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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 226 KB, 1011x867, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8950281 No.8950281 [Reply] [Original]

Has /jp/ turned you gay or were you already like that?

I got trolled in to downloading Boku no Pico. I can't say I hated it. Recently I started thinking about dicks a lot too. I can't imagine how difficult it would be for Sanae and Saten growing up in school during puberty with these constant thoughts. It's surprising that they are able to get good grades in school.

>> No.8950287

I wonder if the shitposters from last summer regret spamming those cocksucking threads everyday.

>> No.8950330

It's only shitposting if you don't like it.

>> No.8950349

Internet made me stop giving a shit about sexuality. If I get a hardon, it's all good. Be it loli, furry, guro, pedo or gay, it's all good.

>> No.8950348

I'm not lewd enough to have a favorite gender. However, I will say that outie vaginas are the most unaesthetic thing on the planet.

>> No.8950354

>feeding each other
>not just eating and talking about the game/s before playing it/them

>> No.8950353

So what you're saying is that you're a bisexual pedophile.

>> No.8950361

I...I wouldn't say that.

>> No.8950360

Gay? Fuck no, as long as it looks like a girl you're not gay. But dicks are a turnoff unless there's females involved.

And to me, traps lose their charm and mystery when genitalia is explicitly shown. I want traps like Aikawa from Prunus Girl (no one really knows if he's actually a guy or a girl)

>> No.8950368

Not really. Pedo is just one of my fetishes. I'm perfectly fine with hags, teenagers and bara.

Bara is really cute.

>> No.8950378
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>If I get a hardon, it's all good. Be it loli, furry, guro, pedo or gay, it's all good.

>> No.8950380

Who the FUCK are you quoting?

>> No.8950384

Dicks are sexual. I can't fap to anything that doesn't involve penetration or a girl(/trap) lusting after a dick.

I don't think that qualifies as gay.

>> No.8950394
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I really hate this whole sexual orientation bullshit. There is no such thing as gay, straight, or bisexual.

Why is it that a straight man might find thin women attractive, but find fat women unattractive? Does this mean he's less straight because he's looking at a female and doesn't feel an attraction towards her? If you take straight at face value then it seems to imply that he should be attracted to ALL women, not just the women he has a fetish for.

Any one person's sexuality isn't something that can be placed into one of three groups, it's the combination of dozens of fetishes that change throughout their lifetime.

I think some vaginas are attractive and I think some penises are attractive, I think futa, traps, loli, dominant women, submissive women, incest, shota, furry, full blown bestiality, and dozens of other things are pretty attractive. There's so many contradictions in there. I like loli so that makes me a pedophile and yet I like older women with pubic hair and huge breasts so what am I now?

The point to all of this shit though is that it's not straight, bisexual, gay, furry, pedophile, or any other label you can think of to try to stamp on a person. If you find it attractive then you find it attractive and it becomes one of your many fetishes. I hate how people base their entire life around something as basic as sexuality. Attraction is not a personality type, it's a feeling. The whole LGBT thing for example is retarded. It's sad that they even need to fight for rights in the first place, but it's also pathetic that they construct their entire lives around it. I'm sure there have been many "straight" men who got hard to a specific type of man (traps, etc) and many "gay" men who have gotten hard to a specific type of woman, but they suppress it because it doesn't fit into their little category.

>> No.8950417

I'd say it made me bicutious, then again I never really cared about gender as long as I love a person.
Even when I was with a girl I kept thinking "I love her so much, I'd keep loving her even if she was a boy"

>> No.8950483

I think people are mostly attracted to gender, the actual genitalia seems to be secondary.

If a man happens to be attracted to feminine behavior then he would probably be attracted to a cute trap without even knowing. This is the part that I've always wondered about when people say that they are just attracted to males or just attracted to females. The one and only noticeable and defining feature of a person's sex (genitalia) is hidden away for a large portion of the dating process. Unless you have x-ray vision then their penis or vagina has no influence on your attraction towards them, it's all based on gender behavior which is a social construct. No woman is born acting like a girl and no male is born acting like a boy, it's learned behavior based upon your culture's gender roles.

I have a hard time believing that a male or a female would truly be turned away by genitals. Up until the point that they first take off their clothing it didn't matter, but suddenly everything changes because they expected a fleshy hole and they got a fleshy rod instead? The only legitimate complaint would be the impossibility of procreation, but I can't believe that anything else would really be an issue if they were attracted to everything else about them. Genitals are hardly the prettiest thing in the world anyway and if you need to penetrate something then there's always the ass, it doesn't make much of a difference either way but everyone acts like it's such a huge issue.

Everyone acts like attraction is completely based around the two parts of the body that are the least visible, but in reality it's everything else like looks, personality, and gender behavior that attracts you.

>> No.8950491
File: 182 KB, 600x603, 1274742013295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care anymore. Anything is game.

>> No.8950495

We don't give a fucking shit because that would involve us being in a relationship but the funny thing is that we don't like 3dpd, so get the fuck out



seriously get the fuck off /jp/.

>> No.8950504


>We don't give a fucking shit because that would involve us being in a relationship but the funny thing is that we don't like 3dpd

What do you mean? What you're attracted to has nothing to do with 3D women or relationships. Don't you have specific things that you look for when you masturbate?

Just because we don't want to date 3D women doesn't make us asexual.

>> No.8950515

You want to talk about sexuality? >>>/soc/ there you go.

>> No.8950527
File: 525 KB, 1000x1000, 1320480210229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like loli so that makes me a pedophile and yet I like older women with pubic hair and huge breasts so what am I now?
A dangerous oversexed sex offender who needs to be put behind bars - is what your average normie would say.

>> No.8950539
File: 124 KB, 600x374, a japanese bird watching the sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8950547

Straight/gay/bi/etc are exceptionally simplistic labels. In reality, sexuality is a fluid, complicated, multi-faceted thing with biological gender only making up part of the thing. Me? I like girls. I also like traps, a small number of guys, and people of entirely ambiguous gender. Most of my fetishes are kinda independent of gender and I find genitalia themselves completely unattractive.

>> No.8950558

So very much this.

>> No.8950555

That's funny because normies use every chance to sexualize other normies

>> No.8950567


What do you have against genitals? I'm always curious about people that say they hate them because I really love vaginas and while I don't really find men attractive, cocks are totally great, too. Would you mind explaining where your dislike comes from?

>> No.8950575

/jp/ meetups, Otaku and niche fetishes are not /soc/ially accepted. Maybe you are new here?

Hope that helps.

>> No.8950581

/jp/ meetups were a joke, niche fetishes that apply to 2D are fine.

Stop trying to corrupt /jp/ you /soc/ slime, get out.

>> No.8950582

Honestly, most vaginas look like horrific mutated wounds, and I simply don't find cocks attractive, there's no reason for it that I have tried to think of (honestly, the former argument is probably after-the-fact-justification).
I've honestly always kind of wondered if everyone else actually found genitalia attractive or what was going on there. Give me a good ass over a dick/vagina any day.

>> No.8950587
File: 57 KB, 500x555, 1331368998013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a cute /jp/sie to feed me while I lay down on my bed, all wrapped up browsing /jp/. A cute one only. No bald fat hairy uggos please.

>> No.8950588

If you could get a girl, and have a vagina hidden behind the balls and penis, it'd be the perfect being.
The most sexually attractive being ever.

>> No.8950591

I'd only feed you like that if it was soup and you were sick, nothing greasy and disgusting like pizza.

>> No.8950595
File: 275 KB, 645x774, c93be7d9d31f8c9d7264c6e0e1d0f2ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know you would buy it.

>> No.8950596

So you desire acceptance and non-judgmental people to comfort you? Yet express preference of cute people only. That's kind of hypocritical. You're most likely ugly yourself.


>> No.8950600
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, TakeCareOfHer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/-kun is such a nice guy~

>> No.8950604
File: 151 KB, 782x586, 1331971259064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe only beautiful people should be with beautiful people only, so I'm not a hypocrit at all. You seem like an angry fellow and I would not want you by my bedside.

>> No.8950602

The problem with vaginas is all of the issues that you don't see in the porn. The hygiene, the bleeding, oozing liquids and pus, etc. I've never seen a vagina in person and I don't really want to, but I'd imagine it smells worse than a penis when it has all of that gross shit going on.

I have nothing to hide about my penis. It's there, I give it a quick wash every day, just like I'd wash any other part of my body, and that's all there is to it. It doesn't bleed or have yeast infections or do anything disgusting.

I feel bad for women, but vaginas are simply much more attractive in my imagination and I'll stick with the tenga.

>> No.8950605

100% this. Traps are better than women.

I'm just confused. When I come to /jp/, I get told that all these 'gay' people don't actually want sex and that finding someone to hook up with is a joke. But /soc/ is just normals.

>> No.8950609

You can make a niche in /soc/ to find all the sweaty fat neckbeards and fuck all you want, make a thread series there even. But don't even for a second bother using /jp/ such sickening shit, /soc/ was made to contain that.

>> No.8950610

There are many people that think they are gay, because they are attracted to /jp/, just not /jp/'s body, so sex would be hard to do.

They are not really gay, but it shows love doesn't have boundaries like sexual orientation.

>> No.8950611


I don't think it's always a joke. I wouldn't mind hooking up with a /jp/ but dear god I'd rather put my dick in a vice than hook up with a normalfag.

>> No.8950616
File: 205 KB, 900x851, idunnolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been secure in my sexuality so I don't know if /jp/ has turned me gay.

It has made me think about cocks a lot more though, and I don't dislike that. I currently have a massive crush on some guy I know online but I don't think he's gay, so it's kind of awkward.

>> No.8950621

It isn't always a joke. There are a lot of lonely people on /jp/. If you ignore the tripfriends that enjoy making fake accounts, trolling people and being generally nasty pieces of shit, there are people here who would like people to talk to that share similar interests. Look how angry this guy is >>8950609. I'm sure under all those layers of sweat and hair, lies a pure little girl that wants to find another /jp/er to cuddle with.

>> No.8950623


>When I come to /jp/, I get told that all these 'gay' people don't actually want sex and that finding someone to hook up with is a joke.

It's the realities of the situation that turn most of us off. That's what it always comes down to, same thing with vaginas.

People aren't trustworthy and traps are very often even crazier than women. I don't know why, it's just how it seems to be. When it comes to personality they seem to always pick up the worst parts of women and then add in a few unique flavors of crazy on their own.

The bottom line though is that 2D comes out on top again. Humans are inferior for many reasons. Primarily it's personality differences and potential conflicts, but there's also body odor, bodily functions like sitting next to someone you're dating and then dealing with them passing gas or walking into a smelly restroom that they just left and knowing that it was them that caused this odor. Just so many little and big issues that make human intimacy very challenging to deal with. It's hard to live with a person without eventually feeling like they're a disgusting, smelly animal. I'd rather just masturbate to 2D.

Some people don't mind these issues, but it's enough to bug me. I think everyone should masturbate and then examine their life during that brief period of mental clarity right after an orgasm. No sexual desires at that moment, no urges, it's just a clear state of mind where you can see what you really want and during that I know that I just would hate a relationship.

>> No.8950626


>> No.8950627

"angry guy" here.

I'm of the 3DPD to its definition crowd, no jokes or trolling here. Getting close to a person physically is irritating, and the mental garbage that goes with it makes the entire package not worth my time.

>> No.8950632


I can't speak for all trans people but suppressing your personality and pretending you're someone you're not for an extended period of time tends to leave you with some serious psychological scarring. Not to mention the commonplace physical, verbal, and psychological abuse for being different and the fact that we're largely unwelcome in society as a whole to the point that people are out to dehumanize and or murder us and the picture starts to get a little clearer I hope.

>> No.8950628

since the average /jp/er is a shutin with hygeine issues this makes it very obvious that the "3d is PD" attitude comes from massive amounts of projection of self-loathing onto others

>> No.8950635

>projection of self-loathing
What does this even mean?

>> No.8950634

Suppressing your personality, stresses of acceptance in society, the underlying psychological mess that gender dysphorics tend to have to begin with, then we throw a huge hormone imbalance in to the mix when they're making the switch.

Sounds terrifying, I know such a person and they are horrifically unstable.

>> No.8950639


>since the average /jp/er is a shutin with hygeine issues

I'm a shut-in, but I'm very clean. Almost meticulously. It's not like I lack the free time.

I have lived with other people though and that stuff gets to you. Hearing my sister pass gas, hearing my mother burp, walking by the restroom and hearing the sounds of rapid fire diarrhea and then moments later seeing one of my sister's cute friends walk out the door. People are just really gross.

I know I do these things too, but that's unpleasant enough already. I don't want to be around another person who does this. Just the thought of waking up next to someone I find attractive and then smelling their foul morning breath. It's a terrible thought.

>> No.8950643

I think it means you hate yourself and believe others hate you as well so you hate them back.

>> No.8950648

Ah okay.

>> No.8950660

/jp/ made me... more sexually aware. I bought a dildo out of curiosity a few days ago and I think lot of credit for that goes to /jp/.

I posted similar thing on /v/ a few days ago and wholeheartedly agree with you. "Sexual orientations" are just labels made by this sexually repressed society.

>> No.8950659

>believe others hate you
This sounds kind of silly since we're not little kids. I happen to have a long, verified real deal background of people hating me.

>> No.8950662


>tends to leave you with some serious psychological scarring

I'm not really talking about that kind of crazy. That's understandable, it's more of the, "I'm a crazy attention whoring bitch" type of crazy that I've encountered with traps.

They manage to be more catty than any woman I've ever met. I've never met a trap that wasn't extremely self-centered and basically the exact image of the worst stereotypical 3DPD you could think of, but with a penis. It's like they go out of their way to emulate the behavior of the worst types of women.

Most of the ones who use the internet a lot end up developing that whole Queen Bee thing anyway. They become camwhores within trap communities and then there's the melodrama and all of the stupid nonsense that comes with that. It's very unpleasant.

>> No.8950664

you subhuman faggots should all burn

>> No.8950665

Edgy tryhard.

>> No.8950709 [SPOILER] 
File: 170 KB, 800x810, 1323930165790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know you would.

>> No.8950713

That's disgusting. Other people have no shame in doing shit like that. One of my aunties always farts really loud and laughs really obnoxiously, and her excuse is 'everybody does it, it's natural'. Gross as fuck. I don't burp or fart in public, and I don't go to the toilet in other people's houses and I'd be horrified if anyone heard me in the bathroom.

You sound like me. Not everyone is like that, Anon.

>> No.8950730

Seriously fuck off already and delete this fucking thread.


>> No.8950762
File: 286 KB, 800x450, Buttfrustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So angry~

>> No.8950766



you more than others

>> No.8950774
File: 428 KB, 580x700, 1330429867610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epex win bro XD

>> No.8950787

Hah, you must be joking. I am fucking beautiful.
Cleanliness almost above godliness really. I guess the ugly projection must apply to those who enjoy abhorrent fetishes like NTR or real 3D.

>> No.8950784

your willingness to switch to ironic shitposting shows your level of irritation.

>> No.8950804

I enjoy NTR, in terms of looks i your normal swede.
And in terms of cleanliness i border on crazy levels, i hate feeling dirty and my room is spotfree.

I also like traps. 2D that is.

>> No.8950802

>abhorrent fetishes like NTR


>> No.8950969

I have met with a person from /jp/ before, and I kinda regret it. Remember, just because you share interests doesn't mean the other person will necessarily not be a cunt.

>> No.8950986

What did you do when you met?

>> No.8950990

Did he refuse to suck your cock, dude? if you had met with me i would have sucked the fuck out of it while you shitpost on /jp/ and play 2hu

>> No.8951005

i ain't no homo

>> No.8951089
File: 316 KB, 600x849, 1313413216860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not h0mu
Oh please we know you would love le h0mu cock
