make a game of some sort; mostly as an excuse to make some lolisex appear on-screen

How do you plan on representing this? Do you have spriting skills too?

>> No.9110724

So I'm basically a retard with all of this, how much does one have to know for a job in programming. I guess web development looks the best.

>> No.9110755


I'm guessing you don't have a Computer Science degree or anything?

>> No.9110862

You guess right. I am aware education is needed though obviously.

>> No.9111322

Probably going to sound like a snake oil salesman here, but you could try getting in on the startup scene. Y Combinator offers funding in exchange for fixed equity. All you really have to do is learn Ruby or Python or PHP and write some trendy new app and see if it gets anywhere. Best way for a programmer to earn money right now:
Paul Graham has a bunch of essays like this, definitely worth reading. Also read Hacker News for some success/horror stories about startups.

>> No.9111337

Lisp is the most powerful programming language.

>> No.9111349


C accomplishments:

Lisp accomplishments:
* Crash Bandicoot
* GNU Emacs
* Reddit

I think we have a clear winner.

>> No.9111551

But it isn't.

>> No.9111595

I want to learn C.
How do I start?

>> No.9111616
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1050, ^^1332649005563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye am working on project 16

you play as a cute synthetic robotic loli whit a massive white tshirt on who just "woke up"


Player: What happend?
*incomming signal*
unkown: someone setup us the bomb!
Player: !!
Player: Eye get signal!!!
unknown: WHAT?
*player activates the main screen*

>> No.9111621
File: 726 KB, 424x600, kandrc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K&R C.

Extract this image to get a pdf of it.

>> No.9111645

I've been thinking of picking up programming lately. I already know a lot of the theory, but I never really programmed anything (except a standard hello world program in C++).
Anyway, the other day I saw my brother messing around with java and it looked fairly simple. Is it a good beginner language or should I just stay away from it?

>> No.9111691

Is CS harder than aerospace engineering?

I'm kinda struggling in the latter, thinking of doing switching?

>> No.9111694

Is this retard trying to be funny?

>> No.9111699
File: 74 KB, 778x497, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted this on /g/ earlier, they helped me but I just couldn't figure it out, reading that book too.
So now I'm back to square one.
From what I understand, it should tell me how many characters I've typed, but it only does that when I exit the program. Is it supposed to work like this?

>> No.9111703
File: 150 KB, 520x463, ohayou1337715464657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9111719

Why is there a random semicolon on line 9?
Why would you use a double and not int?

I'm not good with computer.

>> No.9111728

Based on the book and what /g/ told me earlier, it functions like a { and separates printf from the loop.
I've tried removing it, enclosed the whole printf line with brackets but it still doesn't work like how it was described on the book.

>> No.9111727

Why does she just say no then ask what sex is?

>> No.9111739

Yes. The loop ends when you send the EOF character (CTRL-D or CTRL-Z or something), then it executes the printf bit. Otherwise it'd just loop forever.

You can also pipe stuff into it, but I have no idea how that works on Windows.

>> No.9111740

Oh ok. Leave the semicolon then.

Is that a theta in your printf()?

I'm not good with computer.

>> No.9111742

And about using long/double instead of int, I checked it out too and I think it's because I used %f which prints the output as a floating point.
I used int combined with %f and ran the program and it said that the floating point support is not loaded, then I changed %f to %d to print it as an integer and I got the same result with the image here >>9111699

>> No.9111750

Try int nc; and printf("%d\n", nc);

>> No.9111759

I did
>then I changed %f to %d to print it as an integer and I got the same result with the image here >>9111699
I guess I just misunderstood what the book told me then. I was thinking it would tell me how characters I've typed in every time I hit enter.

>> No.9111779

The semicolon is a null statement (I think that's what it's called). Generally when you have a loop, you do something like:

for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
printf("i is now %d\n", i);

(braces optional since it's a single statement)

Then it'll count up for you. But if everything you needed to do was in the loop itself, there's no reason for a body. If I just wanted i to count up from 1 to 100 without anything else happening, I could do:

for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)


But that's silly, so instead I just add a null statement that does nothing.

for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)

In your character counting case, all the work is done in the loop. No need for anything else, so it uses a null statement.

>> No.9111801

>I guess I just misunderstood what the book told me then. I was thinking it would tell me how characters I've typed in every time I hit enter.

It's like wc on UNIX. The idea is you pass it some input (by typing it or piping a file or whatever), it counts the characters. Keep in mind that this includes the newline character.

Here's something to try: change "getchar() != EOF" to "getchar() != '\n'"
Might not work on Windows because its command prompt is sometimes funny with newlines, but it should hopefully do what you're saying.

>> No.9111803

Another retard question, but how does
get and print out whatever is happening in
for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
or that's just how it works in C and python?

>> No.9111816

It's inside the for loop, Or are you talking about how the printf function works?

>> No.9111819

How printf figures out what I mean with %f %d %s and all that.

>> No.9111824

They're only placeholders, you input the variables at the end.

This is for PHP but it's the same and I think the PHP.net documentation is superb.

>> No.9111825

>printf("i is now %d\n", i);
Take the lines to its bare bones
>printf("%d", i);

i goes into %d, it doesn't autocomplete the %d by pure magic.

>> No.9111829

When you start looping, it sets i to 1, and increments it by 1 until it reaches 100, at which point it will not enter the loop anymore.

i is an actual variable that is saved in the memory.
When you later printf("%d", i);, it will go look for i (which is 100 (or 101, silly ++i/i++)) and display it.
The %d thingy in printf is jsut a way to make it know that it has to put the it in it's place when displaying. Example printf("I've sucked about %d cocks", i); will print out "I've sucked about 100 cocks".

>> No.9111843

>%d", i
is a single function and it means print the value of i as an integer?

>> No.9111850

It's just a way to tell printf how to interpret the variable you're feeding to it. For example, if the variable is an int and is equal to 65 and then you printf it with %c, it will display A (since 65 is the decimal ascii code for A).

int derp = 65;
printf("%c", derp);

>> No.9111851

No, you can format it as you wish,

printf("Hello %s, you have %d new emails", "Anonymous", 5);

It will print: "Hello Anonymous, you have 5 new emails"

>> No.9111853
File: 53 KB, 677x342, newline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh forgot to reply, tried that but it gave me this.
Will double check the code again because I'm clumsy with typos.

>> No.9111857

No, printf if the function. In its first parameter, you pass the format, which is your text and any placeholder values like %d, %s, etc followed by your variables to replace the placeholder values.

>> No.9111859

That's just the way printf works. It loops through the string looking for special placeholders, then inserts the values you put as the other parameters.

Like you could put:

printf("I have %d dollars and %d cents.", dollars, cents);

and inside the function it comes across "%d" and decides, "Oh I'd better insert the first value here. What's that? dollars? Okay, inserted. Now there's another %d. Better insert the second value. cents it is!"
Of course, secretly it just puts the values themselves without caring about what they're called. You could just as easily put:

printf("I have %d dollars and %d cents.", 8, 37);

since variables are just human shorthands for numbers or some other data.

Not sure if you've covered functions yet, but I don't think it's too far from where you are now.

>> No.9111873

Ok so if I have
printf("I love %s, I've sucked about %d of them", "cocks", 20);
Then I'll get I love cocks, I've sucked about 20 of them.
The % things will look at the end of the (words here) and will assign themselves according to what you've placed at the end?
If I put
5, "Anonymous"
and left %s and %d just the way they are, then it won't work since 5 isn't a string and Anonymous isn't an integer?

>> No.9111890


Try it. It might even compile, but it won't run properly.

>> No.9111901

A bit late but...

Chapter 7.2 in this book >>9111621 explains how printf works quite well.

>> No.9111903

Like this
printf("number %d number %d number %d" 1, 2, 3);
number 1 number 2 number 3
It will pair the 1st, 2nd, 3rd up to whatever.
Alright I think I got how printf and % stuff works.
Thanks /jp/, will post again if ever I meet another problem.

>> No.9112021

It sounds like Sparky. So no, he's serious.

>> No.9112120

Have you all considered enlightening yourself with the magic of Perl, yet? There's no need to worry yourself with learning C when you can open up the perldoc and become a true programming magician today!

>> No.9112874

you can write quality code like this

sure is better than modular php xDD

>> No.9112898


>> No.9112922

Learn Ruby. It's the KAWAII OVERDOSE Perl.

>> No.9112927

I see what you did there, Pooh.

>> No.9112936

I'm working on an modding program for Crash Bandicoot 2.
I'm writing it in C.

>> No.9112947

> an modding
Wow, fuck. That was terrible.

>> No.9115815

Has anyone on /jp/ made their own VN before?

>> No.9115871
File: 59 KB, 1366x768, scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A script that pulls some manga from an online reader site in Python, and one in bash that creates shell accounts for anyone who logs into my machine over ssh without remote root exploits (hopefully).

>> No.9115892

I made something with a similar idea to your python script, but it downloads albums from a Touhou music collection mirror site, and written in perl.

Scripting is a great way to promote laziness.

>> No.9119619

| \
     |Д`)   No one is here.
     |⊂     I can dance now !

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN
