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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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889315 No.889315 [Reply] [Original]

Japanfag here taking questions. Anything you want to know...I'll try my best.

>> No.889320

Are there any ancient Japanese secrets to fix a board that's been utterly ruined? Please share.

>> No.889321

is it worth living over there?

>> No.889322

what did you do to ned?

>> No.889323

When did the samurai die out?

>> No.889326

What's "sex"

>> No.889327

Will respectable women go near foreigners? Or would they be like the type of woman from the US that go out with niggers.

>> No.889330

Ehy do you love dicks?

>> No.889344

Why do you love dicks?

>> No.889353

You're on your own.

You don't get around to /b/ much, do you?

Ah...now this is a fucking question. And away we go...

I fucking hate Japan. Don't get me wrong, there are things about it I like. The attractive girls with no "morals" and low standards for dating, the video games, SOME of the food, the easy as shit jobs with high salaries just because I can speak English. These things work for me, but I'd have to say, in general, Japan doesn't. I've lived here for going on 5 years now and I'm about to go home in a month. I couldn't be more happy. All countries are fucked up in their own way, but Japan's bullshit pisses me off more than just about anywhere else I've been. The people are fucking racist and just plain ignorant. The language is ridiculous. The culture is boring and they try to act like it's not completely irrelevant. In all honesty, I'd recommend visiting over living here any day of the week. You can import most of the good stuff from Japan anyway. Except for the women. Come here to fuck the women. It's pretty easy if you're not a total fuckup.

>> No.889359


I don't know wtf you mean by 'respectable'...but if you mean relatively normal, then yes. Of course there's a huge fucking army of English parasite cocksluts out there...but you can find normal chicks who dig the foreign cock too. Basically all foreign dudes have a one up on Japanese guys. Japanese guys have their heads in their asses and no fucking idea how to deal with women. They treat women like total shit almost all the time. Therefore if you're at all nice to a woman (even as a trick to get her in the sack) she'll be all over you. Then just proceed to treat her like shit as per usual.

>> No.889364

Did you go to Japan only for work?

Also, what country are you from?

>> No.889365


They live forever bro. In our hearts. The spirit of the samurai will never die. Japan shall rise to it's former glory and all that bullshit...

yeah right

>> No.889371

I'm 6'7". Would I be able to fit inside buildings there?

>> No.889376


I'm from America. Yeah, I went to Japan to work. Teaching English. Easiest job ever. You can make pretty awesome money and in many cases have shit like your housing and utils and stuff paid for. That leaves you a lot of money to save to pay off student loans or spend on partying, however you like to live.

>> No.889385


You jest...but there would be situations in which you'd be very uncomfortable. Japan really is designed for small people. But on the whole, you'd be fine. Oh, and gl finding shoes if you come over here...as I assume your feet match your freakish size.

>> No.889392

What are the hippest things in Japan now?

>> No.889393

OP here: Your questions are good and all...but I was really thinking more specific shit.

But whatever. Keep asking.

>> No.889410


Well this is a really hard question actually. Imagine trying to answer it about your own country. Different things are "hip" for different people...depending on what kind of social clique you belong to. I can tell you about specific stuff. Give me a topic like video games or comics or whatever.

>> No.889411

Your bullshit didn't make any sense.

>> No.889412


Where...point it out and I will clarify.

>> No.889415


>> No.889422

Someone's a butthurt weeaboo. Shall I get my paddle?

>> No.889423

How much do you spend on food per week? And what do you usually buy?

>> No.889426

The one constant for subways here is, there are always homeless overflowing from every part of the stations. Does this hold true for Japan as well? On a related note, how to the Japanese deal with homelessness?

>> No.889428

I just think that your bullshit will only bloom trolls, but you're one YOURSELF.

>> No.889433
File: 93 KB, 400x489, KDDI-au-Sharp-W52SH-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I went over there a month ago. Every 2nd jap had this fugly piece of shit mobile phone (http://www.au.kddi.com/english/).). OP, do you know anything about it? Why do they like it so much?

>> No.889440

Okay, how popular are anime and manga there? Also, how badly are anime/manga fans (weaboos/otaku/etc) treated?

>> No.889442


I'm a vegetarian. I spend about 5000 yen a week on groceries...and I eat out very little. I'm lucky because tofu is basically free here (around 26 yen-ish) and I like it and I eat a lot of it. I could see if you're into meat your cost being a bit higher. Plus Japanese peeps love to go out to really expensive bars and izakayas and stuff. So if you want to be social, you'll spend a lot there.

>> No.889447

not one sage... wow, we are well and truly beyond the point of no return

>> No.889449

I'm pretty sure they kill or arrest all the homeless people here...I never see them around.

lol. I know non-Japanese that have this phone too. It's just cheap and has relatively decent features I guess. Takes pictures...goes on internet...sends email... No big shakes.

>> No.889451


>> No.889454

Hey OP, how rare are cute/pretty Japanese women with decent-sized boobs?

>> No.889456


>> No.889459

I heard every pretty Jap girl is flat-chested

>> No.889461

I saw some some people living in huts made of cardboard boxes in Tokyo. Our tour guide explained that it's quite common for salarymen to live in those if they can't afford renting a flat. Made me lol a little.

>> No.889462

I saw this question coming. Anime and manga are pretty much ubiquitous here. They're parts of Japanese culture, not a weird subculture like they are in the US. There are otaku...who are pretty much the bottom of the nerd barrel, but in recent years they've had a PR boom in Japan, mostly because of the popularity of shit like Densha Otoko. I would say they're tolerated relatively well...maybe more than in the states or whatever.

But yeah, everyone and there mom reads manga. People watch the mainstream anime on TV and shit. A lot of stuff isn't very popular outside of anime geek circles though. Like Haruhi and shit like that. Your average Japanese wouldn't know anything about it. They know Dragonball and Doraemon and shit. In that way it's kind of similar to anime fandom in the US I guess.

>> No.889463

i live here too, and there are too many little social things that just fuck up japan for me. when my contract is up in 8 months, im heading back to virginia. i fucking hate virginia, but after living here for a year and 4 months, i cant wait to get back to my taquitos and pizza

>> No.889466

And why would you want anything other than flat?

>> No.889472

lol...I think she was bullshitting you. Your average salaryman could at least afford a capsule hotel.

>> No.889473

What is the worst I could expect if I were to make a trip to the rural countryside?

>> No.889476

They're not flat. But if you're expecting the American average boob size maybe you'd be disappointed. Every Japanese girl whose boobs I've touched have had enough to grab onto at least. That's all I need...

>> No.889477

death by kamikaze farmers

>> No.889485

>I've touched boobs

>> No.889487

So, let me get this right.. if you speak english and japanese, you'll get a job with a fat paycheck easily?

>> No.889490


What's the best way to conceal a number of non-japanese passengers?

>> No.889491

You'd be raped and left for dead.

But seriously. Rural Japan is probably the best part, especially for the traveler. The cities are kinda boring and lame...they're like cities anywhere once you get over the obvious Japanesey stuff. In the country you can have adventures...mix it up with the locals...show off your huge gaijin cock in onsens...the works. I'd imagine it's more fun to travel in rural areas in any country. Half the people will be hella nice to you, half will be freaked out by you. The ones who are nice to you though will be all over doing shit for you and taking you out to party and stuff.

>> No.889494

I lol'd.

>> No.889496

Wrong. You really only need English. Japanese doesn't help get you a better job...unless you're shooting for teaching college or something. Check out the JET Program. Although it's kinda going down the tubes, if you got on in the next few years you'd be golden. Thats how I came over here, then I switched to private teaching.

>> No.889499


>> No.889504

I'm sorry there are so many butthurt people in this thread. I am definitely not BSing anyone.

>> No.889518

How popular is JUMP?

>> No.889519

How's Japanese food? Especially those that look like raw

>> No.889525

Well if you're a junior high school boy, it's the magazine for you.

>> No.889534

How well do you speak the moon language?

>> No.889538

i speak moonfuckanese, PRAISE ME U TURDS!!!

>> No.889544

Is foreign media over their is or more popular than anime over here? and I'm not just talking about comics I also mean television, music, and even non-American stuff like Doctor Who?

>> No.889547
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This thread is making me want to go to Japan now...

So which city has the best seafood and where is the best place for traditional foods?

>> No.889549

My Japanese is pretty shitty. I am much better at reading than I am at speaking. Basically because I hate talking to the majority of Japanese people...which sadly is the only way to get really good at speaking the language. But I don't make a fool of myself often or anything.

>> No.889554

If I may give you a hint, even here in Canada I've never heard of Doctor Who.

>> No.889564

Dude, movies and TV from America are inexplicably popular. People shit themselves for Jack Bauer over here. And music is obviously pretty big too. Anything mainstream and popular in the states makes it over here eventually.

For seafood I'd have to say Fukuoka. It's one of my favorite Japanese cities period. Lots of cool stuff to do. Good music scene. And they have all these sweet outdoor food stalls that sell greasy food until pretty late at night for when you're out drinking. I recommend it.

>> No.889568

So you could still make friends and socialize while speaking so-so japanese? It's a bit of a concern for me since I might go to uni there for a year, and I'd like to know some people outside the other gaijin.

>> No.889570

OP, you said you teach English. So, what's the level of failure of the Japs on how they learn/speak eego?

>> No.889574


I sure hope you're underage b&, since there was a 'Dr. Who TV' series several years back.

>> No.889575

How are you going to get into a Japanese University if you cannot speak Japanese?

>> No.889580

Nope. I'm from Quebec though, so it may just be a lack of translation. Or the fact that I hardly ever watch TV...

>> No.889584

I do speak it and I still have time to improve, just not enough to be really comfortable about it. Like OP I read it a lot more than I speak (thanks to Heisig+VNs).

>> No.889593


It's one thing to have never watched it (I haven't), but to have never heard of it and live in a supposedly developed country is nearly impossible.

>> No.889594

Sure, but beware that a lot of them may try to monopolize your time speaking English. Be firm and speak Japanese, no matter how crappy it is. You will get better.

>> No.889606

Hmmm... that depends on your definition of failure. Many Japanese learn to "speak" English...and by that I mean speak it really crapily. Very few ever get fluent, unless they've lived abroad.

If you're talking failure in school, you basically can't fail in Japan. Maybe in college...but they pretty much pass everyone. When I was a JET I taught junior high. Many of my kids were promoted to the next grade when I'm pretty sure in America they'd be considered retarded.

>> No.889614

Bring up Doctor Who anywhere and Canada and I can guarantee you 99.9% of the people will say "what?"

>> No.889625

OP here:
The Doctor Who argument that's broken out has given me epic lulz...but I'm going to bed. Thanks for entertaining me. Good luck if you plan on coming to Japan. Maybe you'll enjoy it more than I did.

>> No.889641

Thanks for the thread, OP.

>> No.889675

OP, what kind of weather is in Japan?

>> No.889695

kamikaze weather

>> No.889706

Do japs cringe when they watch really cheesy TV? Like 99% of their dramas or essentially any film that has emotional scenes or horror...

>> No.889708

> but I'm going to bed
oh fuck no you aren't

>> No.889712

How do you teach english? Do you have to make a plan for the day? How the shit does this stuff work?

>> No.889728

another teacher fag reporting in.

my job is different, its a private place, and i basically work 3.5~6 hours a day (then there are the breaks in between class not included) and make 2k spending monies, after housing etc...
plus the apartment is a big 2LDK so im very comfortable.

you basically show up for class and decide wtf you want to do on the fly. seriously easy as shit, and the kids are kinda fun to play with, except when i get a raging hardon from 2 of the lolis i teach

>> No.889738

>English teacher.

Nice try but I'm not going to rage.

>> No.890264

pics. now.

>> No.890310

Any of you Tokyofags available for a night out anytime soon?

I just turned 20 and it's been a ronery birthday (fun, but still ronery ;-;) Now I can go out on the lash in Tokyo :)

Especially if you're the guy from Gotanda >:|

>> No.890316


holy shit get the fucking fuck out of here you faggot

you do not even remotely belong here what the fuck did gaia redirect to /jp/ or something?

>> No.890319

Might as well normalfag whilst I can.

>> No.890322


>> No.890329

Have you had anything with wasabi on it? What did you think?

>> No.890333

Any Japanese men try to come on to you?

>> No.890335

Have you seen Haado Gei? What do japanese think about him?

>> No.890343

I had some with sushi at Tsukiji.

It has some kick to it, nothing as bad as people make it out to be though.

>> No.890346



>> No.890378

how big is prostitution in Japan? What are the average ages of a prostitute?

>> No.890385

OP, or any other teacherfags: OP said that you don't need to speak Japanese to get a job teaching English.

What the fuck?


Wasabi is fucking delicious.

>> No.890390

13, I picked one up last night. They come in vending machines, which are on every other corner.

>> No.890397


Prostitution in Japan has a long and varied history. While the Anti-Prostitution Law of 1956 made organized prostitution illegal, various loopholes, liberal interpretations of the law and loose enforcement have allowed the sex industry to prosper and earn an estimated 2.5 trillion yen a year. That equates to 1% of Japan's GNP and roughly equals the country's defense budget.[1]

Also, even if you can't find a young one (I assure you, you can.) there are always school girls who "Date for money." It's basically prostitution and it's AWWRIGHHHHT.

>> No.890404

>school girls who "Date for money."

>> No.890410

Are you allowed to touch them?

>> No.890412

I want to know about pants.

I am a modest 5'5" and not obese, and it is impossible to find pants to fit my 28" waistline in the United States. Would I be able to get pants that fit in Japan?

>> No.890415


Yes, seriously.


Depends on the terms agreed upon.


>> No.890416

dat you akira?

>> No.890419

Yes, but what you do isn't the normal kind of teaching. You're hired to come in and basically speak in English and just tell stories and such. The teachers will do the teaching afterwards. It's an exposure thing.

>there are always school girls who "Date for money."
Dear fucking lord, how young are we talking and do they care if you feel them up?

>> No.890420

Have you ever seen a japanese guy with an engrish shirt on? And I mean really really senseless engrish.

>> No.890426


Pretty young, and again, it depends on the terms agreed upon. See my previous post. >>890415

>> No.890427

Ah, "Enko" eh, reminds me of this smoking hot loli hmanga chapter:

>> No.890437

Engrish like ALART, or like, YOU MAKE MY MIND GO AWAY, DISSOLVE THE BUG BRAIN. Because if it's the latter, I see it on clothes all the time.

>> No.890438

Not OP, but currently in Japan and I have (had) the very same problem, no pants that fit in Europe. I already bought like 3 here. Most pants start at 27'', some at 29'', easy to find.

>> No.890439

Right, was posted while typing. I'll have to try that out sometime. Yay for being a creepy pedo.

>> No.890450

i lold

>> No.890451

I just want to see it...kinda.

I don't think I could go through with it though, it's like when I went into a maid café the other day and I saw two white neckbeards get their feet massaged, I just felt awkward and bad for them.

>> No.890452



>> No.890453

Your name just reminded me, I need to top up my Suica card tomorrow morning. Thanks.

>> No.890456

The most annoying thing is that I'd be tempted to buy some of the clothes if I didn't come from an English speaking country and know that things like that don't make a lick of sense.

>> No.890462


Sounds hideous. I mean, I know that's what the maids are PAID to do, but fuck. Not only is that banned under the Geneva convention, I don't want them thinking that's the kind of people come from America. Big, sweaty, greasy, fatty, neckbeards... I know that really IS what comes from here, I just don't want them knowing that.

>> No.890471


When I saw it, it was on a hot goth/loli chick, so I didn't really care. Looking back on it, they probably meant "Punk is rock to resist." since Punk is a sub-genre of rock and is usually all about anarchy and shit. Fight the fucking man, etc.

>> No.890475

Hey, Japfag-kun - do you know any other jobs that involve English that AREN'T teaching? I don't really like children of any age - but even if I don't like the little buggers, I know they deserve someone better then a femanon who will half-ass their education.

>> No.890477

You can give English lessons to adults.

>> No.890479

Yeah, I felt really awkward after they came in. But a lot of the westerners in Akihabara are typical neckbeards (pot, kettle, black, whatever), it just goes with the territory I guess.

Were you in Harajuku or something?

I am seriously in love with Shibuya. Every night this week, I've been there.

>> No.890482

My sister lives in Fukuoka. She says it's a shitload better than Tokyo.

>> No.890487

Look on gaijinpot.com or something if you're actually looking for a job and haven't been offered one.

But yeah, there will be jobs available, but teaching English seems to be the most commmon job for westerners over here.

>> No.890488

ITT: 101 ways to ruin a board

>> No.890496

God fucking damnit, won't anyone make that fucking goddamned baby shut the fuck up, I'm gonna smash that little shit to pieces.
Fucking parents can't take care for a damn of their shitty offspring.

>> No.890497

I don't know why, but when I think of Fukuoka, it just makes me think of a city like Kyoto and I know nothing about the former.

>> No.890506

wut r mah chances uh findin me sum hobos suckin dick wit one o dem umbrella hats on?

>> No.890521


I'm sorry, did we step on your toes by not posting touhoes/figs/VNs?




On another note, FUCK YEAH, SHIBUYA!

>> No.890534

Anyone been to Roppongi or Ginza yet?

>> No.890535

>I'm sorry, did we step on your toes by not posting touhoes/figs/VNs?

Don't be an asshole...

>> No.890545

Just being pissed off at babies crying.
if you care, it was a nip baby.

>> No.890568
File: 100 KB, 650x414, 1209048847322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, alright. I'm just sick of this potentially awesome board being used as a circle-jerk hotspot for /a/'s outcasts.

You have my apologies. Please enjoy this dog, for it is fucking awesome.

>> No.890572

Always awesome.

I'm upset that I haven't seen anything awesome like that in Japan so far.

Only people playing music at night.

>> No.890574

If I see that dog one mor ti- OH GOD IT IS SO FUCKING AWESOME.

>> No.890577

Have you ever seen a ganguro girl? describe.

>> No.890579

Chocolate Rei ?

>> No.890582

I haven't.

Thank fucking God.

>> No.890589



>> No.890599



how do i fuck japanese girl???
post your phone number let's go clubban in roppongi
^_^ ;-; :( >:|
hi i'm a GIRL i have a VAGINA give me ATTENTION
let's put on oni masks and go protest Aum Shinrikyo

>> No.890606

Ch-ch-ch-ch-chocolate Rei! Some stay dry and other feel the spray! As their friends burst into TANG! They've lost their way and now they're gonna pay because it's CHOCOALTE REI!

>> No.890610


^-^ / 10

>> No.890617

We're all /a/'s outcasts here champ. If you've had sex you're in the minority.

>> No.890625


>> No.890627

It's not like the entire board is like that. And talking about just figs, touhou and idols loses its pezaz after a while.

>> No.890644


This is what I meant. Also, I'm pretty sure it's spelled Pizazz.


I'm pretty sure that, barring prostitutes, we're all virgins here.

>> No.890653

Whatever, you know what I said

And not even prostitutes would have sex with anyone here.

>> No.890654


If you summerfags have your way it will be. 7 3D threads on the front page the other day. /a/ invasion aftermath lingering, normalfags asking for clubban tips, ISM and his ilk trying to revive old /n/ here, several threads of I'M A GIRL I'M A GIRL I'M A GIRL IT'S TOTALLY RELEVANT THAT I HAVE A VAGINA LOOK AT ME I'M A GIRL I'M A GIRL and the resulting white knight faggotry... At this rate of decline we'll have our first camwhore within days and then the Japanese Scifag raids will start.

>> No.890657


Doctor Who is British you grotty wanker

>> No.890666

Wow...it took such a long time for one sage.

I don't know what to say.


>> No.890670

No, if I had my way, it'd actually be about Japan in general, rather than just /vnfigtouhou/

Even if it's something like culture, it'd be kinda nice. Then again, none of us here are cultured, so that wouldn't go anywhere.

>> No.890675


Reported for what?

>> No.890676

>non-American stuff like

>> No.890688


five hours late faggot

>> No.890704


Sounds great, but it is a dream that shan't be realized. I fucking love Touhou, but damn, this is just too much. I wish moot or the mods would tell us what /jp/ is for in greater detail than "All things Japan related welcome." Granted, by definition, that means that threads like this are welcome, there's still too much controversy/butthurt going around.

Tell us, oh mods: What is the meaning of /jp/?

>> No.890717

It'd help clear things up, without a doubt.

>> No.890745


Touhou, VNs, doujin games, figs, a few niche creepy things like those kigurumi whatever things, and occasionally a little something else. Never this /b/ normalfag shit. We used to have some pretty good Anonymous in Japan threads back before the summer, but not this shit.

If you ever think the "rules" have any bearing on what /jp/ is actually for, then that is proof you don't belong on /jp/. Though god knows it would help if moot would draw up some accurate ones and a more suitable board name to go with them. But he won't, because he's a troll and he couldn't care less about /jp/. As long as people aren't posting CP or jr idols he's glad for this place to be a dumping ground for every other board's garbage.

>> No.890795

/jp/ - Weeaboo/General

it's the truth, this board is for weeaboo stuff

>> No.890801

>/jp/ - Touhou/General


>> No.890831

Will you faggots knock it off?

"Oh shit, discussion about Japan on /jp/? FUCK THIS SHIT SAGE!"

Also, sage doesn't make a thread die faster.

>> No.890840


Obviously, the rules don't make a board, but the mods have to enforce SOMETHING, right? Either they don't give a shit or these threads are within the board guidelines, though I'm willing to bet it could be either one. Also, what the fuck is with these normalfags wanting to meet up with Anons in Japan to go clubbing? Shit's fucking retarded.

>> No.890857


>> No.890863

listen to this man.

Also question for OP:
Why do cantaloupes cost so fucking much over in Japan?

>> No.890865

We had threads about Japan that were completely fine. That was before summer, though.

So, fuck off.

>> No.890882


>> No.890886


I have wondered this too.


I have come to believe that /jp/ may in fact hold one of the greatest groups of trolls ever assembled.

>> No.890980

have you seen a 2channer

>> No.890999


Except you are the trolls.

>> No.891023

You've obviously never been on usenet then.

>> No.891470

lol OP died?

>> No.891481

One can only hope...

>> No.891754

>You don't get around to /b/ much, do you?

>> No.892042


>> No.892124

Is it true hanging around certain areas (not sure where) in the evening you will get girls coming up to you wanting to give blow jobs/hand jobs? If I were willing to pay, would school girls do it with a white guy?

>> No.892133

>in the evening you will get girls coming up to you wanting to give blow jobs/hand jobs?

they have these in the west too, they're called prostitutes.

>> No.892142

This thread is 9 hours old, the OP is probably already banging some whore at th club. Shit's so cash.

>> No.892209

I mean they do it for free for the novelty of touching white dick.

>> No.892290

fuck this thread.

>> No.892532

I don't think these threads attract normalfags or /b/tards

>> No.892539


I don't think you believed a word you said troll.

>> No.892544

I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about.

>> No.892560


both of you are right

>> No.892577

you forgot your sage, take mine.

>> No.894391


>> No.894431

Do the women there have exposed clitorati?

>> No.894459

Why did you bump this, idiot?


>> No.894505

Don't you insult him. I'm >>894391 and I alone am the faggot who bumped with a "lol".

>> No.894518

How long did you have to study the language to actually be able to exist in japan and do normal things. How the hell is this shit suppose to come as second nature. You have to learn first the kana and then some kanji, then know what everything is suppose to mean. I want to go to japan and visit there but I just can't see myself memorizing this shit and remembering it.

>> No.895111

are dogs and cats still being eaten alot in japan?

>> No.895128



>> No.895141
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>> No.896848

fucking /b/ retards

>> No.896851

in before nod flenders

>> No.896853



>> No.896864
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1214482928208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tell us, oh mods: What is the meaning of /jp/?

/jp/ was meant to be /a/'s overflow board for the so ronery threads and cirno. But then I saw a post saying so ronery threads were no longer permitted. So as far as I can tell, /jp/ has no purpose.

>> No.896867

back from work, any questions i missed?

plus, fuck reading. i just ask people what things mean what, and you learn from repetition.

>> No.896874
File: 87 KB, 398x600, 1214483157272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Cirno is still allowed.

>> No.896882


>> No.896886

Dear OP,
I'm a loner with a so-so job and a crappy apartment. I hate my life and wish to disappear from the world.
I'm thinking of going to Japan because I will never fit in there and never be expected to. In a way, that relieves most of the pressure I feel today.
Is this a good idea?
- Anon

>> No.896898

get a fake diploma and your set...
seriously, they are like $150 and gets you a workers visa. fuck yea shitty immigration!!

>> No.896899

fuck yeah getting jailed for fraud

>> No.896900

plus, with that fake diploma, you get around $2500 from doing shit all day.

the all you need to do is a little ad farming, and your set for fucking ever!!!

>> No.896903

/jp/ - Japan and diploma mills

>> No.896906

This is an improvement.

>> No.896947

That rural area question got me thinking. Would it be easy to get a job on some farm? I've been living on farm my entire life until few years when i went to university to study information technology (coding and stuff). don't really like that but i don't have to actually do anything there and goverment pays my rent.
anyways we got loads of foreign workers on our farm some were even from vietnam (i live in Finland so that's on the other side of the globe). they have barracks where they stay over night and days they are doing the dirty work on the farm. anything like that in nippon?

>> No.897306

BEING IN JAPAN DOES NOT EQUAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT JAPAN. I know it may surprise many of you 15-22yr olds but its true. He doesn't speak the language. Conclusion, he knows little to nothing.
