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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 400x450, zun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8961159 No.8961159 [Reply] [Original]

why ZUN doesn't add translations in his website and games?

He could become even more popular and earn more as well.

>> No.8961164

Because he plays English on easy modo.

>> No.8961163

Other people do it for him and ZUN doesn’t give a damn.

>> No.8961166

I heard he doesnt care for his fans outside of japan.

>> No.8961188

Because ZUN hates us all.

>> No.8961190

ZUN doesn't care about his western audiance.

>> No.8961203

> why ZUN doesn't add translations in his website
> and games?
Capitalize "why". Move "doesn't" directly before

> He could become even more popular and earn
> more as well.
[citation needed]

>> No.8961211

Stop doing this. You are not on a newsgroup. You are on the Web, and your browser (or even terminal emulator) has fancy algorithms to make text wrap properly.

>> No.8961224
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>> No.8961235
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Sorry, I'm an Italian native speaker.

By the way, more audience means more chances to sell.

It's the law of big numbers.

>> No.8961247

Japanese don't want their publications widely known by a western audience, because people might catch on to how much they are actually ripping off western artists, then they might be forced to get copy right clearance.

>> No.8961288

>and earn more as well

Um, for some unknown reason I don't think so

>> No.8961299

But Westerners aren't pirates! Look at Fuwanovel: they're proving there's a market for Japanese VNs by easily allowing people to pira-oh.

>> No.8961340

> Stop doing this.

> You are not on a newsgroup.
So what?

> You are on the Web,
The web is shit.

> and your browser (or even terminal emulator) has
> fancy algorithms to make text wrap properly.
Nobody cares, nerd.

>> No.8961352

Go back to ``Gopherspace'' then, faggot. There are text boards and image boards there. You're on the Web and are expected to follow standard Web customs. You're probably some 17-year-old faggot who discovered Usenet last week and thought it was the ``epic win'', so call this the Web's version of netiquette.


>> No.8961391 [DELETED] 

> Go back to ``Gopherspace'' then, faggot.

> You're on the Web and are expected to follow
standard Web customs.
I don't give a shit about your web customs.

> You're probably some 17-year-old faggot who
> discovered Usenet last week and thought it was the
> ``epic win'', so call this the Web's version of
> netiquette.
You're completely incorrect. I'm not some 17-year-old
faggot. I've never used Usenet. I never use the term
``epic win''. Fuck your netiquette.

>> No.8961395

> Go back to ``Gopherspace'' then, faggot.

> You're on the Web and are expected to follow
> standard Web customs.
I don't give a shit about your web customs.

> You're probably some 17-year-old faggot who
> discovered Usenet last week and thought it was the
> ``epic win'', so call this the Web's version of
> netiquette.
You're completely incorrect. I'm not some 17-year-old
faggot. I've never used Usenet. I never use the term
``epic win''. Fuck your netiquette.

>> No.8961487

I don't think it's stargazer.
I think it's more pew pew along the lines of magazine!

>> No.8961500

If what you say is true, as interdimensional astrotheists claim, then why did you choose the banana peel of damaging nights?

>> No.8961510
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>> No.8961512

>You're completely incorrect. I'm not some 17-year-old
Keep telling yourself that, kid.

>> No.8961520

hey nerds, how about you all shut the fuck up

>> No.8961553


If you're so jaded and uncaring, why are you going out of your way to format text in an unconventional way? Even if you're browsing through a text-based browser like links or w3m, there is no need for it.

>> No.8961549

Would you let ZUN shoot his danmaku into your tight boypussies, /jp/?

>> No.8961574
File: 548 KB, 1258x859, 1329791455287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autism is strong in this thread.

>> No.8961582

wrst thu

>> No.8961903

Probably for the sole purpose of irritating other people.

>> No.8962223
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>> No.8962445

Really? I mean, he really said something like that? That's a fucking retarded thing to say.

>> No.8962456

Yes, really.

>> No.8962461

Why? You gonna boycott Touhou because of it or something?

>> No.8962464

Are you retarded or what? I was just asking.

>> No.8962470

I was asking why you thought it was retarded, dumbass.

>> No.8962469

Is it that hard to believe?

>> No.8962474

ZUN does not care about the size of his audience. He'd keep doing it even if he only had one fan.

>> No.8962475
File: 361 KB, 800x600, 1555285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like any other Japanese creators/authors/artists, he only wants to make games for Japanese people only.

At least that's what I think.

>> No.8962490

Are they that nationalistic or just shy?

>> No.8962491

They don't give a shit.

>> No.8962503


The entirety of Japan doesn't think that way just small doujin distributors like ZUN and hell not even all of them have that mindset, superior doujin creators like r07 are happy to find they have fans outside of japan and many others goes to even places like comic con etc.

ZUN is just a closed minded idiot that still believes a lot of 1st generation Japanese shit about Japan worrying only about itself and staying isolationist etc.

>> No.8962508


I always thought that the disdain came from how much we pirate shit, maybe with a little annoyance at how we don't "get" whatever DEEP message they put into their work. I don't really mind, though, because I can understand how an audience can be loathsome.

>> No.8962510

Because ZUN is autistic

>> No.8962584

>I always thought that the disdain came from how much we pirate shit

I highly doubt Japan buys everything either

Also, what do they expect? Since they won't translate it, piracy is often the only way to actually play the game in English via patches.

>> No.8962607

>about Japan worrying only about itself and staying isolationist etc.

good luck with that birth rate idiots

>> No.8962608 [DELETED] 

as zOMGRACIST as it may appear, this sounds nice. Like a happy little village where everyone helps each other out. I wish more communities (as small as towns or as large as countries) had this mindset.

>> No.8962636

I'm sure you'd enjoy it as long as you're in the comunity that has what you want. Once you find yourself in a shithole and the communities with stuff you're into refuse any kind of foreigner because of that mindset I'm pretty sure you'd change your mind.

>> No.8962641

What does the birth rate have to do with anything?

>> No.8962652

>low birth rate
>less young people with open mindset
>more old fuckers with closed mindset.

That's kinda what's happening in this generation as well and with their sad low birth rate it doesn't look like it's going to change any soon.

>> No.8962666

Isn't a low average birth rate in this generation a good thing because of how every other first world country seems to complain about overpopulation and all the problems it causes?

>> No.8962673 [DELETED] 

The fact that they will die out within a few generations?

It takes a fertility rate of just over 2.0 to keep a population stable (because it takes 2 children to replace a mother and father, and sometimes people die). Japan's is currently 1.39.

>> No.8962675

What's wrong with closed mindsets?

>> No.8962677

What's wrong with dying out?

>> No.8962678

so where does it say that ZUN is racist

>> No.8962680 [DELETED] 



>> No.8962697 [DELETED] 

Nothing, really. They've had a good run, and we have enough cartoons.

I just hope anti-aging medicine is perfected soon. Then we can all sit on Holo-/jp/ in 2563 and brag to the ``retro'' weeaboo kids about how we were there at the time.

>> No.8962714

>The fact that they will die out within a few generations?

You can't be really this bad at logic.

>> No.8962724


It's a serious problem. Though I suppose we can take counter measures, e.g. keeping a few pure Japanese people alive. At some point though, they will be forced to breed with gaijin and after a while there will be no truly ``Japanese'' people left (though you can argue whether such people existed in the first place).

>> No.8962732


You can always buy legit copies and apply the patch to them.

I wonder how many people went out of their way to buy Koumajou Densetsu II when Aja came out with an official English patch. Admittedly, the only way you could get it outside of Japan was via Palet wallet rape. And since Japan isn't too interested in digital distribution, it's unlikely that they'll directly embrace Steam or GoG anytime soon.

But as far as I know, Japanese otaku are better about supporting creators than Western ones tend to be, but I think that it's mostly a distribution problem, as overall software piracy rates in Japan and the US are the same.

Anyway, I highly doubt that ZUN is an asshole, as that seems like shit that S****** C****** makes up. If anything, he doesn't consider his Western audience when making his games/print stuff/music, but that doesn't mean he hates us. Simply, Touhou is made with Japanese tastes and culture in mind. If ZUN, or other creators, started pandering to /v/'s tastes, let alone cawadooty bro tastes, I doubt that anyone here would be happy about it.

>> No.8962746

You can't possible be taking him seriously.

>> No.8962748

I kind of wonder if the permanent shutdown of all of Japan's nuclear reactors will help their birthrate. To help conserve power, companies might start forcing workers to fuck away off sometime before 11, so people will suddenly have time to socialize and fuck.

>> No.8962753

I think they should increase alcohol consumption and reduce anime scheduling.

>> No.8962762

Now I know better.

>> No.8962884

It's to maintain his shaky illusion that Japs are ignorant of his plagiarism. Any effort to gain official gaijin fans would destroy his mind.

>> No.8962906

>why ZUN doesn't add translations in his website and games?
Once and for all, Japan doesn't give a damn about western countries, and all others as a matter of fact.
"American are not welcome here" should have ring a bell なのに。。

>> No.8962910

I think you might be stupid.

>> No.8962914

I love how you morons will call anybody racist because they don't pander towards you. Then again, this is how people in the west actually think like.

>> No.8962954

Weeaboo alert.

>> No.8965611
File: 53 KB, 400x400, kyoojp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>calling people "weaboos" on /jp/

>> No.8965616
File: 620 KB, 999x1000, 1332589822740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only cannot you spell "weeaboo", you're also misusing the quote function.

>> No.8965637

He makes enough money and has enough fans in Japan to not care about the rest of the world.

Also, Japanese games, unless they're "triple-A" games, don't seem to get a good rap in the west. The Japanese are very conservative when it comes to making executive decisions, so the fear of international backlash, no matter how minimal the chances, is enough to stick to keeping the game as a domestic product.

Also, copyright laws outside of Japan make fan-derivative works difficult. I'm certain that his openness is something that would be compromised if he were to try and move it to another market that doesn't give fans such liberties.

>> No.8965648
File: 164 KB, 450x557, 1335081065219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not used to such vulgar words.

>> No.8965653

ZUN hates gaijin pigs

>> No.8965675
File: 516 KB, 996x773, 1335794917473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the hell out of here chinese scum

>> No.8965688

Old people need younger people to take care of them, pay taxes, provide medical assistance, etc

As a physiotherapy student from Australia, I've read literature that the number of hip replacement procedures done has skyrocketed over the past 10 years. Japan is aging at a much faster pace than Australia, and I can't even imagine what perils their healthcare system is going though.

And no, switching to an American-based healthcare system won't work, because old people make up the majority of voters. Any Japanese government who does that is committing political suicide.

>> No.8965709

I've always wondered how /jp/ became so diverse. Is it because the power of Touhou is capable of uniting people of all nations together, in the quest to embark in adventure to Gensokyo?

>> No.8965716

Because America is made of immigrants

>> No.8965727

but we have Finns posting spurdo, Slavs posting their meme images, Chinese posting in their language, and people posting in Espanol as well.

/jp/ is like a second /int/, but specifically 2D.

>> No.8965732
File: 52 KB, 256x512, Parsee_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are not only Americans on this board.

For example I'm OP and I'm Italian. ^_^

>> No.8965733

You mean it's impossible to learn your mother language?

>> No.8965742
File: 36 KB, 741x486, 1331914605451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is written on that picture?

>> No.8965750

Get a drink, have a good now, welcome to /jp/

>> No.8965749


run that through Google Translate to get a rough idea.
