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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 409 KB, 543x586, fuckingasshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9033854 No.9033854 [Reply] [Original]

Llast day of High School suddenly came and people took pictures as a class then I check facebook (don't bully me). Guess what? I'm in a picture but somethings is not right.. I noticed a black box over my face while the
rest of the kids are uncovered and then I see
I'm tagged as "ugly loser no one likes"
38 likes, then I check the comments just to depress myself more because multiple people commenting "lol" and "oh u guys are soooo mean XD"

Anyone else got bullied?

>> No.9033863

You're black?

>> No.9033864

I bullied people. I had two close friends. I was treated nicely by black people because I am black. I was treated nicely by Mexicans because I wasn't rude to them. White people treated me nicely because they didn't want trouble.

>> No.9033865

I'm not that black but is there a problem with being a little brownie?

>> No.9033866

Yes but I don't whine about it on /jp/

>> No.9033869

Hahahaha christ what did you do OP

Also I'm pretty sure no one even remembers me from high school

>> No.9033867

No just wondering, when I was in high school I don't remember too many dark people being bullied.

Just become a neet and live in solitude, it is the best way.

>> No.9033868

It depends, did you born brown or the sun tanned that skin?

>> No.9033872
File: 47 KB, 400x278, fudge-brownie-recipe-21504514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born a brownie.

>> No.9033880

when I was in high school we took some photos digitally once and while we were all on our laptops viewing the folder someone renamed the name of mine "the dreaded swamp beast"

from then on I was called swamp beast

I thought it sounded better with dreaded...

>> No.9033882

I'm mixed race, and when I was born my skin was white. Infact, my skin was a pale white until I was about 7, then I started getting darker. I kept getting darker until I was about 17 and still went outside, where I maxed out with a skin color similar to one of those dark Indians. My skin now is like a mixed coffee drink. Just a pale tan.

>> No.9033878

Why does it matter OP, that guy has a DYEL shit physique.

Work out for a year or two, your nigger genetics will kick in and you'll look huge and strong as fuck. Then you can kick his ass and rape his girlfriend. Your ten foot dick will then mindbreak her.

>> No.9033884

>born a brownie
oh god I just laughed so hard

Being bullied sucks. I'm bullied at school because I'm always asleep in class. but I'm just narcoleptic

>> No.9033887

I fucked kids up in school and left at 16. Stop obsessing over your childhood please

>> No.9033888

If they didn't like you then it's because you didn't huehuehue enough, if someone was bullying you just had to claim racism and all they would befriend you to escape social ostracism, if you're a nice guy over time they would appreciate you, learn to play your cards fag.

>> No.9033892



>> No.9033897
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>> No.9033901

You seem lost.

>> No.9033909

Middle school was fine, I even had friends and a girl I really liked but the my parents moved to another state so I started high school in a new school but I used to get really shy around people I didn't know, whenever a teacher assigned a group task I managed to get the fuck out of the school or I just pretended to be sick, so I spend the rest of my school life being the kid that no one notices, the one that is always ignored, the one that no one knows his name. I'm not blaming them, I know that if I had the courage to overcome my shyness I would have gotten friends and live a normal's life. But that didn't happen and I ended up in this site where I can feel at ease being the person I am, a lazy socially awkward man without a job and without social contact.

>> No.9033910

lulz, yes im new here desu~~

>> No.9033914

The only male nigger in the class?
I dont blame them.

>> No.9033920

Even the kids in school can see how much of a waste of space you are.
Kill yourself.

>> No.9033928

I was that kid who hang out with almost everyone including the bullies though they teased me for playing with the 'nerds'. Until now I don't really know why people treat me so well.

>> No.9033929

Learn the /jp/ way and take it easy, you are just showing how new you are, lurk a little more an find out /jp/ers personalities.

>> No.9033935
File: 155 KB, 249x378, nnhuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9033936

I'm not him, but we're talking about facebook here.


Don't be ridiculous, /jp/. The "taking it easy" philosophy does not mean we should allow 18 year olds who just graduated from highschool and want to talk about their facebook exploits to post here.

>> No.9033937

So? Besides ---> "oh u guys are soooo mean XD" sounds like a teen answer. What's the point of being depressed over it? They were faggots back in the days, and they still are with anwsers like that. Move along, nothing to see.

One last thing : Why, why, why, why, WHY did you decide to check what's in facebook anyway? That was such a wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG move.

Btw i'm black too, got bullied too, then I man it up, then I noticed that the social thing is crap, then I ended up in 4chan and I don't know why the fuck I feel comfortable here actually.

>> No.9033939


>> No.9033938

hahah oh man that's harsh

>> No.9033945

>does not mean we should allow 18 year olds who just graduated from highschool
Why not? Bullying is /jp/ related

It may not have started too well with facebook but it's nice to see how other /jp/ers got bullied or the other way around. Just relax and ignore it.

>> No.9033947
File: 162 KB, 600x3031, 1336248926812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you intelligent OP?

Just succeed in life and build a happy future for you.
Forget about them.

>> No.9033951

I've seen this posted on 3 boards now.
This is not the relevant place for this, and I'm really wondering why you're posting this shit everywhere.
If this really did happen to you, are you just out to shame the crowd of faces no one here will remember or ever see in person?
I don't get it.
Please stop.

>> No.9033955

then high school reunion the fuck out of them.

>> No.9033960
File: 137 KB, 850x637, sample-9055f2811b23ec6ed92b08d61af2197d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for god sake.
Bullying is not f ucking /jp/ related.
Bring your shit to >>>/adv/ >>>/r9k/ or >>>/soc/
The only bullying accepted here is CHIHAYA BULLYING.

Reported, called the cop, email directly to moot.

>> No.9033961

>Bullying is /jp/ related
Fuck you. No it's not. It's blog shit.

>> No.9033964

you dont get that kinda rep by just minding our own ass, you must be a cock

>> No.9033967

what do you mean by being a cock

>> No.9033974

Just look at how he is blogging about his sad state of life on /jp/.
He is probably those faggots that cant stop talking and cant get the message to shut up. Probably the reason why everyone avoided him and started bullying him. They dont want to listen to his sob story. If it werent for the sob story I bet he talk non stop about how pretty his waifu is on TV or something.

>> No.9033981
File: 137 KB, 1020x1403, a3bfeb3469ddc3dac0829f5531a89fe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying OP!!
That's mean, can't you understand he's already got enough? I'm guessing was pretty sad about it that's why he decidded to share your feelings with you! Don't be like that, I hate those who bully the weak on /jp/.

>> No.9033987

I love reasoning but I failed to see how you ended up reaching that conclusion with his single post.
Besides if you're saying that it's right to bully someone, then you're just an horrible person.

>> No.9033990

>Then I check facebook
Found your problem niggerlord

>> No.9033995

OP is a faggot.
He deserved it.

>> No.9033997

>the weak
He is a fucking nigger.
And if I really want to bully someone I would rather pick on the fatass holding the basketball.
For the record I dont bully anyone but what pisses me off are people talking to me rambling nonsense just cause I sit near them.
OP is probably someone like them. It is obvious from the way he writes. If you learn to shut up, no one will bully you. The less you talk the less you will piss people off.

>> No.9033998

>Blacked out the face of a black guy
holy shit I got the joke

>> No.9034002

Are you implying niggers can't be weak?

>> No.9034007

Yeah I am.
Just look at the picture. See how many people are shorter than him and I see like 4-5fatass in the pictures.

>> No.9034016

Only reason OP got bullied. I'm actually taken aback.
I was not aware anyone but weak ass white boys were bullied.
Mean ass small black guys know how to fuck shit up. Like an old wise man said, the higher pitched their voice got when angry, the faster and more brutal your beating was gonna be in that back alley.

Stop it OP, being a pussy is a white mans job. Latinos, Blacks, Arabs and Asians are all above this.

>> No.9034018

I never associated with enough people to be bullied, but I was sexually assaulted instead which is probably worse.

>> No.9034019
File: 96 KB, 226x219, 1336769828842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of weird skin color, my dick skin is slightly darker than the rest of my body. This is a normal thing for most people, right? But I woke up about three months ago with half of the shaft consistently colored with my body's lighter tones. I didn't freak out about it because I thought it would go away and darken itself back, but it hasn't.

I have no idea why this happened nor can I find any information about it on Google. Am I doomed to have a weird looking asymmetrical dick for the rest of my life?

>> No.9034023
File: 12 KB, 75x230, averageblackguyon4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh stolen generation!

>> No.9034027

I have that too.

>> No.9034028


It's not like anyone else will see it

>> No.9034029
File: 356 KB, 849x1202, 1309710733039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting this status as the school's resident loser is not something you get just like that. You get it because of something you did. What have you done to get it?

>> No.9034045

Yeah I got bullied by girls all throughout elementary and middle school. They were popular and would pretend to be my friend and say they'd hang out with me and they'd call, but I'd just wait by the phone all weekend and cry. Then Monday would come and they'd tell me how much fun they had. I don't know why I put up with it. This boy I sat to was one of the cutest guys in our class and we liked a lot of the same things. I started to get notes and candy and one day flowers left on my desk. And he confessed that he liked me and asked me to be his girlfriend. The popular girls told me to come to one of their houses after school, and they just sat around and told me how horrible he was and how he was going to use me for lewd things. I broke up with him and I was really sad because I liked him a lot and no boy had ever liked me before. It turns out the girls were lying because they wanted to be with him, and he was really hurt because he did actually really like me. ;_;
When I got to high school I just stopped talking to everyone, until I was 16 and didn't leave my house anymore and left school.

>> No.9034047

>He is a fucking nigger.

>I would rather pick on the fatass
You're not bullying people yet you're thinking that it would be the -best- option. Bullying someone because of his/her appearence is a normalfag pattern. Drop it.

>If you learn to shut up, no one will bully you
Actually, no. I was always the quiet type at school and got bullied because of it. And if you add the fact that i'm black -unlike OP I'm not sulking over it, saying i'm "a little brown"- and that I got the best grades in my classroom, I just couldn't avoid being bullied.

>> No.9034057

I want to love you tenderly with my dick.

>> No.9034058

*and say they'd call, whoops

>> No.9034060

All you have to do in order to not be bullied, is show you wont take no messings with. That's what I did and it worked. Only needed to do it once too. This kid thought he was tough, and slapped the back of my head while everyone was watching. I popped him right in the nose while falling forward since I didn't know how to throw a punch and always heard you had to use your legs and your body weight. The resulting blow from my small sophomore 120 pound frame made him fall to the floor while I regained my balance. He wasn't bleeding, I just think my punch caught him by surprise and made him fall. But no one messed with me again since he didn't do anything and just walked away like a faggot.

>> No.9034071

I am.

>> No.9034068

Sorry, unless you are the cutest guy in the class I'm not really interested ;_;

>> No.9034077

Being an autistic retard, I got bullied quite a bit.
In each school I've been to, I've been in a fight with a bully.
I kicked the shit out of them, and no one messed with me again.

>> No.9034078

That slutty attitude, I don't like it.

>> No.9034073

>how he was going to use me for lewd things.


You think they were lying?

>> No.9034081
File: 162 KB, 931x945, 1310367004082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the forum where I usually post we used to have one of these dipshits. We tolerated him long enough because he was the holding glue of a network of similar dipshits who were friends with each other. Dude seriously would keep spergin' and spergin' over and over and over again about how sad and miserable he was, how miserable other people deserved to be and how they deserved to be tortured and killed and maimed in graphic detail, how he was the saddest person in the world and how everything was going to fail or fall apart. It didn't take long before the only people who "liked" him were those who were just as disfunctional as him.

But even though that little circle of people who were his "friends" (aka people who tolerated him) was eventually enough to silence everyone else, shit kept piling up. Eventually it hit the fan, and after like 2 weeks of absolute intestinedamage and people getting their pantsu in a 10-crossing hyperbolic knot he was banned. 10 people ragequit immediately afterwards.

>> No.9034080

Look at this tough nigger who ain't gonna take a shit of teh bulliez

>> No.9034082


I didn't post that.


Well it doesn't matter now because I don't leave my house and I don't really trust anyone enough to date them or do lewd things with them.

>> No.9034089


>> No.9034091

plzzz responddddddddddddddddddddd :-DDDD

>> No.9034092


same ;_;

>> No.9034098

tits or gtfo

there are no girls on the internet guys, don't worry

>> No.9034096

With that attitude of yours, you are gonna get bullied in real life and even in the internet.
Grow some spine. So how they bully you? Did they punch you or just call you bookworm?
Nobody will bully you if you dont start shit. Name calling happened to everyone.

>> No.9034099


Why would anyone follow someone who think other people should be miserable and tortured and stuff?

I'm miserable and dislike myself, but I try to be as nice as possible to other people because I never want anyone to hurt like others have hurt me. Why do people who get hurt by others become assholes and hurt people just like they have been? It doesn't make much sense to me.

>> No.9034103

You shouldn't have told people you're a girl, dude.
Wanna be friends dude?
I mean, I'm always looking to make friends with shut ins like myself, it seems that not many people on /jp/ are actually shut ins though.

>> No.9034104

Sorry for being over sensitive then, I always used to get really sad when mean people talked shit about me on my back while knowing I was listening. Some people can't change even if they try.

>> No.9034106

I hurt people that I think have wronged me.

>> No.9034107

There's no excuse for being bullied. You gotta be a raging faggot for it.

>> No.9034108

There's only 4 maybe 5 white people in that photo. What kind of shithole school do you go to?

>> No.9034109


I didn't, I just posted about my bullying experience.

>> No.9034110

why does it matter? No poster ID, he could even be pretending.

>> No.9034112

You called that bullying? What the fuck?
Back in my days people fist fight and girls pull each other hair out.

>> No.9034116

I -was- bullied. Now I'm obviously not and cannot be affected by this, otherwise I wouldn't be browsing such a dangerous place as 4chan.

>> No.9034117

You hinted at it, now you got a harem of replies!
Let's be friends.
We could make a group, called the shut ins!
By group, I mean band!

>> No.9034118

It's not really gossiping when they are doing it on purpose of hurting you and sorry for not being as tough as you, people are different, surprise.

>> No.9034123

Or you could just not have been such a faggot.

>> No.9034126
File: 521 KB, 800x1052, 78933da92696c7655d248484f6b45d37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who makes someone's life miserable can only be a miserable person.

It's taking out your frustrations onto someone else, instead of, you know, doing fucking something about your life.

Pic is related because I remember this line very much from Elfen Lied.

>> No.9034127

>Someone who makes someone's life miserable can only be a miserable person.
Amen to that.

>> No.9034129

I'm an asshole and a narcissist. Your move.

>> No.9034130

This is the typical nigger that pretends not being interested in you and tries to befriend you, you are not fooling anyone with our shut-in bullshit.

>> No.9034133

I'm cringing at how pathetic he is. God damn.
Its like I'm really on /a/

>> No.9034135

Holy shit.
So you are sad and depressed because you get front stabbed by strangers?
Let me tell you something. They backstabbed among themselves. You arent a special snowflake just cause they badmouth you. this isnt even bullying.

>> No.9034142

You ever wonder why you guys are a bunch of nerds with no friends? Probably because you're just as boring as you were then and still cry about being a nerd on the internet years latter.

>> No.9034153

Then I give up. Good job.

>> No.9034159

No, I'm actually a funny guy that always try be as nice as possible but the problem is that I am really shy with people I don't know, my mom was the only person I could really show my true colors. I fear a lot of the consequences social actions may bring you.

>> No.9034161

You went to a Summer research program at UCLA all the way back in 2007?


Pic is at bottom

>> No.9034162


What do you mean "fooling"? I am just posting about my experiences. And too bad for you Anon, I would never be friends with anyone from /jp/, they are too mean/insensitive and I am too sensitive. But it's nice to have a place where I can relate to people, as long as I don't have to grow attached to them so they can hurt me. Sorry.

>> No.9034165

This makes you a sociopath who just wants to fuck people to his own benefit. Which means it's good that you're sealed here on /jp/.

>> No.9034167

I wonder why such an awesome person like you decide to come here and post this.

>> No.9034168


I take out all my frustrations on myself instead of doing something with my life ;_;

>> No.9034173

D-don't call me a nerd!

>> No.9034171

I came here to laugh at nerds, like you. Nerd.

>> No.9034174

>Let's be friends.
>I would never be friends with anyone from /jp/

Next time try to read his first post instead of impersonating someone.

>> No.9034179
File: 113 KB, 500x332, highschool group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034180

The power of Google.

>> No.9034178

I'm more nervous around my parents.

>> No.9034185

Yeah, so... What's the point of this? Are you bored with your life or something?

>> No.9034186

Dude, what?
I don't have any friends that are shut ins, I've tried making friends with people, but they're never like me.
If I can make friends with someone like me, who cares about gender?
I don't think I'm mean, but sure, what ever dude, the offer still stands.

>> No.9034193

Way too obvious, man. You lost her, you will die a virgin.

>> No.9034197


Who am I impersonating?


Me too. They always tell me I'm a failure and that I can't ever do anything right, so I just say "uhh, I have to go" and go cry to myself. I used to try to talk to them about things, but they are strong believers in that "tough love" bullshit and think they need to tell me I'm shit and to do something with my life, even though, you know, it has yet to work, ever.

>> No.9034198

what's up, leftovers from last night /r9k/

>> No.9034205

i have autism

>> No.9034202
File: 146 KB, 640x376, BAGONZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahhaa fucking hikkyburgers :--DDD hang yourself xDDD

>> No.9034208

I'm okay with that.

>> No.9034210

>Stop it OP, being a pussy is a white mans job

This is what niggers assume but sadly for them I am of south slavic stock.

Beat up a nigger in highschool broke his nose and a leg. Told him I would slit his fucking throat hang him on the streetlights and rape his entire family needlesly to say he did even look me anymore.

>> No.9034220

I can give u tough luv hunny
*whops it out*

>> No.9034217
File: 38 KB, 758x741, 133054741817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034223

Please nerd. I'm dying of laughter here, I can't take it. Just stop while you ahead nerd. These fucking nerds, you're too much.

>> No.9034224

Dude, you are a bully. I don't want to associate with this kind of poeple but I never thought this shitty people would be on /jp/.

>> No.9034231

Well actually he attacked me, Too bad for him I smashed his face that he got pale as a finn.

>> No.9034235

>the original slave race
Tough motherfuckers, I tell ya. You gotta be to live in the Balkans and East Europe.

>> No.9034259

Well actually I am what you call a volksdeutsche or folkdojcer

>> No.9034267

You're dying of laughter? At this thread? How old are you?

>> No.9034298

I randomly clicked on the thread image from "recent images" and read OP's post and I was about to say something constructive because I thought he lived in some shitfuck place like florida.

THEN, I noticed that this fucking board is fucking /jp/

and that faggot OP is from L.A.

Hey faggot I live in L.A. too.

Ignoring that the fact that douchebag who posted the pic and comment on fb is just that, a douchebag.

You getting butthurt over some stupid faggot shit like that embarrasses this goddamn city.

Stop being such a butthurt fucking beta-faggot and stop trying to make friends. Do your stupid fucking engineering and ignore faggot douchebags. People who want to be your friends will engage you, otherwise stop giving a fuck.

If you can't do that then you don't deserve to live because you are a self-pitying sub-beta piece of trash.

>Part 1/3

>> No.9034299


Remeber one other thing you stupid fucking dipshit.

If dumbass faggots like that talk shit about you so blatantly then it's your own goddamn fault. You look like an ugly loser that no one likes.

You know why you look like that?

Because you are too busy feeling sorry for yourself to workout at home before you go to sleep every night and build some muscle.

You're too busy feeling sorry for yourself to get contacts instead of glasses so you look better.

You're too busy feeling sorry for yourself to learn how to dress properly, or at the very least put some goddamn effort into it.

>Part 2/3

>> No.9034303
File: 448 KB, 487x700, 1331197695984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Anyone else got bullied?"

Shut the fuck up you goddamn pussy.

Why the fuck do you fucking care?

Oh right, because if you actually stopped caring about that you might wanting to do something productive.

Either stop bitching and better yourself or just fucking kill yourself because I'm sick and tired of self-pitying pathetic piles of shit that assume that ignorant as fuck apes are going to be polite when they can't even properly make use of basic arithmetic.

I don't even like the fucking way you look, and this post further reinforces my negative opinion of you. I'm double majoring in math & physics, so if I can come to that conclusion quickly how easy do you think it is for a dumbass douchebag ape in your class to do the same and then try and act like an alpha and bully you.

If you only give a fuck about yourself, dumbass douchebags will notice that in the way you look and carry yourself and will no longer bully you. Crying to some faggot board like /jp/ is going to what exactly? Make you feel better when other self-pitying pieces of shit relate to your experience? Then you go back to real life and get bullied again and then come back crying.

An-hero or Change yourself

Make the choice you sack of whining vagina.

>Part 3/3

>> No.9034307

haha lol, look at this nerd pretending to be cool on the internet xD

>> No.9034310

Thank you. It's time to turn my life around.

>> No.9034313

It's like I'm on /fit/

>> No.9034323

Never bullied. But there was one kid that used to call me different variations of my name as a joke and now hes dead.


>> No.9034333

When I was in middle and high school people were afraid of bullying me if they knew me because they were too afraid that I'd go on a killing spree and brutally murder them all. To be honest, sometimes I was thinking about it.

Sometimes random people "bullied" me by giving me silly names but I can't say that it did more than annoying me

>> No.9034326

I'm interested, are you from /fa/ or /fit/?

>> No.9034330

How do you feel about that?

>> No.9034338
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, cyberbully.2011.720p.n3ubx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u really are skanky whore

>> No.9034347
File: 28 KB, 327x344, 1257265078850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my day.

I initially didn't even know about his death until I was in the lunch line and saw a bunch of people wearing t-shirts with his face on him gathering pop tarts and sodas to put on his grave.

Nobody gave a fuck really, he had failing grades and was a spic.

>> No.9034360


Why would I subscribe myself solely to one board?

It's not a fucking fan club. All the boards have different uses.

>> No.9034362

I'm dying of laughter from you, not this thread, nerd. You're such a nerd, I'm dead now nerd. You killed my by being such a massive nerd, I died from laughing at you. I hope you're happy nerd.

>> No.9034364

I agree but then again, most people are fond to one board more than the others.

>> No.9034367


I'm not here to chitchat with you faggot.

I already wasted enough of my time on this stupid fucking thread.

>> No.9034379

Might as well leave, then. You might want to work on that attitude of always wanting to show how tough you are or how angry you are. It's not nice and leaves a bad impression from you.

>> No.9034397


Baww That hurts my feelings.

I'm a hermit who trains his body and mind day after day, have honed my potential to an extent that most humans can never hope to.

Best part? I'll never need to use it. I'm a fucking shutin neet, yo. Jelly? I'm like the old guru up in the mountains in every fucking rpg.

Are you a bad enough dude to get me as a party member?

>> No.9034402


I guess you might call him a "sanchez"

>> No.9034406

That depends. Can you summon fire to rain down from the heavens so we can loot the stores for items and money so as to avoid a very poor, short and brutal adventure?

>> No.9034411

I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.
Oh fucking christ that's gold.

>> No.9034412

kill them all then go out with a bang...literaly.

>> No.9034446

you are literally doing what he was just talking about in his posts and failing to see that he couldnt care less what this thread thinks about him


>> No.9034474

And you're totally not the same guy. Nobody cares what you think, faglord.

>> No.9034541
File: 39 KB, 318x366, I DONT PLAY WITH CASUALS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you are JUST out of high school (I'm assuming this isn't a 'ten years ago picture'), sue him for defamation, damage to your psyche, etc etc.
Since you are still young, it counts as 'cyber bullying', and since I'm assuming he's over 18, it counts as defamation and he can be tried as an adult.

Don't be like me and let the bullies get away with it all....

>> No.9034626


I was bullied entire elementary school and almost entire high school, but somehow, it's not that traumatic experience
I always preferred school bullies to my family at home anyway

>> No.9034636

Not truNEET, leave.

>> No.9034656

Sperg out on them
