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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 125 KB, 960x544, 2012-05-08-224139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8984990 No.8984990 [Reply] [Original]

can't seem to find one.

Ciel arrived yesterday, played around a bit with it, transcribed some conversations on my pc while trying to translate and understand stuff, now she's sleeping, feels like i got a true waifu tamagotchi.

>> No.8985005

Can you feed her? Does she have extra clothes? Does she have extra hair accessories?

>> No.8985016

I like it

>> No.8985030


>> No.8985165


>> No.8985284

Fuck, why is it taking so long to get delivered to me. Also, are there no more Gust generals?

>> No.8985315

Why do you need a GUST general? Make a thread when you have something interesting to tell.

>> No.8985355

She is so damn cute, I'm going to cry bitch tears when we never get it over here.

Not that I own a Vita anyways, but still.

>> No.8985393

But we will never get it here already.
Riddle me this, someone, the DLC for this thing will be paid or free? And if it isn't, will I be able to use it on my US account after I buy it on my JP one? I want those trophies.

>> No.8985426

Not on 3ds means 1. no interactivity 2. no touching forbidden places ;_;

>> No.8985441

Touch my vita screen, dude.

Er, I mean Vita has a touch screen, dude. And a 2nd touchpad.

>> No.8985450

You can touch her and she'll get embarrassed, seriously. The Vita has more touchscreens that a 3DS.

>> No.8985464

I've never been interested on a PSP Vita until now...

fuck you /jp/ !!!

>> No.8985467

It's too expensive though.

>> No.8985479

$250? I waste a lot more on figures man.

>> No.8985488

I didn;t know autism money paid so much

>> No.8985501

I don't really get why people spend so much money on figures, I'd rather go with a new console, game or PC at least I'd use them to escape this shitty reality for hours. What the hell do you do with a figure?

>> No.8985502


To be honest I only want a vita for a possible new Monster Hunter and Dragon's Crown.

>> No.8985623

Yes! This! This is why I got a Vita, I hoped there would be some stuff like this! I will be importing this when I get paid!

Tell me anon- is it nice??

>> No.8985638

It's nice

>> No.8985708

The moment Ciel no surge gets localized the moment I go to the shop to acquire a PSP Vita. Simple as that.

>> No.8985761

Full audio rip when? Come on, Internet, get cracking that software, it's not like you have anything else to do.

>> No.8985827

Vita's PSP emulator crypto root key is out. Only a matter of time before the host OS gets owned.

>> No.8985828

A localized waifu simulator?
Are you at least getting a 3DS?

>> No.8985928

oh, god... time to start learnin some Japanese

>> No.8986016

Ciel no surge is not a full game right? I heard that it contains only a single episode and you have to buy the other dlc episodic releases?

>> No.8986059

Kinda, yes.

>> No.8987492

Doesn't Meruru come out in the US soon too?

>> No.8987498
File: 366 KB, 533x643, 1311381780829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 22nd.

Trying to wrap up Totori before it comes out.

>> No.8987509

Yes, I actually preordered it just hours ago.

>> No.8987553

I just noticed AT's Ciel is シエル while Ciel nosurge's is シェル

>> No.8989467

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8990394
File: 459 KB, 1200x1200, must have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have this?

>> No.8990401 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 605x720, [WhyNot] Tasogare Otome x Amnesia - 01 [CCB10C5A].mkv_snapshot_14.12_[2012.05.07_06.25.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty GUST threads go in /vg/

>> No.8990412 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1334808908065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tripfags belong on >>>/b/

>> No.8990423

I wish
Some day I'll buy her whole discography.

>> No.8990433

Good evening OP, on a scale from 0 to 10, how happy are you that this shitposter saved your thread when you were at school? >>8989467

>> No.8990455

Why are you such a fucking asshole? Every single post is a shitpost to you, huh?
Get out.

>> No.8990470

I don't like her Orgel collections, I mean, she's not singing so what's the point?

>> No.8990492

Is it true that you need to be online to play this?
Some kind of "the savegames are stored on the Gust-servers"-thing?

>> No.8990509

Not at all.

>> No.8990548

That's... so wrong. Do you also dislike Kanno when she's not singing?
In any case, these are orgel arranges of the Kalliope album, so it's not totally unrelated to her singing.
It must be somewhere on the Internet. Maybe it'll appear after that event where she'll sell previo-
日付・場所 2012年5月4日
Well, shit. Where is my free music?

>> No.8990578

Well, I meant to say I'd rather have her regular albums than Orgels, but I still enjoy them, just not as much. And if I had known before I would have bought it with Ciel Nosurge.

>> No.8990665

>Well, I meant to say I'd rather have her regular albums than Orgels
Well, that I can agree with. But it's not like those things just appear from nowhere. A full Shikata album must take some serious work to make.

>> No.8992335


>> No.8992364


Gust sure makes some decent money for a small dev team of 20 guys.

>> No.8992955

That means higher budget for the rest of Surge Concerto, which is great. If only they had all that for AT3.

>> No.8995571
File: 575 KB, 1600x900, c27135470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a pure, young maiden.

>> No.8995582

That's for this quality bump. Best poster on /jp/, I tell you.

>> No.8995585

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8995592

And 4 hours from now, OP will be back from school to make sure the thread stays on page 0 for the rest of the vening.

GUST, /jp/'s "core" culture.

>> No.8995598

Stop feeding the trolls.

Just report the thread and move on.

>> No.8995601

wuts up bro? still mad?

>> No.8995603

fuck you retard

>> No.8995634


Why aren't you banned yet anyways? I've seen your posts get deleted multiple times in the previous threads. Unless you're just ban evading now.

>> No.8995656

> I've seen your posts get deleted
You are bad at this.

And how is my post worse than your pointless bumps from page 15?

>> No.8995667

>I woke up and I'm somehow banned for "crossboard invasion".
>Guess I'll evade it.

-- ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.8995669

The bumps are on-topic.

>> No.8995673

Not the guy you're replying to, but even if that was the case, so what? "She's hot!!!" isn't a cause for a bump.

Yes yes ZUN!bar, you're not breaking any rules and so on. It's just bad manners, especially when you do it so often.

>> No.8995681

Necrobumping with >She's a pure, young maiden. is exactly the same as bumping nocturnes threads with Nice! Epic! I like it!

GUST threads were always about forced-bumping, in fact.

>> No.8995691

>bumping nocturnes threads with Nice! Epic! I like it!

>> No.8995699

Oh boy, it's this moron that has nothing better to do other than complain about how he hates people posting in threads, again.

>> No.8995702
File: 277 KB, 414x1458, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> GUST threads were always about forced-bumping, in fact.

Shut up. You're destroying your own case. I don't like these threads and I don't think they belong here, and I think it's especially unfair that ZUN!bar is getting his own way. However, prattling on about, "Waahhh! GUSTfags are being homolords in their shitty threads!!!" just makes us all look like idiots.

Take it to the ghost board, or email moot. Ask the mods in IRC, explain to them what GUST is, and what kind of games they make. They've made an official statement saying that GUST threads are tolerated (and frankly, I'm fine with that) but they should also uphold the notion that these threads now belong in /vg/.

The "/v/ vs. /jp/" wars are over, because they have their own board now. Everyone but ZUN!bar and a few fans get it, dude.

>> No.8995708

Yes and? we're not allowed to post in threads unless you like those posts even though they're not against the rules? Are you seriously that stupid?

>> No.8995721

Why are you complaining about my complaints?

Me, OP and zunbar, we are all breaking the rule regarding the "quality of posts".

>> No.8995750

I never, ever, said GUST threads should leave /jp/. I just find it funny how they managed to trick the mods into thinking that GUST was some sort of overpopular core topic on /jp/. Whereas it's just a couple of guys bumping their little thread everyday.

And as far as manners and respect go, why would people respect your thread, when you shamelessly keep forcing it straight from page 15 everyday? Just let it die and make a thread when you have something interesting to discuss, no need for a placeholer "just in case" thread.

>> No.8995771
File: 243 KB, 906x800, 27049430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close. I posted a shiny new, non-reposted image. That's actually a perfectly acceptable bump reason for an image board.

Maybe you should re-evaluate why you're posting here.

>> No.8996000
File: 123 KB, 960x544, 2012-05-11-082813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, back on with some other pics.
The huge problem with this game is that she syncs her "bio-internal-clock" with Gust servers, this means that she mostly sleeps during evening when i'm at home, and i miss most of her events during the day.

This morning i found her drawing, after tapping around she responded and finally started the "story", i'm still reading stuff slowly while trying to understand.
Anyway she only has a pajama as a dress, then, during the first cutscene, she gets some items and after some talking you can tell her to craft her actual dress. There's also a menu where you can set some preferred time and have events with her, like eating togheter, going to sleep togheter, etc. but her internal clock can't be changed, shame.

>> No.8996020
File: 155 KB, 960x544, 2012-05-11-083027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Inner world" ion is very different from usual ar tonelico "inner selves", she's more like a guide and shows around the inner world.

>> No.8996027
File: 67 KB, 960x544, 2012-05-10-000315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8996036
File: 141 KB, 960x544, 2012-05-11-213649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new phone/psvita wallpaper

>> No.8996091

How can you say you love her if you can't adjust your sleeping schedule for her?

>> No.8996156

My sleep schedule is pretty fucked up already, so this might work for me.
Also, stupid SAL why are you taking so much time?

>> No.8996880

Ayesha's opening:

>> No.8997164

Back to animation, in a good way.

>> No.8997898


33,630 views in a single day? Looks like Ayesha is getting quite a bit of attention. I wonder when NISA will get around to releasing it, maybe around Christmas time?

>> No.8998088

RAH is so much fun:

>> No.8998416

Did you ever upload Finnel's?

>> No.8998476

>bro got a vita
>try to transfer files from pc to vita
>figure out i need to install sony drm rootkit and cant just use it like a flash drive
>there isn't even a linux version

never again

>> No.8998509

Never do what again, buy a $250+ product without doing any research on it?

>> No.8998547

so what do you do in this game, just look at some girl?

>> No.8998754

It's not like I actually used my PSP as a flash drive ever, so I don't mind. Converting videos and plaing them on the Vita in 720p is easy (and you easily download YT videos as well in its browser) and that's all I need plus music.

>> No.8998760 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 788x713, hallomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998880

at least they don't force you to use some software to do the actual transfer, it's just a bridge for drm protected stuff like games an videos you bought on the PSN.

>> No.9000664


It has been a while, Sion.

>> No.9001326


>> No.9001331


It's been a while, OP.

>> No.9001417

Finally, been trying to get this forever.

>> No.9001593
File: 139 KB, 960x544, 2012-05-12-194209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god look at those, fun stuff is that i try'd creating another ciel and the result was pretty similar with a brownish skin and black short hairs, mysteries of barcode scanning.

>> No.9001684

So any barcode works?
Also fucking K-ON and Madoka avatars, that's so fucking unfair.

>> No.9001825


>> No.9001836


>> No.9001891

Fucking RAH could have been a lot better

>> No.9002122

Ciel? Is that supposed to be シャ-ル?

>> No.9004679
File: 122 KB, 960x544, 2012-05-12-194311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, misstype'd.

>> No.9004689

yes, any barcode works.
the first one was made via a biscuit box barcode, for the second one i used Kyoko Sakura figma barcode.

>> No.9004691

Good morning OP, did you sleep well?

>> No.9004707

Finally finished AT2 last night (fuck yes you are the best final boss theme, also dat Croix singing), starting on AT3 now and jesus christ what the fuck were the character designers thinking with Mute? She could have been genuinely intimidating if she weren't wearing a ridiculous dress...

Also Tatsumi is a total bro. Confirmed for favourite character

>> No.9004747

Mute isn't supposed to be intimidating. Keep playing.

>> No.9005395


Does this make me the OP too? Or is 4 hours not enough?

>> No.9005400 [DELETED] 

This >>9004679 is clearly OP, you fucking aspie.

>> No.9005406

AT2's final boss battle is one of the best I've seen ever, obviously it's all about the music.
God I need this game.

>> No.9005411


>> No.9005417

Get out, asshole.

>> No.9005421

What's the matter? Why so rude?

>> No.9005462

I'm honestly glad that the AT series was made. It's wonderful to have a series with music as one of the main focuses/themes and NOT just re-using famous classical music, like most other music-themes games do
