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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9059416 No.9059416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe Touhou is made by the jews to reduce the number of young white men breeding?

>> No.9059420

Yes. It makes too much sense. If you can't realise this fact, then you are one of them.

>> No.9059422
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thats pretty freaky

>> No.9059429
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I should've guessed.

>> No.9059434

If stormfags are such vehement antisemites, then how come all their views agree with and benefit the Zionist lobby?

"Support our troops" (who fight for zionist interests), "kill the muslims" (who happen to be ancient enemies of Zionist imperialism) and the list goes on.

Neonazi=zionist same

>> No.9059444

Nazis were Zionists.


>> No.9059446

I'm not white though.

>> No.9059447

I thought it was common knowledge that the nazis were invented by the Jews to further Jewish interest. Just think about how much WWII has benefited their goals both directly and indirectly.

>> No.9059449
File: 65 KB, 473x578, 1336940030482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being /jp/er is like being given a curse from God.

A backwards weak userbase, with adopted "memes", culture, content, traditions and without history. A people who are helpless in the face of shitposters and reddit-faggotry. Zero moderation, jewish posters, stupid tripusers, the shameless NEET stands without clothes and ready to accept help for his mongrel board from the master-races, /tg/, /prog/, /g/, and other master-races, mature, Germanic, superior. Oh how I curse God that I was born a dirty, small, disgusting /jp/ peon with a small penis.

With stolen dual histories, one from the pathetic /a/ idiots, underage&b, normalfags, and spammers and another from the lowest scum of the /v/ masters of shitposting I can barely stand at all to say I am cursed to be /jp/er, and I hate my board from the very first moment.

/jp/ can't be saved, may it be forever forgotten and deleted.

>> No.9059452


Looks like the /prog/ lobby has been jewing it up the whole time. This explains all their "fun" shitposting.

Get out of /jp/, Jewtional Jewcialists

>> No.9059451

No, as Tōhō’s main audience is Japanese people.

>> No.9059454

Me neither.

>> No.9059455
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>> No.9059462

i think jp has a vibrant history

>> No.9059469

Thing is, people think that nationalism is actually beneficial.

Nationalism, chauvinism and racism are all inventions of the bourgeois so they can control the working class. The bourgeoisie doesn't even care about things like biological racism, but it's so handy when you want the silly goyim to kill one another.

A unified working class, with people of all races working together, scares the imperialists shitless.

>> No.9059475

Yes, but the real problem is still modern womens' attitude and shittastic personality.

>> No.9059476


>> No.9059480

See, this is another problem caused by Zionist imperialists.

Their propaganda about a priori "racism" turns whole areas into ghettos, depriving part of the working class of their right to work, thus forcing them into crime. This helps them get their cheap workforce more easily, since new black workers are already stigmatized and have to accept shit wages.

Don't be a Jew-saver by promoting racism. Ally with your fellow, black worker and demand better payment together. Smash the greedy Jew capitalist.

>> No.9059488

Why are jews so evil?

>> No.9059487

I don't get it, what's this forum's problem with jews exactly?

>> No.9059491

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9059496

This is getting confusing. Both sides can just make any claim they want and say that if you disagree, it's because the Jews are manipulating you.

It's obviously the Jews trying to make us mistrust antisemitism by making it seem speculative and uncertain.

>> No.9059499

Why are Jews so superior to other races since they managed to take over the world and no one can do shit about it?

>> No.9059501

I don't have a problem with people of Jewish descent.

I have a problem with Zionist imperialists, however.

>> No.9059510

What is so confusing about it? I provided an argument that makes sense.
Since the Zionists are greedy pigs, it's natural that they want to exploit not only both blacks and whites, but even their own ancestors' suffering so they get more money in the bank.

The world starts making more sense if you divide the people into classes instead of races.

>> No.9059520


You cut me deep, man.

>> No.9059523

I'm starting to think /jp/ actually LIKES jews because of how obsessed you guys seem to be towards them.

>> No.9059525
File: 30 KB, 227x317, jewnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jew jokes are funny

>> No.9059530

>The world starts making more sense if you divide the people into classes instead of races.
That sounds like communist talk.

>> No.9059531

And you know who invented communism, right?

>> No.9059539

Zelda, eh goes in your house and steals you're stuff as if it never belonged to you

>> No.9059546
File: 60 KB, 480x563, Karl_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what kind of communism we're talking about. If you consider yourself a communist, but take the reformist approach that tries to make the system more humane or even "compete" with it on an economic basis, then yes, you have no intention of harming Zionist and other capitalist interests.

However, if you take the revolutionary approach, it means you really want to abolish the old system and replace it with a new one, it means your first targets are the Zionist imperialist pigs.

>> No.9059731

Karl Marx was Jewish.
