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8995973 No.8995973 [Reply] [Original]

I feel so old. I was reading final fantasy tactics plot from wikipedia and it made me feel nostalgic, because it is used to be one of my favorites games as a kid. I wanted to feel that story again, but I don't want to play it again. I don't want to press buttons, battle, level and do all the boring stuff. I just want to sit and enjoy the story.

I haven't played any video games in years(excluding VNs because they are just sitting and enjoying the story). /jp/ do you ever feel you are too old to play video games?

Picture related. It is how fft should have ended.

>> No.8995976 [DELETED] 
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looking forward to diablo 3 , but I know that nostalgia feeling

>> No.8995987

I'm not an old geezer who shits his pants and can't see so no, I don't think I'm too old for video games.

>> No.8995994

OP, just look for some interesting SRPGs and play them.

>> No.8996004

Old, hell no, I often feel to apathetic to play videogames though.
It's shame, since I love it.

>> No.8996014

I certainly can't really play them for very long. I can't focus well anymore (been a problem for a while) and most video games aren't mature enough. I still buy the newest games of my favorite series (Megaten, Xenoblade) but I don't play them too much. Occasionally, though, I will bring out an old game from my younger days and I'll be able to play that just fine.

Video games just aren't what they used to be. That sounds pretentious, but it is true.

>> No.8996029

playing FFIV DS currently, there's no way Ima be too old for this

>> No.8996037

I think all of you are secretly longing to get out of the house and, dare I say it, socialize.

>> No.8996039




>> No.8996046

dub Rubicante sounds like a Protoss

>> No.8996050

You enjoy video game stories and wonder if you're old?

>> No.8996079

We are all gay for Delita.

Shut the fuck up fucking sagefag your lack of humility make me sick.

>> No.8996110

Yeah op, I started to feel like that too...
and about, FFT: more than ten years ago, I had a friend. we talked hours and hours everyday about that fucking game, because in europe it was a legend, but he managed to play it for sometime. he described me every little tiny bit so enthusiastically, I started taking notes, and in a couple months we were able to simulate strategies and skill builds.
and at some point, life happened. he started doing drugs, got jailed, get away because his family was rich, and became crazy. meanwhiIe I got into domestic violence, depression, alcohol, suicide attempts, vandalism.
now, I managed somehow to get up, barely. but I don't know where did he go.
a couple years back, I buyed the game for psp.
I played it extensively. I tried some things I still remembered from those days, and actually worked pretty good. a shame that the game in reality was just a Ogre Tactics for casuals. but it was a beautiful game.
sorry for the grammar, but fuck I'm crying.

>> No.8996131

go back to /v/ retard

>> No.8996197

I feel for you bro.

>> No.8996210

These days I'm bored of consuming media. Anime, manga, video games. Started reading books a tiny bit more.

I want to become a creator instead.

>> No.8996228

But how?

>> No.8996299

I'm going to make my own game over the summer.

>> No.8996379
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>>8996014 here. I have more interest in making games, too. I actually have, with ZZT. Now I try to make games with RPGMaker 2003; my sprites are decent enough but the game is going to be weird. Right now the centerpiece of it is a ganguro-version of a toriningen from Yume Nikki being chained up and getting fucked by a dog.

>> No.8996395

Sounds interesting. I wish I could do pixel art

>> No.8996408

play tactics ogre on PSP. same exact devs as FFT and just as good if not better.

>> No.8996410


The key thing is practice. Don't worry too much about shading, it is nice but not that necessary. So long as you know basic anatomy and can draw cartoons in MSPaint then you probably have more potential than you think.

>> No.8996458

I was thinking of being ambitious and coding everything from scratch. I'm confident that I can pick up any technical skill needed on the fly since I can program already, but what I lack in is artistic ability.

I imagine I'd like to make an immersive adventure game, while avoiding too many similarities to other works. Turning it into a mini online game to take it easy together sounds fun too.

I'd like to go 3D, but I imagine it's harder to make 3D look good. I'm not sure what style I'd like to go for yet. I imagine taking a surreal/abstract route to graphics would make things easier at least, but this feels like a cop-out.

>> No.8996483


Yeah I have a lot of imagination and creativity, but lack the technical skills because I'm so scatterbrained. I can barely program in BASIC. So as such, I rely on external engines, which limits you a lot but at least makes it so you don't have to worry about your own personal limitations. People rarely seem to have both technical and artistic talent. I didn't become half-decent at pixel art until a couple of months ago due to technical limitations, to be honest.

I personally say that simpler is better. 3D does seem impressive, but it is a lot of work. When you don't complicate things, you've got a lot more room to work on the other aspects of the game. But it is really up to you. Just don't expect your first game to be your best.

>> No.8996481

I sketch stuff in MS Paint all the time, the problem is that none of it is original. I always have to use something as a reference for the hair, clothes, shape of the head, distance between the eyes, etc. I could never create genuine OC which brings us back to >>8996210

>> No.8996525

Yeah, I'm sure I'll spend months just learning the basics before starting a serious project. I'll likely start out with 2D.

I decided last night I'd start trying to draw, but I'm not sure what the most efficient approach to this is. For now I'm just copying pictures I like. I don't really have the time to become a proper artist and study anatomy and stuff seriously - as long as it looks reasonably aesthetically pleasing I'm happy.

It'd be good to team up with someone more artistically inclined (sprites/CG modelling) one day I suppose.

>> No.8996529

Best FF in terms of story (fucking grand), chraracters, music, gameplay.

>> No.8996563

I did the same too when I started drawing. I just kept the tab with the original image open in the background and MS Paint or whatever in the front, and then I'd try to copy it as closely as possible. Eventually the proportions will become muscle memory

>> No.8996571

I'm 27 and have not played a game in quite a long time. I used to love them, but now...I can't even discuss them.

>> No.8996608

>Growing too old to enjoy videogames.
I'm the only who's scared of this so much as from death?

>> No.8996964

There are hobbies other than video games.

>> No.8998910

Problem is that I don't want to play any video games.

>> No.8998928


What was the last vidya you played, OP?

>> No.8998935

Why havent you grown out of VNs they are shit

>> No.8999006

I don't play any new games. Actually I haven't played any games that has been released after 2010. If you don't count VNs and casual Touhou playing, last game I played was Persona 4 IIRC.

>> No.8999637

Love FFT.

>> No.9001009
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Good games still come out to this very day though.

Maybe take a break and focus on your other hobbies for a few months. Always works for me, and I'm nearing 30 just like you guys.

>> No.9001044

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9001149
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Well I've had really long break about playing video games. Games are just boring because I don't want to do fights and battles.

I would only consider playing very easy games and less time consuming games, but most rpgs have lot grinding which takes time.

>> No.9001154

Sounds like you're turning into a casual, anon.

>> No.9001170

Stay bronze.

>> No.9001182

I would say I have more important things to do than kill monsters endlessly.

>> No.9001242

No you don't.
