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9100690 No.9100690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you pro at e-bullying, /jp/? Do you have what it takes to make those nerds cry?

>> No.9100695
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probably not

>> No.9100699

A girl at school was bullying me so I brought a tazer to school and took her by the hair and shocked the SHIT out of her too bad they stopped me before I killed the bitch

I was expelled and I ended up up ever going back to school but it was worth it

>> No.9100700

this is a bully free zone please leave

>> No.9100701

whoever it is that is always telling me to suck their cock is probably a pro e-bully

>> No.9100711

A girl at school was bullying me, then I moved out of town, later my cousin told me she was in love with me. Obviously I didn't feel anything since I really hate her, she hurt me badly and I have some nasty scars.

She wasn't even deredere onc. One time I went to a water park with my family and she was there and was following me around.
That was my first stalking experience.

>> No.9100713
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The most ironic part about this story (if true) is she probably did it because she liked you and after you tazed her she became a masochist who can't get off unless she is electrocuted.

>> No.9100717

that is very cute

I wish I had a yandere childhood friend to stalk me

>> No.9100719
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I think I actually am, without resorting to swearing and bad words.

Anyone want to try getting bullied by me?

>> No.9100718

don't bully sudo

>> No.9100723


It wasn't cute.

I'm physically and mentally scarred for life.

>> No.9100724

just try it
what could some dumb /v/ nerd do

>> No.9100725

No it happened because I'm a tranny and I liked her boyfriend

>> No.9100731

Wait, someone with GID being a crazy bitch? Fuck, is this a world first?
You people have problems.

>> No.9100729

That's the price to pay.

>> No.9100728
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Haha what a twist!

>> No.9100732

Do me Bern!

>> No.9100735

I only make normals cry.

>> No.9100738
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Nah, you're shit at bullying. I'd ask you to prove me wrong but you're probably going to ignore me or run away afraid of the challenge.

Frig off nerd.

>> No.9100739

But what would I even bully you about?
I don't necessarily call people fat, ugly and retarded.

>> No.9100743

I think it was fair she was quite mean to me and even tripped me in the hallway.

Sometimes I would just sit in the nurses waiting office during the periods I had with her so she couldn't bother me.

>> No.9100744

I'm still here. I only bully people in MOBAs and whenever I find good reason to.

>> No.9100750

That's wasn't cute at all.
I have a lot of scars and my bothers used to make fun of me.

She wasn't my friend, I don't recall even calling her by her name once or even starting a conversation with her. Also her brothers were big and scary.

There was a time when there was a rumor that I had a crush on a girl because I used to spent a lot of time on her house, which was true anyway, her mother owned a store and there was some video games there. Ice climbing all day.
Later that day she got beaten up by that stalking bitch.

>> No.9100751

how does it feel to play the most casual of all genres
spending your time with that crap enjoyed by tf2-playing, mmo-loving facebook-using casuals
how can you even call yourself a player of games?

>> No.9100757

I don't exclusively play MOBAs.
Besides, it alleviates boredom somewhat and I never get mad at anything when I play dota.
LoL is just dumb and HoN is even dumber.

I think you're what should be called some sort of 'tryhard' for purposefully avoiding games that can reasonably be fun.

>> No.9100766

I started disliking that genre before it was even a genre to be disliked

none of the other games can possibly be fun, they're just gathering grounds of normals
mmos especially are just glorified facebooks

>> No.9100768

Not all MOBAs are League of Legends. DotA(1/2) and HoN are pretty much the opposite of casual.

>> No.9100776

I can't reasonably consider a game that everyone, their dog, their e-girlfriend and their five 17 year old tripcriclejerk friends to be anything but casual

regardless of how much thought goes into pressing the five buttons you have to press to control your single unit

>> No.9100778

I haven't played TF2, MMOs are okay but they're an on-off switch for me. I use Facebook but don't play anything on it.

I like a wide variety of games except maybe WRPGs.

Just because everyone likes it doesn't mean you shouldn't.

>> No.9100782

I forgot the part where I finish off that list by specifying that all those people play them
don't bully me over it guys

>> No.9100790

>except maybe wrpgs
get a load of this weebeu nerd

too bad he'll have to be leaving now that he admitted to using facebook

>> No.9100794
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I exclusively avoid MOBAs because everyones incredibly mean and bully and I don't have any friends to play with, nevermind patient friends who can teach me how to play properly.

>> No.9100795

So what? Big deal.

I have some friends. Having friends is not something you typically bully people for.

>> No.9100799

If you're on my team, I won't bully you.

But there's always the charm of making people on the other team extremely angry and frustrated. It's what drives me to play.

>> No.9100804

I used to be before the whole XDDDD YOU MUST BE TROLLING HEY WE'VE GOT A TROLL HERE GUYS! Thing happened.

I wasn't trying to be mean I just feel bad and want other people to feel bad too.

>> No.9100805

>Having friends is not something you typically bully people for.
welcome to /jp/, kid

I don't have any friends, unlike you

>> No.9100812

best in Moba is when you win while not trying at all. I played a truly atrocious Cass in a 5v3 match and feasted on the tears of the single enemy carry, Ahri. Almost felt sorry for her, ending up with nonexistent team members

>> No.9100810
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Even if you won't bully me, your other team mates will. All 3 of them.

>> No.9100816

Name one non-casual game.

>> No.9100818

shut up friendlord

>> No.9100820
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Holy fuck I spit my non-existent drink.

>> No.9100827

If it matters, I have less friends than everyone I know.

>> No.9100822

Reminds me of playing chess with children.

There is nothing more fun than lazily outwitting their simple minds.

>> No.9100833

because you're a deceitful witch

>> No.9100835

Doesn't really mean anything since every normie friendlord has a million facebook friends.

You probably have about 500,000. Friendlord.

>> No.9100836

So many casual faggots here

>> No.9100841

And I don't even actually talk to them.

>> No.9100842

because all your hyperdumb normie friends are extronerds who can't take a step without tripping over six parties and many more miscellaneous social gatherings

just because you're less homogay than them doesn't mean you aren't a homogaymo

>> No.9100849

Two girls told me that their friend liked me and I should meet her at X place, I decide why the hell not and went there. "Maybe she'll confess her love to me, just like my japanese animes!" I joked to myself.

When I got there, all three of them beat the shit out of me and then her two friends held my arms down and yelled insults at me while she raped me without protection. I assume she had some retarded plan to make money off of me by having a kid. Luckily, I'm impotent so not a single baby was made, also I started enjoying it around the third time it happened. I actually enjoyed the beatings more than the sex. There's something really great about being hit by a woman's fist. Sometimes one would even sit on my face while the other sat on my cock and they punched me in the stomach. Face sitting isn't really my thing but I had no reason to complain. A few weeks later I moved, not to avoid them but because I had been planning on moving anyway. Sort of missed the girls but it was impossible for me to really care much at all with all the touhou I was playing.

>> No.9100846


Are you really trying to outNEET me here?
I have an engineering degree and I don't have a stable job. Can you explain that?

>> No.9100852
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ITT: /jp/ bullying bernkastel

>> No.9100859
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I don't even feel remotely sad or offended.

Step it up.

>> No.9100866

Nah we'll just ignore you because we don't talk to subhuman faggots. Go play your casual mobas with your ``friends''.

>> No.9100865

normalnerds can't look themselves in the mirror unless their degree is in engineering. they make sure all their fellow friendlords are majoring in engineering before inviting them to the frat party

now all the normals are all engineers with no jobs and are wondering how their gaymo peer pressure backfired on them
I bet you desperately want a job

>> No.9100868

Give it to me!

>> No.9100869
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>> No.9100870

Yes, I do, because I want to earn money and buy stuff.

Right, and I almost never see or play with my 'friends' anymore.

Why do you insist on getting bullied? Is this some sort of pastime or fetish you enjoy?
Give me a reason to bully you.

>> No.9100876

Read the thread masochistlord, bern is a tryhard loser with a bunch of empty promises. You'd have better luck getting laid by the hottest bitch in a nightclub than see bern do anything other than sit on his ass and whine about "dat feel when no job and gf"

>> No.9100881

>tryhard loser
oh I get it. I'm some sort of 'normalfag'.
I'm sorry.
I suppose apathy just doesn't make me care about it, or anything.

>> No.9100887

>I suppose apathy just doesn't make me care about it, or anything.
Wow, ur so dark and edgy.

>> No.9100889

No, you are.
Just for using that retort.

>> No.9100891

Are you saying calling people "scrubs" in your casual faggot games is bullying?

>> No.9100898

>apathy doesnt make me care i'm dark and broody

I bet all the girls go crazy over your rockstar hair and harsh, cool attitude. Oh wait you're just an ugly faggy loser posing as a VN character on the internet because you're a sad repressed normie loser who just wants to fit in and picked /jp/ because you actually believe we are ``rejects'' who fit in well with each other.

You'd be wrong, but it isn't the first time you came up with stupid ideas so I'll let you off easy with a "Get out of /jp/".

>> No.9100894

No, I tell them to apologize to me for wasting my time playing with them.
I tell them to never play that game ever again.
I have occasionally quit when I'm winning just to tell them how worthless playing with them is.

>> No.9100907

Well, it's clear I don't totally fit in because I don't particularly like Touhou and don't urinate in bottles.
This is of course why I don't post THAT much here.

>> No.9100908

I like YOU Bern!


>> No.9100910

You sound like a fag. I bet none of the people you ever taunted actually quit the game because of your weak insults. At most they probably thought "Get a load of this whiny entitled loser, what a poor-playing scrub he actually left the game he was winning."

>> No.9100914

And might I add that I don't start threads with penises in them.

You'd be surprised. Then again, I do play with a relatively stupid community, so they get drastically affected by these insults. I'll give you that.
Let's not brush away the possibility that I may be too full of myself when it comes to making people feel bad.

>> No.9100915
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>I have occasionally quit when I'm winning just to tell them how worthless playing with them is.

>> No.9100920

Who is this Bernkastel poster? Some subhuman from /v/?

>> No.9100921



>> No.9100924

The worst thing you can do to a guy who likes to play is not to play with him, to make him think and believe that he is not worth playing with at all.

Am I wrong? Is there anything worse than that?

>> No.9100930
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>> No.9100933

Maybe if he was on your team. If it was the enemy team they'll laugh and think you ragequit for some reason.

>> No.9100940

Well, I don't quit when they're good.
When they're losing horribly, I rub it in their faces and tell them 'I'm moving on to the next game, you guys aren't worth playing with.' before quitting.

>> No.9100936

This Bernkastel guy is the epitome of "Get a load of this guy."

>> No.9100945
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I got bullied once and have been raped by the members of my own club at school. I resisted with all my strength but I couldn't do anything.

>> No.9100943
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>> No.9100955


Yuru Yuri is secretly disguised as a lesbian anime when the truth is it's all about bullying Akari. Poor girl.

>> No.9100952

If they're losing horribly and you leave do you think they'll actually process that you left because they're not worth playing? How naive are you? They'll always think leavers are ragequitters who got mad because they are autistic sperglords who didn't "play the perfect game" and got so mad and left. Despite mobas being a team game, everybody is extremely self centered.

>> No.9100959

That's not my problem, at least I'm not wasting time with imbeciles.

Which one of us actually loses out? Is it me?

>> No.9100962

Pretty much because you left a game you were winning and completely failed your mission to humiliate the enemy. If I were you I'd just beat finish them off, g drop, taunt them a little and move on. That's more effective than being a drama queen.

>> No.9100968

But don't you realize how ridiculous that is, considering the fact MOBAs are just RTS games for retards who can't control more than one unit at a time? It's like being proud of being the king of the retards.

>> No.9100972

That's so common and straightforward I'd assume they're used to all that by now.

I'm not saying it isn't, and like I said, I don't play MOBAs exclusively.
It's just to alleviate boredom.

>> No.9100973
File: 54 KB, 157x345, 1334433969859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm bern i'm a master bully
>i leave people alone when i think they're not worth my time

I don't think you understand the concept of bullying at all.

>> No.9100977
File: 29 KB, 452x332, 1323789585328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop replying to "it".

>> No.9100979

Is there a source for your image, OP? Girl on girl bullying makes me so hard.

>> No.9100981
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>> No.9100984

I hate comments like this. If this were true all the SC2 players would switch to DotA or LoL because there's a bigger possible prizepool with The International/whatever LoL uses. But they don't because it isn't hurr durr so ez u only control one unit.

Sage for my own butthurt.

>> No.9100987
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Keep your subhuman gookclick games out of /jp/.

>> No.9100991

Well? What's bullying to you? Do you bully absolutely everyone?

>> No.9101111

http://stats.dota2.be/player/18909496 Is this you? If it is, you should stop playing the game. I also doubt you ever get to "own scrubs" so hard as you've described in the thread.


>> No.9101128
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>> No.9101173
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