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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 354x249, 1336213341920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8962548 No.8962548 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8962561

Don't use Hidamari to shitpost.

>> No.8962559
File: 15 KB, 372x95, GODNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say I DID do something with my life, how would that benefit me after my life is over.

By the way I think the captcha is trying to tell me something.

>> No.8962562
File: 259 KB, 496x750, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the day i lie on my deathbed i will regret it all and curse the world.

>> No.8962569
File: 280 KB, 452x710, 1327222258157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On my deathbed I'll be still here, making my final posts on /jp/ before I move on to Gensokyo.

>> No.8962572

I want to change, Miyako.

>> No.8962581

I'm thinking on something
Maby I'll do it tomorrow

>> No.8962586

My real life hasn't begun yet.

>> No.8962599

Why curse the world when all you have to blame is yourself?

>> No.8962610

Tomorrow, for sure.

>> No.8962627


>> No.8962631



>> No.8962637

Nah, I gonna continue my thesis tomorrow. Or maybe the day after.

>> No.8962658

I couldn't work up the courage to go outside yesterday. But I'm pretty sure that I'll eventually go sometime today. I'm just so tired of all the normals out there. If they knew me they would know why I am never happy, but they force their normalness onto me if I'm simply in public.

>> No.8962664

Go live in a rural area. I absolutely love being outside, but hate other people.

>> No.8962667

You're plenty normal yourself. You have a computer. Internet connection. Enough time ( = money) to post on the internet. Stop being such a whiny pussy.


>> No.8962679

Fucking this.

Wish I had the picture.

>> No.8962684
File: 162 KB, 600x3031, 0T5c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I guess I do have it.

>> No.8962707

But I'm starting college this Fall. I don't want to go, I just want to get a job and have some little apartment or condo and buy things I Want.

>> No.8962721
File: 124 KB, 900x700, 1329349816754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could, but those damn normies keep trying to ``cure'' me and make me go to work.

>> No.8962758
File: 449 KB, 1168x872, 1325118352011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Name of the anime?

My real life hasn't begun yet.

>> No.8962761 [DELETED] 


I'm not normal. I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic and I have to go to the coffee shop today to use their internet. I'm posting now from my phone. I've never had a girlfriend and I'm in my late 20's. I haven't had a real job in 7 years. When I speak it's really quiet and I don't command any authority or responsibility greater than to drive responsibly. I don't have any irl friends. I used to piss in bottles when I was living in my car. I've emptied entire 2 liter bottles of piss in the bushes just to reuse them again. One time I held my shit in for so long that I couldn't hold it in anymore so I got out of the car and started taking off my pants but the diarreah was so powerful that it gushed out all over my pants anyway. People with jobs don't have to do that. I am not normal.

>> No.8962764


Looks like Kaiji

>> No.8962765 [DELETED] 


>> No.8962768
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, [Triad]_Kaiji_-_05.mkv_snapshot_08.55_[2011.12.17_13.14.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8962769

Nope, I have a series of goals I want to achieve, the first few are within reach then they get more and more challenging. If I can reach even the first two or three I will be happy, if I can make it to my final goal that would be amazing. If I never make it that far, I will still be content that I was always striving to do my best.

>> No.8962783
File: 46 KB, 450x450, 1335006407927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, the one with that guy.. well I guess it's time to watch it.


>> No.8962787

I fought so fucking hard for years...I ate all that shit, never hiding or hesitating
I've been stricken down in the dirt, almost dead, hundred of times- and I put myself standing again everytime
but everything was just a delusion, I was alone all that time
hope was just a lie
now I'm the same point where everything started 30 years ago
but I'm tired of rising from my grave
I'm so fucking tired...my dreams are all rusty and broken
I just want to vanish in the shadows where I belong and rest forever into oblivion
please let me die

>> No.8962796
File: 7 KB, 773x656, sasuke fanart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel. Pic related

>> No.8962806

you better, the second season aswell
and then read it

>> No.8962824

Doing nothing, or doing everything I can only to achieve nothing in the end?

I'll never just do nothing, but I don't blame you if you see it that way. The end result is the same either way.

>> No.8962916

Stop this. It's gone on long enough now.

>> No.8962923

...why the fuck I'm crying?

>> No.8962930

I'll do as I please, ``faggot''.

>> No.8962937

>doing nothing
But i'm browsing /jp/ so i'm obviously doing something.

>> No.8962964

Browsing /jp/ isn't normal, nerd.

>> No.8962971

when I am real I look forward to living
maybe someday I'll be a good person

>> No.8962972

But I don't want to be normal, fag.

>> No.8963001

Not wanting to be normal is a normalfag attribute, normalfag.

>> No.8963052

Miya-chan would NEVER say that.

>> No.8963143
File: 109 KB, 432x396, akaribeatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8963189

Wow, this makes me feel great

Just the motivation I needed to keep living as a good for nothing NEET who just takes it easy.

>> No.8963298

Not everyone can live their own lives, living ones life to the fullest requires money.

>> No.8963321
File: 107 KB, 497x331, rater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can get shelter, food and internet without working, then yes.

>> No.8963351

Yes, Miyako. I can't find motivation to do anything, and when I force myself to try doing whatever, shit happens.
It's just not worth it. I'm content enough living like this, I guess.

>> No.8965334

Sounds like you should find a different job.

>> No.8965425

just filter ` and you'll be free from that.
