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908481 No.908481 [Reply] [Original]

Why is MegaTokyo so Clannad-like in appearance?

Do you guys like the MegaTokyo?

>> No.908486


>> No.908487

You need more training.

>> No.908494

In the first few chapters I slightly enjoyed it. Not now, no.

>> No.908491

Because Fred Gallagher is not only a raging weaboo, not worthy even of the most menial of power levels, but is also a faggot.


>> No.908501

The only good thing about Fred is his incredible persistence despite criticisms.

>> No.908502

Are they really gonna release that in japan? How the heck are they gonna translate's Largo's total inability to speak japanese? I mean, he's not the "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THESE COMPLEX NIPPON WORDS" type, he genuinely doesn't fucking speak a single word of the language.

>> No.908500

>Do you guys like the MegaTokyo?


>> No.908506

These rectangles are pissing me off. Fucking corners should go to Hell.

>> No.908518
File: 317 KB, 650x975, 1214624608730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, Fred has a ponytail now? lol

>> No.908526

after all these years he still hasnt gotten better. Yeah, his backgrounds are decent, but jesus christ are those supposed to be people?

>> No.908529

They will use the <> tags for the English speakers.

>> No.908535

The same way they do the Japanese speakers in the comic, by putting some 《brackets》 around the text?

>> No.908532

lookin kinda yuuno there

>> No.908545

His comic seems a bit cluttered.

>> No.908537

Same way that Fred-chan shows characters speaking in Japanese: with brackets.

I just don't understand how they'll translate all the |=4660+|2'/.

>> No.908538

How is that a good thing? With something like a webcomic, being widely criticized is bad enough. Ignoring that criticism (as opposed to learning from it) just takes things to a whole new plane of failure.

>> No.908560

I read this as "cultured" at first.


>> No.908573
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>> No.908582
File: 14.00 MB, 2272x1704, 1214625094840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Fredobear and his shitty webcomic. Good times.

>> No.908577

Most of his crit, to be fair, consists of 'kill yourself.'

But MegaTokyo DOES suck.

>> No.908590

I regret I used to read it before I realised the story was utter bullshit.

I still dont think his art is 'bad'

It isnt great by anymeans, but its practised at least, something i'm sure most of us cant say.

>> No.908592

Terrible webcomic.

>> No.908593

>his backgrounds are decent

lol no. He doesn't even use a fucking ruler. Also sage for shit.

>> No.908620

By webcomic standards, it really isn't terrible. But that's kind of like saying "compared to most carpentry materials, eating wood really isn't terrible."

>> No.908621

I agree, for a *webcomic*, it has above-average art. Nothing compared to manga though, and fuck the fags who liken it to manga.

>> No.908628


>> No.908638


Wood doesn't taste bad. I just wouldn't want to eat more than a little of it at a time because, well, it's fucking wood. But it can be pretty good.

>> No.908677

I recognize in the background the hotel near O'Hare where Anime Central is held each year.

>> No.908689

Stewed Oak?

>> No.908721


Penny Arcade is awesome.

>> No.908716

I knew his art was bad but I was still a fan. In 2001 I stood in line to get into his panel at Anime Central and actually argued with people that his art wasn't that great.

He has gotten better, just compare his first work to his latest but overall it is just too sloppy.

Only web comic artist that has improved to any level is Penny Arcade which its creators have elevated into a small industry.

I just marked myself as a gigantic faggot now, but oh well.

>> No.908736
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>> No.908732

Why don't you guys read a real webcomic like Scary Go Round?

>> No.908742


>> No.908748
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>> No.908756
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>> No.908767

Wait wait wait wait... he has a KID now? Wtf am i thinking, he MARRIED that one seiyuu girl?

What the shit is this, For Better or for Weaboo?

>> No.908762

Britfag detected.

>> No.908787
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>> No.908797
File: 347 KB, 666x987, 1214627221708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha /b/

>> No.908806

What's the problem? Too British for you?

>> No.908818

I saw it, too. RAGE, etc.

>> No.908816


>> No.908821

>What's the matter? Too BRITISH for you?

Do it right, man.

>> No.908825

>I just marked myself as a gigantic faggot now, but oh well.

Honestly? I like Penny Arcade. It's one of the better webcomics out there. Yes, eating wood, I know, but it can be genuinely funny sometimes.

>> No.908833


Wassa mattah, gov? Izzit too British fer ya?

>> No.908832




>> No.908828
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>> No.908838


Some Akagi shit right there.

>> No.908837
File: 186 KB, 650x975, 1214627542254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.908843


>> No.908844


Wow, it's better than the original.

>> No.908852

I'm American and I also enjoy Scary Go Round.

>> No.908857


You're what we call a "faggot."

>> No.908861

Is that text seriously from Megatokyo?


>> No.908863

I was mainly thinking about how I sat in line to see Fred (I didn't get in the room was too small if you believe it). And going to a con. But even looking back I was an Anonymous who didn't really fit in with all the other con goers.

Penny Arcade is the only web comic I still read and I've read it since the very first one.

>> No.908858

Gothchick's face in the last panel always gets me.

Josh Lesnick should stop making whatever it is he's making now and just do this.

>> No.908860

I'm not following you here.

>> No.908878


>I was mainly thinking about how I sat in line to see Fred

Oh... oh wow. We all have youthful indiscretions that bring us great shame, but... goddamn, I don't think I can top that.

>> No.908874

Yeah, it is. There's another edited faces version that changes the last line to "What? Did you cyber him while playing World of Warcraft?"

>> No.908881


Penny Arcade can actually be pretty funny sometimes. ctrlaltdelete, however, became so full of itself that it needs to choke on its own vomit and die.

>> No.908884
File: 117 KB, 1177x617, 1214628124365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is MegaTokyo so Clannad-like in appearance?
This is a stupid question or a troll. He's been a Keyfag since the beginning, though for Kanon, which is where the name Piro even came from.

>I just don't understand how they'll translate all the |=4660+|2'/.
Like this:

>> No.908898

I must second this man's incredulity. What in the sam-hill happened?

>> No.908899

I must second this man's incredulity. What in the sam-hill happened?

>> No.908907
File: 22 KB, 460x330, 1214628270878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.908910

Is that how GANTZ talks?

>> No.908917

Well at least I can laugh at it now. Honestly I can't remember why I was a fan. Like I said I was in line arguing with people about how Fred's art basically sucked.

I think I was a fan of his embarassing rants or maybe he was some kind of weeaboo role-model to me.

I dunno, youthful indiscretion indeed....

>> No.908924
File: 19 KB, 432x288, 1214628458275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's OK, buddy.

>> No.908922

CAD was never good.

>> No.908926


I smiled.

>> No.908963
File: 53 KB, 395x395, 1214628934058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.908980

I love it how Ken Akamatsu is barely restraining his laughter.

>> No.908982


Akamatsu Ken, you are a glorious man.

>> No.908990
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>> No.908993
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>> No.908999 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 578x498, 1214629245045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I love 4chan.
