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File: 71 KB, 300x300, aooni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9058987 No.9058987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do other people consider you a creeper, /jp/?

>> No.9058999

Probably. I tried to mess around with the only girl I know, she gave me the "I"m not into that right now" and then proceeded to fuck all my friends, almost immediately after. I know it's probably my fault for being an autist, but goddam.

>> No.9059003

Don't even know what a creeper is. Is this some kind of new teenage lingo?
Or are they actually talking about the green explody things in autismcraft

>> No.9059010

Even I think I'm creepy. I can't imagine that other people wouldn't.

>> No.9059012

I don't know, only talk to my parents.

>> No.9059019

No, I must resist making a joke about the land of autism.

>> No.9059273

But why would you make a joke about /jp/ here?

>> No.9059296

I'm sure people consider me creepy.

I consider myself creepy.

>> No.9059299

Maybe. I laugh a lot in my room, and the light on the front porch goes right into my room so it's always off. From the front of the house it's entirely dark except for my room, which is illuminated by the familiar blue glow of a computer monitor, and you can hear laughs or yells or swearing coming from it. Recently I've taken a liking to sitting on the front porch with my laptop no earlier than 1AM and no later than 3AM (the hours I figure people aren't likely to see me), again with the lights out, and so all you'd be able to see is my face illuminated by the laptop. Once again, I'll be giggling to myself or smiling.

I'm sure my neighbors think I'm creepy... I'm not creepy though!

>> No.9059305

Also, I could post more things that are a odd but I think that's probably the thing people would think makes me creepy.

>> No.9059703

I would assume. People don't tell me I'm a creeper but being very thin and having dark rings under my eyes are a common creeper stereotype

>> No.9061676
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/jp/ theme

>> No.9061683
File: 860 KB, 1366x768, sexy_creeper__booom_by_toxicinsane-d49d43u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a girlfriend, because I am a creeper.

Whenever a girl gets near me, I explode.

>> No.9061690

I think so, my blinds are always down.

>> No.9061717

Nah, I don't interact with people enough.

Maybe they think you're growing drugs in there, or something. It happened to the house next door before we moved; Blinds always down, curtains always shit, the only time people entered was at midnight-1AM. There was a smell coming through the wall. The neighbour on the other side reported it to the police, the police then raided it and found loads of Marijuana growing in incubator thingies.

>> No.9061723

>curtains always shit
curtains always SHUT. What a typo.

>> No.9061732
File: 11 KB, 250x250, Costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not shitting on your curtains.

>> No.9061737

Well, I look like one, therefore I am one.

>> No.9061739

Only outside world person I speak to is my local shopkeeper. She was really nice to me for some reason, even though she's a bit cold hearted to other shopgoers. Then a few weeks ago she told me she was leaving her job as a shopkeeper to work with autistic children. And suddenly it all made sense.

>> No.9061747

Thing is, I don't live in a society where that notion would pass through peopeles mind. Different corners of the world have different assumptions about odd behaviours. It's more likely they consider me some sort of mental case.

>> No.9061852

Yes, and I'm a female. I think that must be some kind of achievement for people to be creeped out at me under the circumstances even men, even not normal/socially awkward men. I even look pretty normal. I don't think anyone has ever managed to creep me out, either.

>> No.9061876 [SPOILER] 
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Yes, pic related. It's me

>> No.9061886


Fucking dicks for calling the cops, people should really take a lesson in "mind your own business".

>> No.9061891 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 400x298, creeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they do.

>> No.9061937 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9061942
File: 138 KB, 458x357, MY SIDES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi ipod user anon chan, mad cuz u cant see spoilers? LOL!

>> No.9061947

No, it's good that they were arrested. Having drug dealers move into your neighborhood will only cause problems for you if they are allowed to operate freely. People will move out, values will drop, niggers will move in, crime will increase, etc.

>> No.9061954

You must have missed the vocaloid thread, you piece of shit.

>> No.9061956

Go back wherever you came from, please. The problem is your unnecessary use of spoilers, and I am not on an "iPod." You aren't welcome here.

>> No.9061958
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MMMMMMMM yummy attention

>> No.9061960

I don't think so. Strangers always talk to me and old ladies always ask me for help.

>> No.9062006


Tons of people who are not drug dealers grow cannabis, growing cannabis doesn't automatically make you a drug dealer, or a bad person.

The people who called the cops on them sound like fucking scum-bags, I've been sober for a long time, but I used to grow myself, and I knew many growers online, alot of them were really nice people, everything from old ladies, to the average joe, to the shut-ins, and most of them were just regular introverts who couldn't get cannabis any other way, they wouldn't even have anyone to sell weed to even if they wanted.

It gets me really angry when I hear about people calling the cops on those people, it basically ruins there life, the court system and laws in place will fuck you up for life, and you will forever be seen as a felon.

>> No.9062014

This is different to people just using a house as a place to grow drugs though

>> No.9062016

Sounds like they were drug dealers, given that people went in and out in early morning hours.

>> No.9062028

>possessing and using illegal substances
>not bad

>> No.9062029


How do you know thats what it was though? Did you ever talk to the person? Did you know them?

So long as they're not harming you or anyone else in anyway, just mind your own damn business, because it's none of your business.

>> No.9062037

If they were drug dealers then it will harm others. Sorry if that bothers you.

>> No.9062039


Do you even know why cannabis was originally prohibited?

Tell me on thing that in and of itself ethically bad about a adult possessing cannabis? Nothing, atleast, no more then a adult possessing alcohol, dick.

>> No.9062052

>lol legalize le weed


>> No.9062053


Where exactly did you prove that he was a drug dealer? Again, unless it's harming you or anyone else, mind your own damn business.

By the way, if you want to complain about drug dealers, then you might as well go start a protest trying to get alcohol banned, because alcohol is a more harmful and addictive drug. Why don't you complain about them?

>> No.9062063

It impairs your motor skills and you can harm other people if you are driving or operating machinery. I don't want to get killed by some faggot who thought it was cool to smoke weed then drive to the store high when got "le munchies maaaaan."

>> No.9062068


Cool strawman. Sorry, it's just a issue that I take very personally,

Also, where is the logic in this? For some reason you think it's ok to ruin other peoples life over a victimless crime, and then you bother complaining about it, when they tell you to stop ruining there life?

>> No.9062075

>Where exactly did you prove that he was a drug dealer?

Can't prove it, but the description given makes him seem like a drug dealer. If it looks like he is one then the adverse affects will still occur. People don't want to live around that kind of shit. Enjoy your niggers.

>> No.9062074

>alcohol is a more harmful and addictive drug

No it isn't, you hippie.

>> No.9062078


You could say the same fucking thing about alcohol.

I never said anything about driving under the influence of any drug being a victimless crime, nor did I even imply it.

>> No.9062082

Of course you take it personally, because you're a stoner. Why don't you discuss illegal drugs somewhere else.

>> No.9062090


How many people has cannabis directly killed?

How many people has alcohol directly killed?

Alcohol withdrawals can include potentially fatal seizures.

Cannabis withdrawals are at worst psychological.

Alcohol is by far a more harmful drug.

>> No.9062098

Why would you possess cannabis if you're not consuming or selling it? The flowers look pretty? Nice logic, you fucking braindead hippie.

>> No.9062100


I've been sober from any kind of drug for years, including alcohol.

I take it personally because it pisses me off to see fascist pieces of shit like you that feel the need to lock people up for a victimless crime, and then go as far as to complain about people speaking out against that.

>> No.9062101
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Yes, drugs are bad. Let us stand united against drug users. Do not lose your focus.

>> No.9062102

Stoners get out.

>> No.9062111
File: 637 KB, 974x630, Captura+de+pantalla+2010-09-10+a+las+11.40.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>victimless crime

>> No.9062113


You're fucking retarded, does every person that drinks alcohol get in a car and drive drunk or endangers people?

No? Then why are you assuming every cannabis user gets in the car and drives stoned or endangers people?

>> No.9062124

>There was a smell coming through the wall.

>> No.9062135

Sure, alcohol is more harmful, but it's not illegal. Rationalize it all you want, but no one on /jp/ makes laws, so you're crying to the wrong crowd. But hey, if you like possessing illegal substances, the by all means, go ahead. Just don't complain when you or your buddies get arrested because people who don't like living near criminals call the police.

>> No.9062138

nope, because i do weights. if you are a beef cake everyone puts your weirdness down to being just you.

also not leering at girls helps

>> No.9062147
File: 52 KB, 480x300, 1335880385124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannabis is a communist conspiracy. It makes people insane.

>> No.9062150


So, who exactly is at fault for the black market drug trade, the drug users, or the people that created the black market drug trade?


With that logic, I should call the cops because my neighbors like to cook curry alot and I hate the smell.

Maybe we should make farting in public illegal.

>> No.9062141

Those things don't exist to stoners. Drug crime is only relevant to them if it affects middle class white people.

>> No.9062157

>...crime is only relevant to them if it affects middle class white people

Is it bad if that statement accurately reflects my views?

>> No.9062158
File: 106 KB, 848x563, infierno_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The supply goes to where the demand is.

>> No.9062159

>So, who exactly is at fault for the black market drug trade, the drug users, or the people that created the black market drug trade?

Gee, I don't know - the people selling drugs? The ones that are actually engaging in violence?

>> No.9062168

Dunno but you are a faggot if you have to ask.

>> No.9062172

Your neighbors must be cooking curry 24/7

>> No.9062173

No, I don't care what happens to spics either. But it means that no one will take your insipid pothead moralizing seriously.

>> No.9062177


They're Indian, them and the whole house reeks of it 24/7, even if they're not cooking it.

>> No.9062184

But I've never even smoked before. I don't even drink.

>> No.9062185

Everything affects middle class white people.

>> No.9062191

Racist fuck

>> No.9062197

Especially my dick.

>> No.9062198


It's not racist, I don't hate them, it's just a fact, no different from saying "I'm on the computer right now".

>> No.9062206

With that logic, I should mind my own bussines even if I smell something rotten or smoking.

>> No.9062212

Stop being racist homo

>> No.9062222


Depends on what you mean by "smoking", but if you're talking about smelling like a rotten corpse, or a burning house or something, that's just a bad analogy.

>> No.9062226

Stoners always get verbally destroyed everywhere they spread their stupid propaganda yet they still cling to their retarded beliefs like a tick.

You can't win, hippies.

>> No.9062236

Crimes are occurring in each instance.

>> No.9062239


Odd, I didn't hear about any stoners in this thread, could you point out who is a stoner in this thread?

>> No.9062246

>NEET human waste using the word ``stoner''

>> No.9062242

But curry and farts is OK.

>> No.9062249

>i'm pro weed but im not a stoner
>i'm pro gay but im not a faggot

Stop smoking weed before you turn full retard.

>> No.9062251

Look at this guy he's so high he doesnt even know who he is!
