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9052617 No.9052617 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ have any experience with living out of a car?

>> No.9052623

like being a taxi driver ?

>> No.9052650

I live in a van

>> No.9052670

Like living in it instead of a proper home, I'm about to become homeless and all I'll have to my name is my shitty minivan.

>> No.9052679


A minivan is easy mode. Just ditch the back seats somewhere and set up a futon.

>> No.9052680

brotip: take a sierra cargo van, and put a second alternator and battery in it, from which you run your microwave, charge your laptop, etc. You don't want to not be able to start your van and get the fuck out when someone thinks you're shady.

>> No.9052726

>You don't want to not be able to start your van and get the fuck out when someone thinks you're shady.
Speaking of which, how do I avoid situations that will get me in trouble with other people/land owners/law enforcement/etc? Like where should I go if I need to park and sleep for the night?

>> No.9052743


Commuter lots.

>> No.9052780

I slept in a tent in a field from July 1 to November 15 last summer. Not so bad. Used a public library for internet. And kept my costs way down. Currently sleeping on a couch which is a nice step up.

>> No.9052811

Just a tip, supermarkets throw away TONS of perfectly good food just because it's past the expiration date, always go back behind them and check their dumpsters.


Also get a hotplate and a tiny grill, both will come in handy, buy lots of dried beans and rice, as both of them are unbelievably cheap.

>> No.9052863


would you tell us about your entire situation? I always think those stories are interesting.

why specifically are you about to become homeless?

>> No.9052874

The easiest way to do this is by being somewhere where you're allowed to be. Street side parking in a sort of busy area will let you park somewhere that won't upset passerby, and won't stand out enough to get the cops to check it out.

However you might want to punt your minivan and get a panel van. The lack of windows is a huge boon.

>> No.9052896

True, but those dumpsters are often coated in filth, bird crap and occasionally pesticides. The trash in the dumpster is "abandoned property" so the most they can get you for is trespassing.

>> No.9052960

That's why you get packaged goods.

>> No.9053129


Someone posted this the other day on /a/. Seems doable, but overall hope you'll be able to get back on your feet.

>> No.9053167


Doesn't matter if the things are in packages and unopened. I mean, it doesn't matter if a box of unopened cereal is dirty on the outside right?

It's technically illegal to dumpster dive back there, but that law is so rarely enforced it's crazy.

>> No.9053194

These are the times I wish I had won the lottery. I would supply everyone here with money and maybe even buy a /jp/ mansion. Good luck OP.

>> No.9053245


>> No.9053279

what's a car?

>> No.9053533

I want to stay in a boat but its too expensive to repair and shit

Just want to fish and relax all day

>> No.9053547

This, this, a thousand times this. Learn basic electrical theory, buy a dremel, lean to love WalMart and you'll have yourself a bitchin' poor man's RV.

>> No.9057745


>> No.9060128
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>> No.9060165

not knowing what a car is?

you are the master of autism

>> No.9064310

No gaijin allowed XD

>> No.9064323
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We have somone here that has lived in his bus for years in his backyard.

>> No.9064331
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It's my other... you know...

>> No.9064362

I knew all about cars before you were born. And I’m not afraid of them or worried about them. I do what the fuck I need to do and fuck the cars. When I bought a car I refused to pay the payments and the FBI chased me for years. What the fuck are you doing? Making artsy fartsy web pages to protest against people who don't drive cars? Child of techno-illusions. Don’t try and scare us with your boogie man nightmares. If you ever do something courageous with your life, be sure to let us know.

>> No.9064390

yeah, in my supermarket they even throw stuff before it expire and this usually happen soon in the morning,
i worked once and i had to throw a lot of food in good condition but the bin is fuckhuge and certainly dirty, i think there's a camera in the back where we throw all the shit
so unless you hide a bag somewhere in the back for all the food or know anyone working in a supermarket, that's free food everyday.

>> No.9064413

After I got out of college and was searching for a real job my parents kicked me out of the house because it was taking too long.

Lived in my car for a few years. Thought about joining the military. Showered at the public pool, slept in my car in large mall parking lot structures at night, used the internet at the library while using the outlets there to charge my laptop and batteries.

I still had a part time job which paid for most of my food and gas. The biggest expenses I had that made me dig into my savings were car maintenance, new tires and insurance/medical bills.

I posted my story on here once before and it actually made someone cry.

Now I have had a real job for 3 years and a mortgage on an apartment for a year... but because I know how to live with little else besides my car my savings are going back up.

Only thing is now I'm older and the classic /jp/ problem of no girlfriend is making me wonder if I should do it before I hit 30 in a few years.

>> No.9064448

shower in public pool uh, too bad they destroyed the public pool here (which was free) and replaced it by a private pool and make people pay where i live.

>> No.9064697

Kudos on not killing yourself when you got kicked out. I wouldn't be able to do what you did.
