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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8994556 No.8994556 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, what high school /college clubs did you guys join?

Me: Science club, radio club / anime club

>> No.8994566

Karate dojo, suck it science boys.

>> No.8994573

math club
I was in other clubs, but I never did anything in them.

>> No.8994582

Cross-country running, video games, taekwondo

>> No.8994589

I wish my High School had clubs...

>> No.8994594

I went to one meeting of the animu club, saw they only watched dubbed stuff from a decade back, and bailed. I later attended a single meeting of the debate club so I could put it on my college transcript on a technicality.

>> No.8994595

school newspaper

>> No.8994601

I dropped out in 9th grade.

>> No.8994600

In university I joined the anime club and mountain bike club, but I was to scared to attend any meetings for either and never went to a single one over all 5 years.

>> No.8994611

I didn't join any clubs in high school besides the go-straight-home club. I don't plan to join any clubs at college either.

>> No.8994614

In community college I joined:

Rotaract (like a college age version of Rotary)
Phi Theta Kappa (two year college honors society)
Multicultural Club (It was actually really fun shut up)

After I transferred to a four year school:

Sigma Tau Delta (International English Honors Society)

>> No.8994622
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>Multicultural Club

Really dude really?

>> No.8994629

No such thing as "clubs" in my country's school system

>> No.8994633

Same here. Went to some shit hole, but that's expected when I'm in the ghetto.

>> No.8994645
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Sure whatever...

>> No.8994654


>> No.8994651


It was fun shut up ;_;

We got to eat food from different nationalities each week and we volunteered at some really interesting events.

>> No.8994652


/jp/ meetup

>> No.8994655

I was the only member of "being bullied by the whole class" club.

>> No.8994659


fucking nerds, get out of /jp/

>> No.8994660

mostly I was in marching band and drumline
I was in gardening club, I also hung around fencing club alot, but wasn't technically a member,
I also helped out stagecraft w/o being a member

>> No.8994664

In University:
Student council (went to one meeting, it was enough)
Rock club (acoustic strumming, old synth and people who can't play at all). Stopped going there.
Go/Riichi Mahjong club was two great years in my life.

>> No.8994668

What the fuck

Don't these things involve being outside and talking to people?
What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.8994672

Anime club during university. Most people there were well-adjusted. The guys either looked like generic anime/manga/VN protagonists or had the stereotypical overweight geek look to them. The girls were either normal or slightly overweight, but literally all of them liked yaoi and cosplayed.

There were a few odd people; I remember one guy looked like an ugly, fat and old version of the main guy from Napoleon Dynamite and he had really terrible social skills. Another was a guy who wore pure white complete with a white umbrella, and you would think he was a rather below-average-looking stocky girl from a distance.

>> No.8994673 [DELETED] 

NSJ will delete your comment for shitting up his /soc/a/cgl/ thread.

>> No.8994675

I guess I was a member of the chess/warhammer club in high school, but I only went very occasionally with my friends. In university, I never even considered joining a club. Why on earth would I do anything to reduce the amount of time I could spend alone in my room?

>> No.8994677

I was in the "sneak club". Club activities generally involved sneaking in and out of school without being detected by countless bullies. It was harsh but my sneaking skills are now top notch.

>> No.8994706

I was the president of my anime club in college. We only watched subbed shows and we had a drinking game for whenever a stop light or a row of faucets appeared on screen.

Also, Iaido dojo.

>> No.8994721

gang rape club

>> No.8994719

Is anime clubs an american thing?

because here we only have general social events if you are in Engineering degree, etc.

>> No.8994773

The faggots club.

>> No.8994906

I'm a proud member of the go-straight-home club. The only other clubs in my country are the student council and the university band (in which you can only enter if you have enough influence in the student council).

>> No.8997404
File: 921 KB, 2150x1500, [SaHa] Futa Club 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in futabu.

>> No.8997409

Waiting outside for an hour because I was a car riding nerd club.

>> No.8997419

Has there been an internet culture type of club? Because that would make me extremely angry to see. Club activities would include sharing reaction images, rage comics, using le, and greentexting in real life.

>> No.8997424

Most British state schools don't really do clubs, except for some sports. I'm jealous of Japanese and American schools.

Sometimes I'd play D&D with some friends in the art room, though.

>> No.8997439

I think a lot of traditional "nerdy" clubs are like that now. At my college a lot of the kids (I can't see them as adults) would just shout catchphrases and draw memes at each other.

Dropping out was the best thing I ever did.

>> No.8997442

I was not in any clubs during my time in school. One, they never had any and secondly only a normalfag would go do any form of socializing. I went home to sit alone on my 386 and leech stuff off Usenet and BBS'

>> No.8997449

Go-home-and-play-VN club.

>> No.8997451
File: 100 KB, 500x462, you cannot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the go-home club, it's ace.

>> No.8997458

I was vice president of Japanese Club.
My school had a separate Anime/Manga club which I wasn't in.

>> No.8997456
File: 129 KB, 940x824, acapulco2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, the only similar thing to that was my blacksmith class in high school.

I made a chair exactly like this one with a friend.

>> No.8997462
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lol wats the hole in the mid 4? l00ks like a perfect hole to shit through xD

>> No.8997469

the get a shortened schedule and leave at lunch club

>> No.8997471

holy shit a blacksmith class!

>> No.8997478

Blacksmith as a credit? Jelly as HELL. Which country are you from?

>> No.8997484

they have classes like that all over the US, my high school had metal shop, auto shop, and wood shop.

>> No.8997503
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Mexico. It was really fun, if you don't count all the burns and eye damage you get from working with hot metal and welding.

>> No.8997519

me on the right

>> No.8997528

My high school was not allowed to have clubs, to prevent "Gang Activity". I lived in a small little conservative town, too.

Never went to college.

>> No.8997541

let's-go-to-the-lan-center-after-school club

I would always beat my classmates at AoE, starcraft, counter_strike, gunbound, etc.

>> No.8997534
File: 611 KB, 1000x1414, FIGHTO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "chikuwa club"
>0 results
Fuck the Department of Education.

>> No.8997549

Why would I want to stay in school after I have endured the mandatory shit?

By the way, it's funny to remember how the Pokemon daze didn't affect me, and was a strange phenomenon that I noticed only peripherally. On university I started watching anime, but when anime clubs popped up at a later time, I kept away. (Jesus Christ, they dared to use a Haruhi image for advertising it.)
