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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 409 KB, 1436x727, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9011016 No.9011016 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9011019

Did you post that on accident?

>> No.9011020

I don't get it.

>> No.9011023

Nice :)

>> No.9011032

dark, like my heart....

>> No.9011041

Looks smooth. Mine is plain and old Futaba.

>> No.9011036

Did you mean, ``by''?

>> No.9011054

dark is easier on the eyes in a dark room where the screen is the only source of light, I use a dark theme too it got nothing to do with being emo

>> No.9011059

I use SS too now.
See here >>9010685

>> No.9011067
File: 705 KB, 1102x1056, browser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cute at all.

>> No.9011070

Oh and I wanted to say that the mascot picture is too lewd.

>> No.9011074

Filthy, dumb, ricing scum.

>> No.9011077

Solarized is also pretty easy on the eyes, just change the links/greentext colours because they're AWEFUL.

>> No.9011084

Those colors are SCIENCE you fucking idiot

>> No.9011093

How do you get the quick reply. thread watcher, options, etc. pinned to the side of the screen and the top?

>> No.9011094

It still looks terrible on here, we don't need syntax highlighting on something that doesn't involve code.

>> No.9011100

The syntax highlighting color choices are aimed at staring at code all day.

Guess what you do?
Stare at 4chan all day.

But whatever, enjoy your inferior eyes.

>> No.9011101

He‘s using style-script.

>> No.9011103

tewi is beheaded
bloated eye candy
slow ass fuck on my laptop

>> No.9011104

That is to say, I don't. You can make it look like your terminals all you want, I'll make the colours less annoying looking to me.

I stare at images more than I do text, seeing as how this is an imageboard and all.

>> No.9011113

>tewi is beheaded
Because the picture is too big for your screen size. Fix: set it to fix at top rather than bottom.

>> No.9011123

>I stare at images more than I do text, seeing as how this is an imageboard and all.

It's primary a message board though. Even if images take the focus of discussion, we're DISCUSSING them through the ancient medium of text. Stop being obtuse to support your shitty argument, you cumguzzling tryhard.

>> No.9011126

Very cute.

>> No.9011129

What am I supporting? I don't like some of the colours, I changed the colours, you're sperging with the force of the sun, the world moves 'round.

>> No.9011206

Thank you very much.

Is it possible to make thread separators larger? It's a little hard for me to tell some threads apart.

>> No.9011211

Seems like there is no option for that, but you could change the css of the respective theme I guess.

>> No.9011215

I see. That's not too bad I suppose. I'll go take a look at the script's code later and try to figure it out.

>> No.9011228

You probably don’t need to look at the code much since it’s specifically made to be edited on the site itself. Click on [SS], themes, select a theme, edit.

>> No.9011241

There seems to be only options for editing the colors of the theme, barring the custom field CSS. This is much harder than I thought, actually. I think I'll just have to get used to it for now.

>> No.9011251

Anyway to change the board name colour/font? It's a bit jarring to have the board name is big black text when I'm not using a dark theme.

>> No.9011255

Or just put this in the custom CSS field:

hr {margin: 10px!important;}

change the 10 to whatever width you want, though you still have the separator line there.

>> No.9011318


and again, put in custom CSS box for the theme you want to use, change the values as you see fit.

.boardBanner .boardTitle {
font-family: 'PT Sans Narrow',sans-serif!important;
font-size: 28px!important;
text-shadow: #022A36 -1px -1px,#022A36 1px -1px,#022A36 -1px 1px,#022A36 1px 1px,rgba(0, 0, 0, .6) 0 2px 4px,rgba(0, 0, 0, .6) 0 0 10px;
color: grey!important;

This is of course my suggestions only with my minimal knowledge of CSS and gratuitous use of the inspect element button.

>> No.9011575
File: 255 KB, 1243x990, uKwp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. That was the only thing bugging me.

>> No.9011604

Started using this recently, a bit flashy but pretty cool.

>> No.9012653

Damn Awesome! Thank you very much!

>> No.9012668
File: 101 KB, 1138x889, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ``rice'' = no stylesheet and a font of your choosing.

>> No.9012697

moot's quick reply and thread linking is way better than Mayhem's, get it together 4chanx.

>> No.9012703

I like your style.

want to fugg::DDD??

>> No.9012718

I like your style.

but not nsj's, why can't we have fun on /jp/ anymore?

>> No.9012727

you want fun acting like a moron? /b/'s the perfect board for you!

>> No.9012735

Thank you.

He deleted my post too! What a jerk.

>> No.9012756

Suck my dick, NSJ.

I wasn't hurting anyone. I must have got a laugh out of someone (the guy who resbonded :DD). It was a half decent context for the joke, and just made an "I like it" post a little more interesting. so, yeah, fuck you

>> No.9012808

Yeah fuck you, not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person, don't delude yourself.

Ironic posting like that isn't funny and retarded, not to mention global #2 specifically mentions that it stays in /b/

>> No.9016855

What addons/scripts is the OP using? I want to get my browser looking like that after the new HTML update fucked my current Stylish and Greasemonkey scripts.

>> No.9016863

Most obvious ones are 4chanX and 4chan Style Script, just look those up.

Though be warned about either and stickies, I don't know if performance has improved with the new HTML, but they crunch along horribly slow on stickies that got beyond 800 or so posts.

>> No.9016879


4Chan X:

Style Script:

>> No.9016890 [DELETED] 

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.9016897 [DELETED] 

Still a beta faggot.

>> No.9016900 [DELETED] 

100% butt blasted.

>> No.9016904

Global rule 2:
>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

It doesn't even mention /b/, kike. If you don't like ironic shitposting, get out of /jp/. I don't care who you are, my post didn't deserve to be deleted, even if you think it WAS stupid, not funny and retarded it's far more interesting to read than ``Nice'' or ``I like it''. 4chan was BUILT on ironic shitposting. I don't care if I'm being trolled here, if anyone does actually think /jp/ benefits from a ``no fun allowed'' moderation policy, they're retarded and should read my elaborated-on butthurt. If you are being serious, you're a fucking pleb for bumping the thread.

>> No.9016909

I find it funny that you post as if in reply to meido.

Here's a tip kiddo, shitpost in shitposting threads, keep your shit out of normal ones.

>> No.9016926 [DELETED] 

You mean NSJ? Take your faggotry to your regular board, Ned.

>> No.9016933

I was barely even shitposting. The fact the janitor is willing to keep this conversation around but not a half-assed spurdo joke tells me just how stupid he is. Like I've already said, I don't care who I'm talking to, if we're talking rules, I'll talk rules, I don't give a fuck if I'm talking to the meido or not.

>> No.9016941

Ban evading shitposter forcing his own memes? WHat a beautiful thing to see. At least Suigin was creative, and not butthurt.

>> No.9016946

I seriously hope you're not the same person who was talking earlier about samefag delusions.

I mean, come on, do you really think Tokiko is the only person who thinks the new janitor is worthy of the title ``NSJ''?

>> No.9016948 [DELETED] 

How new are you? Did Moot just hire NSJ off the street or what? Or did he email a random /a/ browser and ask him to selectively follow /jp/ users around and delete their posts to try and troll them?

"By the way, post lots of /a/, /r9k/ and /cgl/ threads - they love that stuff in /jp/. Don't forget to delete any posts you don't like and to memorize ip addresses and follow their posts around to troll them". - Moot to NSJ

>> No.9016950

Suigin didn't force meido, even if he was probably the first person to use it ("/jp/ doesn't have a janitor, it has a meido," "I, SUIGIN, APPROVE OF THIS AND WILL NOW START USING IT" was suspect as fuck).

However, the term was adopted naturally. Sometimes people like things, even if some has to post it a few times. That's what memes basically are: spam that becomes cool.

>> No.9016955

>ip addresses

Hahaha, janitors can't see IP addresses. Lurk more.
I know this is from that conversation I had with you, you're so gullible.

>> No.9016958 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 469x428, 1285863227259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[citation needed]

>> No.9016963

Going by that, nobody can force a meme.

>> No.9016968 [DELETED] 

But that's how Milhouse became a meme.

>> No.9016967

>/jp/ - Meta-imageboard Cultue

>> No.9016982
File: 324 KB, 1098x2633, 1330023485962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you can. It's just a spectrum, not black and white.

>> No.9016985

Doesn't work with firefox 3.6.

Fuck damn it.

>> No.9016993


Nobody cares if it's "the last good Firefox [to you]". Standards are constantly changing, so update your browser.

>> No.9017000

Doesn't work for me either, even when I upgraded to Opera 12 beta, which the they said to do. I keep seeing this b.each error on the console. I suspect this cloudflare bullshit is what it breaking the scripts.

>> No.9017023

I dislike how Madotsuki keeps popping up in the mascot screen when I delete it. I don’t like such mutilation or gore.
Oh well, I guess I rarely have to change that.

>> No.9017027

I guess I could upgrade. But the new UI for versions 4+ is disgusting. Is there a way to get any FF4+ to look like 3.6?

>> No.9017032

Shit crashed for me so I'm back to regular X

>> No.9017033

Well, is it not just a matter of having the menu bar show, enabling the add-on bar, and disabling tabs on top?

>> No.9017043

I've been using netscape 7 for the last decade (don't ask why) but with the latest site update it's really annoying to have to manually switch to burichan every time I load a page. I guess I have to switch to a newer browser. firefox uses way too much memory though and I don't want to be part of the google botnet. what should I use?

>> No.9017047

Maybe Midori?

>> No.9017077

If you're using a *nix and like vi, try jumanji:

There's also surf from suckless, though they got bored of developing it.
uzbl too, but it takes some configuring.

As minimal as a graphical/GUI browser can get, really.

>> No.9017085

The default 4chan options that they added are very awesome. Makes it so I don't need to use third-party userscripts anymore. All I need is a nice stylesheet.

>> No.9017083

>firefox uses way too much memory though

It uses that memory for page caching. Reading from memory is faster than reading from a hard disk. If you hit the back button in Firefox, you go right there because it loads the page from memory. It's not any sort of bug and it's not "slowing your system down". If it bothers you, go to about:config and disable browser.cache.memory.enable.

>> No.9017108


Anything modern is fine as long as it's not Google's IE.

>> No.9017127

theres also luakit.
I used uzbl for a while and it has too many issues to really be used for main browsing.

I did eventually switch back to firefox.

>> No.9017257
File: 369 KB, 960x1166, scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dwb is another lightweight browser.

I personally use Firefox with Pentadactyl instead.

>> No.9017357

Can someone explain to me in nice, simple to understand terms what people mean by the ``google bot-net''?

>> No.9017377

It auto updates without prompting you, that's about it. You can disable that even, if you wanted.

>> No.9017437

Some of these issues aren't present in Chromium, the unbranded, open source version.

All of Google's services (which Chrome is tied into) are quite invasive, though. But if you're the kind of person who thinks "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" is a perfectly valid sentiment, then don't worry about it (seriously--not trying to be insulting).

>> No.9017458

Leave it to /g/ to use a term incorrectly

>> No.9018918

It was used as a partial joke about it being intrusive and sending out personal information to the point of it being like spyware.

A botnet is a collection of compromised computers, each of which is known as a 'bot', connected to the Internet. When a computer is compromised by an attacker, there is often code within the malware that commands it to become part of a botnet. The "botmaster" or "bot herder" controls these compromised computers via standards-based network protocols such as IRC and http

>> No.9018986

>rice, 4bloatX, ``mascots''
It's like I'm really on /g/ - Desktop Ricing & Browser Wars
