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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 230 KB, 790x1010, LOGH___Reinhard_von_Lohengramm_by_Eswaranma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8950734 No.8950734 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you wasting your time on /jp/, when you could be watching logh?

>> No.8950737

I already finished all the OVAs, movies and prequels

>> No.8950736

Because I already watched LOGH.

>> No.8950741

I watched episode 25 or something but that was many months ago. Maybe I'll continue some day.

>> No.8950739

Watch them again.

>> No.8950742

The only thing closer to space opera I can stand is terra e and because I liked the author.

>> No.8950743

>I am waiting for you
Skies of love is superior and you know it

>> No.8950745

Its a fucking masterpiece, keep watching.

>> No.8950746

i'm planning to, of course I'm skipping the prequels, god they were terrible

>> No.8950748
File: 196 KB, 849x1202, 1328751954202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the entire collection of Gundam to watch. I'm on S1 E6. Wish me luck, bros. I will download LoGH after finishing Gundam.

>> No.8950750

Only watch msg movies then zeta, thats all that matters, then get your ass on logh.

>> No.8950755

If I am gonna rewatch it better be in blu rei.

>> No.8950775
File: 33 KB, 635x548, 1334790557815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to watch them all. Though I have no fucking idea about the chronology. I started with the first series, though. Someone said to watch the first movie after the first series but it's just a recap with extra scenes.

>> No.8950785

just watch all the series in order, wikipedia is your friend if you want the correct chronology

>> No.8950792

Yeah I know but someone said the spin-offs took place during different times, and it involves switching mid-way through certain series. I'll probably stick with screening chronology. It won't be a big deal.

>> No.8950798
File: 140 KB, 544x416, 1319724905905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you wasting your time on /jp/, when you could be fighting the empire scums with FPA?

>> No.8950799

>I'll probably stick with screening chronology

that's the best idea, you will be spoiled otherwise

>> No.8950830

You know it is pretty funny that even though Reinhard is the protagonist I am always cheering for Yang side.
Is it normal?
Reinhard and frustrated-kun was just too gay for me.

>> No.8950885
File: 71 KB, 641x479, Trunihtderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8950982

I've already watched every single episodes, prequels, and movies (except for Golden Wings) 3 or 4 times each already.
Although I guess I can always watch it again.

>> No.8950983
File: 229 KB, 569x533, 1331781352588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julian was the protagonist

>> No.8950985

I was born after 1990 so I only like ``moe anime''. Don't hate on me, I'm allowed my own opinions and you probably just like deep and mature edgy shit, tryhards!

>> No.8950988

/a/ pls go

>> No.8950993

look at me i'm trooling on the internets Xd!!! le epicness ^_^

>> No.8950999

Because I've watched all of the main series already.

And I found it quite bad.

>> No.8951001

Except I'm serious, I just have to dress it up with a little bit of irony and sarcasm because that's what you have to do to qualify your posts on 4chan now.

Really, fuck those people. I know there are a lot of you like that on /jp/, and it's a shame you're missing out.

>> No.8951017


>And I found it quite bad.

For /jp/ you've got suprisingly good taste.

Seriously, this shit is bad and you should feel bad. This si coming form a guy who like old anime mind you. Go watch a real classic like Hadashi no Gen, Mirai Shounen Konan, Taiou no Ko Esuteban or Beribara. LoGH is babby's first 80s anime.

>> No.8951020

The fuck are you talking about.
You just have shit taste.

>> No.8951095

I already am, for the second time now.

>> No.8951101

shit taste at max level. you cant be /jp/ers.
I hate yang and juilin,also the alliance is just boring in general.

>> No.8951111
File: 302 KB, 640x480, 1330032847746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst character?
Worst character.

>> No.8951113
File: 359 KB, 640x2400, 1332364682951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to >>>/a/ and >>>/v/ and >>>/b/

Children aren't allowed on /jp/. Shouldn't you be at school?

>> No.8951120

Already finished it, watching Rose of Versailles now.

>> No.8951131

>I hate yang and juilin

Those two along with Yang's wife made my blood boil. Also, that nerd Julian should of died.

>> No.8951138

Yang was the best character, outside of Schenkopp, and outside of the empire's High Admirals.

How could you hate him? He just wanted to take it easy.

>> No.8951139

Dont worry about those faggots.
They just have fetish toward old hag.
I bet they like oberstein.

>> No.8951145
File: 27 KB, 400x300, dominic_san_piel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im only at ep55 and can tell im going hate Julian, hes gonna turn into a huge white knight moralfag, inst he?
The best character is Adrian Rubinsky and Dominique Saint-Pierre.

>> No.8951150

If you hate oberstein you have huge shit taste.

>> No.8951151

Fuck yes, this guy had a plan

>> No.8951163

If you like Oberstein you are edgy tryhard.

Reuental was the best character and he died for your sins

>> No.8951177

Rubinsky is literally a kike. I fail to see how anyone who identifies as a true Aryan would like him.

>> No.8951188

>Rubinsky is literally a kike.
Jokes on you, Rubinsky is a space-Slav and he fucks a space-French.
He is fucking awesome

>> No.8951198

its a shame Rubinsky's plan essentually came to an end as soon as the empire took control of his planet. that was pretty early on in the series if I remember correctly.

>> No.8951203

What,hes no where near a jew.
He doesn't give any shits about god.

>> No.8951233

He still trolled the fuck out of everyone. For just one man with one planet, he did good

>> No.8951244

Implying there's no such thing as an atheist jew

>> No.8951245


Were we watching the same show?

1.) He's a member of an ancient conspiracy that seeks to infiltrate, influence, and control the governing bodies of all major nation-states through the use of brainwashing, sabotage, assassination, and other underhanded tactics characteristic of jews.
2.) He's the richest man in the galaxy and the ruler of an entire planet of jews.
3.) His name is fucking Rubinsky. The only way his name could be more jewish is if it was Shylock Goldstein or something like that.

>> No.8951255

He has a fucking hot red head as a lover though.
jews couldn't get that. Also hes way too tan to be a jew.

>> No.8951263
File: 120 KB, 640x1440, 1330038041022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubinsky and the terraists are about as kike as you can get.

I agree about Reuenthal being the best, and Eva is the best female character, next to Frederica. Mariendorf is meh, and Karin is a shit.

>> No.8951280

Anybody has the picture of the TV show with the fat bitches showing the decadence of past generations?

>> No.8951285


can't be a coinbcidence

>> No.8951287

Not to mention how he doesn't do shit for anyone except himself and survives exclusively through his excellence at parasitism.

>> No.8951290

I always associate him with turnips

>> No.8951294

It's like you're describing most of the politicians of this era!

>> No.8951297

Those fags ruined the show for me.

>> No.8951305
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1330033841967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, newfriend.

>> No.8951304 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 640x480, loghpinnacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Took a second to find

>> No.8951307


>> No.8951311

I still don't get that picture. Is it really so wrong to like chubby women?

>> No.8951330

LoGH? I liked it better when it was called Banner of the Stars.
