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9042291 No.9042291 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Any mahjong-related garbage you Japanophiles would care to discuss (tile efficiency, offense / defense, etc.).

I frequently play as a guest on Tenhou, but since I started studying strategy in depth I've been on a terrible losing streak. Any suggestions as to what the hell I might be doing wrong?

>> No.9042366

It sounds like you're fucking terrible at learning.

Seriously though, you're just inexperienced at playing properly. It's a bit like learning a new spell in an RPG. It has the potential to be more efficient than your old spell, but you have to grind proficiency before you see tangible results.

>> No.9043109


The only real thing you need to know as a beginner about defense is
>Discard a tile they've discarded before
>Discard a tile someone else has discarded that round
>Discard a tile you see a lot of
>Discard a tile that would lower potential han value

>> No.9043208

Play poker instead, nerd.

>> No.9043236


For real, poker is a man's game. Not like silly mahjong. Ron THIS *grabs dick*

>> No.9043253
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Baiman da.

>> No.9043450
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Keep all the dora tiles
Focus on the honor tiles and a single suit
Discard everything else
Win via open tanyao

>> No.9043615


Samefag detected. Hiding behind your computer to berate complete strangers doesn't make your dick any bigger. 1/10.

>> No.9043675
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Mind if I leave this here?
Why taco power?, Because I am a Mexican fag

>> No.9043695


Thanks for being civil. I'm very familiar with the rules, but it's the strategic elements that I just can't seem to apply properly. I understand furiten and betaori, for example, but my mind goes blank when I start trying to analyse opponents' discards to go beyond that.

>> No.9043732

>analyse opponents' discards to go beyond that
dont do this. learn to build your hand more efficiently instead

>> No.9043838


So, how worthwhile would you say suji-reading is? Things like the "1-4-7" rule are really only useful with respect to two-sided waits, and even then it's no guarantee that one's discard is safe. I guess one of my problems is that I try to piece together what tiles everyone wants to avoid dealing in but just end up confusing myself and inadvertently doing so anyway.

>> No.9043869


Suji reading is only effective in middle tier games.

Beginners don't know how to do effective waits, so you'll never be able to do a proper suji read on them.

Advanced Experts will instantly detect that you're using Suji reading if you go defensive and play near their wait area, and they'll change up their waits so they start waiting on single or hell waits.

Suji is ONLY useful on people who know how to make effective discards and avoid a slow hand, but DON'T know about Suji reading.

>> No.9043870

i hnnng'd so hard when mihoko was shown on the preview for next episode

>> No.9043945

Why would you riichi this ? It goes from haneman to... haneman. No reason to reduce your odds of winning when you're only waiting on a single tile. I could understand if you were East but still... I guess anything goes in 一般.

Also to OP, if you're still in 一般 (first room), not declaring riichi will make you win 75% of the time. Works very well in 上級 too. Don't forget that there's no gain going from 6 to 7 han and going from 4 to 5 is equally worthless (less than 300 points usually, unless pinfu tsumo).

Riichi when doing stuff like 5 7 9 and discarding the 5, or pair waits on a 1/9 when you've discarded the 4/6. You'll be in 特上 in no time. Also you can riichi if you're East for the fear factor, but I doubt anyone cares in 一般.

Basically call less and go full defense (only 100% safe tiles no matter how they hurt your hand) if you're already first or second and some else riichi's. Although it is worth remembering that if you're East and someone riichi's on a hand below mangan, you'll pay just as much if you get ron or tsumo'd, so it might be worth taking risks.

Play more, watch replays and think about what you've done wrong. You'll get used to every option.

>> No.9043962

>Why would you riichi this
>He doesn't know about Ura-dora

Also bluffs, defensive play, etc. Sure, there's plenty of reasons not to, but there are ALWAYS reasons to Riichi. Even reaching on tenpai for a yakuman can have benefits.

>> No.9043979

Of course I know about uradora. I also know about ippatsu and tsumo. The question is do you want to sacrifice your odds at winning (only 4 winning tiles, and they're in 2-8 so you can expect at least 2 to be stuck in opponents' hands) for "maybe" a chance to get an extra 4000 points ?

12,000 is a lot, especially in East 1. Once you secure them, you can do open tanyao/full defense for the rest of the game, and end up first anyway. No need to aim for baiman unless you're in 4th, South 4 and it's the only way out.

>> No.9044011


ur move jp

>> No.9044071


There's no reason not to in the first round, especially with only one tenpai hand that's all open and clearly worth so little. It would certainly scare off any would be hand with that amount of points, especially in first east. The kind of lead advantage could stick through the whole game. And you don't earn anything without taking risks first.

With a play style like that, I can imagine you aren't a gambling man, are you?

>> No.9044120


You also don't earn anything if you don't win the hand, so doing things that make that less likely is a bad idea.

>> No.9044138
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Tch, don't spoil my trolling with logic, you asshole.

>> No.9044149

What's the best way to learn? Any books?

>> No.9044199
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To play, honestly.

The way I teach my group, if you happen to have tiles, is to first just start setting up and making hands. Learn how to Pon, Chi, Kan, Ron, Tsumo, and don't score hands. Just get the basics of actually playing, going around the table, switching winds, etc. Just get the basic stuff out of the way and let them win. There will usually be rampant stealing at this point.

Then, when everyone gets comfortable enough to know how to play, tell them about Chombo penalties and the 1 Yaku minimum. Then teach them about Open Tanyao, and tell them that this is the only legal yaku to make. Then after two or more round, introduce more and more Yaku until they get the hang of things, and then just go full blown into it. Make sure to play often for memory retention

If you have a set that doesn't have romanji on it, then you'll need to learn the Kanji manually. Yes, you'll actually have to learn them like you would normally. No shortcuts. In order to do that, find the stroke order of each individual Kanji for the winds and 1-9 character suit, and write each one out individually 50 times while saying the meaning behind each character.

If you are the beginner yourself, you'll want to read this website:
and go over it very slowly so you absorb the knowledge, and then play against the computer here:

Pay SPECIFIC attention to the Furiten rule when learning, cause this is easily going to be the thing that will fuck you up the most when still learning. Also, restrict yourself to only a few specific hands, like above. Only learn new hands when you feel you've comfortably mastered the ones you know.

Good luck.

>> No.9044231

Thanks. I had those two sites already bookmarked from a while ago when I first got interested (last year) in mahjong. I know the basic like how to make a simple hand and stuff, but nothing about scoring and specific hands. Sadly I don't know anyone who has a good grasp on the game or is even interested for that matter.

>> No.9044238

I'll learn to play this when I have some off time, I'm making a promise to myself.

>> No.9044257


Which part of scoring is giving you trouble? That site listed is kinda bad at teaching you the endgame points or the math behind the hand calculation.

>> No.9044271

I didn't really read into the whole thing. The fu's a bit weird.

>> No.9044307

Fu's pretty easy, but a lot of people explain it weird.
>Start with 20.
>Win closed with a Ron +10
>Win with Tsumo +2
>Your final wait was NOT an open wait +2
>The pair in your hand was a Dragon, the Table Wind, or the Seat Wind +2
>Chi of any kind +0
>Pon of simples + 2
>Pon of Terminals/Honors +4
>Kan of simples +8
>Kan of Terminals/Honors +16
>x2 if the set is closed (not stolen for)
>If a set was made with ron, it's counted as open even if the hand is closed

Round up to the next 10. 42 or 47 fu would become 50.

Then you plug that into a formula for base points, but you can just use it to calculate the point value from an easy to use chart. You can find that chart EVERYWHERE.

Using this hand as an example>>9043450

The winner has:
20 points for the hand
+0 for open ron
An open set of simples +2
An open-by-ron set of simples +2

24 -> 30 points. Just like the site says.

>> No.9044543
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Don't try to read what the other guys are building. Pay attention easy stuff like, if its middle or near the end, how many dragon tiles are out, if less than one of a dragon is out, dont discard that dragon. Look at the wind tiles. If a guy is in riichi and his wind has less than one discarded, don't deal his wind.

Same with doras. If you can't see any dora discarded, someone is probably keeping them, so if you want to stay safe, don't discard a dora if less than one are in their pools.

Basically, note if the tile you are about to discard exists in the other player pools. If game is nearly ended or someone has riichi, don't discard something that no one else has discarded.

At least, that's what I try to do.

>> No.9045601

Useful reading techniques are shonpai (tiles not discarded yet), suji (1-4-7, 2-5-8 and 3-6-9) and kabe (for example ones and twos when you see all 4 threes). Those are good not just for defence, but for making good tanki waits as well. Opponents may do tricky waits with suji, but it is a rare occurence and they are still safer for mawashi-uchi, and when you have no safer tiles. In betaori you should just throw the safest tile you have anyway (see list below). Distinguishing when an opponent has toitsu hand, one colored hand, chanta/kokushi, or the usual pinfu type is also useful for defence (discarding suji against a likely toitsu hand is meaningless, but the tiles of which you see 3 or 4 become much safer). Also if you have no safer tiles, the outer side of 2, 3, 7 or 8 discarded in the early game tend to be about 30% safer than usual (outer side is 1, 2, 8 or 9). You may ignore practically all other reading techniques until a much higher level (like 2000+ rating).

Chances of dealing into riichi:
Genbutsu (guaranteed opponent's furiten): 0%
Wind or dragon tanki (when you see three of them): 0,9%
Suji 1, 9 (when the opponent is in guaranteed furiten for 4 or 6 respectively): 2,9%
Wind or dragon tiles (when you see less than 3): 3,4%, but these may increase the opponent's hand value
Suji 2, 8: 4,8%
Suji 3, 7, or 4, 5, 6 with 2-sided suji: 5,5%
1 or 9 without suji: 6,3%
2, 3, 7, 8 without suji, or 4, 5, 6 with 1-sided suji: ~7%
4, 5, 6 without any suji: 12,3%

>> No.9045648
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>> No.9045667

>not using alternate suji techniques

The fuck is this digital shit over here. Everyone knows you have to play occult on Tenhou, it's the only way to increase your luck.

>> No.9045673
File: 37 KB, 459x512, 1332430917553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it. You also need to have a name that tenhou likes, and NoName never loses. It helps if you're a chinese old man too.

>> No.9045680

I think you two should 3p.
Also, since op forgot(?) it: http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447

>> No.9045793

qqd for 3p

>> No.9045841
File: 151 KB, 1361x907, IMG_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is on!

>> No.9045876

That's one seat too many, pal.

>> No.9045881

Ah yeah right, I forgot we're only playing 3p here

>> No.9045903

Why is lobby chat so scary?

>> No.9045910

Play go or shogi instead, nerd.

>> No.9045918

How do new players even remember the hands and scoring system?

I look at guides and it's pages and pages of explanation.

>> No.9045923

By playing mahjong instead of reading pages and pages of explanation.

>> No.9046954

What a terrible comparison. The catgirl and 3 last girls are supposed flat, so why aren't they in this picture?

>> No.9046983

1. Pick a hand.
2. Go for only the easy to remember hands and that specific hand.
3. Once you know when and how to wait for that hand, pick another hand.
4. Repeat.

>> No.9047203

Do what

Learn how to make one of the easier hands to make, and then restrict yourself to only making THAT hand until you learn it. Then add another hand on top of your list and restrict yourself to those two hands until you learn them, and go from there.

>> No.9048534

How do you guys decide it's time to make 7 pairs? How to read that the opponent is trying to make 7 pairs?

>> No.9048772


5 pairs, no Pons.

To read it is harder, cause it takes special circumstances. If you see someone discard two of the same tiles into the pond, but you can't see where the other two are, then that's a sign they went for a seven pairs hand, because all seven pairs have to be COMPLETELY different.

>> No.9048843

need 1 more

>> No.9048885

Even if you can read it it will tell you absolutely nothing about the player's wait so it's kind of a waste to do in my opinion. However I don't think it's been mentioned in the thread yet, but on website like tenhou (and in real life of course), you can see if a player is discarding from his hand or doing a tsumogiri (discarding whatever he just drew). It's very relevant because if someone discards a tile he's already discarded before, from his hand, then he most likely isn't doing 7 pairs.

There's a lot of other stuff you can guess looking at this, but you can figure it out yourself easily. If you get tenhou premium then the tsumogiri tiles are darkened in a player's pond so you don't have to look and remember every discard, but it's better to get used to doing it yourself if you ever play offline.

Personally if I have 4 pairs I'll try to keep them all in my hand, that leaves 5 "free" tiles with which I'll try to make a regular hand. Then depending on whether the 5th pair or the 3rd mentsu comes first, I'll decide what I do. If I have 4 pairs and draw a 3rd tile from a pair I keep it, in worst case I can start calling and go toitoi.

>> No.9049011

10hu's nice
Janryumon is nicer


>> No.9049159

Knowing the opponent is making 7 pairs (or toitoi) tells you that suji won't work and the tiles you can see all 4 of are safe. It is difficult to read it though, as people often switch to making 7 pairs in the middle of making a normal hand.

>> No.9049855

Thank you masters, for your responses!

>> No.9050152

I don't know any program to visualize this, so apologize if I can only provide text for my question. Alternatively this scenario is listed in wikipedia for honroto.

1-1-1man 9-9-9pin 1-1sou 9-9-9sou hatsu-hatsu
tsumo: 1sou
Closed hand.

How many han/limit/score does this hand have?
Does a closed honroto always count as suuankou? Why there's a han value listed in honroto article if it does?

>> No.9050165

Tsumo means suuankou so it's a (single) yakuman in this case. You don't count other yaku when you have a yakuman.

Closed honroto means you ron with a closed hand, in which case you don't get the suuankou, unless you had a wait on the pair.

>> No.9050926


Honroto scores 2 han open or closed. You also get 2 han for it being toitoiho.

The hand you're thinking off that can be closed is Chantaiyao. Every mentsu contains at least one terminal tile. So it could be a hand like 123sou, 111pin, 789pin, 999characters, and a pair of 11sou. THAT hand will earn you 3 han closed.

>> No.9051192
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Best make a 7pair once you discarded all tiles of the other two suits

>> No.9055083 [DELETED] 


>> No.9058746


>> No.9058756
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Keep on playing your babby game that's based 90% on luck.

>> No.9058790
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how does I make yakuman?

>> No.9058795

Actually, that rule isn't universal. Tenhou for one doesn't have it - you can have 7 pairs with duplicate pairs.

>> No.9062701

Game anyone?

>> No.9062768

I keep losing at go because I can't read well enough, and I am way too lazy to go do tsumego. I've been stuck at 5 kyu for a month now.

>> No.9062780


>5 kyu at go
>Not impressive

>> No.9062790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9062805

It really isn't, in my opinion. I'm terrible for a 5 kyu, I only got so far because I am pretty decent at middle game fighting. If my opponent reads better than me, I'm screwed, because my opening is terrible and my endgame too. I am hoping to start studying more once I get some free time, and hopefully reach 1 kyu before next year though, which would be quite nice. The only problem is that I hate reading on my computer because it's shitty and loud, and go books are awfully expensive, at least here. Maybe I'll win one in the next tournament I go to... Or maybe I'll just have to try and save some money for an e-reader or a tablet...

>> No.9062810 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9062852
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idk you ask me

>> No.9062964

Hey soap faggot.
I dont see you queueing for game anymore.
You scared?

>> No.9062967
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Motherfucker, bring it on.

>> No.9063001

True story.
Ever since I lost my account, I have been having shit luck in my new account. Forever stuck in iishanten and losing to opponent dealer tsumo.

I went from
1位率 0.333
2位率 0.4
1位率 0.222
2位率 0.5

Too bad I cant play now, i will rape you in another day.

>> No.9063017

>Advanced Experts will instantly detect that you're using Suji reading if you go defensive and play near their wait area, and they'll change up their waits so they start waiting on single or hell waits.

Do people actually do this? That seems like a terrible idea to me to ever opt for a wait that you're less likely to tsumo. But i'm a novice, I can never tell how much truth there is in these pro yomi-level-1000 tactics.

>> No.9063029

Tenhou stopped liking my ID in 3P too. I will probably overtake my 3P soon in 4P with less than half the number games played. Too bad grinding 4P in this heat is awful. Also, why not now? ;_;

>> No.9063042


It's a metagame of Mahjong. When you're beginning, it's a better idea to wait on more tiles cause they come out easier. But against better opponents, they'll look at the discard tiles and say "Well, I can tell he's waiting on bamboo tiles, and from his discards, a wait that would be good for his hand would be something like 3 or 6 bamboo, so I'll just avoid that", and they'll play around that wait. So to combat this, it's better to wait on weird waits.

I shit you not, during a game on tenhou, I got into a Riichi and my choices were waiting on a 4 bamboo and a multiple wait around the character tiles. Now, I had a good 3 way wait depending on what I discarded, but I looked at the discard pile and noticed there were 2 more 4 bamboo already in there. This may sound occult of me, but I got a weird "feeling" from the opponent across from me when looking at the four bamboo. So I decided to wait on it.

So I riichied.

I shit you not, the player from across discarded a 4 bamboo in the same turn. I got Riichi Ipatsu and 2 ura dora from the fucking 4 bamboo.

That must have scared him shitless, haha.

Point being: It depends on the circumstance, but it's USUALLY better to wait on more tiles, though this telegraphs your hand a tiny bit.

>> No.9063060

If you want to screw defensive faggots, go for chitoitsu.

I have a job that allow me to shitpost in /jp/.
I dont want to push my luck by playing luck tiles.
Yes yes, I will get out of /jp/ now, no need to post marisa.

>> No.9063067
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You know I would never post a 2hu.

>> No.9063123

I love chiitoitsu. As soon as my hand has any 4 pairs I go for it. I feel like it's easier to play defensively with it too, maybe just because I'm a noob and I'm just more likely to betaori when i should when I'm going for it.

I remember reading an article on one of the english mahjong sites about a pro player who advocates a strategy based around toitsu. That dude is my hero. Ah, here it is:

>> No.9063155

Speaking of weird waits, I remember once having to decide between a 3 way wait pinfu and a single hell-wait on a tile east had already pon'd. I don't blame him for ragequitting after a riichi ippatsu chankan.

>> No.9063235
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It's so adorable when someone calls himself into furiten.

>> No.9063253
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Looks like I just missed all the mahjong games.

>> No.9063572

So, I know this thread is deadish, but I wrote a guide that you can print out. I try to cover a lot of things and make it as clear as possible. Downside is there are no pictures. You can use it if you'd like.



>> No.9063602

People who have ever played riichi mahjong in real life: Are you European?

It seems like in some parts of Europe, riichi is a legit game that lots of people play. On the other hand, I've been living in LA (which seems like it's probably the capital of Japanese shit outside of Japan) and I haven't found a single mention of a riichi mahjong group anywhere. I did find an old ad for a mahjong parlor once, but when I drove there it seems like it was probably long gone.

>> No.9064308

A single ippatsu is a bit light as far as evidence goes to support a theory. Reverse psychology definitely works on occasion, and since it's always kind of memorable you might think it's worth it, but it's not.

Giving up pinfu for a tanki wait hoping for ippatsu is silly for instance, you give up a guaranteed yaku for a small chance at another one.

I remember for a time I used to wait on chankan whenever I got the opportunity. Well it doesn't really work either. If you played against someone who thought declaring an kan when there's a riichi going on, let alone doing it in the first turn after the riichi, it just means that guy sucked. You should never get ippatsu ron unless the giver was in riichi before you, but in this case the larger wait the better.

While I'm at it, the only good response against someone's riichi is to throw a tile he's in furiten for (or another 99,99% safe tile, ie a 4th dragon/wind). Since you always have "extra" tiles in your hand (especially if you're going for pinfu), keeping such a safe tile around from the 10th turn onwards is usually a great idea.

I played in real life and yes, I'm European. Riichi is really well played in the Netherlands/Denmark as far as I know, but you can usually find a club in most countries' capital at least.

>> No.9064334


That pic is ruined by that fat fuck behind my waifu

>> No.9064342 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9064351 [DELETED] 

EPIC win. :)

>> No.9064353 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9064707

Need 1 more in here.

>> No.9064844

European here as well, riichi is not uncommon here in the Netherlands. I've never been to one of the more publicized clubs or tournaments, though. Like the other guy said, Denmark and Holland seem like good places for riichi mahjong if you speak English and can't speak Japanese. I've heard of some occasions in Germany too, but not as often.

>> No.9065525

>Reverse psychology

I don't think you understand the point of waiting on "strange" tiles. It's not some ploy to "lure" opponents to deal into your hand. It's just simple logic, you do nothing but consider what tiles are more likely to get you a win - you're just using a heuristic slightly more advanced than merely counting how many of your winning tiles are still in play.

If you know that some tiles look unlikely for you to wait on, do wait on them. If you know that some tiles are useless for your opponents, do wait on them. Because sooner or later, they will be thrown away. There's nothing more to it.

>> No.9065625 [DELETED] 

You're actually completely right. I supppose "weird waits" are psychology, and keeping a wide wait would be the reverse one. I apologize for the confusion.

Also, I suppose I've just given up on getting a ron reliably a long time ago. It's either tsumo or ron someone who has riichi'd before. I don't even mind calling riichi in furiten since it makes barely no difference. People seriously defending wil not discard anything that has a chance of getting ron'd unless they absolutely have to. I know I would rather discard a 1 if the person discarded a 2/3 of the same suit in his first few turns than a wind I can only see 3 in total (mine included). Honors not fully discarded in late game just get too fishy. Of course I would rather completely destroy my hand before discarding either of these, I know I won't win more than 25% of all hands and I don't try to.

If I really want a ron, I'll take the widest possible wait and not declare riichi. I lost too many games simply because of several 1000 points riichi bets lost.

Not that all of this applies to playing against people who know how to defend properly and who won't desperately try to get tenpai anyway after you riichi. Like I mentioned earlier (I'm the >>9043945 guy), that kind of suji/uncommon wait gets you to 特上 in no time).

>> No.9065636

You're actually completely right. I supppose "weird waits" are psychology, and keeping a wide wait would be the reverse one. I apologize for the confusion.

Also, I suppose I've just given up on getting a ron reliably a long time ago. It's either tsumo or ron someone who has riichi'd before. I don't even mind calling riichi in furiten since it makes barely no difference. People seriously defending wil not discard anything that has a chance of getting ron'd unless they absolutely have to. I know I would rather discard a 1 if the person discarded a 2/3 of the same suit in his first few turns than a wind I can only see 3 in total (mine included). Honors not fully discarded in late game just get too fishy. Of course I would rather completely destroy my hand before discarding either of these, I know I won't win more than 25% of all hands and I don't try to.

If I really want a ron, I'll take the widest possible wait and not declare riichi. I lost too many games simply because of several 1000 points riichi bets lost.

Note that all of this applies to playing against people who know how to defend properly and who won't desperately try to get tenpai anyway after you riichi. Like I mentioned earlier (I'm the >>9043945 guy), that kind of suji/uncommon wait gets you to 特上 in no time).

>> No.9065746

>>9064308 here

Just got this 2 minutes ago : http://tenhou.net/0/?log=2012052602gm-0029-0000-x0760e3a2d941&tw=3&ts=9

I guess sometimes it just works !

>> No.9066801

The fuck.
Where do these people come from? /a/?

>> No.9066838 [DELETED] 

Yes. >>/a/66241726

>> No.9066928

The people I just played with had /a/ names, so I assume so.
>left early
>Make kans when in first and someone else riiched

Yep, /a/.

>> No.9066952

>Make kans when someone else riichied

Aw,darnit. Where?

>> No.9066965
File: 176 KB, 730x623, what would you discard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost to scrubs because I was too greedy.
I would have won if I damaten this iipeiko instead of going for a mangan.

>> No.9067001

>kan after riichi


Also, how much of mahjong is learning through experience, and how much is "you need to read and understand this shit". I play all the time but usually end up in third or second place, consistently.

>> No.9067021

75% you need to read and understand
25% you learn by playing

>> No.9067028
File: 229 KB, 1608x1284, 1262631262136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9067034

also third and second are good. When in the high Dan levels you get decent points for first, a small amount for second, nothing for third, and lose a drastic amount for last. Mahjong is a game about not losing, if you win, thank the luck gods, but your primary goal should be never placing last by dealing into shit...although sometimes you can't help it.

>> No.9067111

Had Dさん left at that point? Or is he playing some intense mind games? "Heh heh heh... they'll never think that half my discards are still in my hand!"

>> No.9067120

He already left that is why it is such a shitty game.
I basically lost because everyone got tsumo when I am dealer.

Just won a game by 100 with a dealer mangan.
Feels good man!

>> No.9067159

It's pretty obvious that it's /a/ when no one is queued for 3P.

>> No.9067185

I love winning when I've done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

Sorry, other guy whose name I forgot. You're clearly a better player than me, I just got shittons lucky.

>> No.9067681

Hey does /jp/ have any offline mahjong games they'd recommend?

Whenever /jp/ decides to play mahjong it seems like I'm always about to go to work or have to sleep

>> No.9067697

saki/toloveru ero mahjong
touhou mahjong

saki mahjong
virtual tenhou

saki mahjong

akagi mahjong

>> No.9067859


*saki portable

I tried searching Saki Mahjong once, and I died.

True story.

>> No.9067895

There's an android riichi app called "maujong" that I like.
It's better to play with random people online in the main lobby (0000) than to play computers offline, though. You'll always be able to get a game in the main lobby.

>> No.9067940

Is there any that are good on the PS3? My PSP and DS were both involved in a tragic accident involving arc lightening... well not so much tragic as amazing and unrepeatable.

I don't have an android compatible phone so I'm kind of stuck without that.

Although I know I should play other people instead of just facing computers but the only people I know to play with are insanely good and constantly losing to mocking laughter is not a good incentive to play.

>> No.9068041


Mahjong Fight Club, I think. That's generally the best one on any given system at any time. I dunno how easy it is to obtain, legal or otherwise.

>> No.9068044
File: 56 KB, 300x300, spirtis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1500 DS spirits mahjong 5 Is a super cheap game (only 1500 yen)(35 dollars) and its fairly decent.

I play it on train rides. Good for working on speed and waits.

>> No.9068088

Hey thanks, my local import store is having a going out of business sale and I think I saw that for $30 (on a side note, if you only take $5 off your prices during your going out of business sale, it's pretty apparent why you're going out of business)

>> No.9068649

Like the other guy said, you should try the main lobby.
Sure they're better than the average /jp/ player but with a couple of days of practice you should be above average. And well you can't get laughed at online anyway.

>> No.9068808

you can also try janryumon if you want to play random beginners online:
All you'll ever hear from anyone on there is よろしく~
Note that you need to use internet explorer (why) to run the game.

>> No.9068836

iOS has Janryumon with online
Janryumon PC client is shit, truth be told.

>> No.9068839

>internet explorer
No thank you. I will stick to Tenhou even though it is pay2win.
Anyway, anyone queueing?

>> No.9068848

Other than highlighting tsumogiri what else is Premium-only? Other than occult shit, that is.

>> No.9068856

Cant play on the higher dan room.
Multiple sources have said that pay2win account has a higher win rate.
How sure are you that they dont tune the number generator toward pay2win account? Maybe they even use your username as a seed. Who knows.

>> No.9068865 [DELETED] 

If you're dedicated enough to get 6th dan R2000+ then you shouldn't really mind 525¥/month to play against other great players.

As for anything else, people will always find excuses for their bad level, that doesn't make any of it true.

>> No.9068877

If you're dedicated enough to get 7th dan R2000+ then you shouldn't really mind 525¥/month to play against other great players.

As for anything else, people will always find excuses for their bad level, that doesn't make any of it true.
