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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9002162 No.9002162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to stop being a Neet, I'm not like you, I don't like it and I hate myself, but when I try to become normal I fail miserable and return to the previous state even more pathetically, I don't know what more to do with my life since I'm too scared.

How do jp kill their desires and dreams and then avoid the putrefaction of those devouring you from the inside, prozac doesn't do shit anymore, just kills my libido thus I have less endorphins from fapping and anxiolytics don't help much neither. How to be a happy neet?

>> No.9002166 [DELETED] 

yeah i really care about you my friend that's why i am going to think of a good reply for a few minute and then respond you sincerely without trying to hurt you

>> No.9002167 [DELETED] 

Start by leaving the drugs.

>> No.9002169 [DELETED] 

I wish to end my neethood as well, OP. I am tired of my mother calling every day telling how embarrassed she is over me.

Let's try our best.

>> No.9002173 [DELETED] 

This is what /r9k/ is for, faggot. Get out.

>> No.9002178 [DELETED] 

Don't listen to him, OP. If you need advice then go to /adv/, they're far more helpful than they get credit for.

>> No.9002180 [DELETED] 


>> No.9002184 [DELETED] 

How do you try to become normal anyways?

>> No.9002191 [DELETED] 

What exactly is a normal, to begin with?

>> No.9002194 [DELETED] 

You fuck women and pretend to like people you don't.

Help me Zun!bar, you're a almost 40 year old virgin otaku legend, how do i achieve happiness?

>> No.9002197 [DELETED] 
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We don't kill our desires and dreams. We change them.

While normalshits like you desire for a gf and a sports car, I wish to attain homu enlightenment.

>> No.9002198 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9002199 [DELETED] 

I've been homeless since 2003, living the NEET lifestyle in a different, but very rewarding way, and loving every minute of it.

Have you considered suicide, OP? I think you might just be broken.

>> No.9002205 [DELETED] 

I wish those shrinker fags stop thinking that prozac is the happiness pill. It doesn't do shit unless you have an actual deficiency of serotonine. and even then it only prevents you from feeling utter despire, it doesn't make you happy.

Still OP, why are you asking /jp/? This is not the right place if you want to stop being NEET. This is a safe haven for people that already gave up on life and have no other place to have human contacts without feeling being the object of contempt and pity.

If you really want to stop being a NEET then the first step is probably stop surfing a board where being a NEET is considered acceptable.

>> No.9002206 [DELETED] 

I don't think any neet is happy unless he or she is delusional. I hope you return to your "normal" life. Train yourself to think that it's not too difficult. It's basically the same as training yourself to think that it's ok to be a neet........ cept a lot harder

>> No.9002207 [DELETED] 

Try working out. It makes you a lot more confident, which in turn makes you happier.

I'm still socially awkward as fuck, but I look some semblance of decent now at least.

>> No.9002218 [DELETED] 


Enjoy your aids/HIV, child support,baby sitting, and norealfriends.

You don't want to be one of them, they don't care about the wonders of life and knowledge. They are puppets to the globalist, feeding off every new hip phone you see on facebook when they pose half naked in front of a bathroom mirror.

>> No.9002222 [DELETED] 

>wanting to pander to 3D and become a normalfag

I hope you die in the most horrid and exruciating death possible. People like you make me sick.


>> No.9002225 [DELETED] 

I don't see where's the suffering on being a NEET. Everyone, deeply on their hearts, wish to live as NEETs, though some people wish it more than others, but very few people actually have the opportunity to actually be NEETs.

You should take this magnificent opportunity life has given you, and squeeze your NEET life to its last drop and post on /jp/ all day long.

>> No.9002228 [DELETED] 

I mean like what is OP doing and "failing" at over and over? Guess I should have specified.

And I'm 28. But achieving happiness is pretty hard dude. You first gotta figure out what makes you happy (and a lot of people both NEET and normal can't even do that).

>> No.9002233 [DELETED] 


It's hard, but stay with it. You need to go outside. You need to go and be with things that are alive. Go outside and run. Exercise. It'll clear cobwebs off your mind. If you're in a city, go to a park. You cannot live your life in fear of a what if.

>> No.9002234 [DELETED] 

What else do I have more than this fragile dream? It may be horrible but if there's something I'm sure is this life I'm living now is destroying me painfully.

>> No.9002242 [DELETED] 

I appreciate how nice it is to not have to worry about school, work or keeping up false appearances. My only worry is money, but my parents are nice and in good health so they'll live for at least 20 more years

>> No.9002243 [DELETED] 


What kind of social leper actually believes this - oh right /jp/

>> No.9002244 [DELETED] 

dude stfu.
The thing I hate about normals the most is their belief that there is a "right way to live" and the "right way to live" is of course the way they live.
I don't mean to say you must like their ways, I don't like it any more than next /jp/sie. But if that's the way they like, let them do that.

>> No.9002251 [DELETED] 

What is your civilian job? Just curious

>> No.9002252 [DELETED] 


The /jp/ lifestyle is not about killing your desires, but embracing them.

You clearly don't belong here, leave.

>> No.9002260 [DELETED] 

Out. Now.

>> No.9002266 [DELETED] 



perhaps you want to live a life like them?

>> No.9002267 [DELETED] 

Go kill yourself. You think like a fucking normal, just in reverse.

>> No.9002269 [DELETED] 

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9002274 [DELETED] 

You = normal who got themselves in a position they don't want to actually want to be in, constantly compares themselves to others, and seeks stories of others in worse positions to make themselves feel not so bad.

/jp/ NEET = Enjoying pseudo-retirement at early age.

What does the TruNEET do? Feels sorry for you being in an unfortunate situations, or looks at them with disdain. "Why are you doing something you don't want to?" People say retirement years are often the happiest years of people's lives. Aren't enjoying yourself? Stuck in a cycle of self hate? You're doing NEET wrong. Stop trying to NEETlife, and accept that you failed and work to fix it, you're making us look bad, and yourself look worse. Cant change your life, just fucking kill yourself then.

>> No.9002275 [DELETED] 

There's nothing wrong with that. Better we end up full of nothing but truNEETs than this /r9k/ I want to be normal shit that's been picking up lately.

>> No.9002283 [DELETED] 

Not the same person - the truth is that really, you can live however you want. Normal, NEET, it genuinely doesn't matter. Even if you enjoy going to furry conventions and fucking other people in fursuits, I hope you enjoy the life you've decided to live - it's got nothing to do with me.

But if you come here and post about it, you're going to get shit. Especially if you're criticizing people for the way they live, as the first post responding to ZUN!bar was.

>> No.9002291 [DELETED] 

I agree, I'm not a Trueneet and that's the main point of my post. Being a failure is something innate in my nature that I'd like to take out, I've enjoyed my time with you but first I need to pull this piece of me out, even if it kills my actual self to become everything we hate and despise.

>> No.9002295 [DELETED] 

Do some NEETs actually believe they are of higher intellect than normals? That's funny.

>> No.9002297 [DELETED] 

I'm sure they'll be of help,
>/jp/ - Otaku Culture.

>> No.9002300 [DELETED] 

No you fucking faggot.
What make you failure?
Because you have no job or GF? No you piece of shit.
If you are in /jp/ you wouldnt give a shit about those.

>> No.9002302 [DELETED] 

No, but they try to take it easy.

>> No.9002303 [DELETED] 

There are some NEETs out there who are of higher intellect than some normals.

>> No.9002305 [DELETED] 

get a load of this nerd

>> No.9002306 [DELETED] 

We have been though this.
NEET = Dragon
Normal = Goose

>> No.9002310 [DELETED] 

>I want to stop being a Neet
>How to be a happy neet?

Pick one.

More specifically:


Pick one.

>> No.9002313 [DELETED] 


I am condemning you for thinking every person in 'reality' is some sort of overblown parody of modern life. This is retarded, and reeks of a number of psychological issues.

The only person you have to blame for being imprisoned in your own mind and lonely is yourself. "B-B-But I'm sick in the head!!" Get a support group. Get some sort of constant friend that isn't a bunch of faceless assholes on the internet. Get a therapist. Nothing you are going through is unique. People have dealt with your issues before; and some still are.

There is no proper way to live, no. But there is a self-destructive method of living, and a lot of people on /jp/ are doing it. If you sit in the dark and condition yourself to be useless while calling it happiness, guess what, you're going to be useless and sad until you're an old man.

Please do something, NEETs and shut-ins. Please. Do not kill yourself slowly with sloth.

>> No.9002315 [DELETED] 

/adv/ is full of fucking hypocrisy, stop pointing at that shithole you retards if people is not asking shit like:
"how do I get this girl"
"I can't X because Y person"
"I'm too beta to be manly, how do I alpha"
People in /jp/ whine about problems people adv are incapable of empathizing with.

>> No.9002321 [DELETED] 

Some of us are, but the main difference is no work ethic, or desire to enter wage slavery.

Intelligence is more than numbers on a paper.

>> No.9002326 [DELETED] 

Normals take pride in being drones that spend all of their time around people they can't stand, doing things they hate, for money that they can't really enjoy because they're too busy working, whereas NEETs spend all of their time doing things they enjoy and get other people to give them money for it. It's like being a celebrity, except without the constant encroachments on your personal life and need to adopt a fake media personality.

>> No.9002329 [DELETED] 

>Some of us are
Oh my, you're actually serious. It's worse than I thought.

>> No.9002330 [DELETED] 

Hahahaha, yeah, no.

Stop smearing all your superficial r9gay/crawling in my skin bullshit all over /jp/.

Fucking board quality keeps declining every single day.

>> No.9002334 [DELETED] 

If I can sustain my lifestyle without going through 40hours/week of work like normals do, I already won @ life.
Fyi, I have an engineering degree.
I am already smarter than most people flipping burgers on paper.

>> No.9002332 [DELETED] 

People in /jp/ don't empathize with being a fucking normal ridden with guilt.
Go to /r9k/ or /so/

>> No.9002343 [DELETED] 

I love being a worthless piece of shit but if you, God forbid actually want to become a productive member of society but feel like something is stopping you talk to a therapist.

Also stop relying on medication, modern psychiatry is a corrupt attempt to exploit money from medicated zombies.

>> No.9002347 [DELETED] 

>Normals take pride in being drones that spend all of their time around people they can't stand, doing things they hate, for money that they can't really enjoy because they're too busy working

Sometimes I wonder if you guys are really this out of touch with reality.

>> No.9002350 [DELETED] 

The new generation here sure does suck.
They can't even shitpost in an amusing way, it's just the same go to work losers spam every time.

>> No.9002353 [DELETED] 

Better than being a deluded faggot

>> No.9002356 [DELETED] 

But you are the deluded faggot. Nobody fucking enjoys an alienating burger-flipping piece of shit job, nor anyone feels pride about it.

You have to be fucking dense to believe that.

>> No.9002360 [DELETED] 

If you weren't proud of them you wouldn't talk about them all the damned time.

>> No.9002362 [DELETED] 

ITT: Normalfags getting mad that they are people out there NEETing and enjoying their life.

What is so hard for you guys to understand?
NEET = more free time = more pleasure

Enjoy your monday blue faggots while to me everyday is a sunday.

>> No.9002370 [DELETED] 

I know this thread is terrible guys, but fellow NEETs, promise you'll never leave?
Stick with /jp/, please.

>> No.9002371 [DELETED] 

Nobody talks about shit jobs all the damn time, at most, they complain about it. Jesus, you can't be this dense.

>> No.9002374 [DELETED] 

Humans in our age are truly lost in themselves, they don't understand it's work what keeps the world working, money is just a tool, a overrated one, but anyone who rejects their nature to live like a sloth without trying to help a little this world which gave you all this.

You make me sick, you're totally lost, as horrible as it sounds I'd like a horrible war to start around the world so the people from this age could understand how valuable is the human product and how useless money is once the hearts of a whole country are working together to kill you.

You're, honestly, everything that's wrong with our world.

>> No.9002377 [DELETED] 

Complaining about it is talking about it.
Leave your job at the door, normie.

>> No.9002380 [DELETED] 

Try to be more subtle next time.

>> No.9002383 [DELETED] 


Yeah no. I had my fill of society, its impossible to function properly outside among large groups of people and its gotten so bad I can't even go inside a fast food restaurant and stand up to wait for my order.You're right that I'm being a little to rash on thinking every 'normal' is the same though. I just prefer my imaginary friends.

>> No.9002384 [DELETED] 

Not time for subtleness when you're upset.

>> No.9002382 [DELETED] 

bro want to kill me?
i live in toronto, we could meet up and do it

>> No.9002393 [DELETED] 

How is that taking pride on your job, tho?

You have to be ultra-stupid to believe that wanting a life full of sloth and fun makes you a special snowflake. Every sad fuck wants that, that includes every normalfag ever.

So you are on the same level as normalfags, congrats.

>> No.9002397 [DELETED] 


>> No.9002400 [DELETED] 
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If I can have money without working, why should I not take it?
You sound like an idiot to me.
Seems like you are just whining because you lost the game and is busy generating money for you boss.
How does it feels to know that you are busy making other people more money for them to support their rich supermodel girlfriend and high society lifestyle?
Stay mad normalfag.

>> No.9002409 [DELETED] 

Why do you want to be normal? Take it from someone who stopped being a truNEET and became a successful normal person. The world is filled with fake, disgusting people, to be normal is not worth the effort. Being a NEET is the best way to go.

>> No.9002408 [DELETED] 

I wish I had dreams and ambitions.
Something that motivated me.
I can't leech off my family, so I'll have to find a job very soon, but I can barely bring myself to do anything.
I consider it a productive day when I spent 3 hours watching something.
I'm such a worthless sack of shit.

Being a NEET would be paradise for me, but I don't have that option.
I should really kill myself, but I can't even get my ass up for that.
Why can't I just drop dead? Someone kill me please.

>> No.9002420 [DELETED] 

Get unemployment insurance and quit your job once you cant take it anymore.
Then try to NEET as long as you can before starting the cycle again.

>> No.9002434 [DELETED] 

>Get unemployment insurance and quit your job once you cant take it anymore.
It doesn't work like that.

>> No.9002445 [DELETED] 

I don't think I can find a job.
Social anxiety + no qualifications, no social skills, talents or interests beyond anime/browsing the internet + pale, weak NEET body (been livin the lyfe for 4 years)
I should probably seek help, but I'm afraid and have no energy.

I wish I were proper crazy, so I could get autism money.

>> No.9002446 [DELETED] 
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I love how you substantiate your arguement, I truly do.

Try being rational and not angry.

Where is NSJ when you need her? She deletes good threads, but leaves shittastic ones like this untouched.

>> No.9002448 [DELETED] 

Just read this and beat the system yourself.
If you cant do it then there is always the option of killing yourself.

>> No.9002451 [DELETED] 


That's ok! Really, there's nothing wrong with being scared of people or crowds. For some people, this can be fixed and for some it cannot. That's ok, that's alright. But you absolutely cannot not seclude yourself mentally because of it. I understand fear, I understand being terrified of people judging you. Trust me. But really, you should try to make friends, even some online ones. Find a group to hang out with and play a game with, let them hear your voice or see your face. It's a pretty awesome feeling to not wake up in the morning and think "wow I want to die".

The rest will come naturally from there.

To reiterate; there is nothing wrong with you if you don't like being around people. But there are a lot of decent people that are willing to talk to and be with you.

To any other anon who wants to start just feeling better, I *heavily* recommend some sort of exercise, especially outside. Running, jogging, sit ups, wall sits, squats, etc. You can do a lot of good shit without barbells or weights.

>> No.9002453 [DELETED] 

In a way it does.
To get unemployment benefits, you have to prove that you are actively looking for work and might be forced to take up some shit exploitative below minimum wage hard physical labor job.

>> No.9002479 [DELETED] 

That's super hard mode for me, even at my absolute best times I couldn't do sports outside, getting all sweaty, wearing sports clothes, having messy hair...

>> No.9002490 [DELETED] 

So you ok with going to 4chan getting insulted by random people but cant even go out to jogging?
Why are you still alive? Just kill yourself already.

>> No.9002508 [DELETED] 


It's rough, but it feels really good dude. You don't *have* to go outside, but it helps mentally a lot, I find.

Seriously, you'll have more energy, you'll get rid of any fat you have, and you'll have something to focus on.

If you need an easy start, do something like squats during commercials during a show. Or cutscenes in a RPG, or somesuch.

>> No.9002511 [DELETED] 

Don't have to if you don't want to. But if anyone actually does want to exercise a little bit but doesn't want to go outside, google "shovelglove". You can exercise a little bit by playing with a sledge hammer in your house every day. You can pretend it's one of your chinese cartoons.

But if you don't have a sledge hammer you gotta go get one. But I'm not going to tell you that you gotta exercise to be happy. Just a thought, is all.

>> No.9002512 [DELETED] 

I don't think I'll ever become normal (nor do I want to) but I wouldn't mind having a job. Doing nothing all day is not good for my psyche even though I'm not exactly suffering.

>> No.9002513 [DELETED] 

Go outside.
Every day, even if it's at 5am.
Just go outside, and do what ever you want.
Vitamin D is good for you.
Now get out of /jp/.

>> No.9002518 [DELETED] 

The internet is different... safe in a way.
I get terribly embarrassed when I screw up in a post or say something stupid, but that aside people can pretty much call me whatever they want, it doesn't affect me at all.
It's weird when you think about, I'm being myself, but if people call me names, I'm okay with it, I don't care at all. IRL the slightest perceived imperfection on my part, like stumbling about about something leads to unpleasant physical and mental reactions.
I think it was the same online when I found 4chan, but I kind of got over it on this special place.

>> No.9002520 [DELETED] 

I live in a city, there are always people around. And if they aren't on the street, they're watching from windows.

>> No.9002525 [DELETED] 

They are same shit.
People like you are beyond help.
You refuse to change but yet at the same time hate your current life. The only thing waiting for you guys is gensokyo portal.

>> No.9002527 [DELETED] 


It's different because you've managed to mentally do away with the idea of Anon as people in reality.

I understand, friend. I understand being scared of people...but, if you just work on yourself, people will start responding to you positively, and that feels really good.

Find someone you can talk to, either through Skype or such, and just practice interaction. That sounds really goony and nerdy but you can't do anything you don't practice at.

>> No.9002533 [DELETED] 

I am black and I do not go outside and I have no problems with vitamin D. Whatever amount of it that you would get from sunlight can be had simply by not eating junk food.

>> No.9002536 [DELETED] 


Go to a park.

Seriously, you have to fight that paranoia urge. People do not give two shits about you if they just see you on the street.

>> No.9002547 [DELETED] 

I don't really hate my life. My problem is that it's not sustainable.

My voice sounds weird because I don't speak much and I have nothing to talk about. I don't want to be a bother for other people.
You are very kind, thanks you.

It's not paranoia if it's true.
I don't believe that people don't think badly of me when they see me.
I know that it shouldn't bother me though, but it does. A lot. I should accept my worthlessness and inadequacy and stop being embarrassed, but I don't know how and I don't have energy for anything.

>> No.9002562 [DELETED] 

People will call me an edgy nihilist teenager or something.
But nothing has any worth.
Everything's worthless.
No point in getting down about anything.

>> No.9002564 [DELETED] 


You are not worthless or inadequate.

I don't know what to tell you, exactly, or what to say to help you, but you are not worthless or inadequate. I do not believe that.

Fight your bad feelings. Get up and take them all by the throat and strangle them. Do some exercise, maybe try some vitamins. It will improve your energy, I promise.

>> No.9002571 [DELETED] 

/jp/ - /soc/ for NEETs

>> No.9002573 [DELETED] 

ur gay as HELL dude

>> No.9002575 [DELETED] 

Get meido in here already.

>> No.9002585 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, I need to stop.
Thank you for being so nice.
Thank you for replying.

>> No.9002593 [DELETED] 

thank u for being FUNNY as HELL my gay dude lol

>> No.9002601 [DELETED] 


Good luck.

Someone out there believes in you.

>> No.9002615 [DELETED] 

>I want to stop being a Neet
>How to be a happy neet?

So want do you want OP?

>> No.9002628 [DELETED] 

Whatever information you can provide to fulfil any of these two objectives.

>> No.9002630 [DELETED] 

Try different drugs... and alcohol.

I faked being a normalfag perfectly for years with a cocktail of coke, xanax and booze.

I'm not going to lie to you, though. The drugs will create a set of problems you may not be able to handle... and you'll probably die if you don't figure out how to exist without them.

>> No.9002634 [DELETED] 

You serious?

>> No.9002637 [DELETED] 

Embrace being a NEET.

>> No.9002662 [DELETED] 

I'm 100% serious about my own drug history and its effects on my ability to socialize.

However, I almost died a bunch of times and being a drug addict is infinitely more miserable than being a NEET.

I have since renounced drugs and have become a much more reclusive being in the process.

The only thing good I can say is that I suffered a lot during my years on drugs and it broadened my understanding of the human condition enough to the point where interacting with people on the perfunctory level required to attain and continue employment is no longer much of a problem. I did gain a bit of perspective.

Bottom line is it'll take you out of yourself for a while but the shit changes you and can definitely kill you. There were a million times I thought I was going to have a heart attack and die.

>> No.9002663 [DELETED] 

Look it is simple.
For many of us, we are happy as a NEET.
I wouldnt trade any of my time for more $$$. What I have currently is enough.

You want to stop being a NEET then fucking change yourself. You are fucking nigger for fuck sake and you said you have social anxiety problem? Most people wouldnt even want to talk you since you are a black thug in their eyes.

>> No.9002685 [DELETED] 

Talk to me OP.
Here's the email

>> No.9004686 [DELETED] 


I want to comfort a Sayaka. Fuck everything else.

>> No.9006019 [DELETED] 

Nothing is fun anymore. Not even shitposting. Whats wrong with me?

>> No.9006028 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself already you shitstain.

>> No.9006044 [DELETED] 

I would have if I wasn't a coward, you know.

>> No.9006050 [DELETED] 

you want to be a normalfag? seriously?
fucking leave and never come back

>> No.9006053 [DELETED] 

I like the new r9k /jp/! Everyone sharing there problems as a collective makes me feel like a second family :3:3

>> No.9006055 [DELETED] 

I just want to enjoy things that I used to enjoy.

>> No.9006069 [DELETED] 

Go and try harder to be normal then.
I can respect normal people, they live a life that makes them happy.
I also respect NEETs if the same applies to them.

But if you are too dumb to reach your goal even though it's fairly easy then you should leave to /r9k/ because this is the place where dreams go to die

>> No.9006067 [DELETED] 

>NEETs give up on life
if by "life" you mean social life, then I agree(although "give up" is a wrong way to say it)

but if by "life" you mean something else then no, no, no and gtfo.

>> No.9006078 [DELETED] 


Then shut the fuck up and go do it.

Do you think ANYONE cares that for some reason you became this big loser NEET faggot queer like you so vividly paint yourself out to be? Do you think anyone cares you use /jp/ and similar as some pitiful form of escapism?

No, no one does. No one ever will. There is no sympathy or empathy to be attained here.

Go live your life the way you want, and piss off.

>> No.9006086 [DELETED] 

do you respect pigs, too?
after all crawling in shit makes them happy, too

>> No.9006088 [DELETED] 
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Y-you cared enough to post such a well thought out reply to him,fagsan.

>> No.9006100 [DELETED] 
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Sure why not.
You racist against animals or something?
Don't think you are better than some insect just because you were lucky enough to be born human

>> No.9006121 [DELETED] 


Then you yourself must be the biggest faggot to reply to some faggot replying to another huge faggot.

>> No.9006130 [DELETED] 

insects are more succesful in a evolutionary perspective than humans will ever be, though we hairless monkeys like to think we are special anyway.

>> No.9006133 [DELETED] 
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Its still shitposting even if you're being ironic.

>> No.9006147 [DELETED] 

I only started shitposting because other forms of escapism weren't enjoyable anymore. I can't deny that /jp/ isn't a form of escapism, and I know that there isn't anyone here that would give fuck about it. So why don't you let me whatever I want and ignore me like everyone else is? Its not that hard you know.

>> No.9006192 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 221x221, 1335527799981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop this. If you want to be normal please just leave.

Also, drugs are bad kids and I mean most of the legal ones as well.

>> No.9006263 [DELETED] 

Op, I've spent my life like you, but I always tried to give my best de-neeting myself whitout esitation. recently, I lost everything. all I fought for, all I hoped for, only dust remains.
but, I'll never regret all that shit. in my opinion, you should be proud of the fear you feel and keep hurting yourself with fail, until you manage to achieve what you want.

>> No.9006268 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 309x254, uft45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with this NEET shit, it's not something to be proud of in the least.

My mom was a NEET and she was a fucking slut who fucked over my hard-working normalfag dad, spent alimony/grocery money on alcohol while me and my brothers either begged friends for food or starved.

NEETs are the scum of the Earth. You're no better than the women who sleep around and leech off men to "game" the system by not working and getting taken care of. Worthless sacks of shit.

>> No.9006292 [DELETED] 

Here is what we need to do. We put all the NEETs on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and then we nuke it!

>> No.9006296 [DELETED] 

I know. My dad is a NEET. He's fucking disgusting. He walks around the house naked talking to the walls and spends the entire day posting on internet forums. He only gets dressed and acts normal when my mother comes to visit. He jerks off 3 times a day to MILF gangbangs and doesn't use headphones. It's nothing to be proud of. Sometimes I wish he was dead. I remember him as a completely different person when I was 6 years old.

>> No.9006300 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Jessica. Go back to /cgl/

>> No.9006313 [DELETED] 

You should surrender your position at /jp/ to him.

>> No.9006402 [DELETED] 

My parents were normal
they were the scum of earth, too!!

>> No.9006413 [DELETED] 

!you == scum

>> No.9006419 [DELETED] 

I remember my dad from early childhood as an awesome guy with whom I watched anime and played video games

when I grew up I realized he's just a mentally limited normalfag, no different then the rest

>> No.9006446 [DELETED] 

So you're mad at all NEETs because your mom was an alcoholic slut? Okay.

>> No.9006472 [DELETED] 

Realize it can't be helped.

>> No.9006492 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 935x725, 1336939198227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mad, just annoyed at retards glorifying NEETdom. All it means is that you're human garbage.

Being a hikk, OTOH is a different matter. That's a level of pathetic I can respect.
