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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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898880 No.898880 [Reply] [Original]

>197 posts and 29 image replies omitted.
Who screwed with the auto-sage limits?

>> No.898886

what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.898927

Rehost, Magister, if you please. Now I'm stuck (literally) on the sticky controller the kids use but at least the d-pad works.

>> No.898954
Haven't played in quite awhile.

>> No.898964
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>but at least the d-pad works.

So... fucking.... jealous!

>> No.898993

Why? I find controller and keyboard about the same. Only difficulty I can pinpoint is the ability to highjump forward and backward properly.

>> No.899012

>alt 236 BC tombstone fan
That's not physical; it can be grazed.

>> No.899063

Hosting ON, Canada. Playing random, intermediate to noob depending on who I get.

>> No.899287
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>> No.899354

gg. I forgot I messed around with Marisa's deck in practice. That alt-623 was not supposed to be there.

>> No.899364

ggs. Yeah, it's not a very good move compared to her other 623s.

>> No.899537

What are matches like between two high-level players? If both of them are masters at guessing games, wouldn't the match last forever?

>> No.900095
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Hosting: WC

I'm learning and failing at Trollkari.

>> No.900301

Any North American hosts? Not at home so I can't host.

>> No.900329

Magister, I've been wondering. You were one of the first people I played in SWR, and I was able to join your game without fail. Have you changed anything since then that would cause me to be unable to join your games?

>> No.900395

game crashed

>> No.900396

I'm still able to join his games without fail. In fact, I'm observing right now because there aren't any hosts and I've nothing better to do. Maybe you're just catching him when he unhosts.

>> No.900403

Put the ip in manually. I can't connect unless I do it that way.

>> No.900413
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>> No.900419

I'll give it a shot.
Can't be the case. I've tried anywhere from 1 minute after he posts the IP all the way up to 10.

>> No.900533


>> No.900538

I'll gladly host in about an hour or two. Can't at the moment. I'm on my router computer.

>> No.900590
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Sorry about that, my laptop overheated. Still, against Sakuya, I managed to make it about even. I can't beat Sakuya with Reisen no matter how hard I try, yet Alice isn't very difficult with her. Alice is a monster against Yukari.

It's probably because I still add those zeros in my IP. Since 1.01, you didn't need to do that anymore, and people have said that they can't connect unless they input it manually. I guess I'll just put it in normally now.

I'll be hosting in a bit.

>> No.900631


>> No.900667
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>> No.900672


>> No.900715

Sorry, too much lag.

>> No.900872
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Trolling: WC

>> No.901007

And if they make VERY few mistakes, if any?

>> No.901071

ggs. I think I beat you once at least. That's about how well I do against Abba as well.

>> No.901083

Then it's a very, very long match.

>> No.901090

GGs. Comboing into Royal Flare was pretty awesome. I couldn't help but 214 a lot...

Prepare for a long game.

>> No.901118

It's a better move than people give it credit for. I play with some wonky skillcards in my random lineup, and actually level it up. It lasts about a second longer per level, and holds more projectiles. It might be worth looking into if you use the move a lot.

>> No.901440

Let's breathe some life back into this thread.
East Coast

>> No.901503

hosting,, US

>> No.901595

GGs, Bench.

>> No.901615

Yah, good games.

>> No.901633


>> No.901913


>> No.901922

ggs. There's no way in hell you're still intermediate though. I've done better against Abba and Magister more times than I did against you tonight. I won like, 3 rounds out of 10 games? Maybe.

And if I see that fucking stop sign one more time...

>> No.901942

I really need to start hosting with no weather though. Typhoon just takes good matches and flushes them down the toilet.

>> No.901947

Do you really think so? My skill differs a lot between my two computers, and I'm on my better computer at the moment. I do ok against abba myself, but when he pulls out Alice the only characters I can really use well against him are Yuyuko and maybe Aya. Magister I havn't played since I first started. Gonna try my hand against him soon.

>> No.901950

>I've done better against Abba and Magister more times than I did against you tonight.

Was Magister using Reimu or Random Weekly Touhou?

>> No.901959

On that note, I will host No Weather on request.

>> No.901986

Random Weekly Touhou. Reimu was RAPE TIEM; I think I won one round out of three games before I had enough of that.

Wait, so when I do well against you you're on your crappier system ;_; I'm no pro, nor do I ever intend to try to be, but I can at least handle most people without embarrassing myself. Against you tonight was just...bleh. Might as well have not had my hands on the keyboard some matches. And you did that with random, so I can't even take satisfaction that someone else needed their main while I use random. Anyone who can play that well with any character is advanced in my book.

>> No.901996

Maybe, I but have a shitload of problems. For example, I have this nasty habit of running into bullets and letting go of dash. Then there are the moments when I space out in the middle of a combo, causing my pinky to slow down when pressing A, in turn causing my combo (usually a dial A) to break. That's only the small stuff. There is also my weakness to Youmu.

>> No.902017

Better than my bad habit of forgetting that holding block in this game doesn't always mean you're blocking.

And everyone's weak to Youmu. When she comes up in random, I've crushed people I have no business crushing. You know the jumping elbow is coming, but you still eat is anyways, because you have this delusion that you can counter her instead of blocking it. SWR isn't very friendly for countering melee I find, which is bad because I'm more tuned to Street Fighter 'Jumping at me randomly? Here, have a dragon punch'.

>> No.902020
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>> No.902414

GGs, Magister. I'm done for now. Wee bit of delay there. Caused many a fateful backdash. Still, you're better than me.

>> No.902435
File: 90 KB, 544x384, Super Smash Touhou02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, Jetm. I'm only any good with two of the Touhoes, if you ask me. I can't do anything like 5B j.2B without difficulty on a keyboard, so my Chiquita and Sakuya reek. I'm not even sure I'm doing anything right with Yukari except dumb luck.

>> No.902456

Just something I noticed about your Yukari. You seem to use 5AAAA 623B as your BnB. You can throw a 2B between the two steps for added damage. In all honesty, I have no idea who my best character is.
Also, Marisa needs some god damned graze frames.

>> No.902746


Or, you can just do a 5AAAA 6A 5B in a corner for 2200 damage (not bad).

Yukari doesn't have many airtight combos, so most of the time I just end up doing dial-As. 5AAA 5B is almost never airtight on combos, and certainly not on block.

>> No.902827


Or, you can just do a 5AAAA 6A 5B in a corner for 2200 damage (not bad) and Limit knockdown. Yukari doesn't have many airtight combos, so most of the time I just end up doing dial-As. 5AAA 5B is almost never airtight on combos, and certainly not on block. Yukari isn't really about combos and strings, she kinda focuses more on using her superior projectiles and her two excellent default skillcard moves.

I've done some experimenting with Bound for Aoyama, and 5B 5C 236 wipes out over 4 spirit orbs if they're all blocked. Think I'll start putting that skillcard in my deck.

>> No.902837
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>> No.902956

what is that game you are talking about?

>> No.902971


>>902837 is Majora's Mask.

>> No.903951
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>> No.904054

You don't have to wait in typhoons vs Magister, you know.

>> No.904555 EU

>> No.904615


>> No.904640 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya.

>> No.904703

game crashed

>> No.904721



>> No.904744


gg i suck

>> No.904789


>> No.904801
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Someone that knows moon, please tell this guy that he put the wrong link for the MP3 and TAB, and needs to copy and paste the sharing link from 4shared, not the link that's in his address bar.

Don't listen to the guy commenting at the bottom too, he's delusional and didn't actually download the MP3.

>> No.904910


swedish here:

go back to Alice, I love fighting her with Iku.

>> No.904914


also rehosting, this is just to get your attention

>> No.904915

gg. I literally can't do anything against Yukari as Reisen. Aya's unbeatable so lol random.

>> No.905127


>> No.905139
File: 187 KB, 950x900, 1212875115781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fun shit. Let's tango again later sometime. West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya.

>> No.905225

GGs, Swedish. I loved that Yukari mirror.

>> No.905226


GGs, I'm going to bed now. Groggy as hell.

>> No.905231


Yeah, that teleport is the death of me. heh

>> No.905322

Hosting ON, Canada. Trying with weather OFF.

>> No.905360 East Coast
Hosting No Weather

>> No.905501


>> No.905512

ggs. Will definitely be hosting no weather from now on. So much more enjoyable, not to mention Komachi is awesome when 4 of the weather types aren't fucking her over.

>> No.905520


>> No.905576


>> No.905591

Weather affects the game - air combat gets easier, or no melee, or...

and so on.

Not >>905512
My skills suck, so I don't play online.

>> No.905593

Would you like Weather or No Weather?

>> No.905599

>4 of the weather types aren't fucking her over
Which would be?

>> No.905610


>> No.905607

Common consensus states that No Melee and Typhoon screw her over pretty bad. Don't know what the other two might be.

>> No.905614


>> No.905617
East Coast

>> No.905650

Me neither, but Misty River screws over everyone, not just Komachi.

>> No.905682 EC noweather

>> No.905719
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>> No.905957

gg. I have to find a new way to get out of burn out. Those were the worst games ever.

>> No.905964

GGs, Abba two.

>> No.906011

ITT burn out tips

>> No.906019

Not familiar with the term. What is burn out?

>> No.906097


>> No.906102

any hosts?

>> No.906121
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Take it easy.

>> No.906127



>> No.906136

Some characters are just fine under River Mist. Yuyuko, Sakuya, Patchouli, Yukari, Marisa, etc. will be quite happy to fight you at ranged. Characters that NEED their melee are at a disadvantage. The fourth weather that is bad for Komachi is Auroura, since it gives a ~21% chance of getting one of the three shitty weathers.

>> No.906187

Doesn't work. Burn out -> (frustration -> morale drop -> lose more)x2 -> completely stop caring -> spam dumb shit / button mash = quit or find new technique / beat opponent with one button -> opponent gets pissed -> morale comes back

Overall a very painful, inefficient way to improve.

>> No.906213

www, what was going on? You just stood there half the time.
Rehosting, Weather on.

>> No.906228


desync? i dont know because you would stand around doing nothing lol

>> No.906246
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.02 - Weather: ON - Spectators: OK
Messing around with Yukari/Patchy/Random.

>> No.906399

GGs. Goddamn, I need to learn not to jump into your j.5A every single time.

>> No.906691

GGs Xoa. You got better since I last played you, actually using ghost cover with Komachi. You should try to incorporate using the spirit fountain and then her teleport against a character like Patchy though, teleporting your opponent into your spirits can be disorienting, especially if they have crappy grazing (ala Patchy.)

>> No.906730

desync, one of you was probably using no weather and the other not. Same deal with us the other day.

Also bump, also hostan:
And now watch abba jump on me as usual. /wrists

>> No.906752

I was actually just about to, but I'm still trying to 'take it easy.' See, >>906011

>> No.906761

Forgot location, sorry. Canada EC.

>> No.906776

how far east in Canada are you! I'm in southern Ontario and theres lag

>> No.906777

URR, my dumbshit roommate has torrents running, rehosting in a sec, once I've cracked a few bones...

>> No.906784

I doubt I would have had time with all the lazer/fireballs, since that takes a long time to setup.

All Yukari has to do to shut Komachi down is jump back, lazer and parasol and finish her off with a train, it's really not worth the rage.

>> No.906807


>> No.906816 US

>> No.906872
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>> No.906899

gg your yuyuko needs more variety

>> No.906912

Perhaps, but I kept doing the same thing because you kept falling for it everytime. If you'd addapted I'd have switched to something else.


>> No.906927

I had no clue what to do, regardless it was fun, i had to leave or else i would try and beat your yuyuko

>> No.906967


>> No.906969
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Hosting: WC

>> No.906978

Where is my stage, Magister?

>> No.906992

GGs, www.

>> No.907130

hosting,, US

>> No.907228
File: 53 KB, 691x464, Gstrider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still too lazy. Sorry, I have things to do. GGs. It's useless to try with Yukari against Alice, I can't get close to you in any way on the ground.

>> No.907347

GGs, Icekin. I wish I didn't get wrong inputs all the time. Dashing backwards during danmaku spam really sucks.

>> No.907364


had to do something or else i wouldve played more

>> No.907369

Thanks for the games, Jetm.
I really hated those fucking typhoons during yuyu mirrors.
"Almost dead, I'll just bock here and wait for an opening, that shou-"
Also yeah, I noticed you misinput 623 as 236 after 66a, and a few others.
I am still amazed at my own stupidity for getting hit by fanspin after 66a. I know it's the ONLY thing you can combo it into, I just have to block it and smack you all I want, but noooo, I have to DURR HURRRR.

>> No.907375

Now you know my pain when I'm playing anyone else. Now I'm off to practice Reimu.

>> No.907463

Anyone else hosting?

>> No.908499

Host. .

>> No.908782
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>> No.909225

GGs, Magister. It's a shame I can't have a real match with you. Delay makes me fuck up more than usual.
I still don't see why people complain about Reisen being low tier. I've yet to see any real punishable moves on her. You can put the pressure on someone in a corner without even trying.

>> No.909226
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GGs, Jetm. Goddamn, what is it with giving me setup characters when I pick random? I'm no good with characters that are meant to spam the screen with bullets, and random gave me Alice, Yuyuko, Patchy etc., who I don't even have decks for.

>> No.909239
US West - Learning Tenshi, will switch if you want me to, just un/select a character repeatedly.

>> No.909338

When it comes to play against the likes of Armando or such, the only two Touhoes that really hold up are Reimu and Reisen. Reisen has awesome corner pressure. The only thing that's really bad about her is a shitty 623 and low damage. Anybody else and I'd take an even more severe beating.

>> No.909404
noob aya user. us west

>> No.909429

come on join. us west.

>> No.909515


>> No.909776

GGs, GP.

>> No.909777

ggs jetm

>> No.910807
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>> No.910874

>shitty 623
Not my fault you don't use Undersense Break.

>> No.910916

Oh shit. I forgot about that. That'd get rid of that silly input problem in the corner, too. I just put in four Mind Explosions and random spellcards I liked when I picked up Reisen, so I never even considered it.

>> No.910970
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>> No.911686


>> No.912328

Hosting ON, Canada. Weather OFF.

>> No.912349
EC, Intermediate level

>> No.912360
US West

>> No.912411

GGs, LBG I think the name was.

>> No.912410

ggs. Time to uninstall this game, looks like everyone at my skill level stopped playing.

>> No.912431

There's always irc.

>> No.912441

I think he means the other way around.

>> No.912502

Yeah, it looks like all the other casual players are finished with this game. All I run into now are people hopelessly beyond my skill level.

>> No.912509

GGs Biz

>> No.912516
East Coast
Intermediate-low advanced

>> No.912513

I dunno, I consider myself to be pretty bad at this game and I've run into other people around my skill level here. You might just not have much luck with getting the right hosts.

I'd probably host a lot if only I could.

>> No.912530


I try to join if I see a beginner/low casual hosting, but I can't host and I don't see many EC hosts that aren't on their way to being tourneyfags, so yeah.

But I probably win too much vs. people who are just beginning, so I need to find a more precise niche I fit into... but I get to play rarely enough as it is.

>> No.912559

You don't only need an EC host. I'm EC, yet I can safely join most EU players (not that there are many around lately) with little to no lag or delay.
I got better by playing better players like Dimglow, Abba, and the like. I just had to copy bits and pieces of their play styles and I got better every time.

>> No.912568

Which is why I said go to irc. Last I heard there are about 100 players there.

>> No.912577


>> No.912576


Last time I tried with a Britfag, the delay was awful. But the last time I played a fellow New Yorker the delay was also awful because his connection was shared, so who knows.


I'd rather set my pubes on fire than set foot on IRC. I have principles.

>> No.912583
US East. Amateur.

>> No.912581

I'm still hosting.

>> No.912587

game crashed?

>> No.912584

Like what Jetm said, you can also join Canada and other US hosts. It doesn't have to specifically be EC.

I'm from WC and I play EC players and Canada players just fine.

>> No.912610

Crashed again? What's with the lag.

>> No.912615

>I got better by playing better players like Dimglow, Abba, and the like. I just had to copy bits and pieces of their play styles and I got better every time.
Thing is, as a casual player I'm not interesting in taking it to this level. I just want to screw around with touhous hitting each other with trains and optic blasts, not pull off constant 12 hit airtight combos on any opponent mistake.

>> No.912626


I'd do that with you, Anon, but I can never seem to connect to anyone.


so ronery

>> No.912631

Holy mother of fuck. First it crashes, then my power goes out. What's next? Does my motherboard fry?

>> No.912636

I don't do that kind of thing myself. I use combos on rare occasions, but I normally beat most players with random attacks. I fuck up most Dial A's anyways.

>> No.912655


>> No.912704
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>> No.912773

isn't that just a bit redundant?

>> No.912788

How many players are left anyway? All I ever see here are abba, magister, dimglow, jetm, xoa, lbg, sometimes asdf and melty, gp, swedish, and truth.

>> No.912789 EU
Are there still low players around?

>> No.912816


GGs. Sorry if our levels didn't mesh well enough, I'm having a really hard time finding where I fit in.


Yeah, I know, but coast to coast lags a bit sometimes, and some people are (understandably) pretty anal about that. I'm more or less willing to put up with just about any delay myself, but I try to stay local to be safe.

>> No.912818

I'd like to play, but there are a few things stopping me.
I don't know if I've the correct game, and asking for help on /jp/ is like asking for help anywhere else on 4chan, you're more likely to get saged than anything else.
I also only have a keyboard - fightan games with keyboard = bad idea, as I've seen in SWR.
I also suck at fightan games, but eh, that's secondary.

>> No.912842

>I don't know if I've the correct game, and asking for help on /jp/ is like asking for help anywhere else on 4chan, you're more likely to get saged than anything else.
Ask for help anyways, what do you have to lose?
>I also only have a keyboard - fightan games with keyboard = bad idea, as I've seen in SWR.
Not necessarely, gamepads are overrated. I've seen some really awesome players who use a keyboard, and I myself use one and I can occasionally beat some of the players mentionned in >>912788

>I also suck at fightan games, but eh, that's secondary.
So do I, but like anything else, practice makes perfect, you won't get better by moping around, and nobody's "born" bad or good at something, they "get" good or bad at something.

>> No.912850

>I don't know if I've the correct game, and asking for help on /jp/ is like asking for help anywhere else on 4chan, you're more likely to get saged than anything else.
Ask for help anyways, what do you have to lose?
>I also only have a keyboard - fightan games with keyboard = bad idea, as I've seen in SWR.
Not necessarely, gamepads are overrated. I've seen some really awesome players who use a keyboard, and I myself use one and I can occasionally beat some of the players mentionned in >>912788

>I also suck at fightan games, but eh, that's secondary.
So do I, but like anything else, practice makes perfect, you won't get better by moping around, and nobody's "born" bad or good at something, they "get" good or bad at something.

>> No.912862
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>nobody's "born" bad or good at something

>> No.912891

Ok fine, how about this: no matter how bad you are at something, you can always overcome your own shittyness with effort and practice.
Unless you have some debilitating disease or something. Then you're fucked.

>> No.912958

Good to know that there are still players I have a chance against.

>> No.912968

Alright - what do I need, then? I have SWR and the score.dat to unlock the characters. Can't understand shit of the actual text, obviously, since I don't speak moon, but I can navigate the menus somewhat.

>> No.913001
File: 656 KB, 1147x1130, 1214687205423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have the game, score.dat, and can navigate the menus. Do you have patch 1.02? Aside from that, I can't think of anything else you could be missing.

>> No.913024

Since you have the Score.dat to unlock everything, you should know the SWR wiki has most everything translated for you.

Rehosting. Maybe my game won't crash this time/power go out.

>> No.913117

I'm so casual that I wandered in, grabbed the score.dat, then forgot all about it until a couple of weeks ago, when I visited /jp/ (/a/ exile - summer is bad this year), then I saw that people actually played this online. And then I put it off for "another day"

So yeah - extremely casual.

>> No.913563


>> No.913564

GGs, Abba two.

>> No.913960
File: 74 KB, 560x560, 1214696973493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
913960 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya.

>> No.914224


>> No.914240

Give me ten minutes.

>> No.914261


>> No.914302
Canada EC.
Attempting to break out of bad habbits by trying new things, so don't expect much.

>> No.914483

GGs again, Abba Two.

>> No.914493


>> No.914549


>> No.914557


>> No.914582

lol no. Not until you tell me how you got better.

>> No.914757

GGs Icekin. Don't think we'd fought before so wanted to mess around. It's like I had butterfingers there, kept failing to swap spellcards and using the wrong card.

>> No.914756

Thanks for the games, Dimglow.
You have no idea how much I hate that fucking parasol spin. PLaying against Yukari remains fun nonetheless.
Work calls in a bit, so I'm out.

>> No.914772

>Not necessarely, gamepads are overrated.
True. I can do Tenshi's block string just as well on gamepad as I can on keyboard and I happen to find keyboard easier to use (aside from HJs forward/backwards). However, I still prefer the gamepad.

>> No.914774

I can relate. I did so many wrongly input 623's I was just laughing at the end.

>> No.914783
File: 50 KB, 710x561, 1214704839036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it is worth I'm a gamepad user.
Pic related.
Over a 4 or 5 year period I've gone through three of these. No problems with any inputs/combos I've seen.

>> No.914798

I was getting a LOT of bad inputs too. I was wondering if my battery was dying but it read full. I lost 3 or so rounds to failing to cancel out of feints into cards, a botched teleport into Ran and a weak parasol into Ran went into boundary twice. Doh.

>> No.914801

My Saitek controller sucks. I ditched it for a 360 controller.

>> No.914816

Yeah, a friend of mine had his go to shit too. Turns out the Hawaiian air lead to a lot of battery corrosion/buildup on the heads. I still have to clean my batteries weekly. The charger is too high voltage. Still haven't found a better 6 button face gamepad.

>> No.914850

I'm guessing this is Abba two. I got better by fooling around in every match I play in. I toy with different attacks in different situations and try to put as much pressure as possible on my opponent. Also, you became predictable.

>> No.915105
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915105 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya.
