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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8992035 No.8992035 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think about Metal"core"?

>> No.8992042

metalcore a shit

>> No.8992040

Metalcore a shit.

>> No.8992065

Disney metal?

>> No.8992070

still a shit

>> No.8992077

I like metalcore when it has Miku Hatsune.

>> No.8992072

What is disney metal?

>> No.8992086

Think vocaloid metal, specifically using Miku. An unfittingly cute voice matched with metal music.

>> No.8992092

Dunno. Does this count as metalcore? Then I like it.

>> No.8992105

Pretty sure by saying "disney metal" ZUNbar just meant that metalcore is metal for children.

>> No.8992106

Sounds like trash metal (which is cool).

>> No.8992112

ZUN, is >>8992086 right?

>> No.8992123

I'm okay with it
Then again I listen to things like In This Moment and In Flames

>> No.8992121

>trash metal

No such thing.


Metalcore,deathcore, and other -core bullshit that's popular nowadays is just metal with the testicles snipped off.

>> No.8992127


>> No.8992124


Nah, remember your /jp/ lore? Disney is just the opposite of real deal.

>> No.8992140

>listening to that shit
>not listening to the GOOD shit


>> No.8992137

I think he meant thrash. Which is what SOD is.

>> No.8992151

Why does music like this exist? How do people enjoy vocals like this?

>> No.8992157

everyone in this thread needs to get out of /jp/

>> No.8992152


Sure Anon, it doesn't exist despite everyone on Earth agreeing that its unique blend of aggressive staccato riffs and vocals does exist.

>> No.8992155

I don't enjoy the vocals, I just like the guitar.

>> No.8992166

/jp/ - kawaii japanesu/touhou music onry!

>> No.8992165

Metalcore? I've heard more complex emotional expression in elevator music. No, seriously.

>> No.8992164

Those are REAL vocals.

Learn to have good taste.

>> No.8992174

/jp/ can get hardcore too!


>> No.8992176
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Got a problem with that, bitch nigga?

>> No.8992179

Can someone name every sub genre of metal with a brief description for me and everyone else who can't really tell the sub genres apart?

>> No.8992189

>every sub genre of metal

I'm gonna need an entire thread for this.

>> No.8992185

I like to play my music LOUD and FAST

>> No.8992202

Damn, that many huh?

>> No.8992214

A very general list:

Death Metal: Irregular time signatures, unsettling production and guttural vocals

Black Metal: lo-fi, depressive, shrieked vocals

Thrash Metal: Fast riffs, shouted vocals

>> No.8992213

Just like Techno/electronic shit

>> No.8992234

Doom Metal: Slow, heavy, operatic vocals

Fuck, I cant list even all the general ones. Just go by this list:

Heavy/Trad | Black | Death | Doom | Thrash | Speed | Folk/Viking | Power | Progressive | Electronic | Gothic | Orchestral/Symphonic | Avant-garde

Metalcore is not real metal. It's for angsty teens, and It's produced to be a part of what the mass media constructs as "Edgy and Badass"

>> No.8992245

True Swedish death metal.

>> No.8992240

sage because I forgot to

>> No.8992239

Thrash metal - >>8992152 Metallica, Gamma ray, etc
Death metal - I don't know
Black metal - Norwegian metal, "tr00" metal
Melodeath - Sweden/Finland metal, mall metal. Also, influeced:
Metalcore, Hardcore, etc - Poser metal.

There is also glam metal, stoner metal, 80's metal, Iron maiden, Black Sabath, etc... but you know, they are all dead.

That's it.

>> No.8992253

Heavy metal: basically the old good stuff. Listen to Judas Priest.

Power metal: Used to be called plain old heavy metal, but sorta turned into this European thing with catchy choruses and riffing. Listen to Gamma Ray.

>> No.8992309

It's the biggest shit I've listened to today

>> No.8992320
File: 70 KB, 637x480, ashface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, didn't think anyone would actually make a list! For your trouble a picture of Ash that I drew on a while back.

>> No.8992330

>>Death metal - I don't know

It's just thrash except now you got growling lyrics about blood, death, rotting flesh, and the devil and such:


Cool lyrics huh.

>> No.8992377

Tainted, hollow.

>> No.8992407


Touhou you say?

Probably more "Deathcore" than Metalcore, but 'yuppe's works are just generally badass metal in general.

>> No.8992563

I fucking love this album and the theme it had going for it. I almost wish there was a band that exclusively did songs with a traditional Japanese influence to them...like viking metal but Asian. I guess it's good that they don't though, I wouldn't want the novelty to wear off.


>> No.8993240

Most metal sucks. Djent is where it's at.

>Thrash metal - Gamma ray
Hey, fuck you too.

And church burning. Can't forget church burning. Also do you listen to anything that's not a dinosaur, old man?

You mean Onmyou-za? Youkai metal and all that.

>> No.8993569

congrats on the marriage
