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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9013223 No.9013223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you playing Diablo 3 /jp/? Don't you know Reimu is in it?

>> No.9013231

Waiting for my physical copy.

>> No.9013238

I never played the first 2, I feel like if I started now, everyone would hate me because I had no clue what the fuck I was doing.

>> No.9013239

People still buy those? I hope you're at least getting the steel box version

>> No.9013242

It hasn't unlocked yet.

>> No.9013243

Do you play MOBA or RTS? They're pretty similar but with ARPGs being more friendly

>> No.9013247

Last I heard Diablo II required one specific build for each class or you'd get destroyed.

>> No.9013252

You can go through normal just fine with any build pretty much

>> No.9013250


>> No.9013255

Only really an issue in PvP, and even then it would depend on gear too

>> No.9013256

dont you just wanna help her lift those saggy tits?

>> No.9013285

she really could use some support

>> No.9013297

that's not entrirely true, but it is true that the most effective way to buils a character was to put 30points in each ability that you'd actually use )up to about 7, w/ 1 point in some auxilary abilities

this is something that bllizzard fixed by giving you all the skills and having them scale w/ you and improve more based on specialization

according to /v/ this makes your characters more the same and less customizable

>> No.9013298

I hope there's plenty of ways to grief people still.

>> No.9013299

You had to have a cookie cutter build to make it through Hell, but there was definitely more than one cookie cutter per class. I think between all 7 classes there were like 20 builds that could solo Hell untwinked without any particular shenanigans, and about 50 more that could solo Hell slowly and/or very carefully. Plus, once you got one character through Hell, you could farm items and twink your less cookie cutter builds to make them able to solo Hell too.

I have good memories of D2 overall because there were a lot of silly builds that were fun even if they weren't super tryhard like a hammerdin or whatever. I'm not too interested in what I've seen of D3 so far, though. I might pick it up in a few months once things calm down a bit.

>> No.9013349

Oh so she made it to the secret cow level

>> No.9013355

>in Diablo III

Really? Where?

>> No.9013356
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>> No.9013363

assassins weren't viable

sorcs could only be twinked (or w/ time looking for specific items, they could run straight through the game as frost but then the expansion made frost suck in Act 5 and lightning wasn't as good as frost or fire)

paladins were only useful in groups

that leaves druids (element, bear, wolf)

Barbs (I think they had 2)

Amazons had like 1 build, crossbow wasn't great and javelins were a joke

necros (pets and bone)

fortunately as much as /v/ would like to argue it a single player game, the reason it got famous was for being a good hack and slash w/ multiplayer

I'd honestly love it to see some /jp/sies on there, I plan to get it some time in the next couple weeks

back when I was a kid, I used to play with some kids from school, I also like how D3 will be harder to hack, no more +99 to all skills, and max all stats, including ones you dont have charms (charms were stat bonuses from carrying the item in your inventory for those who didn't play the game)

>> No.9013375

Female mage!

>> No.9013390

Because I played the beta and it was shitty. So buying a $60 game with no good prior impressions of it being good is silly.

>> No.9013394

Are you for real?
Diablo II lifewaster veteran here, and I actually think that 20 builds is less than the true number, though I'm unsure what he means by "twinked".

Why are you forgetting the most common/prevalent builds? You think javs is a joke? what?

You don't know what a hammerdin is?
You've never heard of a smiter?

Do you think that the builds which can do ubers are incapable of soloing Hell, or do you think that using a good build like Smiter means that you are "twinking" your character with good skill choices?

I don't understand your unique mix of uniformed arrogance and confusion.

>> No.9013396


If you think Paladins were only good in a group you must not have played after 1.10.

>> No.9013401

It's $60 and I am a cheapass.

>> No.9013411

hammerdins were the only real viable option for hell because of magic damage.

>> No.9013413

I have no idea why so many people are looking forward to this game. It's an unfinished product by a company that has made similar promises about adding in functions to their other games yet didn't follow through on them. I don't know which group within Blizzard worked on it, but as a whole they haven't released anything particularly good since TFT.

>> No.9013426


No. Just because you liked to pool all of your abilities into one type of damage doesn't mean the options weren't there. A sorc could easily skill for two elements of damage, combined with an act 2 merc would already be 3 different types of damage. Necromancers could get rid of almost any physical immunity and then kill them with skeletons/corpse explosion. I'm not going to go through each class but you get the idea.

>> No.9013427

sorry I was going through the viable builds that were the most fun,
hell I fucking loved playing as an assassin, and I just kept track of the ones that murdered everything in sight the fastest that I remembered,

and I did forget about hammerdins cause they were boring

hell last time I played I played as an assassin w/ my guild from the last mmo I was playing

no I haven't heard of a smiter, but I only played back in the really early days and then came back for a bit on LotD as a person who played seriously, other times were for fun

I sold a lot of characters and items

I plan to sell enough to pay for the game as I do w/ currencies in MMOs

also I do think of javelins as a joke, they didn't have the best aoe, and lacked alot of power compared to other classes

and by twinked I mean w/ items from stronger characters provided to you

and there's the whole fact that you can specialize into multiple builds within each of those depending on what skills you like

for instance: barbs probly really have infinite builds as they have tons of moves that scale well w/ levels, and paladins honestly never die, and are a great class, but they're just kind of boring

and the rest is probably me just forgetting stuff

>> No.9013433

Skidrow says it will be awhile yet, so I continue to wait.

>> No.9013451

it's a hack annd slash w/ multiple classes, good music and multiplayer if you just look at the good sides of it

bad sides are: not best graphics, no pvp (it would be retarded unbalanced even if they did add it), money for stuff (let's bliz get money for what was already a huge market in its predecessor) (upside for me since I plan to sell shit like I do in any online game), and small class selection (that's like my opinion)

that's what immediately comes to mind

>> No.9013470
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I enjoyed the beta but sometimes I wonder if the game is actually worth buying. There are some things I really don't like about it and I have no friends to play with either. I mean with all the complaints I feel like the game will just disappoint me in some way. It's not cheap either, not for me at least.

>> No.9013485

What's up with all the Blizzard fanboyism on /jp/? Sometimes I think it's not even ironic.


>> No.9013486
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Anyone want to play with me?

>> No.9013490

Activision please go.

Do not reply to Activision threads, do not buy Activision products. Resist your nostalgic feelings from when they weren't the worst game developers company 12 years ago.

>> No.9013491
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someone play hardcore with me

>> No.9013496


>> No.9013497

>paladins were only useful in groups



>> No.9013499
File: 188 KB, 850x850, 1334904403048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have friends? I dislike it when my friends have friends. I want me to be my friend's only friend.

>> No.9013494

No, fuck you

>> No.9013505

I meant for actually using their abilities and being fun not just sitting around and laughing at how you're fucking invincible and killing stuff slightly more slowly than other classes

>> No.9013515
File: 45 KB, 146x176, 1236408739528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your friend!

>> No.9013518

I have 0 friends.

>> No.9013522

alot of /jp/ would've probly really liked wc3 and wow as they're a great and very customizable rts for mods and a very generic mmo that has the best directed pve endgame fights, but lacks in other categories that many /jp/-ers have at least tried it

but really, just blame wc3's ability to have zillions of mods and shit

>> No.9013528
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>Do you have friends?

>> No.9013530

Friends of friends always creates weird situations.

Personally I was going to play with 3 of my old highschool friends but it looks like one of them is getting his girlfriend to play, so I'll probably be going solo

>> No.9013535

I use noko+sage!

>> No.9013532
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People with no friends and don't sage tend to be very shitty people.

>> No.9013539

but what if they just using da nokosage?

>> No.9013540

Having friends always leads to disappointment and sadness. If you have them now you should get rid of them quickly.

>> No.9013542

What he said.

>> No.9013559

I assure you that the best players find Javelins among the very strongest of highend builds, with their preferred build-specific items being some of the most expensive within player to player trades.

With their strong scaling, extreme compatibility with readily available pierce modifiers, and multitude of good high level unique javelins, only carefully optimized and overpowered classes like hammerdin/smiter with enigma outpace and outdamage them at the highest levels of gearing.

I would also like to assure you that whatever semblance of knowledge you feel you have gained by testing classes for how "fun" they are in casual play is completely without truth in reality or value.

>> No.9013555

Why don't you filthy nokosagers just buttbuddy up already? I'll be waiting for my true 0 friends saging /jp/sie playment.

>> No.9013561

You don't need to sage all your posts. They're looking for people to play with so bumping and bringing attention to them is fine.

Unless you're a tripfagging avatarfag. Go Fucking die.

>> No.9013562
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I meant playmate.

>> No.9013573
File: 51 KB, 282x284, 1336165397938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, are we playing or what?

Is someone going to be man enough to post their steam ID?

>> No.9013580

people take a game that easy to chat in as hardcore?

>> No.9013601

>post their steam ID
Aha! I knew you had friends you dirty liar.

>> No.9013618

I'd post my profile to show you my 0 friends but I'm too nervous.

>> No.9013626

I guess I see your point, their long range and and techniques would probably put them years ahead of other classes especially once you're in hellmode where it's get 2 shot or run, and I meant classes that were good at hellmode soling while being fun and having versatility in aoe and and single target

I actually don't know why I don't like javelinzons other than their terrible low levels, kiting as one is probably takes more thought than any other class in the game, but I really called them a joke for how bad they are at the start, it takes a long time for them to clear the start and takes about the same time as any other ranged class to clear the end, I just don't think they are worth the effort

>> No.9013639

Keep backtracking slut. "Being fun"? You're not even trying to make sense any more.

>> No.9013640
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Just do it.

>> No.9013644

Just wait for the cracked servers to come out, that way you won't need to deal with that steam shit.

>> No.9013648

well anyways, I plan to get it in a week, could anyone who's playing it or played the beta tell me which is more fun for a first playthrough:

wizard or monk?

I chose them because they have the prettiest female models.

>> No.9013649

Are you being stupid on purpose?

>> No.9013647

The game isn't even on Steam.

>> No.9013653

I'm going with wizard since fist weapons seem boring visually.

>> No.9013657

Do you read children's books for epic storylines as well?

>> No.9013659

No, but I sure play Diablo for the cool looking loot.

>> No.9013670

Uhh, they don't even bother reskinning the items between different qualities. I don't know how you can continue eating shit.

>> No.9013678

Damn that artist makes saggy tits look so nice.

I think the reason I hate real saggy tits is because they aren't rounded at the bottom like his are.

>> No.9013682

Client still downloading...

1 hour left...

>> No.9013700

because I have no money and it's not pirateable

>> No.9013724

ouch, I pay for all my games by using money from online games, but I've been doing that since high school so I had my parents' money as a starting point and it let me play games through college, now it doesn't even matter, but it keeps a limit on how much time I blow on online games compared to reading and other games

>> No.9013725

but I am playing Diablo 3

>> No.9013743

Says who? Crack is in the works.

>> No.9013757

It might be more challenging since actibliz could have made some elements only present on server-side, with the no-lan and all. I still have confidence in the cracking groups though.

What I would have loved to have seen is a cracked version before release date, which would have been a gigantic fuck-you to actibliz.

>> No.9013761

Seems like the method talked about most right now is to just emulate the server locally.

>> No.9013791

>The servers are busy at this time
>The servers are busy at this time
>The servers are busy at this time
>The servers are busy at this time
>The servers are busy at this time
>The servers are busy at this time
>The servers are busy at this time

>> No.9013798

You expected something else? Have you even played WoW, where queues to get in during normal timings can still take hours? Fucking blizz fanboys don't even know their own games.

>> No.9013801

I played WoW for several thousand hours, so yes I am aware that Blizzard a shit.

>> No.9013808

I see no Reimu in diablo 3

>> No.9013817
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>> No.9013825

Go back to /v/.

>> No.9013832

I was kind of looking forward to this game, but the beta was so boring. There isn't really anything fun about levelling up. I would've liked talent trees, or stat points to spend, or something.

>> No.9013851

I don't buy video games.

>> No.9013856

computer games are for faggot nerds

>> No.9013858

Thank you for your valuable opinion. We hope to receive more of this!

>> No.9013869

plz subscribe to my twitter

>> No.9013958
File: 215 KB, 596x797, 54a477e1b307ff9a6f9f63d0a457ca01..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about raymoo, is Sanae in it?

>> No.9013968
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what a baka

>> No.9013972


Please, Blizzard doesn't want the game to have an 18+ rating.

>> No.9014012

Someone post their battletag so I can post mine.

>> No.9014026


>> No.9014027

Achievement Unlocked: Fail to login over three thousand times.

>> No.9014035

I got in at 6 and 8 CEST without any problems... and right now, It's still no problem.
You guys sure you chose the yurop servers?

>> No.9014039

Were we supposed to be playing on the Europe servers?

>> No.9014044
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Diablo 3 rated M by CERO

>> No.9014047


>> No.9014050

oh right, American servers are live since 9 CEST? Sort of funny that even after the Asia and Europe desasters there are still issues. That was the biggest blunder so far. The game is fun though

>> No.9014060

ryklin#1750 US

we should really just like get rid of this,

I'm starting a thread on http://4-ch.net/games/

this way our thread stops pissing off fellow /jp/sies

>> No.9014690

I played the 1st one maybe 8 years after it was released, then fell asleep playing 2. Diablo 3? yeah..nah.

>> No.9014907

I want to have them rest on my chest

>> No.9014925

It's almost summertime and that means WATER BALLOONS.

Here we see Reimu and Sanae attempting to use them as pads. Silly girls.

>> No.9014949

Diablo 2 is an overrated piece of crap

>> No.9014973
File: 189 KB, 500x555, 1336434309421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diable isn't /jp/ material.
Reimu is NOT in it.
Why is this thread still here?

>> No.9014977

Because half of the thread has to do with reimus BAGS OF SAND

>> No.9014995


"Touhou picture in the OP means it is /jp/ related."

- nsj

>> No.9014997
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But I am , lvl 13 DH atm

>> No.9015005
File: 537 KB, 1286x825, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because i'm playing Diablo 2 on vnet.
Why aren't you playing the superior Diablo instead?

>> No.9015024

NSJ is playing d3 and wants atleast one thread of it up on /jp/. Just goes to show what kind of stupid jewish janitor he is.

>> No.9015031

I'm waiting for Torchlight 2. I played a bit of the beta and I am very impressed with how more the combat is fleshed out.

>> No.9015033

I'm not gonna play it. Short, easy, online only, les ability to customize, 4 players vs 8, looks like shit, no mods, et cetera.

>> No.9015035

actually it's more of a is it not a meta-thread from the op kinda thing

if you want a meta thread you just have to post 3 times pretending to be 3 different people and change the topic into your desired meta-thread,

and hell, like 50% of the posts in here are diablo 3 related, and I tried to move it to 4ch

>> No.9015039

Used to play WoW, gave up with Cata.

Its ok when you have people to play with but it gets very boring and they kept fucking with the classes.

>> No.9015042

online only
no thx

>> No.9015072
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my monk after 5ish hours of play. the game's alright, but it's way too easy.

>> No.9015077

at least that's a reasonable preference, alot of people are saying that it doesn't match diablo 2,
it goes out and tries to improve on what diablo 2 was, but that doesn't make it not a a hack and slash, and now they're complaining about a game that was remembered for its replay value on /v/ about game duration in the sequel to a game that was speed-ran in less than 1 hour

it's like they're expecting a new kirby game to become the best game ever,

If a series has always been simple, but fun games that one could easily and reasonably claim to be overpriced, why look for other arguements?

I'm enjoying it because I know I'll probably be able to play through it again and have fun playing a hack and slash with future netfriends and stuff, but I see no problem w/ others not wanting to buy it.

Also blizzard went online only cause it really is the only way to make a game secure, because they aren't retarded and they know what hamachi is.
