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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 300x300, sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8990718 No.8990718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That feel when you walk away from your computer with /jp/ open and you forgot to lock the screen.

>> No.8990728

that feel wh... wait, I'm not an idiot

>> No.8990735

No feel at all. This is one of the safer boards, what with hating lewdness and all.

It's not as if it were /v/ with their gay and furry and incest threads all the time, or /a/ with their amazingly shit taste that would get you shunned by everyone for associating with people who had such shit taste in everything.

>> No.8990737

I like having to hide my shame. Makes me feel like a magical girl.

>> No.8990739


>> No.8990742

I mean even that one cp spammer has the courtesy to spoiler his supposed cp.

>> No.8990750

Is it the same guy who posts pictures of babies (younger than toddlers) being urinated on? If so, that fellow is quite an upstanding member of this commmunity

>> No.8990748

>or /a/ with their amazingly shit taste

I love the idea of some normalfag walking past Anon's screen then saying, "They LIKED Madoka? What ignorant, teenage faggots."

>> No.8990755

What's wrong with letting your parents know what kind of stuff you are interested in? Mine didn't seem to mind it at all back when I still lived with them.

>> No.8990754

That's to lure you into clicking it, though.

In before everyone but me has some userscript that displays spoilered thumbnails. I discovered 4chan still generates them a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.8990759
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].HeartCatch.PreCure!.03.[1280x720].[CF8D0F94].mkv_snapshot_05.29_[2012.01.11_17.53.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wouldnt have this problem if people stopped talking about lewd stuff >_>;;

>> No.8990761

>hating lewdness

I live alone so I don't have to worry now. But I was paranoid about this when I lived with them.

>> No.8990757
File: 19 KB, 481x477, miu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't use 4chan X with the unspoil setting?

>> No.8990765

same here
if anything, my parents were grateful that i wasn't a faggot

>> No.8990770

Not everyone is tolerant of such things, Anon.

My parents are not exactly scummy but very "working class". They'd be fine (and perhaps proud) if I went off fucking people and doing drugs every night. But if they found my moe~...

>> No.8990778

>That's to lure you into clicking it, though.

It has worked on me multiple times and I panic every time.
Fuck that guy.

>> No.8990779

Wanna make out with me?

>> No.8990782
File: 29 KB, 349x413, judaucat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave all the luwdness open on my PC... It's not like my grandma can understand it

*Feels alpha*

>> No.8990781


>> No.8990790

Think if she did though. She'd probably have a heart attack seeing the kinds of lewd stuff her grandson Pedro looks at.

>> No.8990784

Do you still do it just in case it's something else?

I do. It was, once. And now it probably never will be ever again, but now I can't stop.

>> No.8990797

Of course not. Nothing good lurks behind spoilers, and if I really cared, foolz will show behind spoilers.

>> No.8990791

wh u qoting nerd

>> No.8990801

Grandparents are awesome like this. I used to confess everything ever to my grandmother because she was tolerant and kind, but also forgetful in her old age. I half expected her to say she remembered everything on her deathbed, but instead she just cried a lot then died. A bit of a relief, really.

>> No.8990810

Woxxy deletes illegal images quite quickly, though. He has a career to think of.

Warosu guy leaves them just long enough to reverse image search. Arigato, Warosu-san!

>> No.8990807
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].HeartCatch.PreCure!.01.[1280x720].[D5C82B8C].mkv_snapshot_12.47_[2012.01.09_14.53.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds lewd

she does baka........................... she just wont say to your face so she doesnt embrassed you

>> No.8990818
File: 168 KB, 200x297, kyoukodance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think about it there was a time she came in to give me a cup of milk and cookies and there was a picture of piccolo dick on the front page... I think she noticed it... I wonder what she thought

>> No.8990821

>just cried a lot then died

you are kind of a dick

>> No.8990827

­>>8990765-san in the past.
Sometimes people make up quotes to make a point or for comic effect. I'm sure at some point you have read an article on the Web that said something like:

> "But where is my moe!" the fanboys will cry.

Do you email the author and ask for a citation? Of course not!

Now take into account what you just learned, and don't ask me who I was quoting four lines ago.

>> No.8990843

I know, I hate myself for it.

I know a lot of people joke about it, but I think being a shut-in has made me a bit of a sociopath. I am desensitized to people being burned alive or whatever because of edgy /b/tards spamming it on the internet, why would I feel any differently if it was a relative I can barely remember? I just can't bring myself to care, and no, I'm not a teenager.

I do feel guilty though, so I'm not a hardcore emotionless robot.

>> No.8990840

sounds like something a despicable faggot would say

>> No.8990852


So does
>sounds like something a despicable faggot would say

>> No.8990860

I didn't asked this, sperglord, I asked who the fuck you were quoting.

>> No.8990855
File: 47 KB, 300x336, 1322528527345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have a girlfriend or something?

>> No.8990872

> What is cake + 7?
> That's not a valid sum, you idio-
> I ASKED WHAT IT IS!!!! WAAHHHH!!!! ;___;

(first/last 1 = u)
