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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8971569 No.8971569 [Reply] [Original]

Okay bitches, it's time for a Touhou/STG General thread. What are you playing? What are you achieving? What is your high score? Need help? Ask for it!

>> No.8971583

Only game i have not normal 1cc'd yet is SA, so might try that next. Currently trying Nue and Mamizou, although UFO's stage is the hardest thing ever and TD's is no walk in the park for me either. Also I hate mamizou's spell cards while I think Nue's are easier.

>> No.8971640

I need a gamepad but I'm too poor.

>> No.8971658


Not using a keyboard? Confirmed for faggot.

>> No.8971664

Arguing about what input method ones uses? Confirmed for faggot.

>> No.8971679

Maybe he's playing at laptop. Also sage.

>> No.8971682
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>What are you achieving?
owned 4 lifes

>> No.8971727

Sorry ,my spelling ;___;

>> No.8971747


>> No.8971744

I'm playing Subterranean Animism. And Orin just keeps slaughtering me. What the best character to fight her with? And can someone post that Orin guide?

>> No.8971749

What's the problem with playing on a laptop's keyboard? I use mine and it's fine, and the keys are really comfortable
I have to use a key remapper, though

>> No.8971769


What do you have your keys remapped as?

I just the default. Shift + z + x is probably a very awkward key combination in hindsight, but i'm already quite used to it, even though it makes use of the three last fingers of one hand on a single row.

>> No.8971780

Touhoujerkers are useless creatures :p
Isn't that obvious.

>> No.8971785

Here's my Orin guide


>> No.8971837
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>> No.8971840
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you will never 1cc dim.dream on lunatic.

>> No.8971855

same with Flower View

>> No.8971903

and SA

>> No.8971923

SA Lunatic is not that bad

>> No.8971984

Use Aya or Medicine.

Nah, SA has one of the easier Lunatics in my opinion. It's certainly easier than UFO, and might be easier than EoSD as well. With pretty much infinite bombs (50+?), it's incredibly easy to cheese through.

>> No.8972134

Bampu pantsu.­­­­­­­­

>> No.8972284


Stage 1 - Lunatic training

>> No.8972341

If I don't get my target score in DOJBL by the time Mushihimesama HD comes out, I'm going to gensokyo.

>> No.8972481

Should I play Highly responsive to prayers?

>> No.8973047

>[01:32] <Vanhaomena> "I'd also advise you to stop visiting pofv, it's just a lair of touhoujerking faggots, which cannot into anything else, just masturbating and touhou jerking. Well, some dodonpachi and iidx goes there, but it's the same shit. Better stop playing touhou and get more IRL friends, and maybe some other skills."
>[01:32] <Vanhaomena> "That's just a piece of advice. For me it was quite sad, i thought all those people are really talented, but then they appeared to be fags in both senses of this word."

>> No.8973226

but y he mad tho?

>> No.8974017
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I kind of feel bad for abandoning Touhou like this, but none of their scoring systems come even remotely close to how awesome this is.

>> No.8974043

It looks like a parody of CAVE's excesses

>> No.8974098

Right now I've been practicing Extra Stage on EoSD and just trying to get through PCB on hard (I'm new to the series).

I use a gamepad. Been told to use a keyboard before, and that just makes me play even worse. I somehow can't get any precision and accuracy with a keyboard, but can with a gamepad.

Well, I've asked about this in other threads. How do other /jp/ers deal with anger while playing? I get mad very easily, especially when I've been practicing stages for days, and seem to LOSE progress. I always end up throwing something in rage, usually my controller. I'm surprised it hasn't broken yet.

"Taking a break" doesn't seem to help a lot, because I've not much else to do. I sometimes try playing a different game, but my anger just transfers over to that game, and I end up making every little thing into something big.

I'm just unable to force myself to take it easy.

>> No.8974129

and it's amaaaazing

>> No.8974506

how awesome and great is this guy right
I don't end up on #pofv myself but trashtalking it like that just makes him seem like a massive dickwad.

>> No.8974559

how do i start playing iidx

>> No.8974572

by starting up your ps2

>> No.8974594

i can't play it on pc? fugg it

>> No.8974621

Last touhou I played was SA. I didn't make it past Orin. Then I got bored replaying stages 1-4 just to reach her.

>> No.8975774
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Playing SA on lunatic with continues all day, every day.

I die way too often on stage 1, it's pathetic. If I can get past yamame without using all my lives I can usually get almost all the way through stage 3 before getting another game over.

I can rarely beat stage 4, even with continues. I am starting to learn how to clear orin's 2 fights there without any deaths or bombs though. Stage 5 seems much easier than stage 4 but I've only gotten there once and quit after an hour or two, no idea about stage 6 yet as I have never gotten there.

I really love touhou 11. It was my only hard mode win, and my first normal clear. I figure if I can clear it on lunatic with continues all the other game's hard modes shouldn't be too terrible.

>> No.8976522

> I'm just unable to force myself to take it easy.

You must do it. Do you hear me.

>> No.8976539

i wish i could get the touhou magic back

that feel where you just enjoy playing and working towards a goal

1cc eosd, flandre, and eventually 1cc lunatic eosd were all multi-week intervals i felt this

id like to work toward a a second lunatic 1cc, but i just don't have to motivation

>> No.8976837

This post is misleading. Vahnaomena was acutally quoting the dude who said that.

>> No.8976883
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YOU GET TO MENTION YOUR FAVOURITE BEST PLAYERS, FROM 1 TO 5. Most votes gain the best ranking.

Mine are:

1 T
2 Anonymous dude
3 Riz
4 Cactu
5 The !MYONhutina tripdude.

>> No.8976903

Now you make me want to play.
Fuck I haven't played this game since 2009.

>> No.8976931
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>I haven't played this game since 2009.
Well, fuck, starting to remember why.

>> No.8976998


>> No.8977171

SA has a brutal stage 1. You just need to get focused, learn it somewhat, and not get burned on failure. Just remember that it's perfectly fine to burn all your resources on stage 1. Stage 2 is plentiful for that.
>I really love touhou 11. It was my only hard mode win, and my first normal clear. I figure if I can clear it on lunatic with continues all the other game's hard modes shouldn't be too terrible.
I'm sure that you can get it and that all the games will be easier for you once you do. Get comfy, practice, watch replays, and most importantly, practice.
>that feel where you just enjoy playing and working towards a goal
I think Touhou is more about the journey than the destination. Chances are, all of our final goals are infinite, and it's how we keep trying to reach those goals that makes everything worth it.
>3 Riz
I am flattered, but I don't think that I could make such a list myself. I have already gratified those that I need to in person, and I don't think /jp/ is a place for such a popularity contest.

I love all my friends equally, and I love /jp/ too.

>> No.8977192

The ultimate autism power level goes to Raiden Autist and his Dimahoo score

>> No.8977249 [DELETED] 
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could anyone explain to me please how exacly imperishable night extra spellcard no.199 Forgiveness "Honest Man's Death" works?
the laser sometimes completely whiffs and sometimes kills me, it seems to be pretty random to me

>> No.8977255
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could anyone explain to me please how exactly imperishable night extra spellcard no.199 Forgiveness "Honest Man's Death" works?
the laser sometimes completely whiffs and sometimes kills me, it seems to be pretty random to me

>> No.8977271

The hitbox of the laser materializes at the spot you were when the lasers sprite spawned. So you'll just have to move towards the laser after it has spawned. The distance you have to move is surprisingly small so experiment a little in spellcard practice.

>> No.8977304

thanks, it felt like i have to move towards lasers. sometimes i was dying though anyway so confirmation was needed. gonna play this a bit more then

>> No.8977462


Just do it the manly way.

>> No.8977486
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Good thing this was cleared up. I'd never talk about touhoujerking and masturbating in a negative matter.

>> No.8977499


...fuck, man.

>> No.8977524

After several tries I got Yukari last spellcard.

>> No.8977586
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jesus fuck, nope
i will stick to my slender and girly way

>> No.8978032

1 Anonymous dude
2 dot_asp
3 T
4 Riz
5 Cactu

>> No.8978090

that ain't 2hu.

>> No.8978848

No it's something way more autistic.

>> No.8979114 [DELETED] 


>> No.8979190

I'm calling bullshit on the notion of skill in STGs. You're either gifted or you're not.
I've been practising the first stage of TH12 on Lunatic for the past two and a half months. I figured out how to dodge everything in the stage within the first two days. Still, my rate of getting through the stage without bombing or dying is 1/200 since there are just too fucking many places to mess up in.
Especially the UFOs. 5/6 of my deaths can be blamed on the UFO system somehow. Catching the wrong UFO, not catching a UFO, having to follow a UFO through countless waves of enemy bullets which ups the possibility of accidentally moving two pixels too far, clipping me on a stray bullet... /rage

>> No.8979238

Hello, learning-disability-kun. It has been a while.

Memorization doesn't help when just about everything has a random element to it. Stop learning how to dodge patterns and learn how to dodge bullets. Just because you're practicing doesn't mean your practicing correctly.

Claiming that good people are gifted is just an insult to those that have poured hours into the skills they have gained, STGs or otherwise.

>> No.8979347

Yeah. Less micro-memorization, more actual dodging skill practise. Challenge yourself with something harder, or just something different so you're actually dodging, not reciting from memory. Eventually you won't be relying on precise taps, but you'll have control of the whole situation.

>> No.8979364

I'm just trying to 1cc every game on normal, all I need is SA and UFO.

I can get to the final spellcard on SA, but I get raped once I'm there. My plan for that is to just practice stages 4 & 5 to perfection then go into stage 6 with enough lives to bomb through the last spellcard.

I've no idea why I'm finding UFO so hard, I'm yet to get past stage 4.

>> No.8979382

How do I play Samidare? I have no idea how the game works.

>> No.8979403

Are you me? I'm in pretty much exactly the same situation, except I usually lose all my lives to Shou in UFO.

>> No.8979908

hold X for invincible movement

Really, though, what is there to explain? It should be pretty straightforward, especially if you've ever played a shooting game before.

>> No.8980499

>I can get to the final spellcard on SA, but I get raped once I'm there.
Utsuho is the easiest stage 6 boss, in my opinion. Just being able to get to stage 6 at all, regardless of resources, should get you a 1cc easily. That's on any difficulty. Maybe it's a little different on Normal mode, but I doubt that it can be too bad.
>but I get raped once I'm there. My plan for that is to just practice stages 4 & 5 to perfection then go into stage 6 with enough lives to bomb through the last spellcard.
Practicing those two stages is always good, but you should also learn stage 6 as well.
>just practice stages 4 & 5 to perfection
I wouldn't bother with this. If anything, you should be learning how to cheese those stages as much as possible. You are focused on survival, not perfection. You should try to perfect them after you have already secured a 1cc.

>> No.8980502

>I've no idea why I'm finding UFO so hard, I'm yet to get past stage 4.
Stage 4 should be a breathing place for you. It's the best place to farm for resources in the whole game. A good stage 4 is the backbone of your run. Don't worry about doing good on stage 3. It's very difficult and gives little resources, especially if you are starting out. The patterns on stage 4 should be easy once you learn them, and the game will be raining resources at you even before you have a good token path. Also, make sure to learn Murasa. Keep in mind that her nonspells are completely static, except for a small random element on the third one. Her first spellcard is unfailable with simple streaming; her second may mess you up, but you should still try it; her third is easier than it looks, and you usually have a chance of knowing if you are about to get clipped, which should give you a chance to bomb; and her last spellcard is harder than the Lunatic version. I would just bomb it. Stage 5 of UFO can require some memorization, but it isn't that bad once you get used to it. Just be ready to press the X button.

If you want, you can post a replay and I'll give you some hints, or you can ask me for one.
This is one a made a little while ago that might interest you: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=20552

>> No.8980807

How do you keyboard fans stand it? After practicing EoSD extra stage for days with my gamepad I decided to practice a day with just keyboard, and I simply cannot bear it. It's uncomfortable, and I can't move diagonally as easily as I can on a d-pad.

I noticed with the keyboard I COULD move in smaller more precise movements, which I thought would be helpful, but it didn't make much of a difference for me; it was barely different from my gamepad in the end.

I love using keyboard on other games, but shooters I just can't do it.

>> No.8980892

>i was used to a gamepad but then i used a keyboard one time and couldn't get used to it
gee i wonder why you couldn't get used to it

>> No.8981235

Got a new comp so I don't have shit installed cept some antivirus.

I'm reallyyyyy paranoid about getting viruses n shit, so I was wondering where is the safest place to download Touhou games?

>piratebay response

i also have an ubuntu computer i could scan viruses on and give to this one. is it safe to play the games off of a usb? i mean, can usb flash drives get viruses and give them to computers commonly? halp.

>> No.8981270

Yes a virus can copy itself from a USB drive or any other form of storage media, that's pretty much what a virus IS.

>> No.8981269

How do you pad fans stand it? After practicing EoSD extra stage for days with my keyboard I decided to practice a day with just gamepad, and I simply cannot bear it. It's uncomfortable, and I can't move as precisely as I can on a d-pad.

I noticed with the pad I COULD move in more fluid movements, which I thought would be helpful, but it didn't make much of a difference for me; it was barely different from my gamepad in the end.

I love using gamepad on other games, but- wait, okay, actually I don't.

>> No.8981275
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>playing Touhou

People actually do this?

>> No.8981953

This fucking feel when you die in the last moments of Byakuren's last card. I've been practicing UFO for half a year now and this is the first time I get to the last card. I was so fucking close.

Seriously I'm so close to tears at the moment. Why is UFO so damn hard and why is the whole mechanic of summoning UFOs so retarded?

>> No.8981977

Secondary detected

>> No.8982001

We all experienced it. Failing to 1cc at the last second in Byakuren's last card happened to everyone.

>> No.8982012

I don't find UFO to be hard, not as hard as SA, MS or TD.
But for some reason, I to died at last seconds of last SC on my supposedly first UFO 1cc. Or should I even say that I died a bit after last SC, since I died when Byakuren have already started to be getting blown up. Seems like she notorious for such stuff.
But other than that, Byakuren is pretty easy for a last boss, unlike Toramaru.

>> No.8982056

I didn't have PCB for a long time on new PC, so I installed it. 1cc'd on normal, then decided to meet Ran in a while. I have had 1cc'd every game on normal, some on hard, but not a single Extra. I was just looking forward to recalling Ran's dialogue.
But on my second time I've reached Ran I somehow 1cc'd it, even though I had no such intentions and wouldn't thought it to be possible, even more so since I haven't seen some of last SCs and non-SCs.
So I though then that I will go see Yukari, but I found out that one needs to capture 60 SCs for that as well.
Long story short, I began capturing SCs on other difficulties, but the thing is when I went to Easy, I wasn't been able to 1cc it, even though I 1cc'd it on Normal with every character and shot type with no problems. While yes, some of SC were a bit simplified on Easy, it wasn't really easier in general.

tl;dr why is PCB's Easy is harder than Normal...

>> No.8982065

Your brain cannot work with too much space between bullets

>> No.8982069

You saw "easy" and unconsciously took the game less seriously.

>> No.8982076
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>> No.8982078

I kind of thought so too at first, but then again, it is the same for most of the Normal as well, especially for the first 3-4 stages.

>> No.8982137
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beat any of my IN easy scores first, then come complain.

Probably the worst one in the image.

>> No.8982144
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>not as hard as TD

>> No.8982164
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SanaeA no-bomb 1cc. 4/6 shots done. Only MarisaA and SanaeB are left. It's a bad run. I wouldn't recommend watching it. The description in the link says it all.

That happens a lot when playing Touhou. UFO isn't special in that sense. Practice until you have enough resources so that you won't have such a problem on the last card. I burst into tears many times after loosing great runs. It's just part of the game, and it makes the final goal even better. I've been practicing for a NBNUFO run of UFO Lunatic for the past 7 months and I still haven't gotten it. I've lost multiple runs on the slowdown. It's just part of the game.
>I don't find UFO to be hard, not as hard as SA, MS or TD.
I'd have to disagree with that. Also, if you are going to list the pc98 games, MS is certainly not the hardest of them.
>But other than that, Byakuren is pretty easy for a last boss, unlike Toramaru.
Toramaru isn't even a last boss. Name me one harder boss than Byakuren in the PC games. I might give you Remilia under certain circumstances, but that's it.
>tl;dr why is PCB's Easy is harder than Normal...
You should see MoF.

>> No.8982172

>Name me one harder boss than Byakuren in the PC games.

I find Eirin/Kaguya way harder if I'm not spamming bombs like I usually do in IN

>> No.8982208


>> No.8984198


>> No.8987942
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It was a shitty run, but whatever. I'm going back to UFO.

>> No.8988128

I just picked up toohoo again after a very long break. I never really got that good (barely 1ccing pcb/IN on normal), but I played using a gamepad. I feel more comfortable using one for touhou, but I have this nagging feeling that I'm crippling myself by doing so. Should I switch to keyboard instead?

Also, if I do switch to keyboard, is there any easy tool to remap my keys? Holding down shift with my little finger just feels awkward, especially as I have a UK keyboard layout (There's an extra key between Z and lshift).

>> No.8988488

There is http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php?topic=219.0 to remap keys, but I had a few problems before while using it.

As for switching to a keyboard, I would recommend it. It's probably going to take some time to get used to it, but I think that it will be worth it at the end. I've never seen anyone play the game decently good without a keyboard, unfortunately. Also, if it's a real problem, you might want to look at getting another keyboard. I think that would be easier than having to rebind the keys.

>> No.8988579

Thanks, I'll give that a try when I get home. If all else fails there's always inputremapper, but that's a pain to set up so I was wondering if there was something simpler. Can't wait to start sucking at touhou again.

>> No.8988586

Yep, get a new keyboard. A mechanical keyboard would be optimal. I was playing with a shitty keyboard until recently, when I bought the QPAD MK-85. The gameplay feels heaps better.

There are lots of good keyboards here: http://www.elitekeyboards.com/

>> No.8988621

4chan is not your free advertisement space. Please leave.

On that note, spending $200 and up for a keyboard isn't simply retarded, but borderline insane with a strong hint of maximum autism.

>> No.8988633

I have two mechanical keyboards (one with reds, one with browns) actually, but they're both UK layout making shift-z-x-c awkward for my girly hands.

>> No.8988632

Oh yeah, totally. I mean, who in his right mind would pay two whole bennies for something he's only going to be using, like, 14 hours a day, every day?

>> No.8988644

I have this one and I like it: http://elitekeyboards.com/products.php?sub=leopold,tenkeyless&pid=fc200rrabn
I don't think having a mechanical one is necessary, but I find it a lot more comfortable. I really want to check out a keyboard with Blue switches, but Reds are nice too.
You're the worst troll I've ever seen on the Internet. Do you bookmark these thread exclusively for the purpose of shitposting or something? Or is awful trolling, which should more properly be called spamming in your case, your special kind of game that you play? I think that you would be the one to get the most profit if you kindly leave and never come back.

>> No.8988665

My chair is worth $750, my mouse $100 and my desk $500, but my keyboard less than $15.

So, tell me one single reason why I would invest in a keyboard. I can't see it. And I'm not even trolling.

>> No.8988690

>On that note, spending $200 and up for a keyboard isn't simply retarded, but borderline insane with a strong hint of maximum autism.
>My chair is worth $750, my mouse $100 and my desk $500.
Your right to call people on the internet retarded for any reason is hereby revoked, effective now and terminating never.

>> No.8988692

The same reason you used to justify spending $100 on a mouse. In case you have some very special circumstances, I'm referring to comfort, looks and functionality.

>> No.8988834
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Ended up playing 10D as Youmu on a whim recently and did really well, that motivated me to start working on DS, did stages 1-4 yesterday and plan on starting 5 today.

>> No.8988869

Shitty keyboards are spongy.

>> No.8989078

Because your keyboard is probably garbage with a shitty rubber membrane, no n-key rollover, and you're too big of a poseur to care.

>> No.8989277

Skill is the only thing gimping you. You can get good with what controller you're using, be it an arcade stick, keyboard, or gamepad. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.8989303
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I currently hold 3 Touhou world records, but I use this, so I feel like a super good keyboard isn't completely necessary as long as there aren't any ghosting problems. It's just what I'm used to. I'm very heavy handed, and it feels like I'm going to break mechanical keyboards when I use them.

Then again, I have a ~$300 beatmania IIDX controller and refuse to play with anything cheaper, so maybe I'd feel the same way about keyboards if I ever transitioned to something fancy.

>> No.8989665

I use a lappy and I can clear all the games on lunatic (except SoEW, i'm working on that now). Stop discussing about something as pointless as a good keyboard, unless you are going to score and need perfect performance, you can do perfectly fine with a generic keyboard.

>> No.8989760

I'm bored, someone give me something touhou to do and I'll try my best and post screenshots of me not being able to do it. Make it reasonable in regard to what I have done so far.

I have 1cced on normal every game except Dim dream and SA. I have beaten Flan, Ran and Yukari.

>> No.8989777

Beat Suwako.

>> No.8989790

Ok. I've tried to beat her before but I really suck at her spellcards for some reason.

>> No.8989844

Crap...apperantly I can't take screenshots while playing MoF??

:/ Made it to suwako with 4 extra lives, no mistakes...Time to die 1100000 deaths.

>> No.8989879

Home key. Snapshot folder.

>> No.8989915

ok thanks.

Well I made it farther then I have before, too ehh the one where you need to move close while the things expolde. I also captured the rings for the first time ever. I need to go do someting though, i'll continue later.

>> No.8990388

Sakuya & Patchouli - the reason why I'll never beat EoSD on normal.

>> No.8990777

Who Akai Katana here?

>> No.8990794

Hey, little help here? I've been doing EoSD Extra Stage. I'm getting better at Flandre, but Patchy is being a real bitch. Every time I fight her, I either die once or use all of my bombs. Each of her spellcards cause me trouble. Once I can get past her without wasting lives/bombs, I can actually stand a better chance practicing against Flandre.

Is there any tip to beating her, or does it just come down to "don't touch her shit"?

>> No.8990809

While being defecated on is not ideal in a fight, I also recommend dodging the bullets.

>> No.8990834

What is the easiest character to beat th10 with?

It's homing reimu isn't it

>> No.8990996

Yep. Unless you wanna be a total faggot and use the hacked 3 power marisa (a I think)

>> No.8991026

ReimuB is a pretty solid shot-type as well.

That'd be MarisaB(ugged).

>> No.8991137


elaborate on these 'world records'.

>> No.8991163 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8991172
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>> No.8993714
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Thanks to a bug on YouTube, I had to wait a while to upload this. I might as well post it now if I ever will: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq288BpY4vs

Also, saving from page 14.

>> No.8993807

Bump before 404

>> No.8995392

Guy doing the suwako run here. I made it to Suwa War...thats the farthest I have ever made it :) feels good.

>> No.8995487

Wow that was so close...I feel so sorry for you having to go into those last two spellcards with no lives>< such tensions.

What were the blackscreens though...?

>> No.8995516
File: 405 KB, 667x789, Surprised_marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a great finish, congratulations on the accomplishment Riz.

>> No.8995568

If I stream myself failing at suwako later tonight would anyone watch?

>> No.8995819

I'd watch.

>> No.8995862

neat :) it will be later though.

>> No.8995884

I liked MarisaC best, she's just so powerful - and her option completely destroys stages

>> No.8995910
File: 274 KB, 363x475, program.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First IKD game since Futari?

>> No.8996049

Can anyone give a strategy for the last wave of books in EoSD extra? I'm almost there...
replay: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=21061

>> No.8996355

You should seriously stop shitposting on sys11 and livetube cagar.

>> No.8996488


Dodge the bullets? Some of them are aimed directly at you but most are random. Bomb it if you can't deal.

>> No.8996615

What. Does Cagar even visit here.

>> No.8996772

He is trying a NBND run

>> No.8996834

Radio Zonde. Once you get past the cheap kills it's a rather fun title.

what up cagar

>> No.8996925

I don't know. Sometimes they get out of my way, other times they wall me. I can dodge it almost 100% with Reimu though, but I'll die on the last second of QED so I use MarisaA

>> No.8997261
File: 7 KB, 939x189, suwako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think i am going to try streaming soon, I hope it doesn't lag or anything..

>> No.8997269

Misdirect the bullets to one side and rush to another side and dodge the remaining bullets.

>> No.8997272

No wonder why it's so fun

>> No.8997299

lagging a lil I hope i wont be that bad..anyway going to get started feel free to join in whenever

>> No.8997392

I did it!!!

I died to the last spell card during the slowdown....my specialty...but I had 1 life left so it doesn't matter...

Yay!! Now I have beaten flan, ran, yukari and suwako! Next is Nue.

>> No.8997421

I'm working on MoF and PCB normal right now.

It's stage four on both of them for me. The Prismriver Sisters and Aya take all my resources away or else I'd stand a fairly good chance against Yuyuko and Kanako.

>> No.8998568

After many months of almost no Touhouing I decided to kill some time trying to tenderly rape Mamizou, I made it to her last spellcard.

Lucky run, but it seems I still won't be able to fap to her in the near future.

>> No.8999121

I've had to risk a NBNUFO runs to a perfect Byakuren a bunch of times and lost it at the last second, so don't feel bad.

I feel like these NB runs should be a little better. I can't take them as seriously as my NBNUFO runs. I need more time to play.
>What were the blackscreens though...?
Those are just encoding errors that make the screen black for a while. Here's an example of a bad one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0LIMlRVNs8&feature=player_detailpage#t=119s
Thanks. I'm glad to see that you are posting again, JRmarisaa.
I'm quite fond of MarisaC, although she does take some getting used to. I even did my VoWG timeout with MarisaC. I also like Homing Reimu.
>It seems I play better without the retexture pack.
Me too. Also, for those books, usually just dodging bullets works for me. I'm not that good at EoSD extra. Maybe you can misdirect them or shoot them down? Maybe you can look at some superplay replays to see how other players do it.
Aw. I missed it. That's what I get for sleeping from 3pm to 4am.

>> No.8999131
File: 111 KB, 966x737, fuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying at the slow down of Subterranean Sun

>> No.8999153

Maybe you should consider not using windowed mode. It's very hard to play at such a resolution. The game is harder to see and you don't get the benefits of fullscreen mode.

>> No.8999169

It's not a problem for me because my comp is ony at 1024x768

>> No.8999176

IKD is credited as the director of Akai Katana Shin, and SDOJ has the same programmers as AKS, minus Toshihiko Sera. So maybe not.

>> No.8999791
File: 151 KB, 600x600, 1e9564a48ab1a7fafbb82e79e4187edb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips on Mokou's Hollow Giant WOO?
this fucking spellcard is killing me

>> No.8999939

Misdirect the shots by circling Moko-tan, move to her left, pass above her, go down her right and quickly dodge the stray bullets by moving to the left and repeat.

>> No.9000094

>you don't get the benefits of fullscreen mode

What benefits? I find it much easier to play windowed than fullscreen.

>> No.9000131

Whoops forgot to upload it


>> No.9000230

Watch a replay and make a path for it. Follow that path whenever you meet the card. Don't stay at the bottom the whole time or you will get overwhelmed.
The game gets full control of the graphic resources and doesn't have to share with the desktop, thus allowing it to use the hardware more effectively. Also, you get the whole screen for yourself, so you don't have to look at anything else. I'm not sure, but I think windowed mode might result in input lag as well.
>I find it much easier to play windowed than fullscreen.
I used to think this as well, but not anymore. It might be on an LCD in some cases, but this game is properly played on a CRT.

>> No.9000237

Why are Touhou's hitboxes so damn big? Unlimited clipdeaths in IN now, after not playing it for months...

>> No.9000410

Too hard for you, Konpaku tripfag?

>> No.9000494

Myon is one of the best players here. Where are your replays, sagefag?

>> No.9000524

Not him, but I wouldn't bother posting replays even if I was good at the game.

>> No.9000531
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>> No.9000536

sup NSJ

>> No.9000537

Are you retarded, by chance?

>> No.9000567

People are care about replays are worthless attention whores anyways.

>> No.9000572

Nah, I'm pretty sure Riz is not retarded. He's one of the best players around here as well.

>> No.9000576

I'm having trouble with both of Cirno's openers in EoSD hard mode. It's driving me nuts.

>> No.9000578

Well, yeah, that's the point. Sports stars who want to win THE GOLD MEDAL OF SPORTS are doing it for attention, really. Of course there's some sense of personal fulfilment and accomplishment, but mostly it's so you can say you have done it.

Welcome to human nature.

>> No.9000584

Then someone explain his post in a way that doesn't make him look like a retard.

>> No.9000591

>Competition and attention are the point of games anyways

Are you being serious right now? Because if so, you need to fuck right off back to FGG.

>> No.9000596

Why don't you kids to back to playing the games or posting issues/suggestions rather than taking shits all over the thread.

>> No.9000604

I don't know who that is.
If by "retarded", you mean better than you in every way, shape, or form, then yes. Whenever I feel down, I can just laugh at how stupid you are and brighten up my day. Luckily, you spend all day pathetically spamming these threads, so I never feel lonely.
Then maybe you should go to a place where 99% of people don't post them on a regular basis. >>>/b/ is one of those places.
I think that Cirno has a safespot on her head. Yes, that opener is really hard.
You need to learn how to take it easy and stop acting like everyone is out to get you. We play these games for fun, and if you don't know how that works, then it's not my problem.
Perhaps it is to point out the irony of you posting and saging in a thread that's practically solely about posting replays, showing off, and discussing the Touhou games?

>> No.9000606

How the fuck am I supposed to beat Mamizou's 9th spellcard? Jesus Christ.

>> No.9000609

I'm sorry, but I can't think straight when I'm confronted with something so absolutely stupid as your post. You aren't worth an ant, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.9000613

and the majority of people who don't are crap touhou players anyway.

>> No.9000622

>I wanna be an e-celebrity look at mah skillz

Cancer of humanity.

>> No.9000623

It's funny because the problem was created after playing games that are much harder than Touhou.

>> No.9000621

The time out card ? It's easy, just lure the birds to one side and move the other side while dodging the dogs.

>> No.9000626

He was being satirical, I think.

>> No.9000629

>Not part of your personal circlejerk

Tourneyfags are the fucking worse.

>> No.9000632

Can you please just go back to >>>/b/ or whichever shithole you crawled from. That's enough crap spewing from you, thanks.

>> No.9000637

Hence why I said it was amusing.

>> No.9000641

oh god I just beat a touhou game for the first time ever, it was on easy but I don't care, i finally managed to do it

>> No.9000639

Keep your trip on while you shitpost, dear.

>> No.9000648

Nice try, but I'm not the tripfag you're looking for.

>> No.9000651

Please stop derailing threads. Off-topic replies are retarded and idiotic. If you don't like something, ignore.

>> No.9000654

You can lure the birds by either going vertically or horizontally. It takes a bit of practice to predict what the card is going to do next. It's a pretty hard timeout compared to the other extra stages, imo.
Perhaps you should go talk to someone if it makes you so upset.

>> No.9000659

If you can't understand just how you're an idiot I would be wasting my time to explain it to you. I just want you to know that I'll be happy when you get hit by traffic.

>> No.9000657

>lol u mad

As expected.

>> No.9000662

My biggest problem right now is that the birds just reach a point where they trap me and I don't know which side should I go.

>> No.9000678

>As expected.
Just don't cry too hard. You might hurt yourself.
>I just want you to know that I'll be happy when you get hit by traffic.
That's not very likely in my country village. We don't even have roads. Still, I would gladly like to hear your lecture. Perhaps you can give it to your first grade English teacher on your next assignment.
In a way, they will kind of trap you. You just have to be aggressive in misdirecting them.

>> No.9000683

Are you going to call him a scrub next?
You fucking people are the worst.

>> No.9000687

Quite the amazing thread

>> No.9000685

Okay, I have time for one more before I filter you. If you can't understand why you're an idiot, if you managed to miss the vastly overwhelming fact, then you clearly don't have the capacity to understand it no matter what method I choose to explain it to you.

And that's fine, maybe it'll be a plane or a bolt of lightning.

>> No.9000695

Shut up NSJ

>> No.9000722

>Okay, I have time for one more before I filter you.
So morbidly ebony and razorly edgy. Also, you're not filtering anyone.
>If you can't understand why you're an idiot, if you managed to miss the vastly overwhelming fact, then you clearly don't have the capacity to understand it no matter what method I choose to explain it to you.
Right back at you.
>And that's fine, maybe it'll be a plane or a bolt of lightning.
You're not going to get far in this world. I think a heart attack out of sheer buttmad is in your near future.

>> No.9000730

Right, so attention-seeking tripfags aside, can anybody help with
Both openers are being a cock-ass. One is a wide spread blast that's fucking fast and the other is fucking lasers everywhere combined with sunburst shots every quarter of a second.

I feel dirty on anything lower than hard mode.

>> No.9000740

Congrats. Beating a Touhou game, even on easy mode, is a pretty great feat.

>> No.9000741

Well, on normal, I suggest you to just run around them, like, not holding shift. It's pretty easy if you do that.

>> No.9000752

How do I stop sucking at Touhou?

>> No.9000754

You can do that on hard as well, but it's more difficult due to the extra bullets around the edge.

>> No.9000759

>On normal

I'm on hard, manbro.

>> No.9000760

For the first one, you wanna misdirect the first spread blast, then move to the other side of the screen and slowly go back over to where the first one shot, it should be gone by the time you're dodging the third blast.

For the lasers one, just stream it real slow, it's all more or less aimed.

>> No.9000766

Practice a lot. Try to memorize the early patterns, watch replays, analyze what the good players do. Remember that you are not limited to the lower edge of the screen, and limiting yourself makes your life much more difficult, and impossible on higher difficulties or spellcards. Try testing several characters.
Yep, I know. That's why I've said "on Normal". Because I didn't know if that would work on Hard.

>> No.9000770

I would agree with this. It took me two weeks of fairly intense play to get my first Easy mode 1cc. Even the best gamers will have difficulty in beating the game.
That's good if you have a path.
Practice, watch replays, post replays, spend time with people that are good, figure out your most ideal playing conditions, and never stop looking for ways to improve. It's all going to come down to how much you play and how much effort you put in the game. Even if it feel like you are not improving, keep going. Also, always remember to have fun and remember that it's a challenging game.

>> No.9000773

Are you implying you haven't played normal or easy yet? Just curious.

>> No.9000780



>> No.9000786

I'm not sure whether I should spend a few hours working on Suwako tonight. I have at least her first 4 spells more or less down, and the stage is a lot easier than most of the other ones.

On the other hand her later attacks are raping me, and people keep telling me how easy the fight is supposed to be, so I'm kind of scared. I drop bombs/lives like crazy on her seventh one (the spam of blue-ish bullets).

>> No.9000789

Roz stop being such an autistic faggot and getting trolled so easily, it makes you look really stupid.

>> No.9000793

I'd recommend starting on at least normal. Not saying you have to but it is motivating when you 1CC a game, it will take awhile until the keyboard feels perfect for controlling your character anyway.

>> No.9000795

He does it by himself, nobody was trolling.

>> No.9000803

He needs to browse system11 more to comprehend the shitposters.

>> No.9000812

I know. But I figure that the harder difficulties will better prepare me for the extra stage. That and overall improve my skill better than easy and normal.

The whole "no continues allowed" thing is nothing short of maddening, though.

>> No.9000816

Hard is harder than extra in my opinion, although it sort of depends on the game.

>> No.9000832
File: 475 KB, 640x480, th009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just how small do you want them to be? Your hitbox is 4-12.25 pixels area and maybe 1/3rd of the area of the bullets are the hitboxes (pic is not IN because i'm too lazy to find one)

>> No.9000834

It's easy to cover up your stupidity with the guise of trolling, but that's sadly not how it works. The intention of your post lies only in the actual post, not what you had in mind behind the screen. You are your post, and just because you are Anonymous doesn't mean you can't make a fool out of yourself. Also, if you are going to imply that someone is stupid, you should at least spell their name right.

Besides, I'm having fun.

>> No.9000851

I wished Touhou stages had more random bullets and enemies like PoFV. Every time i watch a replay and see them being safe by moving to an exact spot and killing the fairies before they can shoot, i try to do the same and when it works, i feel cheap by exploiting the safe spots. Without exploiting safe spots (or safe paths), people always say that i move too much randomly and i feel like i'm an amateur. Things got worse in every Extra stage where moving safe paths must be used everywhere. I prefer dodging to heavy memorization. However, static boss patterns are fine to me, it's just that the stages need to be more random.

>> No.9000852

I've done pcb extra, phantasm and MoF extra with my best accomplishment as PCB hard after having done all those. Extras are hard, but since it is only one stage they are easier to memorize. Just trying to help you not burn yourself out.

>> No.9000865

Extra is always easier than the game's main six stages, solely because all you need to do is memorize one stage as opposed to six.

>> No.9000871

Yeah, but still, for me, Extra is still harder than the main six stages. For example, I can easily 1CC TD on Normal, but I'm very close to defeating Mamizou, after 1 week of practicing carefully her spellcards.

>> No.9000874

Static does not necessarily mean easy, and there has to be a sense of strategy to the game, or else it will be too simple. Take my NBNUFO attempts of UFO, for example. I rely on "cheesing" fairies to survive. It's all part of the game, and it doesn't do much to make the game easer. You have to think of the games as a whole, instead of focusing on certain parts.

>> No.9000962

What's "cheesing" mean, exactly?

>> No.9000994

Skipping; cheating.

>> No.9000998

Following a certain path or doing something is a certain way to significantly simplify a certain section of a stage/spell.
When you're going for a 1cc, you want to cheese boss fights and the stages as much as possible.
Of course, if you don't cheese, it's still possible to do it a 'normal' way, but it's just riskier and/or will require more practice.

>> No.9001003
File: 498 KB, 900x637, 58ad1449d7f9af2177ccceb00b5108da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 1cc'd UFO last night, making SA the only game I have yet to 1cc.
I realized that once you learn to use the ufo system well, the game becomes easy as hell. I barely had any practice with any of the danmaku in that game, I just hoarded up resources and won easily.

SA on the other hand, I don't even know what to do. The game seems incredibly hard for me, even with tons of practice it seems like I'm not making any progress. Even Parsee is a problem for me.

>> No.9001015

>SA on the other hand, I don't even know what to do. The game seems incredibly hard for me, even with tons of practice it seems like I'm not making any progress. Even Parsee is a problem for me.
Welcome to the circle, buddy.

>> No.9001024

Which difficulty are you on?
I've 1cc'd it on normal and am currently bashing my head into a wall to 1cc it on hard.
Which part of Parsee do you find difficult? If you can post a recent replay we can give you tips on the areas you're having problems and what to do.

>> No.9001036

We all know that feel.

>> No.9001041

Ahh, I wouldn't call that cheesing. I'd call it common sense.

>> No.9001043
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1139, ff249a6abaecc999f33ab6ba77a3c498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble with Parsee's one spell card where she makes those flower things. pic related
Also, the stage 3 is hell for me. I'll post a replay soon.

>> No.9001055

Really? I hope you don't reach stage 5 then, because I've literally wasted 3 days of my life trying to beat it.

>> No.9001070

I've literally wasted 3 months of my life trying to beat it.

inb4 "just bomb it"

>> No.9001071

That one isn't too bad. Hold shift at all times, and follow here movements horizontally. On normal, look for empty spots between the flowers and careful go in between them, or go around her if that's too hard. On Hard mode, it's the same thing, except 3 times the density, and goes in both directions.

>> No.9001072

any tips for twilight insainty?

>> No.9001111

I've uploaded a replay of stage 2 here, http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=21084

For the flower one, it's alot of misdirecting. The bubble is aimed at you, and leaves a trail of flowers with a few gaps in them. If you can tell when she shoots the bubble, you can prepare before hand to misdirect it to the left/right so you can keep moving underneath her.
Parsee's path is always the same as well, she starts in the middle, moves a bit to the left and then all the way to the right, then left and repeat (iirc).
Can you say what shot type you're using as well? ReimuA's pretty decent for most of Touhou 11, and all the shot-types have gimmicks which can change how a run goes.

>> No.9001122
File: 1.05 MB, 575x1000, 6dd17ea964a9c75088008d48f92eabfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a replay from December I think. Kind of old, but like I said, I haven't made much progress.
I actually do Parsee pretty well here, but I can't do it like that consistently. And I got wrecked on stage 5, I think I lost confidence and stopped trying.

>> No.9001130

You'll have to go through the flowers eventually if you stay underneath her, there should be gaps you can get through when the flowers are spawned, and they disappear after about 2 or so bubble shots (should probably check that).
If all else fails, bomb. The following spells are alot easier (imo the flower on is the hardest). You also get a bit of power at the very start of Stage 3 from the ying-yang orbs and the red fairies which spawn on the left of the screen.

>> No.9001136

Using some tactic in order to easily bypass a section of the game, usually in a way that isn't naturally encouraged. For example, safespotting a pattern would be cheesing, massive bomb or invicibility abuse would be cheesing, using ReimuA teleport to bypass that one part in SA stage 5 (among others) would be cheesing, etc.

>> No.9001143

It may or may not be common sense, but in the tradition of shmups, it's generally discouraged to cheese things. On a surface level, you're playing to dodge, not just playing to win. As you get better it becomes less acceptable to cheese things because you do have the skill to do it. There's no rules against cheesing, it's just discouraged among peers.

>> No.9001146
File: 1.43 MB, 1036x826, 1334866665590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand I forgot the replay. My bad

>> No.9001163
File: 651 KB, 640x480, th016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you dodge this ?
I don't understand how to get this spellcard. Wich one should I attack ?

>> No.9001173

Attack the one shooting the smaller bullets.
As for dodging it, I don't know. I depends on luck mostly, you either get trapped by a shitload of bubble bullets or you don't.

>> No.9001175

You should always shoot the one that is currently firing the tiny bullets. When you see the emerald bubbles, you know you are doing it wrong.

>> No.9001236

Thanks, works much better now.

>> No.9001279
File: 607 KB, 640x480, th12 2012-05-12 20-08-16-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you are bored when you start doing NBNUFO attempts with MarisaB and doing a good job as well.

I've been trying to get a NBNUFO run for 7 months now with no success. I can't think of anything to do but "play more". Maybe I should change my rules for resetting runs? Right now, it's: perfect stage 1, maximum 1 miss stages 2 & 3 combined, maximum of 2 deaths by the start of stage 5, and then tank everything. I'm thinking about doing something like resetting every run that I miss before the start of stage 5. Or maybe I should have a perfect stages 1-3 with a 1-miss stage 4, and then tank? Or maybe I should just shut up and play for 16+ hours per day like I did last year? Summer is starting, which means that I'm about to have a lot of free time, and I'm not sure if I can grind the game like I did last year, but I'm still going to be playing at least 12 hours per day.

>> No.9001306

I never really cared about Phantasmagoria of Flower View, specially since the split screen bothered me a bit, but I decided to give a proper run and really had fun with it.

>> No.9001307

just do nbnd anything else is child's play smh.

>> No.9001313

Is that so? Then let's see your replays.

>> No.9001317

Same. 1ccing was a bitch though. Thank god aya and medicine are OP as fuck for some reason.

>> No.9001321

Yeah, I'm still trying to 1cc it, since I always get my butt blasted on Komachi and Eiki

>> No.9001322

right here
*grabs dick*

>> No.9001332

guys how do I change control settings in 2hu 7.5, I dont wanna play with a damn keyboard.

>> No.9001341

Should be a config file that lets you do it. It should also auto detect. If it doesn't auto detect you need to plug it in, go to control panel, and find the setting that says to say the currently plugged in gamepad should be checked for by anything that can use it...I forgot what option it was but I had to do it too.

>> No.9001351

found the config .exe. was opening a different .exe in wordpad and snooping around like i was editing something for new vegas or stalker or some shit.


>> No.9001353

i mean different confid file, not .exe

>> No.9001367


>One is a wide spread blast that's fucking fast

The diamond looking one? Run around it. Choose a direction and dodge them all that way, then go around and resume the attack.

>lasers everywhere combined with sunburst shots every quarter of a second

Is this the one in which three 'bar' lasers shot at your position, accompanied by something else moving in a semi-random pattern?

If so, just stay low in the screen shooting at Cirno. Dodge the scatter stuff, and then move just a bit left or right (whatever necessary for dodging/shooting) to avoid the lasers.

>> No.9001369

lol at the buttranged fagots in this thread complaining about people posting about their accomplishments in a genre that's all about feats of skill.

stick to you're passive RPGs and VNs and get the fuck out, gaylords.

>> No.9001467

Fuck Murasa's last spellcard
Fuck it to hell.
I hate it so much

>> No.9001475


You can stream it if you slowly move around in a circle.

It's still a horrible bitch though.

>> No.9001479

>Want to try out Touhou
>Get EoSD
>Set it to Windowed mode
>It doesn't run

Anyone know why it won't run in Windowed mode? The game looks like complete shit in fullscreen on my monitor. Any ideas to get it to work?

Windows 7 Ultimate x86_64

>> No.9001492


How it looks isn't important, it's not a pretty game. Play fullscreen or have a hell of a time wedging yourself in tiny bullet gaps.

>> No.9001500

>How it looks isn't important, it's not a pretty game.
I'm fine with this, but it's stretched too much on my screen to the point that it doesn't actually render correctly.

>> No.9001501

I've had this same problem. Restarting your computer helps for a few days, outside of that, run it fullscreen.

>> No.9001505

Which difficulty is this?
Do you get any error messages? Have you installed DirectX? Also, which fullscreen are you running it? The resolutions might matter.

>> No.9001511

>Do you get any error messages?
Nope, the window just opens and it freezes (with music playing in the background).

>Have you installed DirectX?

>Also, which fullscreen are you running it?
I don't... you mean what resolution is my monitor? 1920x1080.

It scales like absolute shit though and there are random blocks where shit just isn't rendered (though it's probably just my shitty graphics card that can't scale properly).

>> No.9001519

It would help if you had more info other than "it doesn't run". It crashes? Error message appears? What exe are you running and what patches are applied? Have you tried running the game through vpatch? Vpatch draws the game itself so you can get around incompat issues there too.

>> No.9001521

Like I said, this sounds exactly my problem. Try restarting your computer, and if that works just do it every time it fucks up. Outside of that, get a better comp so you can run it fullscreen without half the screen fucking off I guess.

>> No.9001530
File: 344 KB, 656x518, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would help if you had more info other than "it doesn't run". It crashes? Error message appears?
I execute it and this is all that happens.

>What exe are you running and what patches are applied?
th06e.exe, just an english patch (at least as far as I'm aware, I couldn't find any unpatched copies).

>Have you tried running the game through vpatch? Vpatch draws the game itself so you can get around incompat issues there too.
I've never even heard of vpatch. Googling for it returns me things that seem completely unrelated.

>> No.9001540

>Nope, the window just opens and it freezes (with music playing in the background).
I had that happen to me a lot when I opened up Touhou but decided to keep it windowed to organize replays or whatever. I think the answer is to just find a way to play fullscreen.
Well, maybe you can install it again to make sure? It might be the wrong version.
>I don't... you mean what resolution is my monitor? 1920x1080.
Oops. I meant which windowed.

>> No.9001549

I already tried restarting. And getting a better computer isn't really something I can do right now.

>Oops. I meant which windowed.
640x480, I didn't know there was a way to change it.

>> No.9001553

>640x480, I didn't know there was a way to change it.
There is on the newer games. Try those to see if they work. I'm talking about Th10+

>> No.9001564

don't even try to play eosd without the vpatch.

>> No.9001583

Hey, sorry for not replying sooner, had gone to eat.

Your stage 1 is fine, as long as you're able to get full power somewhere before stage 2's final boss then it's all good.
As said earlier for Parsee's fight when she clones herself, shoot the one with the smaller bullets. Stop shooting when she disappears if it makes things easier, then run under the small bullet shooter asap.
For her final spell card, you can tell when she's about to shoot the red bullets when you hear a charge up sound. The bullets are aimed so it's all just misdirection. When the charge up sound starts, wait a tiny bit, then quickly move to the left/right to misdirect the red bullets, return to the middle to keep doing damage and repeat.
For stage 3, Yuugi's first blue laser non-spell is a bit tricky, I haven't quite figured out how it's aimed and I normally bomb it on hard, but on normal it should be dodgable with a bit of reading.
Most of the stage is streaming with some red lasers which you just have to read, if you feel too pressured don't be afraid to let off a bomb. Killing the ying-yang orbs which shoot red lasers should give power items.
For the midboss' final spell, I normally let the first wave spawn, then bomb at the last second. There's a method to do it, but I'll have to find the image file/youtube to better show.
Yuugi's non-spell right after the diagonal bubble spam can be made alot easier if you start it around the bottom right, abit off the side. That'll misdirect the first wave of blue bullets which you can stream, and stop the yellow bullets from walling you when they come from the sides.
Stage 4 you got the general gist of.

>> No.9001588

The final fairy before Satori drops 1.00power and a life frag, so if unless you're fine with dodging the green amulets, bomb it for free graze and to save your resources. If you lack power though, it might be worth not bombing, the amulet's hitboxes aren't too large.
It was nice to see you capture DBDB, that usually requires me to bomb.
Her next spell is streaming with lasers, don't try to get underneath satori too much as she'll fly generally over wherever you are after some time.
Her final spell has a safespot, it's also static, meaning that you can learn how to do it once and repeat the same movements to consistently capture it. Here's a youtube vid for the safespot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo5KXlOS_9w although it's on Lunatic difficulty. You'll probably have to try it a few times and bomb/suicide to know exactly where, but it's literally just like sticking your character's head up her skirt.
Stage 5 you've got to abuse the fact that grazing automatically gives you all the items on the screen. Stream the bullets spawned by the spirits at the start will pull all the power items to you and help replenish some of your lost power from stage 4.
The yingyang orbs always spawn in the same places, you did that part just fine though.
The midboss' second attack is just dodging, but keep your movements very minimal.
The final attack usually takes a bomb for me, follow the cat and dodge the first few waves before bombing.
The rest of the stage is streaming, when the yingyang orbs appear, slow streaming and grazing of the bullets will give you alot of power back, before using ReimuA's power, watch the other side of the screen for bullets which you might spawn into.

>> No.9001591

Orin's first non-spell has a safespot on her hand which she holds up. She moves every now and then between waves, so move a bit away incase she rams you and then return to the safespot. She moves after the 4th wave, and then every 2nd wave.
The first spell you want to go right underneath her and damage her as much as possible before the fairies appear, then move to lure them to the top, and run to the bottom. Stay underneath Orin for as long as possible, if the white bullets start to overwhelm you either go again to the top and lure them there, or bomb as a last resort.
I've uploaded a replay of Stage 5 here to show some of the things I've said, http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=21089
It'll also show how the rest of Orin's spells go, and how I'd go about doing them. Sorry about the occasional bombs, I hit myself whenever I did.
Another thing about your replay is that you missed a few life fragments. The pink stars that fall every time you beat a spell/non-spell give 1/5 of a life and are your most valuable resource, always check after a spell if you've picked it up, and try to grab it unless bullets block your path.
You'll get life frags even if you bomb a spell, so don't be afraid to bomb if you're too pressured.
You should be able to 1cc Touhou 11 with what I've seen, with a bit of practice you'll be able to consistently get to stage 6 which is generally the same difficulty, if not easier, than stage 5.

>> No.9001600

There are instructions inside. Its main use is to lessen input lag caused by graphics cards and monitors, a secondary use is to fix the game at a certain fps for monitors with high refresh rates, but considering these circumstances it may fix your problem as well.
You're also going to need AppLocale
to run the patch for EoSD since the filename is japanese.

>> No.9001616

Same thing still happens. I'll just deal with fullscreen, I guess.

Thanks for the help though, guys.

>> No.9001621
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Thanks alot man, this will help alot

>> No.9001625

>It may or may not be common sense, but in the tradition of shmups, it's generally discouraged to cheese things.
What? Whose tradition? In what sense?

If it increases your score, then you're supposed to do it. Most scoring techniques can't be called anything but cheese, since most shmups scoring systems are very unintuitive when you get into the upper levels of them.


>> No.9001948

Come on, pretty sure we're talking about survival here; don't be messing with my words like that. Sure most scoring systems are partly built on cheesing things, but then you do it out of necessity and I wouldn't categorize it the same as cheesing just to get past things you don't want to deal with.

>> No.9001971

Any game that doesn't want you to cheese builds against it though. Touhou is about patterns and it obviously wants you to kill those fairies before they spew those bullets. You can see this in zun's choice of bullet spam for pofv lunatic.

>> No.9002052

Wow, I just made a stupid remark and started a fire, I always thought of high skilled players as somewhat proud sportmen who wouldn't put themselves down to my level but you now look like utter retards.

>Where's your replays, sagefag?
You're the one who's gonna need lots of good replays to recover the respect you lost with this little turd.

>> No.9002054

Not specifically building your game against cheese doesn't make it any less disappointing to see people do. Prepping a game against exploits and safespots is fairly difficult and even if you do so, people will still probably find more exploits, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I'm not saying cheesing is awful, I'm not saying cheese isn't something people naturally attempt to do and I'm not saying cheese isn't built into many scoring systems. I'm saying that cheesing through things that you could otherwise do just plain looks worse than manning your way through it.

>> No.9002059

Shut up, you douche

>> No.9002076

yeah man everyone in this thread is getting so mad at your ice burns and 10/10 trolling gj

>> No.9002078

Stop. Please.

>> No.9002088

Now you admit to being an utter retard?

>> No.9002092
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give it a rest

>> No.9002098

I do. But at least I have the excuse I've always been not like our shrump heros who just acted like mongoloids, thanks for the remark though.

>> No.9002128

Please don't. The previous argument was interesting.

>> No.9002240

you're moms the mongoloid u bitch.

>> No.9002255

There's a tradition of playing shmups for survival?

>> No.9002264

To expound, I'm not denigrating playing for survival at all; certainly I don't play Touhou for scoring. I'm just saying, the vast majority of people who would actually care about how you play a shmup, do so because of scoring and whatnot.

>> No.9002317

Maybe not with shumps in particular, but in most other games there is a tradition that if you want to beat a game you actually "beat them properly" and not use obvious AI exploits.

>> No.9002358

Shmups should be an exception. I bet 99 out of 100 people would exploit Hibachi's safespot in some DFK arrangement (I forgot which has this exploit, BL?). The last people out of a hundred already cleared multiple times, maybe a good score, a good amount of time invested in the game, and just want another challenge.

>> No.9002458

The one right above him? I believe that was just 1.0.

>> No.9003595
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Hey guys, I've been recently feeling like my danmaku is being shackled by some kind of disability.

Like, I know this guy who has cleared every single Extra Stage from just a year and a half of playing, whereas it's been two years since I've been playing and only recently have I managed to clear the game on Normal.

My advancement rate has been of one difficulty level per year: I started from less than scratch around February 2010, spending my first continue against easy Cirno (and it was Cirno because I was one more chump who thought it would be best to play the games in chronological order), on February 2011 I nailed my first 1CC on Easy, and this year on February I did my first 1CC on Normal.

Yet I feel like my progress is just way too slow. I don't know if it's because I really suck that hard at videogames, which is possible because before Touhou I would play everything on Easy because I didn't like losing (and to this day I hate losing at something that isn't Touhou, I feel like you really have to be a cripple to lose at something like a modern FPS). Or it could also be because I'm busy as absolute hell with college and as a result I just have no time to play Touhou.

Whatever it is, I feel like my danmaku has been growing way too slowly and I seriously hate it that I have to be disciplined with my danmaku, grinding difficult spellcards on Imperishable's Spell Practice and keeping track of how many attempts I have to do before capturing a spellcard 10 times, whereas I see other people who apparently have started right off the bat on Normal and it only took them like a couple of months of half-assed gameplay whereas for me it was like 4 months of hard work and perseverance.

>> No.9003602

I just got a saturn but I don't know what to dedicate my time to first. So many choices...

>> No.9003605


>> No.9003615
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Yeah, you're not alone. I'm sure there are plenty more shitty long-time players here, too. There is a little something called natural talent, which is what makes a majority of the good players in these games. Don't feel too bad and don't force yourself; the games aren't for everyone.

>> No.9003621

Princess Crown

>> No.9003633

Okay. I was leaning towards either that or DoDonPachi anyways.

but that's not an STG. though I do have it and will play it eventually for sure.

>> No.9003705

I started in late 2007 and my progress was a bit similar to yours, except I jumped to Normal quickly. I played PCB Easy for about a week, then even though I wasn't good enough I skipped to Normal. From there I eventually 1cced each main game in order. Each difficulty level didn't quite take a year, but close. PCB Normal came July 2008, and SA Lunatic came June 2010. Or rather, up to that point it took two and a half years to 1cc nearly all of the games on Lunatic. I took on UFO, but at some point I lost spirit and I stopped playing seriously for nearly two years. When 10D came out I did that, and then I just got my UFO Lunatic 1cc on March 5th.

In other words don't get discouraged, just keep going. You'll get there eventually; the only thing that will really stop you is you giving up.

>> No.9003729

I am really familiar with that feeling. You are not alone.

>> No.9003796

Aye, I know how you feel. Although it might just be because I started playing on Lunatic right away some four months ago. I have a 600/1000 record on the first spell card of UFO. It took me those 350 tries to get up to speed on that one only. Just reaching Ichirin on Lunatic is making me proud of myself as hell.

Just keep at it and you'll get better, even if you don't notice it. Try playing a difficulty or two higher than you're used to so you get more/better dodging practice. Lower difficulties should be a cinch after that.

>> No.9003857

It only took me 3 months from the first play to 1cc Normal PCB. But it took me another year to 1cc all touhou on Normal, except GFW. But i only play 3-4 hours/week, i don't know if i have any talent or not but i think it's quite slow. I also spent a few months to clear PCB and IN Extra and to clear all Last word spellcards.

1cc PCB Normal: 3 months.
1cc IN Normal: 1 month.
1cc EoSD Normal: 1 week.
1cc TD Normal: 2 weeks.
1cc MoF Normal: 1 week.
Clear IN Extra: 1 month. (mostly on spellcard practice)
1cc IN Hard + Clear all Last words: 3 months.
Clear PCB Extra: 1 month.
1cc UFO Normal: 2 months.
1cc SA Normal: 1 month.
1cc PoFV Normal: 2 weeks.

>> No.9003873 [DELETED] 

I just died to chens last spellcard in the last moment yet I still captured it.

>> No.9004092

5pm: when I met you're mom
7pm: when I fuked her
8pm: when I fuked her again

>> No.9004467
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I think it was because I never bothered to be actually good at videogames until now. Touhou was literally what made me go from wanting to play everything on Easy to wanting to play everything on Lunatic.

And now I am seriously regretting not having realized that when younger. I had so many chances to become competent at videogames. I used to be on friendly enough terms with my brother to play Super Smash Bros, I had enough time to play Red Faction and a lot of Counter Strike and Starcraft, and all it took to become better at these games was putting the difficulty on Normal instead of Easy, and then Hard instead of Normal, stop cheating at Starcraft's single player and stop demanding noob-only matches. And now this has come to bite back at me

Dear God... why was I so stupid?

I would like to do something about that, but it's too late. The damage cannot be fixed. I am flawed at the core, and will be forever shackled by being such a klutz at videogames. To think that I won't be able to approach Lunatic until 2014 at least...

The one thing that brings me solace, though, is that having beaten a Touhou on normal is for me the proof that even the biggest, clumsiest permanoob can overcome a Touhou game with enough patience and dedication. Now, I just hope I can still say this once I try to reach Lunatic or an Extra Stage...

>> No.9004875
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Crimzon Clover is actually a great danmaku shooter and has a very, very, very solid game mechanic that fucks every single Touhou game in the ass.

I'm not really into it though because it's nowhere nearly as enjoyable. Crimzon Clover has no storyline at all, so when you fight stage 3 boss you're just fighting some mecha squid thing that flings shit at you. When you fight Subterranean Animism's stage 3 boss you're fighting Yuugi Hoshiguma, the loud, boisterous party monster oni who likes to fight and who has been itching for a great fight ever since she was driven away from the Youkai Mountain into the Former Hell.

>> No.9005197
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I'm 100% sure that you're not the worst player out there. I've been playing for a year and I still haven't got a 1cc of SA or UFO, although I am close.

Everyone I know who started playing Touhou at the same time as me has long since overtaken me, which is not a good feeling.

>> No.9005279
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Together we will get out of the low tiers and put up a fight against the masters. WE SHALL OVERCOME!

>> No.9005427
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I'm the worst player here.
I'm the insufferable faggot, hey, I go to #pofv daily.
I play on EASY MODO.
I'm actually homosexual in the real life.

Could you please let Roz rest for a second and maybe tease me.

If not, then couldn't this just stop? It really annoys me; I come to these threads to talk about Touhou, achievements, tips, and such. I'm not here to discuss who's the most gigantic dick around. I'm sure there are boards made for that as well.
Regarding the shooting games, I redeemed my honor with PCB. Almost. At least no slowdown or bombs this time. Next stop, 1.3b.

>> No.9005503

No wonder you are so bad since you go to that shithole called #pofv.

>> No.9006054

First I want to take back anything I ever said about preferring a gamepad over a keyboard. After grinding with the keyboard for a while, I can finally take on Patchy during the EoSD extra stage without dying. Still use at least one bomb each time, but whatever.

For the past two weeks I've been practicing EoSD extra. I still have not defeated Flandre yet, but I can feel that I've leveled up or something. I got to Flandre and I still had 3 lives, rather than the one or two I typically have. I'm also finally able to get past her Lavatein spell card without using up all of my bombs... in fact, I find it easy now.

I was so shocked the further I got into the fight, I just couldn't believe I was finally improving. Her next few spells seemed pretty easy (I'm bad with spell card names). I would have likely beat them, but my hands were shaking too much at the realization that all of my practice was actually paying off.

Not sure what spell card I died on, as I said, I'm bad with names. She was shooting these trails of blue bullets which would fall of the screen and then reappear at the sides. Rest assured, Flandre, you will fall at my hands soon enough.

>> No.9006083

From my own experience, I've found that playing with a gamepad sucks on any touhou below 11, but from 11 and up it's actually better.
