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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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900662 No.900662 [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing with your lives, /jp/?

>> No.900663

Studying Aikido.

>> No.900676

Wasting it on nothingness. Jesus Christ. Why don't I get up and do something productive with my life.

>> No.900677

nothing much just 4channing on my blog

>> No.900683


>> No.900684

Writing a novel,
coding a cryptoarchiver,
posting on a at 4 am...

>> No.900692

Absolutely nothing and just waiting to end thyself.

>> No.900702

I've been browsing /jp/ and playing touhou and watching animu for the 6 hours that I've been up. And I plan to til I go to bed.

>> No.900698


>> No.900727


>> No.900753

Teaching english to little French girls.

>> No.900755

Teaching English to little French girls.

>> No.900757

sounds horrible

>> No.900760


GTFO /a/tard

>> No.900783


>> No.900781
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I have a plan for my life, and the money and skills necessary for it to make it happen.

For the past few years I have been "taking it easy" as a NEET though. I think I can afford to do this for a little longer.

>> No.900784

It's /a/sshole, you idiot.

>> No.900802

its summer. fuck off

>> No.900820

Not really. we never really decided on a word for /a/. In /b/ it's /b/tards. In /v/ it's /v/irgins. But on /a/ we call it wee/a/boos, /a/ssholes, /a/tards, etc...

>> No.900831



No, we didn't, not ever. Get out.

>> No.900833

You're at least six hours too early, op.

>> No.900844


i called them f/a/gs becuz they aint cool as us /jp/tards.

>> No.900859

This thread has taught me that watching anime means that frequent /a/.

>> No.900867

I am a NEET and I think I'll stay this way for at least another five years.

>> No.900875

/a/tard has NEVER been acceptable. /a/non is the usual one, or sometimes /a/sshole.

Fuck, most of /jp/ is FROM old /a/ anyways, why do I need to state this shit?

>> No.900886
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>becuz they aint
Holy shit, get out.

>> No.900885

I haven't done French since High School. How long did it take for you to get to that level?

>> No.900892

you don't need to know the language of the country in which you teach English.

>> No.900895


>> No.900899

I'm taking advantage of the summer to deal with inner mental issues, and to be a hikki. Other than that, I'm getting the schooling I need, I have a plan for life, and everything is looking pretty swell.

>> No.900907

no really

>> No.900908

Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.

>> No.900917

Reported for board rivalry. Real mature guys. Real mature...

>> No.900921


Because summer, and trolls.

>> No.900932

Reading to myself inside of a glass jar with a cork lid on it with a desk, chair, more books, and other stuff inside it with me.

>> No.900937

I think you might want to consider your air supply.

>> No.900940

Have no job or schooling right now, pretty much doing nothing. I had a notion of becoming a policeman but I'm having some reservations about it. I don't want to have a type of job where most of my time is going to be taken up by it.

>> No.900948


Not the guy you responded to, but I'll explain, as the teacher of the aforementioned French lolis.

You will have to excuse my vagueness as it is way past bedtime for me.

For most of the 20th century, the common approach to language teaching was to translate the student's first language directly into the second one, and to teach them that way. So, for example, to teach a French person English vocabulary, you'd teach them "pomme is apple" and shit.

Towards the end of the 20th century a bunch of guys basically realised that this was a bad thing, because it meant that nomatter how good the students got, they'd always be thinking in their original language first and translating as they went. So someone came up with the idea of teaching language to someone as if they didn't know ANY LANGUAGES AT ALL; like a child would learn. Rather than associating "apple" with its equivalent in French or whatever, they'd actually show an apple, or let the student touch an apple, while learning the word "apple."

>> No.900949

who's that?

>> No.900950

The examples I used are for vocabulary, but it applies across the board.

There is a very strong case for it being the best method of learning a language, especially when it comes to grammar. However, it is an OH SO CONVENIENT CONSEQUENCE of this being the "prevailing" language learning method that we can have a booming private sector where people become qualified in teaching their OWN first language, then travel around the world to countries they've never even been to teaching it to people there.

In short, there's truth to it. It's a good method. But it's also a product of convenience so that the rest of the world has a constant supply of English teachers, and so that people like me can fill those vacancies without having to learn another language before I go anywhere.

For those who had no idea somehow; this is also a really, really good method of getting to Japan, if you so desire. There are so many opportunities in Japan, China, Korea and Vietnam right now that it's not even funny; they can't recruit enough teachers to fill the vacancies.

>> No.901015

no need, i can breath in my own loneliness ...

now im sad ;__;

>> No.901034

tl;dr, It's called building a language center.

>> No.901044

Sorry, but that's not being a hikikomori.

>> No.901128

I quit work in April to write a book. Yeah, I'm that stupid. I spend a few hours a day writing, the rest of the time browsing /jp/, Animenation, and playing Oblivion

>> No.901135

Putting silly Touhou-related updates on my website.

>> No.901166

Sup Az

>> No.901167


>> No.901190

I used to rule the world; seas would rise when I gave the word.
Every morning I sleep alone,sweep the streets I used to own.

>> No.901240

drawing cows

>> No.901241

working my ass off so someday I can buy one of you. You will be my monkey-boy. we will have the best of times.

>> No.901250

Will you be a moe master?

>> No.901254

Be my ojousama, Anonymous? <3

>> No.901262
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>What are you doing with your lives, /jp/?
Trying to move ahead in my present company? No.
Furthering my education? No.
Dating? No.
Eating well? No.
Exercising? No.


>> No.901264


I hope you like theighhighs.

>> No.901266


perfect explanation of my situation in japan.
except i know japanese, and my boss doesnt even know it

>> No.901281


>> No.901288

People in /a/ are called /a/nons.
Deal with it.

>> No.901295

Being a NEET, claiming job seekers allowence and then spending it all on figures and other shit

>> No.901301
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>> No.901303

I will never find a significant other.

I came to 4chan initially escape this crushing reality, and talk about animu and mango in an environment that wasn't animesuki. Yet everywhere I look on 4chan these days i *am* being constantly reminded of this crushing reality. Anonymous never used to talk about his girlfriend or what position he prefers in bed, did he? Anonymous didn't used to chat with 'femanon' about what the best dating tactics were at a club? Anonymous didn't used to call somebody a 'weeaboo' for advising someone to watch Cowboy Bebop.... Or did he?

I mean, is it me, or is 4chan now just a place for pretty 'cool' people to hang out and chat about sex, relationships and partying?

I feel at home with you guys though.

You and me.

We're the same...

>> No.901310

Presenting myself as a mildly successful academically oriented student while secreted harboring recurring crushing depression, intense neurosis and unhealthy obsession over my physical flaws and past mistakes, worrying intensely about a vague career in writing that I'm not sure I want to do, neurotic tendencies, mental crumbling over stress, fits of day dreaming escapism into fantasy worlds to get away, an increasing snappy temper, virginity, and a sad hopeless romanticism in that I believe in true love and saving yourself in the hopes of giving yourself in your entirety to the one you love (which no one else believes these days anyway).

Also I browse 4chan.

But I'm fine, anonymous, how are you?

>> No.901311

I love you.

>> No.901312

I wait for the kiddies to go to sleep

>> No.901321

Except for the virginity part and the temper, I'm with you 100% Anon. I turn my rage inward, probably burning myself up from the inside. It's not healthy but what to do?

>> No.901323

Have you been lurking in /b/ or something? I haven't seen much of that in /jp/.

>> No.901325


>> No.901328


fuck, spelling error due to tiredness

>> No.901335

Did you lose your virginity to your sister, cousin etc.?

If not, get out.

>> No.901338

On the other hand, crippling depressing and broodiness are often important aspects attributed to many writers, so I may be on the right path after all.

I forgot that one! Turning my anger in on myself has been a staple for me in forming intense self-loathing!

>> No.901340

Sitting on my ass all day at home, I wish I could get out more. I really enjoy the scenery, it's so much more beautiful outside than inside my plain room. I wish to move somewhere where the weather is nice and where it actually SNOWS in the winter. That probably won't happen though, because I have no money.

>> No.901341

Haven't actively lurked /b/ for over a year now (discounting just clicking on it once in a while).

I'm talking more about /r9k/, the sheer volume of threads about people having copious sex or in relationships just irk me a little, well, not so much irk. But it genuinely feels like they're invading OUR territory. /v/ isn't so bad as it's just 100% trolling, and /a/, for all their flaws, still wouldn't tolerate OPs girlfriend. But I still get the impression the rest of the boards are populated by (with perhaps the exception of /a/) socially well adjusted people with girlfriends, active sex lives and who would find the idea of a 20 year old virgin quite shocking. So every night I retreat to /jp/, it's like my hole.

>> No.901344


/a/ has camwhores and relationship threads now, and /r9k/ is just /b/ with a raging superiority complex

get out you're tainted

>> No.901345


Haha. 20 year virgin!

2 more years... ;_;

>> No.901350

>Did you lose your virginity to your sister, cousin etc.?
Nope. I slept with the same girl for six years. After the first year, we moved in together. I actually broke up with her, even though I knew the chances of ever finding another girl would be almost zero. Yanderes are not fun in real life.

>> No.901354

/jp/ needs a shrink.


>> No.901355

Well done! The inward anger is better. It totally disables you while leaving others puzzled for your disinterest and lethargy.

>> No.901356

hello /b/ tell me about your girlfriend

>> No.901358

>and /a/, for all their flaws, still wouldn't tolerate OPs girlfriend.

Not true.
There have been camwhores on /a/, and not too long ago there were a few kids from /a/ here talking about their girlfriend troubles.

Anyway, get out.

>> No.901360

>/a/ has camwhores and relationship threads now

Are you fucking serious? I haven't seen any....

>> No.901362

I would do something with my life, if only I had some sort of idea of what to do.

>> No.901364


These threads will attract nothing but shit in the summer.

>> No.901365

Summer /a/, full of normalfags and idiots.

>> No.901369

Who cares about significant others? Who cares about social life? I'm alone and happy about it. Why can't everyone be happy!

Happy is a good thing. HAPPY.

>> No.901378

>Except for the virginity part and the temper, I'm with you 100% Anon
>virginity part

You will never be like me.

>> No.901381


It's not just summer. /a/ is like that year round. I don't know why the fuck we have people here who still go there, what the fuck is wrong with them.

>> No.901385

Yeh, you're happy until you have it rubbed in your face.

You know this and I know it.

You can be as normal as you want on the outside, go to college, do your essays and hand them in on time and so on. But the truth is, it eats away inside of you like a fucking parasite when you're reminded of it.

And the worst people are the advicefags, thinking about them now makes my blood boil.... That 'GAR Expert' cuntrag from /a/, or those faggots from /r9k/.... Their self-imagined posturing, their delusions, their inane narcissism that all it takes to fix this is a mythical tonic of 'confidence'.

God I'm a scrawny piece of shit but I'd love to break their noses in.

>> No.901394

This thread reminds me of good ol' pre-split disfunctional /a/.

>> No.901397

Geass was the coup de grace in my opinion. I mean, at least with the Haruhi and Lucky Star shit it produced some funny moment (people obsessing over their favourite characters - that namefag who always spoke about Haruhi in broken English....). But Geass doesn't produce anything like that, it's not even entertainment on a really base and stupid level (i.e. 'this is so quick paced and fun!') It's just absolute, festering SHIT.

>> No.901403

Have a nice day, Anonymous! ~<3

>Yanderes are not fun in real life.

>> No.901411

lol, it's actually more acceptable from colombia because he's one of the few tripfags that readily admits he is as pathetic as the rest of us.

You know there are tripfags from /a/ now that are 'hooking up'? I SHIT YOU NOT!

>> No.901418

>And the worst people are the advicefags, thinking about them now makes my blood boil.
Why do they make your blood boil?

>> No.901414


Speak for yourself. You're ronery, I get it. Not everyone is. I want nothing to do with real people. I have time, the internet, and isolation. I need nothing more to be happy.

A fuckton of money would be a nice bonus, though.

>> No.901419

> > Yanderes are not fun in real life.
> Details.
Well, you start to worry for your own personal safety for one. Just before bed, I would go to our kitchen and check the wooden block which held the knives. I would pay particular attention to ensure that all eight slots for the steak knives were filled.

>> No.901420

Just remember anonymous...in the end....we have each other.

>> No.901428


Don't encourage him. We don't need girlfriend bullshit in here. Take that to /b/ or /r9k/ if you want.

>> No.901432

She loved you, right? Why worry about that?

>> No.901434


Fucking truth, all the threads are is that fish repost, spinzaku and them being fags for lelouche. Fuck I hate Geass

>> No.901442

Don't worry. If I ever said anything that gave her away, she would be so angry for me disclosing things about our relationship that she would hunt me down and kill me. Sometimes having a strange last name (where you are the *only* *one* in a multi-million person white pages is bad).

>> No.901445

Because it lowers the tone of any ronery thread (yeh, yeh I know...) and the only purpose in people doing it is to get an ego boost of being 'Mr. I-Know-All-The-Answers'. Also, a lot of the tripfags are of the 'HURRR I DEFY THE 4CHAN STEREOTYPE! SHIT WAS SO CASH!' kind.

And finally.

Telling people they've 'gotta be [themselves]' or 'gotta have confidence' is not advice. It's just spewing out buzzwords.

It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of those faggots telling people that they've gotta be 'confident' only ended up in a relationship by luck anyway, and they want to decieve themselves into thinking that chance played no role, and it was all their 'smooth charisma' or something.

fucking faggots.

all need to die.

>> No.901452

Yeah, she did love me. Christ.

Maybe I should take up drinking as a hobby.

>> No.901456

I find normalfags/newfags increasingly difficult to tolerate and put up with. I can put up with them for a few hours at a time, but I really need a break afterwards. Even in places where you expect to find fewer of them they appear everywhere. You think they might be suppressing, but then you realise that they have nothing to suppress.

This is the problem with being raised/cultured by the internet. Of course even on the net there's no escape, what with Summer and all. At least Futaba/2ch/and the likes at least has a smaller problem of geographic dispersal. They also seem to have fewer raging newfags, but maybe that's just my perception.

>> No.901458


Remember that bitch that used to come here and post that "It's not to late to change your hikki ways" picture and dole out "advice"? Shit made me rage so hard.

>> No.901463

Maybe you're weak-minded. Only incredibly witty or stinging insults even give my stride a pause, and even then only to compliment them on their wit! All you need to do is have a steel will. It's better than submitting to that beast.

>> No.901469

>Telling people they've 'gotta be [themselves]' or 'gotta have confidence' is not advice. It's just spewing out buzzwords.
So very much 2nd'd.

Henry Ford said something like "Whether you think you can or think you can, you're probably right". But how can you change your thoughts? Trust me, I've been trying to see the upside of decades.

>> No.901471
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>> No.901467


I love you Anon

>> No.901474

I miss that gif.

>> No.901479

Yep, but seriously. Even she wasn't as bad as the /a/ tripfags. I mean, at least we got her to consider the possibility of delicious incest.

I mean, you've got people called, for serious, 'GARmerican Legend' on /a/ now.... I'm not even joking.




>> No.901484


And she was trying to 'help' her brother or some shit and started having Misaki as a trip?

>> No.901485

Is there a website for these English teaching abroad programs (other than JET)?

>> No.901480

think you can or think you CAN'T

>> No.901491

So what exactly did she do? Short-tempered? Extremely clingy? I'd like to know what's so bad about being clingy because it doesn't SOUND bad.

>> No.901492

thank you.

>> No.901498

best thing to come out of /b/

>> No.901504


Yeah, that one. Always encouraging us to hug our sisters and shit, even though most of our sisters are either bloated whales or live somewhere else.

>> No.901506

>GARmerican Legend

Holy fucking shit

>> No.901507

How can you change your thoughts? Think about that notion, man. You can think your own thoughts without any real opposition- but opposition from yourself.

Maybe it's just me. I've had to live with opposition to independent thought, that thing in the pit of my mind. But it can't dominate me, all it's served as is practice to making a better life for myself. I don't have friends, I've got no job, so what? I'm happy anyway.

>> No.901510

I liked Cirno.

>> No.901520

because he wasn't a posturing, arrogant fucktard who thinks an anime imageboard needs a social hierarchy.

>> No.901527


Ah, I see what you mean. The reason I asked is because I'm more or less an advicefag myself. I don't do it here on 4chan, but I do it in other places. It bothers me to think that I probably insulted people rather than help them. I honestly don't know what to do differently though.

>> No.901539
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yep, GAR expert is in /a/ right now in fact. Responding to a questionaire thread and being cancerous in general.

>> No.901541

Don't give them advice and let them learn from their experience.

>> No.901548

Giving advice is an instinct to help people feel better. Would you rather have left them to wallow in their loneliness instead of stepping in and at least trying to do something?

>> No.901549


>Extremely clingy?

Add to this incredibly jealous of any girl of roughly reproductive age that was within 50 meters of me. And she could never be left alone: Without someone next to her, she'd sort of have no frame of reference and go mad, as if she did not exist as an independent person.

Add intimidation, yelling, personal putdowns, lying, deceit, self-aggrandisement, delusions of grandeur -- and that would be just one day.

>> No.901553

GAR expert is alright.

>> No.901554

Solid proof that /a/ has turned into g/a/ia, /a/nimesuke, n/a/rutofan, etc.

>> No.901555

I want to fucking kill that piece of shit.

>> No.901563


No, he's really not

>> No.901566

I think he's Johnny Yong fucking Bosch in disguise

>> No.901567


Go back to /a/.

And take the guy posting the screenshot and the dudes making it all /b/ up in here with you.

>> No.901569
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>> No.901561

Giving advice to those unable to use it is pointless.

It frustrates you and makes those receiving it even more desparate.

>> No.901570

You can advicefag and be a decent person at the same time. It's just that a lot of people turn it into ego-massaging, e.g. 'yeh, u gotta have confidence! for example, when i met my 28th girlfriend i said "HEY BABY! WANNA TAKE A RIDE IN MY ROCKET SHIP? AND BY ROCKET SHIP I MEAN DICK?"'

Effectively, just tell people to do things for themselves if you're actually serious about it.

If somebody who is fat wants to work out for example. Their primary motivation should be for THEMSELVES!

You shouldn't give people advice, tell them to radically change their lifestyle on the hypothetical possibility that they may get a girlfriend as a result. That's just... asinine. These things fall into place gradually.

Not saying you're like that mind.

>> No.901582

sup GAR expert.

>> No.901576

That's not incredibly dangerous. Simply kind of self-destructive. Sometimes, I think I'm a bit closer to the murderous yandere. Causing suffering for pleasure tickles some little monster in the pit of my mind, and it asks for more. All of these yukkuri torture threads has gotten it's interest, actually.

I won't let it control me, though. It doesn't get to do that.

>> No.901586


I think you have SHIKI inside you

>> No.901589

You said there was dere, Anon. Where is the dere?

>> No.901598

Well, fuck. I was hoping to get somebody that's less of a slut.

>> No.901600

I try to disregard some of his faggotry because he did a couple of not fail things in the past. I haven't been to /a/ in months so I don't know how much worse he now though.

>> No.901607

>he did a couple of not fail things in the past.

what exactly?

>> No.901611

I wish we had old /a/ back so I wouldn't have to be in this backwater forum reading people bitch about new /a/.

>> No.901614

Well there was this one Kaiji thread.

>> No.901617


>> No.901622


>> No.901628

Well, I did say that we were together for six years. Whenever I reached the breaking point and started to think about breaking up with her, she'd somehow be able to sense it and she'd flip right around.
Suddenly, I became the most wonderful person in the world and just the sight of me would make her go all weak. She'd do whatever I wanted and often without me even having to ask for it. It would be just like when we first started dating. Amazing. Those pink backgrounds with white translucent bubbles you see in the anime are true.

It took me six long years, but I finally realized that I couldn't get the dere without the yan. They belonged to the same girl.

>> No.901630

Well there was that one time he e-raped Remilia.

>> No.901632

I don't know if I can do that. If there's despair within my reach, I want to do something about it, even if it's only to make them forget for a second. It's not that I'm a good person. I'm actually the opposite. I just don't want to be reminded and despairers are in the way of that. If they can stop being sad, then I can forget I'm sad. This probably doesn't make a lick of sense, but whatever....

>> No.901638

Are you honestly expecting me to remember a couple of posts made by a tripfag that I don't even really care for?

>> No.901644

The cycle has to stop somewhere, and hikkikomoris aren't good at relying on other people! Be happy sometimes. Even if you have no reason to be happy, try. You might surprise yourself!

>> No.901647

No one here is complaining about the new /a/.

>> No.901648

Usually, when people look at me, they're just looking at a facade. How I look at any given moment is a direct reflection of the people around me. If I stick out too much, someone might approach me. I can't let that happen. If I'm in a group of loud people, I'll be loud too. If everyone else is laughing at crude jokes, I'll laugh as well. I was always changing, like a chameleon, just so I could keep away from small talk. But one of the most amazing feelings is being with a girl who can see straight through that facade. She knows you dislike small talk, so she avoids confronting you. And yet, she's always nearby, in case you feel like having a menial conversation about the weather, or how the leaves look gently drifting to the ground. She knows that you don't want other people's help, so she'll try to stay out of the way. But when you're down, she'll be the first one to hold out her hand. When you walk in the park during autumn, she wouldn't ask if she could tag along with you, rather, she'd just walk alongside you without consent, without a word. She wouldn't say anything, but she would lightly hold your arm, and give a gentle smile toward you. And as you walked in the cool, brisk afternoon with her, leaves falling around you like snow, you'd feel your stress, your worries, and your fears slowly melt away. Your mouth would slowly tug at its corners, a sensation that you may have long forgotten. You'd take a look at her face, the warm face that was smiling at the simple treasure of life itself. And after all this time, you could finally feel yourself returning a genuine smile as well.

>> No.901649

I remember this one thread where GAR_Expert tried to convince everyone that Asuka was just tsundere with hilaaarious results.

>> No.901652

Well, I love Conan since he trolled that furfag back in the day so I ignore his faggotry. Also, my undying hope that Buki Buki will return to save us and lead us to a golden age remains after all this years so I guess I can't call you a fucktarded faggot.

>> No.901654

Who gives a shit? Stop talking about him like he's a regular feature faggot. I'd honestly trade TonberryKing for that piece of shit.

>> No.901661

GAR_Expert is much better than that faggot was.

>> No.901669

Conan is awesome because he edits Strange Kind of Woman.

>> No.901670
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I think I found a picture of you.

>> No.901673

Yeh, sure he was......

GAR Expert is a normalfag, an advicefag, a shit poster and a general faggot to boot.

>> No.901684

I don't think pretending to be GAR irl makes you a normalfag. I doubt he's actually an unvirgin. Tonberryking was bad and you should feel bad for wanting him over ANYBODY. Even foodanime was better than he was.

>> No.901685


no, no he isnt

>> No.901700
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>Bawwwww /a/ moves too fast so I can no longer be the center of attention.

The only thing I hate more than /b/ cancer is the people bitching about /b/ cancer. Protip: with the exception of /b/ none of the boards on 4chan became bad. 4chan just became old. What was unique and funny in 2004 is no longer funny nowadays. The templates that we've created for 4chan is old.

For example: "Get back to gaia, tl;dr, lurk moar, sauce, I love lolis and incest." It just got old. And no I'm not just talking about the memes. I'm talking about the Futaba software, I'm talking about the win threads, etc...

Despite all of that, I'll never stop posting on /a/. I've been on /a/ for almost 4 years now. My first post was in 2004. Do you seriously believe I can drop /a/ for /jp/ a board that doesn't even follow the topics that I care about. /jp/ is only good for 5 or more visual Novels. Then it's dead. /a/ on the other hand has endless potential. Yesterday i just watched Gunbuster and Diebuster. Shit was so cash. But let me guess, you're a dumbfuck from /b/ who doesn't care about animu. Amirite?

>> No.901705

TonberryKing was a faggot, but he was the obligatory faggot back when /a/ wasn't as shit in general. And the way he so blatantly considered /a/ to be his blog was kind of funny in a way.

GAR Expert is a festering disease upon /a/.

This is a guy who is hooking up with a fellow tripfag, and tried to arrange an impromptu dating thread once in the middle of a ronery thread.

I mean seriously, there's only so many facepalms I can take in this world.

>> No.901706


Normalfag doesn't actually have to include normality. It's more about the internet posturing and shitposting. It really doesn't matter whether or not you have a girlfriend or whatever as long as you're not fucking talking about it on 4chan. It's not as if in those halcyon days of yore everyone was a severely fucked up ronery basement dweller. Even back then there were unvirgins and people that were relatively "normal" offline, but they were also proper 4channers so you wouldn't know it.

tl;dr the truth means nothing, the act alone defines the faggotry

>> No.901710

>This is a guy who is hooking up with a fellow tripfag, and tried to arrange an impromptu dating thread once in the middle of a ronery thread.
Wait, seriously? I take back what I said about gar expert being alright.

>> No.901709

You had me with you until "shit was so cash".

>> No.901716

The cycle will end with me. My favourite thing about myself is that I can feel everyone else's failure, but I can't feel mine. Everything is so simpler that way. If I take in all of the bad things (sadness, anger, hopelessness) away from everyone else and just hide it away in my mind's corner, life would be peachy. I won't see anything bad so I won't feel anything bad. Making me happy when others aren't would just freak me out.

>> No.901717

> also proper [ ] so you
Proper WHAT?!

>> No.901719
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I think yandere is a much better subject than some maggot that nobody cares about. Let's describe the horrible insanity we have and how we throw thin facades of normality over deep-seated psychosis!

>> No.901720


7/10, you have potential. You had me for quite a bit.

>> No.901723

Planning to become go into video game design so that I can see all my hopes and dreams get crushed into ashes. And if that doesn't happen, more power to me.

Well, even considering all that, I think I'm pretty much set. I don't really care about confidence or anything of the sort, but I also don't think there's anything really worth worrying about at all.

There's no point in getting too caught up in the moment that you lose sight of anything else.

>> No.901729


and what do you mean "even food anime"? He was the best of the bunch. I miss food anime.

>> No.901733

Fail more.

Threads like that have always been excepted on /a/. I recall making threads like that in Spring of 2005 and they were some of the biggest threads of their time. As long as nobody is talking about their girlfriends then it's fine.

>> No.901734


Haha. It'd be nice if I was a moe little girl.

>> No.901735

That's blinding yourself and hiding from it, and it's extremely unhealthy. I mentioned earlier that horrible monsters can grow in the pit of your mind, and they feed on the stuff you hide in the corner.

The real test is to have the willpower to take on all of the horribly wrong things in your life and still smile.

>> No.901736

I'm a miserable little pile of secrets.

>> No.901737

I meant food anime sucked.

>> No.901741

Get back to gaia
tl;dr: lurk moar
also sauce, because I love lolis and incest

>> No.901742

>first post was in 2004
>yesterday I watched Gunbuster and Diebuster

One of these things is not like the other~
One of htese things is a DIRTY FUCKING LIE.

>> No.901744

Yes seriously, and it's with a fellow posturing moron: Meru.

And yeh, he tried to start some dating thing. It was just pitiful to watch, it's really funny to actually just wade into a thread and subtly troll him, that's when you get proof he IS actually a normalfag as he gets butthurt and says stuff like 'lol ill bet ur still ronery though, at least im not.'

>> No.901747


>allow me to ignore what was actually said and hastily erect a random strawman to tear down before I rationalize why I love the second shittiest board on 4chan

Okay, great, no one cares. If you like shit, please go continue to wallow in it and stay out of here.

>> No.901748

this thread went downhill.

>> No.901754

Thanks for reminding me why I abandoned /a/ in 2005 and never looked back.

>> No.901755

I've almost forgotten about Meru. God dammit.

>> No.901758
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I meant to say rewatched.

>> No.901761


Do you enjoy being wrong?

>> No.901759

It's not the thread itself.

It's GAR Expert's cringe inducing replies.

>> No.901767

But I'm not wrong.

>> No.901765

Oh, she's still around, even has a blog she advertises on /a/.

>> No.901774


Holy shit Meru's still around?

>> No.901777


The thread itself is pretty shitty, though.

Of course look at the thread I'm saying this in, but seriously.

>> No.901772

....I forgive you.

>> No.901779


Just fuck off already, please.

>> No.901780

Meru's a girl? Fuck, I hate her even more now.
New /a/ actually accepted a female tripfag without sagebombing/ignoring all her threads?

>> No.901795

Well, they've accepted her, femanon of houston, triperotica (until some guy posted all her pics) and GhostNia... All of whom have featured in 'post your own pic' threads.

>> No.901796



>> No.901791

Don't you think that's too much? I've lived this way ever since I was in grade school. I know every way to maneuver around disappointment so it doesn't bother me as much anymore. It keeps me productive. In fact, I'm going through college now just so that one day I can become a doctor and help others (since it's obvious I can't help myself). Sure, I may have dug an emotional hole for myself, but at least I know each and every corner of it. If I change now, what will happen?

>> No.901807

yeh, name has been banned. But she posts with 'mail.mail' in the email field still.

>> No.901801

I have an inferiority complex so I try to please people all the time. Instead of pleasing them though, it disgusts them. I wish I could turn it off.

>> No.901812

I bet you enjoy serving others and taking their disgusted responses like the bitch you are.

>> No.901817

Fuck, I'm glad I don't go there anymore.
At least I know that /m/ sages GhostNia's posts for gaia.

>> No.901821

This is true. When no when issues me orders, I sit at home surfing 4chan and eating Doritos. But upon command, I am a functioning human being.

>> No.901828

Hello, Shinji

>> No.901834

Yeah. Only Shinji resents it at some point. I don't.

If you've ever read Neuromancer, I wanted to be Case but ended up as Armitage instead.

>> No.901837
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Oh, I'm the only one that does this?

Well, now I feel lonely.

>> No.901841

Explain your psychosis or go suffer it alone.

>> No.901849

I enjoy being mentally and emotionally stable.

Helps me sleep better at night.

>> No.901845

Well, I'm currently washing dishes two nights a week while living with my parents. I failed every class I took last semester at the college of my choice so I'll be going to the local community college to get my GPA back up so that they'll let me back in. Aside from that, Team Fortress 2, 4e, Persona Triple.

Also, toohoo.

>> No.901854

Sleep is my only refuge.

>> No.901859

I take shame of knowing somewhat shady details about triperotica.

>> No.901862

ITT typical casual animu fans who love Touhou. Well I guess I can understand why you like Touhou so much. I'd probably like Touhou's generic characters too; had i only seen a handful of animus.

So let me get this straight. If you no longer browse /a/. Where do you talk about your animu at? I also find it strange how a person who has browsed /a/ for 3 or 4 years can just suddenly decide that he no longer cares about it. Which leads me to my next conclusion. You've probably only been on 4chan for a year. /jp/ was probably your first board. But if all of the aforementioned things are untrue then I guess that just makes you a butthurt l33t veteran. Who's mad because his uber secret tree club has become mainstream. We honestly need to create a l33t chan for bitter Anons like you.

>> No.901873
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>> No.901872

Divulge them.

>> No.901879

Not the guys you're replying to, but I do still browse /a/. I'm just a bit sick of all the normalfaggotry so /jp/ is my 'home board' now, so to speak.

>> No.901880

Well, I was hoping to not be the first one, that would be unseemly. Anyway;

There's this "voice" that tells me what to do. Generally I do what I want and ignore it, it's mostly trivial things anyway. Once in a while, though, it sends me a message with no words but a raw, clear meaning. Cause suffering. End lives, make these images you see when you close your eyes a reality. It keeps up this ridiculous demand until I do it or I force it to stop, it keeps me up at night with that low TONE of it's objective for me. Eventually I feel like I could snap, that I might actually do it but I stop myself in time and it BLASTS me with that simple ORDER. But I can't follow it, life is a beautiful thing and I have no right to destroy it, I won't do it.

>> No.901884

Oh, that's just the voice of god. Everyone has that.

>> No.901888

Well, just take it easy.

Life fucks people over but there really isn't any really big issue to make over it.

>> No.901890

"Life is what you make of it"
That pretty much explains why I surf 4chan vs anything else

>> No.901892


ITT neo-/a/ kindly swings by to remind us why we'd rather die than step foot in it anymore

>> No.901895


Well, I knew after that whole Job thing that god was a dick, but come on. That's pretty mean.

>> No.901897


>> No.901902

At least you're happy about it! And you can sleep at night, too! That's good, everything is good, I'm happy.

>> No.901903

You're right. I'm sorry.

>> No.901908


I definitely don't hear voices or anything like that, but I do always get these really strange urges to do incredibly stupid or self-destructive things. They're very resistible, but it's just weird to suddenly feel the urge to smash your head into a pipe for no reason, or to drink something toxic, or to set my beard on fire, or whatever.

I don't know if that counts or if that's just a normal part of being a man. Because there is a lot of other stupid, self-destructive things that I DO do, and proudly.

>> No.901912

Wow, this thread went to shit fast

>Anonymous never used to talk about his >>901321
>I feel at home with you guys though.

And then you have
and his following posts of him talking about his girlfriend.

>> No.901914

I always have debates (in my head, unless I accidentally mumble) like this:
"Well, I could get some groceries on my way home, or I could just throw myself in front of the approaching subway. Ah, nuts to both plans. I'll just go home instead."

>> No.901915

I would ask for worker's wages and a safer working environment, if I were you.

>> No.901917

Fairies, Priestess, Bunny girls, cat girls, and a village idiot? Each of the aforementioned things are so generic that they are all considered cliches. If the Touhou characters didn't have delicious flat chest I'd be calling Touhou doujins grandpa porn. (Bunnies with big tits. That's the type of shit my father use to fap to).

>> No.901920

Thank God for autosage.

>> No.901921

That's called being manly. If you can smash your head into a pipe and win, that's being GAR. Causing yourself suffering is stupid. Causing others suffering is psychotic.

>> No.901923

The first few posts in this thread showed some promise. Then you had to go and fuck it up.

>> No.901925

Well, what do you want in this thread?

Also, completely unrelated: How does it feel to have goals, Anon?

>> No.901936


I'm not him, but me personally, I would like to have what an old nightshit /a/ ronery thread was. Which is to say, often derailed into awesome, always free of normalfaggotry, and on the whole surprisingly un-ronery.

>> No.901940

Hello there newfag. They did sagebomb and ignore her. Also, she was here long before /jp/. So technically it's /jp/'s fault as well. You act like she first appeared yesterday. Also, her name was auto banned long before /jp/ was created.

>> No.901946

No cocksucker, take your GARshit and shove it up your ass.

>> No.901948

There is just so much absurdity and randomness in this world that I can't help but make fun of it. Then I understand that there really isn't anything to truly trouble myself with.

Even the most worrisome things seem quite small and manageable once put into that perspective.

>> No.901963

But then don't you realize how miniscule you are and how no matter how hard you work you will not leave on drop of ink in the history books much less be mourned by anyone?

>> No.901965

practice drawing a home, learning how to use 3DS Max, reading books, eat, sleep, go to work 5 days a week, a hectic lifestyle imo

>> No.901967

I liked Shinjikun.

>> No.901969

What the fuck are you talking about? I was there for her first thread and there were nonsage replies. After that I hid all her threads and ignored her. How the fuck would I have known if she was a girl or not? And I don't know where you're getting this me not knowing she was around long before /jp/ bullshit from. When did I ever state that I thought she was a new tripfag?
also, slowpoke.jpg

>> No.901970

It's hard to get the right perspective when every thought you make, every change to your mind you try is challenged by an unseen entity. It wants to control me, but it's not strong enough, it can't.

I've still got most of my mind, but it tries to influence what I do and how I think. I want to remove it.

>> No.901971


Can't imagine why anyone would care about that. If you wake up one morning and fall into a deep depression at the sudden realization that you're not the most important person in the world, it's your fault for suffering delusions of grandeur in the first place. Why want to be remembered? Will it make you less dead? All that's important is enjoying life while you're living it.

>> No.901973

If "life is a journey" then I need to find the path.

>> No.901974

So? Why would I care for what happens after I die?

I'd be dead by then.

>> No.901979

Do whatever you want. You don't matter to the world.

>> No.901981

Enjoy your schiz. But seriously, don't come near me.

>> No.901982

Alright, more power to me.

>> No.901989

That sounds pretty bad. Maybe you need to see a THERAPIST.
